Source for javax.naming.spi.NamingManager

   1: /* -- Creates contexts and objects
   2:    Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,
   3:    2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
   5: This file is part of GNU Classpath.
   7: GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   8: it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   9: the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
  10: any later version.
  12: GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
  13: WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  15: General Public License for more details.
  17: You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  18: along with GNU Classpath; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
  19: Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
  20: 02110-1301 USA.
  22: Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is
  23: making a combined work based on this library.  Thus, the terms and
  24: conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole
  25: combination.
  27: As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
  28: permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
  29: executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent
  30: modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under
  31: terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked
  32: independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that
  33: module.  An independent module is a module which is not derived from
  34: or based on this library.  If you modify this library, you may extend
  35: this exception to your version of the library, but you are not
  36: obligated to do so.  If you do not wish to do so, delete this
  37: exception statement from your version. */
  40: package javax.naming.spi;
  42: import gnu.classpath.VMStackWalker;
  44: import java.util.Enumeration;
  45: import java.util.Hashtable;
  46: import java.util.StringTokenizer;
  48: import javax.naming.CannotProceedException;
  49: import javax.naming.Context;
  50: import javax.naming.Name;
  51: import javax.naming.NamingException;
  52: import javax.naming.NoInitialContextException;
  53: import javax.naming.RefAddr;
  54: import javax.naming.Reference;
  55: import javax.naming.Referenceable;
  56: import javax.naming.StringRefAddr;
  58: /**
  59:  * Contains methods for creating contexts and objects referred to by
  60:  * location information. The location is specified in the scope of the
  61:  * certain naming or directory service. This class only contais static
  62:  * methods and cannot be instantiated.
  63:  */
  64: public class NamingManager
  65: {
  66:   /**
  67:    * The environment property into which getContinuationContext() stores the
  68:    * value of the CannotProceedException parameter. The value of this field
  69:    * is <i>java.naming.spi.CannotProceedException<i>.
  70:    */
  71:   public static final String CPE = "java.naming.spi.CannotProceedException";
  73:   private static InitialContextFactoryBuilder icfb;
  75:   // Package private so DirectoryManager can access it.
  76:   static ObjectFactoryBuilder ofb;
  78:   // This class cannot be instantiated.
  79:   NamingManager ()
  80:   {
  81:   }
  83:   /**
  84:    * Checks if the initial context factory builder has been set.
  85:    * 
  86:    * @return true if the builder has been set
  87:    * 
  88:    * @see #setInitialContextFactoryBuilder(InitialContextFactoryBuilder)
  89:    */
  90:   public static boolean hasInitialContextFactoryBuilder ()
  91:   {
  92:     return icfb != null;
  93:   }
  95:   /**
  96:    * Creates the initial context. If the initial object factory builder has
  97:    * been set with {@link #setObjectFactoryBuilder(ObjectFactoryBuilder)},
  98:    * the work is delegated to this builder. Otherwise, the method searches
  99:    * for the property Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY first in the passed
 100:    * table and then in the system properties. The value of this property is
 101:    * uses as a class name to install the context factory. The corresponding
 102:    * class must exist, be public and have the public parameterless constructor. 
 103:    * 
 104:    * @param environment the properties, used to create the context.
 105:    * 
 106:    * @return the created context
 107:    * 
 108:    * @throws NoInitialContextException if the initial builder is not set,
 109:    *           the property Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY is missing of the
 110:    *           class, named by this property, cannot be instantiated. 
