
Class Enum<T>

public abstract class Enum<T extends Enum<T>> extends Object implements Comparable<T>, Serializable

This class represents a Java enumeration. All enumerations are subclasses of this class.

Since: 1.5

Constructor Summary
protected Enum(String name, int ordinal)
This constructor is used by the compiler to create enumeration constants.
Method Summary
protected Objectclone()
Cloning of enumeration constants is prevented, to maintain their singleton status.
intcompareTo(T e)
Returns an integer which represents the relative ordering of this enumeration constant.
booleanequals(Object o)
Returns true if this enumeration is equivalent to the supplied object, o.
protected voidfinalize()
Enumerations can not have finalization methods.
Returns the type of this enumeration constant.
Returns the hash code of this constant.
Returns the name of this enumeration constant.
Returns the number of this enumeration constant, which represents the order in which it was originally declared, starting from zero.
Returns a textual representation of this enumeration constant.

Constructor Detail


protected Enum(String name, int ordinal)
This constructor is used by the compiler to create enumeration constants.

Parameters: name the name of the enumeration constant. ordinal the number of the enumeration constant, based on the declaration order of the constants and starting from zero.

Method Detail


protected final Object clone()
Cloning of enumeration constants is prevented, to maintain their singleton status.

Returns: the cloned object.

Throws: CloneNotSupportedException as enumeration constants can't be cloned.


public final int compareTo(T e)
Returns an integer which represents the relative ordering of this enumeration constant. Enumeration constants are ordered by their ordinals, which represents their declaration order. So, comparing two identical constants yields zero, while one declared prior to this returns a positive integer and one declared after yields a negative integer.

Parameters: e the enumeration constant to compare.

Returns: a negative integer if e.ordinal < this.ordinal, zero if e.ordinal == this.ordinal and a positive integer if e.ordinal > this.ordinal.

Throws: ClassCastException if e is not an enumeration constant of the same class.


public final boolean equals(Object o)
Returns true if this enumeration is equivalent to the supplied object, o. Only one instance of an enumeration constant exists, so the comparison is simply done using ==.

Parameters: o the object to compare to this.

Returns: true if this == o.


protected final void finalize()
Enumerations can not have finalization methods.

Since: 1.6


public final Class<T> getDeclaringClass()
Returns the type of this enumeration constant. This is the class corresponding to the declaration of the enumeration.

Returns: the type of this enumeration constant.


public final int hashCode()
Returns the hash code of this constant. This is simply the ordinal.

Returns: the hash code of this enumeration constant.


public final String name()
Returns the name of this enumeration constant.

Returns: the name of the constant.


public final int ordinal()
Returns the number of this enumeration constant, which represents the order in which it was originally declared, starting from zero.

Returns: the number of this constant.


public String toString()
Returns a textual representation of this enumeration constant. By default, this is simply the declared name of the constant, but specific enumeration types may provide an implementation more suited to the data being stored.

Returns: a textual representation of this constant.