
Class SystemFlavorMap

public final class SystemFlavorMap extends Object implements FlavorMap, FlavorTable

This class maps between native platform type names and DataFlavors. XXX - The current implementation does no mapping at all.

Since: 1.2

Method Summary
voidaddFlavorForUnencodedNative(String nativeStr, DataFlavor flavor)
Adds a mapping from a single String native to a single DataFlavor.
voidaddUnencodedNativeForFlavor(DataFlavor flavor, String nativeStr)
Adds a mapping from the specified DataFlavor (and all DataFlavors equal to the specified DataFlavor) to the specified String native.
static DataFlavordecodeDataFlavor(String name)
Returns the data flavor given the native type name or null when no such data flavor exists.
static StringdecodeJavaMIMEType(String name)
Decodes a String native for use as a Java MIME type.
static StringencodeDataFlavor(DataFlavor df)
Encodes a DataFlavor for use as a String native.
static StringencodeJavaMIMEType(String mime)
Encodes a MIME type for use as a String native.
static FlavorMapgetDefaultFlavorMap()
Returns the (System)FlavorMap for the current thread's ClassLoader.
List<DataFlavor>getFlavorsForNative(String nat)
Returns a List of DataFlavors to which the specified String native can be translated by the data transfer subsystem.
Map<String,DataFlavor>getFlavorsForNatives(String[] natives)
Maps the specified native type names to DataFlavor's.
List<String>getNativesForFlavor(DataFlavor flav)
Map<DataFlavor,String>getNativesForFlavors(DataFlavor[] flavors)
Maps the specified DataFlavor objects to the native data type name.
static booleanisJavaMIMEType(String name)
Returns true if the native type name can be represented as a java mime type.
voidsetFlavorsForNative(String nativeStr, DataFlavor[] flavors)
Discards the current mappings for the specified String native, and creates new mappings to the specified DataFlavors.
voidsetNativesForFlavor(DataFlavor flavor, String[] natives)
Discards the current mappings for the specified DataFlavor and all DataFlavors equal to the specified DataFlavor, and creates new mappings to the specified String natives.

Method Detail


public void addFlavorForUnencodedNative(String nativeStr, DataFlavor flavor)
Adds a mapping from a single String native to a single DataFlavor. Unlike getFlavorsForNative, the mapping will only be established in one direction, and the native will not be encoded. To establish a two-way mapping, call addUnencodedNativeForFlavor as well. The new mapping will be of lower priority than any existing mapping. This method has no effect if a mapping from the specified String native to the specified or equal DataFlavor already exists.

Parameters: nativeStr the String native key for the mapping flavor the DataFlavor value for the mapping

Throws: NullPointerException if nat or flav is null

Since: 1.4

See Also: SystemFlavorMap


public void addUnencodedNativeForFlavor(DataFlavor flavor, String nativeStr)
Adds a mapping from the specified DataFlavor (and all DataFlavors equal to the specified DataFlavor) to the specified String native. Unlike getNativesForFlavor, the mapping will only be established in one direction, and the native will not be encoded. To establish a two-way mapping, call addFlavorForUnencodedNative as well. The new mapping will be of lower priority than any existing mapping. This method has no effect if a mapping from the specified or equal DataFlavor to the specified String native already exists.

Parameters: flavor the DataFlavor key for the mapping nativeStr the String native value for the mapping

Throws: NullPointerException if flav or nat is null

Since: 1.4

See Also: SystemFlavorMap


public static DataFlavor decodeDataFlavor(String name)
Returns the data flavor given the native type name or null when no such data flavor exists.


public static String decodeJavaMIMEType(String name)
Decodes a String native for use as a Java MIME type.

Parameters: name the String to decode

Returns: the decoded Java MIME type, or null if nat is not an encoded String native


public static String encodeDataFlavor(DataFlavor df)
Encodes a DataFlavor for use as a String native. The format of an encoded DataFlavor is implementation-dependent. The only restrictions are:

The present implementation of this method returns the MIME type String of the specified DataFlavor prefixed with

Parameters: df the DataFlavor to encode

Returns: the encoded String, or null if flav is null or has a null MIME type


public static String encodeJavaMIMEType(String mime)
Encodes a MIME type for use as a String native. The format of an encoded representation of a MIME type is implementation-dependent. The only restrictions are:

The present implementation of this method returns the specified MIME type String prefixed with

Parameters: mime the MIME type to encode

Returns: the encoded String, or null if mimeType is null


public static FlavorMap getDefaultFlavorMap()
Returns the (System)FlavorMap for the current thread's ClassLoader.


public List<DataFlavor> getFlavorsForNative(String nat)
Returns a List of DataFlavors to which the specified String native can be translated by the data transfer subsystem. The List will be sorted from best DataFlavor to worst. That is, the first DataFlavor will best reflect data in the specified native to a Java application.

If the specified native is previously unknown to the data transfer subsystem, and that native has been properly encoded, then invoking this method will establish a mapping in both directions between the specified native and a DataFlavor whose MIME type is a decoded version of the native.


public Map<String,DataFlavor> getFlavorsForNatives(String[] natives)
Maps the specified native type names to DataFlavor's. The returned Map has keys that are strings and values that are DataFlavor's. The returned map may be modified. This can be useful for implementing nested mappings.

Parameters: natives An array of native types to map or null for all native types.

Returns: A Map of data flavors to native type names.


public List<String> getNativesForFlavor(DataFlavor flav)


public Map<DataFlavor,String> getNativesForFlavors(DataFlavor[] flavors)
Maps the specified DataFlavor objects to the native data type name. The returned Map has keys that are the data flavors and values that are strings. The returned map may be modified. This can be useful for implementing nested mappings.

Parameters: flavors An array of data flavors to map or null for all data flavors.

Returns: A Map of native data types to data flavors.


public static boolean isJavaMIMEType(String name)
Returns true if the native type name can be represented as a java mime type. Returns false if parameter is null.


public void setFlavorsForNative(String nativeStr, DataFlavor[] flavors)
Discards the current mappings for the specified String native, and creates new mappings to the specified DataFlavors. Unlike getFlavorsForNative, the mappings will only be established in one direction, and the natives need not be encoded. To establish two-way mappings, call setNativesForFlavor as well. The first DataFlavor in the array will represent the highest priority mapping. Subsequent DataFlavors will represent mappings of decreasing priority.

If the array contains several elements that reference equal DataFlavors, this method will establish new mappings for the first of those elements and ignore the rest of them.

It is recommended that client code not reset mappings established by the data transfer subsystem. This method should only be used for application-level mappings.

Parameters: nativeStr the String native key for the mappings flavors the DataFlavor values for the mappings

Throws: NullPointerException if nat or flavors is null or if flavors contains null elements

Since: 1.4

See Also: SystemFlavorMap


public void setNativesForFlavor(DataFlavor flavor, String[] natives)
Discards the current mappings for the specified DataFlavor and all DataFlavors equal to the specified DataFlavor, and creates new mappings to the specified String natives. Unlike getNativesForFlavor, the mappings will only be established in one direction, and the natives will not be encoded. To establish two-way mappings, call setFlavorsForNative as well. The first native in the array will represent the highest priority mapping. Subsequent natives will represent mappings of decreasing priority.

If the array contains several elements that reference equal String natives, this method will establish new mappings for the first of those elements and ignore the rest of them.

It is recommended that client code not reset mappings established by the data transfer subsystem. This method should only be used for application-level mappings.

Parameters: flavor the DataFlavor key for the mappings natives the String native values for the mappings

Throws: NullPointerException if flav or natives is null or if natives contains null elements

Since: 1.4

See Also: SystemFlavorMap