 111:    * @throws NamingException if throws by the context factory
 112:    */
 113:   public static Context getInitialContext (Hashtable<?, ?> environment)
 114:     throws NamingException
 115:   {
 116:     InitialContextFactory icf = null;
 118:     if (icfb != null)
 119:       icf = icfb.createInitialContextFactory(environment);
 120:     else
 121:       {     
 122:     String java_naming_factory_initial = null;
 123:     if (environment != null)
 124:       java_naming_factory_initial
 125:         = (String) environment.get (Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY);
 126:     if (java_naming_factory_initial == null)
 127:       java_naming_factory_initial =
 128:         System.getProperty (Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY);
 129:     if (java_naming_factory_initial == null)
 130:       throw new
 131:         NoInitialContextException ("Can't find property: "
 132:                        + Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY);
 134:     try
 135:       {
 136:         icf = (InitialContextFactory)Class.forName
 137:         (java_naming_factory_initial, true,
 138:          Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader())
 139:         .newInstance ();
 140:       }
 141:     catch (Exception exception)
 142:       {
 143:         NoInitialContextException e
 144:           = new NoInitialContextException
 145:           ("Can't load InitialContextFactory class: "
 146:            + java_naming_factory_initial);
 147:         e.setRootCause(exception);
 148:         throw e;
 149:       }
 150:       }
 152:     return icf.getInitialContext (environment);
 153:   }
 155:   /**
 156:    * <p>
 157:    * Creates the URL context for the given URL scheme id.
 158:    * </p>
 159:    * <p>
 160:    * The class name of the factory that creates the context has the naming
 161:    * pattern scheme-idURLContextFactory. For instance, the factory for the "ftp"
 162:    * sheme should be named "ftpURLContextFactory".
 163:    * </p>
 164:    * <p>
 165:    * The Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES environment property contains the
 166:    * colon-separated list of the possible package prefixes. The package name is
 167:    * constructed concatenating the package prefix with the scheme id. This
 168:    * property is searched in the passed <i>environment</i> parameter and later
 169:    * in the system properties.
 170:    * </p>
 171:    * <p>
 172:    * If the factory class cannot be found in the specified packages, system will
 173:    * try to use the default internal factory for the given scheme.
 174:    * </p>
 175:    * <p>
 176:    * After the factory is instantiated, its method
 177:    * {@link ObjectFactory#getObjectInstance(Object, Name, Context, Hashtable)}
 178:    * is called to create and return the object instance.
 179:    * 
 180:    * @param refInfo passed to the factory
 181:    * @param name passed to the factory
 182:    * @param nameCtx passed to the factory
 183:    * @param scheme the url scheme that must be supported by the given context
 184:    * @param environment the properties for creating the factory and context (may
 185:    *          be null)
 186:    * @return the created context
 187:    * @throws NamingException if thrown by the factory when creating the context.
 188:    */
 189:   static Context getURLContext(Object refInfo, Name name, Context nameCtx,
 190:                                String scheme, Hashtable<?,?> environment)
 191:       throws NamingException
 192:   {
 193:     // Doc specifies com.sun.jndi.url as the final destination, but we cannot
 194:     // put our classes into such namespace.
 195:     String defaultPrefix = "gnu.javax.naming.jndi.url";
 197:     // The final default location, as specified in the documentation.
 198:     String finalPrefix = "com.sun.jndi.url";
 200:     StringBuffer allPrefixes = new StringBuffer();
 202:     String prefixes;
 203:       if (environment != null)
 204:         {
 205:         prefixes = (String) environment.get(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES);
 206:         if (prefixes != null)
 207:           allPrefixes.append(prefixes);
 208:         }
 210:     prefixes = System.getProperty(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES);
 211:     if (prefixes != null)
 212:       {
 213:         if (allPrefixes.length() > 0)
 214:           allPrefixes.append(':');
 215:         allPrefixes.append(prefixes);
 216:       }
 218:     if (allPrefixes.length() > 0)
 219:       allPrefixes.append(':');
 220:     allPrefixes.append(defaultPrefix);
 221:     allPrefixes.append(':');
 222:     allPrefixes.append(finalPrefix);
 224:       scheme = scheme + "." + scheme + "URLContextFactory";
 226:     StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(allPrefixes.toString(), ":");
 227:     while (tokens.hasMoreTokens())
 228:         {
 229:         String aTry = tokens.nextToken();
 230:         try
 231:           {
 232:             String tryClass = aTry + "." + scheme;
 233:             Class factoryClass = forName(tryClass);
 234:             if (factoryClass != null)
 235:               {
 236:                 Object obj;
 237:                 try
 238:                   {
 239:                     ObjectFactory factory = (ObjectFactory) factoryClass.newInstance();
 240:                     obj = factory.getObjectInstance(refInfo, name, nameCtx,
 241:                                                     environment);
 242:                     Context ctx = (Context) obj;
 243:                     if (ctx != null)
 244:                       return ctx;
 245:                   }
 246:                 catch (RuntimeException e)
 247:                   {
 248:                     // TODO Auto-generated catch block
 249:                     e.printStackTrace();
 250:                   }
 251:               }
 252:           }
 253:         catch (ClassNotFoundException _1)
 254:           {
 255:             // Ignore it.
