Class FilterOutputStream

public class FilterOutputStream extends OutputStream

This class is the common superclass of output stream classes that filter the output they write. These classes typically transform the data in some way prior to writing it out to another underlying OutputStream. This class simply overrides all the methods in OutputStream to redirect them to the underlying stream. Subclasses provide actual filtering.
Field Summary
protected OutputStreamout
This is the subordinate OutputStream that this class redirects its method calls to.
Constructor Summary
FilterOutputStream(OutputStream out)
This method initializes an instance of FilterOutputStream to write to the specified subordinate OutputStream.
Method Summary
This method closes the underlying OutputStream.
This method attempt to flush all buffered output to be written to the underlying output sink.
voidwrite(int b)
This method writes a single byte of output to the underlying OutputStream.
voidwrite(byte[] buf)
This method writes all the bytes in the specified array to the underlying OutputStream.
voidwrite(byte[] buf, int offset, int len)
This method calls the write(int) method len times for all bytes from the array buf starting at index offset.

Field Detail


protected OutputStream out
This is the subordinate OutputStream that this class redirects its method calls to.

Constructor Detail


public FilterOutputStream(OutputStream out)
This method initializes an instance of FilterOutputStream to write to the specified subordinate OutputStream.

Parameters: out The OutputStream to write to

Method Detail


public void close()
This method closes the underlying OutputStream. Any further attempts to write to this stream may throw an exception.

Throws: IOException If an error occurs


public void flush()
This method attempt to flush all buffered output to be written to the underlying output sink.

Throws: IOException If an error occurs


public void write(int b)
This method writes a single byte of output to the underlying OutputStream.

Parameters: b The byte to write, passed as an int.

Throws: IOException If an error occurs


public void write(byte[] buf)
This method writes all the bytes in the specified array to the underlying OutputStream. It does this by calling the three parameter version of this method - write(byte[], int, int) in this class instead of writing to the underlying OutputStream directly. This allows most subclasses to avoid overriding this method.

Parameters: buf The byte array to write bytes from

Throws: IOException If an error occurs


public void write(byte[] buf, int offset, int len)
This method calls the write(int) method len times for all bytes from the array buf starting at index offset. Subclasses should overwrite this method to get a more efficient implementation.

Parameters: buf The byte array to write bytes from offset The index into the array to start writing bytes from len The number of bytes to write

Throws: IOException If an error occurs