Package org.omg.IOP.CodecPackage

Class Summary

FormatMismatchHelper The helper operations for the exception FormatMismatch.
InvalidTypeForEncodingHelper The helper operations for the exception InvalidTypeForEncoding.
TypeMismatchHelper The helper operations for the exception TypeMismatch.

Exception Summary

FormatMismatch This exception is raised by CodecOperations.decode(byte[]) or CodecOperations.decode_value(byte[],TypeCode) when the data in the octet sequence cannot be decoded into Any.
InvalidTypeForEncoding This exception is raised by CodecOperations.encode(Any) or CodecOperations.encode_value(Any) when the type is not valid for the encoding.
TypeMismatch The TypeMismatch may be thrown by various methods in org.omg.DynamicAny package when the operation is not applicable due unexpected TypeCode.