 256:           }
 257:         catch (ClassCastException _2)
 258:           {
 259:             // This means that the class we found was not an
 260:             // ObjectFactory or that the factory returned something
 261:             // which was not a Context.
 262:           }
 263:         catch (InstantiationException _3)
 264:           {
 265:             // If we couldn't instantiate the factory we might get
 266:             // this.
 267:           }
 268:         catch (IllegalAccessException _4)
 269:           {
 270:             // Another possibility when instantiating.
 271:           }
 272:         catch (NamingException _5)
 273:           {
 274:             throw _5;
 275:           }
 276:         catch (Exception _6)
 277:           {
 278:             // Anything from getObjectInstance.
 279:           }
 280:     }
 282:     return null;
 283:   }
 285:   /**
 286:    * Load the class with the given name. This method tries to use the context
 287:    * class loader first. If this fails, it searches for the suitable class
 288:    * loader in the caller stack trace. This method is a central point where all
 289:    * requests to find a class by name are delegated.
 290:    */
 291:   static Class forName(String className)
 292:   {
 293:     try
 294:       {
 295:         return Class.forName(className, true,
 296:                              Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
 297:       }
 298:     catch (ClassNotFoundException nex)
 299:       {
 300:         /**
 301:          * Returns the first user defined class loader on the call stack, or
 302:          * null when no non-null class loader was found.
 303:          */
 304:         Class[] ctx = VMStackWalker.getClassContext();
 305:         for (int i = 0; i < ctx.length; i++)
 306:           {
 307:             // Since we live in a class loaded by the bootstrap
 308:             // class loader, getClassLoader is safe to call without
 309:             // needing to be wrapped in a privileged action.
 310:             ClassLoader cl = ctx[i].getClassLoader();
 311:             try
 312:               {
 313:                 if (cl != null)
 314:                   return Class.forName(className, true, cl);
 315:               }
 316:             catch (ClassNotFoundException nex2)
 317:               {
 318:                 // Try next.
 319:               }
 320:           }
 321:       }
 322:     return null;
 323:   }  
 326:   /**
 327:    * <p>
 328:    * Creates the URL context for the given URL scheme id.
 329:    * </p>
 330:    * <p>
 331:    * The class name of the factory that creates the context has the naming
 332:    * pattern scheme-idURLContextFactory. For instance, the factory for the
 333:    * "ftp" scheme should be named "ftpURLContextFactory".
 334:    * The Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES environment property contains the
 335:    * colon-separated list of the possible package prefixes. The package name
 336:    * is constructed by concatenating the package prefix with the scheme id.
 337:    * </p>
 338:    * <p>
 339:    * If the factory class cannot be found in the specified packages, the
 340:    * system will try to use the default internal factory for the given scheme.
 341:    * </p>
 342:    * <p>
 343:    * After the factory is instantiated, its method
 344:    * {@link ObjectFactory#getObjectInstance(Object, Name, Context, Hashtable)}
 345:    * is called to create and return the object instance.
 346:    * 
 347:    * @param scheme the url scheme that must be supported by the given context
 348:    * @param environment the properties for creating the factory and context
 349:    *                    (may be null)
 350:    * @return the created context
 351:    * @throws NamingException if thrown by the factory when creating the
 352:    *                         context.
