Class FilterInputStream

public class FilterInputStream extends InputStream

This is the common superclass of all standard classes that filter input. It acts as a layer on top of an underlying InputStream and simply redirects calls made to it to the subordinate InputStream instead. Subclasses of this class perform additional filtering functions in addition to simply redirecting the call.

This class is not abstract. However, since it only redirects calls to a subordinate InputStream without adding any functionality on top of it, this class should not be used directly. Instead, various subclasses of this class should be used. This is enforced with a protected constructor. Do not try to hack around it.

When creating a subclass of FilterInputStream, override the appropriate methods to implement the desired filtering. However, note that the read(byte[]) method does not need to be overridden as this class redirects calls to that method to read(byte[], int, int) instead of to the subordinate InputStream read(byte[]) method.

Field Summary
protected InputStreamin
This is the subordinate InputStream to which method calls are redirected
Constructor Summary
protected FilterInputStream(InputStream in)
Create a FilterInputStream with the specified subordinate InputStream.
Method Summary
Calls the in.available() method.
This method closes the input stream by closing the input stream that this object is filtering.
voidmark(int readlimit)
Calls the in.mark(int) method.
Calls the in.markSupported() method.
Calls the method
intread(byte[] buf)
Calls the read(byte[], int, int) overloaded method.
intread(byte[] buf, int offset, int len)
Calls the[], int, int) method.
Calls the in.reset() method.
longskip(long numBytes)
Calls the in.skip(long) method

Field Detail


protected InputStream in
This is the subordinate InputStream to which method calls are redirected

Constructor Detail


protected FilterInputStream(InputStream in)
Create a FilterInputStream with the specified subordinate InputStream.

Parameters: in The subordinate InputStream

Method Detail


public int available()
Calls the in.available() method.

Returns: The value returned from in.available()

Throws: IOException If an error occurs


public void close()
This method closes the input stream by closing the input stream that this object is filtering. Future attempts to access this stream may throw an exception.

Throws: IOException If an error occurs


public void mark(int readlimit)
Calls the in.mark(int) method.

Parameters: readlimit The parameter passed to in.mark(int)


public boolean markSupported()
Calls the in.markSupported() method.

Returns: true if mark/reset is supported, false otherwise


public int read()
Calls the method

Returns: The value returned from

Throws: IOException If an error occurs


public int read(byte[] buf)
Calls the read(byte[], int, int) overloaded method. Note that this method does not redirect its call directly to a corresponding method in in. This allows subclasses to override only the three argument version of read.

Parameters: buf The buffer to read bytes into

Returns: The value retured from[], int, int)

Throws: IOException If an error occurs


public int read(byte[] buf, int offset, int len)
Calls the[], int, int) method.

Parameters: buf The buffer to read bytes into offset The index into the buffer to start storing bytes len The maximum number of bytes to read.

Returns: The value retured from[], int, int)

Throws: IOException If an error occurs


public void reset()
Calls the in.reset() method.

Throws: IOException If an error occurs


public long skip(long numBytes)
Calls the in.skip(long) method

Parameters: numBytes The requested number of bytes to skip.

Returns: The value returned from in.skip(long)

Throws: IOException If an error occurs