Uses of Class java.beans.PropertyDescriptor

Uses in package java.beans

Classes derived from java.beans.PropertyDescriptor

IndexedPropertyDescriptor describes information about a JavaBean indexed property, by which we mean an array-like property that has been exposed via a pair of get and set methods and another pair that allows you to get to the property by an index.

An example property would have four methods like this:

FooBar[] getFoo()
void setFoo(FooBar[])
FooBar getFoo(int)
void setFoo(int,FooBar)

The constraints put on get and set methods are:

  1. There must be at least a get(int) or a set(int,...) method.

Methods with return type java.beans.PropertyDescriptor

Get the properties (get/set method pairs) this Bean type supports.
Force Introspection of the Bean properties.