 353:    */
 354:   public static Context getURLContext (String scheme,
 355:                        Hashtable<?, ?> environment) 
 356:        throws NamingException
 357:   {
 358:     return getURLContext (null, null, null, scheme, environment);
 359:   }
 361:   /**
 362:    * Sets the initial object factory builder.
 363:    * 
 364:    * @param builder the builder to set
 365:    * 
 366:    * @throws SecurityException if the builder cannot be installed due
 367:    *           security restrictions.
 368:    * @throws NamingException if the builder cannot be installed due other 
 369:    *           reasons
 370:    * @throws IllegalStateException if setting the builder repeatedly
 371:    */
 372:   public static void setObjectFactoryBuilder (ObjectFactoryBuilder builder)
 373:     throws NamingException
 374:   {
 375:     SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager ();
 376:     if (sm != null)
 377:       sm.checkSetFactory ();
 378:     // Once the builder is installed it cannot be replaced.
 379:     if (ofb != null)
 380:       throw new IllegalStateException ("object factory builder already installed");
 381:     if (builder != null)
 382:       ofb = builder;
 383:   }
 385:   static StringTokenizer getPlusPath (String property, Hashtable env,
 386:                       Context nameCtx)
 387:     throws NamingException
 388:   {
 389:     String path = (String) env.get (property);
 390:     if (nameCtx == null)
 391:       nameCtx = getInitialContext (env);
 392:     String path2 = (String) nameCtx.getEnvironment ().get (property);
 393:     if (path == null)
 394:       path = path2;
 395:     else if (path2 != null)
 396:       path += ":" + path2;
 397:     return new StringTokenizer (path != null ? path : "", ":");
 398:   }
 400:   /**
 401:    * <p>Creates an object for the specified name context, environment and
 402:    * referencing context object.</p>
 403:    * <p>
 404:    * If the builder factory is set by 
 405:    * {@link #setObjectFactoryBuilder(ObjectFactoryBuilder)}, the call is
 406:    * delegated to that factory. Otherwise, the object is created using the
 407:    * following rules:
 408:    * <ul>
 409:    * <li>If the referencing object (refInfo) contains the factory class name,
 410:    *       the object is created by this factory. If the creation fails,
 411:    *       the parameter refInfo is returned as the method return value.</li>
 412:    * <li>If the referencing object has no factory class name, and the addresses
 413:    *       are StringRefAddrs having the address type "URL", the object is
 414:    *       created by the URL context factory. The used factory corresponds the
 415:    *       the naming schema of the each URL. If the attempt to create
 416:    *       the object this way is not successful, the subsequent rule is 
 417:    *       tried.</li>
 418:    * <li>  If the refInfo is not an instance of Reference or Referencable
 419:    *       (for example, null), the object is created by the factories,
 420:    *       specified in the Context.OBJECT_FACTORIES property of the 
 421:    *       environment and the provider resource file, associated with the
 422:    *       nameCtx. The value of this property is the colon separated list
 423:    *       of the possible factories. If none of the factories can be
 424:    *       loaded, the refInfo is returned.            
 425:    * </ul>
 426:    * </p>
 427:    * <p>The object factory must be public and have the public parameterless
 428:    * constructor.</p>
 429:    *  
 430:    * @param refInfo the referencing object, for which the new object must be
 431:    *          created (can be null). If not null, it is usually an instance of
 432:    *          the {@link Reference} or {@link Referenceable}.
 433:    * @param name the name of the object. The name is relative to
 434:    *          the nameCtx naming context. The value of this parameter can be
 435:    *          null if the name is not specified.
 436:    * @param nameCtx the naming context, in which scope the name of the new
 437:    *          object is specified. If this parameter is null, the name is
 438:    *          specified in the scope of the initial context.
 439:    * @param environment contains additional information for creating the object.
 440:    *          This paramter can be null if there is no need to provide any
 441:    *          additional information.
 442:    *        
 443:    * @return  the created object. If the creation fails, in some cases
 444:    *          the parameter refInfo may be returned.
 445:    * 
 446:    * @throws NamingException if the attempt to name the new object has failed
 447:    * @throws Exception if the object factory throws it. The object factory
 448:    *           only throws an exception if it does not want other factories
 449:    *           to be used to create the object.
 450:    */
 451:   public static Object getObjectInstance (Object refInfo,
 452:                       Name name,
 453:                       Context nameCtx,
 454:                       Hashtable<?, ?> environment)
 455:     throws Exception
 456:   {
 457:     ObjectFactory factory = null;
 459:     if (ofb != null)
 460:       factory = ofb.createObjectFactory (refInfo, environment);
 461:     else
 462:       {
 463:     // First see if we have a Reference or a Referenceable.  If so
 464:     // we do some special processing.
 465:     Object ref2 = refInfo;
 466:     if (refInfo instanceof Referenceable)
 467:       ref2 = ((Referenceable) refInfo).getReference ();
 468:     if (ref2 instanceof Reference)
 469:       {
 470:         Reference ref = (Reference) ref2;
 472:         // If we have a factory class name then we use that.
 473:         String fClass = ref.getFactoryClassName ();
 474:         if (fClass != null)
 475:           {
 476:         // Exceptions here are passed to the caller.
 477:         Class k = Class.forName (fClass,
 478:                      true,
 479:                      Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
 480:         factory = (ObjectFactory) k.newInstance ();
 481:           }
 482:         else
 483:           {
 484:         // There's no factory class name.  If the address is a
 485:         // StringRefAddr with address type `URL', then we try
 486:         // the URL's context factory.
 487:         Enumeration e = ref.getAll ();
 488:         while (e.hasMoreElements ())
 489:           {
 490:             RefAddr ra = (RefAddr) e.nextElement ();
 491:             if (ra instanceof StringRefAddr
 492:             && "URL".equals (ra.getType ()))
 493:               {
 494:             factory
 495:               = (ObjectFactory) getURLContext (refInfo,
 496:                                name,
 497:                                nameCtx,
 498:                                (String) ra.getContent (),
 499:                                environment);
 500:             Object obj = factory.getObjectInstance (refInfo,
 501:                                 name,
 502:                                 nameCtx,
 503:                                 environment);
 504:             if (obj != null)
 505:               return obj;
 506:               }
 507:           }
 509:         // Have to try the next step.
 510:         factory = null;
 511:           }
 512:       }
 514:     // Now look at OBJECT_FACTORIES to find the factory.
 515:     if (factory == null)
 516:       {
 517:         StringTokenizer tokens = getPlusPath (Context.OBJECT_FACTORIES,
 518:                           environment, nameCtx);
 520:         while (tokens.hasMoreTokens ())
 521:           {
 522:         String klassName = tokens.nextToken ();
 523:         Class k = Class.forName (klassName,
 524:                      true,
 525:                      Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
 526:         factory = (ObjectFactory) k.newInstance ();
 527:         Object obj = factory.getObjectInstance (refInfo, name,
 528:                             nameCtx, environment);
 529:         if (obj != null)
 530:           return obj;
 531:           }
 533:         // Failure.
 534:         return refInfo;
 535:       }
 536:       }
 538:     if (factory == null)
 539:       return refInfo;
 540:     Object obj = factory.getObjectInstance (refInfo, name,
 541:                         nameCtx, environment);
 542:     return obj == null ? refInfo : obj;
 543:   }
 545:   /**
 546:    * Sets the initial context factory builder.
 547:    * 
 548:    * @param builder the builder to set
 549:    * 
 550:    * @throws SecurityException if the builder cannot be installed due
 551:    *           security restrictions.
 552:    * @throws NamingException if the builder cannot be installed due other 
 553:    *           reasons
 554:    * @throws IllegalStateException if setting the builder repeatedly
 555:    * 
 556:    * @see #hasInitialContextFactoryBuilder()
 557:    */
 558:   public static void setInitialContextFactoryBuilder 
 559:     (InitialContextFactoryBuilder builder)
 560:     throws NamingException
 561:   {
 562:     SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager ();
 563:     if (sm != null)
 564:       sm.checkSetFactory ();
 565:     // Once the builder is installed it cannot be replaced.
 566:     if (icfb != null)
 567:       throw new IllegalStateException ("ctx factory builder already installed");
 568:     if (builder != null)
 569:       icfb = builder;
 570:   }
 572:   /**
 573:    * Creates a context in which the context operation must be continued.
 574:    * This method is used by operations on names that span multiple namespaces.
 575:    * 
 576:    * @param cpe the exception that triggered this continuation. This method
 577:    * obtains the environment ({@link CannotProceedException#getEnvironment()}
 578:    * and sets the environment property {@link #CPE} = cpe.
 579:    * 
 580:    * @return a non null context for continuing the operation
 581:    * 
 582:    * @throws NamingException if the naming problems have occured
 583:    */
 584:   public static Context getContinuationContext (CannotProceedException cpe)
 585:     throws NamingException
 586:   {
 587:     Hashtable env = cpe.getEnvironment ();
 588:     if (env != null)
 589:       env.put (CPE, cpe);
 591:     // TODO: Check if this implementation matches the API specification
 592:     try
 593:       {
 594:     Object obj = getObjectInstance (cpe.getResolvedObj(),
 595:                     cpe.getAltName (),
 596:                     cpe.getAltNameCtx (), 
 597:                     env);
 598:     if (obj != null)
 599:       return (Context) obj;
 600:       }
 601:     catch (Exception _)
 602:       {
 603:       }
 605:     // fix stack trace for re-thrown exception (message confusing otherwise)
 606:     cpe.fillInStackTrace();
 608:     throw cpe;
 609:   }
 611:   /**
 612:    * Get the object state for binding.
 613:    * 
 614:    * @param obj the object, for that the binding state must be retrieved. Cannot
 615:    *          be null.
 616:    * @param name the name of this object, related to the nameCtx. Can be null if
 617:    *          not specified.
 618:    * @param nameCtx the naming context, to that the object name is related. Can
 619:    *          be null if the name is related to the initial default context.
 620:    * @param environment the properties for creating the object state. Can be
 621:    *          null if no properties are provided.
 622:    * @return the object state for binding, may be null if no changes are
 623:    *         returned by the factory
 624:    * @throws NamingException
 625:    */ 
 626:   public static Object getStateToBind (Object obj, Name name,
 627:                        Context nameCtx, Hashtable<?, ?> environment)
 628:     throws NamingException
 629:   {
 630:     StringTokenizer tokens = getPlusPath (Context.STATE_FACTORIES,
 631:                       environment, nameCtx);
 632:     while (tokens.hasMoreTokens ())
 633:       {
 634:     String klassName = tokens.nextToken ();
 635:     try
 636:       {
 637:         Class k = Class.forName (klassName,
 638:                      true,
 639:                      Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
 640:         StateFactory factory = (StateFactory) k.newInstance ();
 641:         Object o = factory.getStateToBind (obj, name, nameCtx,
 642:                            environment);
 643:         if (o != null)
 644:           return o;
 645:       }
 646:     catch (ClassNotFoundException _1)
 647:       {
 648:         // Ignore it.
 649:       }
 650:     catch (ClassCastException _2)
 651:       {
 652:         // This means that the class we found was not an
 653:         // ObjectFactory or that the factory returned something
 654:         // which was not a Context.
 655:       }
 656:     catch (InstantiationException _3)
 657:       {
 658:         // If we couldn't instantiate the factory we might get
 659:         // this.
 660:       }
 661:     catch (IllegalAccessException _4)
 662:       {
 663:         // Another possibility when instantiating.
 664:       }
 665:       }
 667:     return obj;
 668:   }
 669: }