
Class Thread

public class Thread extends Object implements Runnable

Thread represents a single thread of execution in the VM. When an application VM starts up, it creates a non-daemon Thread which calls the main() method of a particular class. There may be other Threads running, such as the garbage collection thread.

Threads have names to identify them. These names are not necessarily unique. Every Thread has a priority, as well, which tells the VM which Threads should get more running time. New threads inherit the priority and daemon status of the parent thread, by default.

There are two methods of creating a Thread: you may subclass Thread and implement the run() method, at which point you may start the Thread by calling its start() method, or you may implement Runnable in the class you want to use and then call new Thread(your_obj).start().

The virtual machine runs until all non-daemon threads have died (either by returning from the run() method as invoked by start(), or by throwing an uncaught exception); or until System.exit is called with adequate permissions.

It is unclear at what point a Thread should be added to a ThreadGroup, and at what point it should be removed. Should it be inserted when it starts, or when it is created? Should it be removed when it is suspended or interrupted? The only thing that is clear is that the Thread should be removed when it is stopped.

Since: 1.0

See Also: Runnable Runtime run start ThreadLocal

UNKNOWN: updated to 1.4

Nested Class Summary
static classThread.State

Represents the current state of a thread, according to the VM rather than the operating system.


This interface is used to handle uncaught exceptions which cause a Thread to terminate.

Field Summary
static intMAX_PRIORITY
The maximum priority for a Thread.
static intMIN_PRIORITY
The minimum priority for a Thread.
The priority a Thread gets by default.
Constructor Summary
Allocates a new Thread object.
Thread(Runnable target)
Allocates a new Thread object.
Thread(String name)
Allocates a new Thread object.
Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target)
Allocates a new Thread object.
Thread(ThreadGroup group, String name)
Allocates a new Thread object.
Thread(Runnable target, String name)
Allocates a new Thread object.
Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target, String name)
Allocate a new Thread object, with the specified ThreadGroup and name, and using the specified Runnable object's run() method to execute.
Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target, String name, long size)
Allocate a new Thread object, as if by Thread(group, null, name), and give it the specified stack size, in bytes.
Method Summary
static intactiveCount()
Get the number of active threads in the current Thread's ThreadGroup.
Check whether the current Thread is allowed to modify this Thread.
Count the number of stack frames in this Thread.
static ThreadcurrentThread()
Get the currently executing Thread.
Originally intended to destroy this thread, this method was never implemented by Sun, and is hence a no-op.
static voiddumpStack()
Print a stack trace of the current thread to stderr using the same format as Throwable's printStackTrace() method.
static intenumerate(Thread[] array)
Copy every active thread in the current Thread's ThreadGroup into the array.
static Map<Thread,StackTraceElement[]>getAllStackTraces()

Returns a map of threads to stack traces for each live thread.

Returns the context classloader of this Thread.
static Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandlergetDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler()
Returns the handler used by default when a thread terminates unexpectedly due to an exception, or null if one doesn't exist.
Returns the unique identifier for this thread.
Get this Thread's name.
Get this Thread's priority.

Returns an array of {@link StackTraceElement}s representing the current stack trace of this thread.

Returns the current state of the thread.
Get the ThreadGroup this Thread belongs to.

Returns the handler used when this thread terminates due to an uncaught exception.

static booleanholdsLock(Object obj)
Checks whether the current thread holds the monitor on a given object.
Interrupt this Thread.
static booleaninterrupted()
Determine whether the current Thread has been interrupted, and clear the interrupted status in the process.
Determine whether this Thread is alive.
Tell whether this is a daemon Thread or not.
Determine whether the given Thread has been interrupted, but leave the interrupted status alone in the process.
Wait forever for the Thread in question to die.
voidjoin(long ms)
Wait the specified amount of time for the Thread in question to die.
voidjoin(long ms, int ns)
Wait the specified amount of time for the Thread in question to die.
Resume this Thread.
The method of Thread that will be run if there is no Runnable object associated with the Thread.
voidsetContextClassLoader(ClassLoader classloader)
Sets the context classloader for this Thread.
voidsetDaemon(boolean daemon)
Set the daemon status of this Thread.
static voidsetDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler h)

Sets the default uncaught exception handler used when one isn't provided by the thread or its associated ThreadGroup.

voidsetName(String name)
Set this Thread's name.
voidsetPriority(int priority)
Set this Thread's priority.
voidsetUncaughtExceptionHandler(Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler h)
Assigns the given UncaughtExceptionHandler to this thread.
static voidsleep(long ms)
Suspend the current Thread's execution for the specified amount of time.
static voidsleep(long ms, int ns)
Suspend the current Thread's execution for the specified amount of time.
Start this Thread, calling the run() method of the Runnable this Thread was created with, or else the run() method of the Thread itself.
Cause this Thread to stop abnormally because of the throw of a ThreadDeath error.
voidstop(Throwable t)
Cause this Thread to stop abnormally and throw the specified exception.
Suspend this Thread.
Returns a string representation of this thread, including the thread's name, priority, and thread group.
static voidyield()
Yield to another thread.

Field Detail


public static final int MAX_PRIORITY
The maximum priority for a Thread.


public static final int MIN_PRIORITY
The minimum priority for a Thread.


public static final int NORM_PRIORITY
The priority a Thread gets by default.

Constructor Detail


public Thread()
Allocates a new Thread object. This constructor has the same effect as Thread(null, null, gname), where gname is a newly generated name. Automatically generated names are of the form "Thread-"+n, where n is an integer.

Threads created this way must have overridden their run() method to actually do anything. An example illustrating this method being used follows:

     import java.lang.*;

     class plain01 implements Runnable {
         String name;
         plain01() {
             name = null;
         plain01(String s) {
             name = s;
         public void run() {
             if (name == null)
                 System.out.println("A new thread created");
                 System.out.println("A new thread with name " + name +
                                    " created");
     class threadtest01 {
         public static void main(String args[] ) {
             int failed = 0 ;

             Thread t1 = new Thread();
             if (t1 != null)
                 System.out.println("new Thread() succeed");
             else {
                 System.out.println("new Thread() failed");

See Also: Thread


public Thread(Runnable target)
Allocates a new Thread object. This constructor has the same effect as Thread(null, target, gname), where gname is a newly generated name. Automatically generated names are of the form "Thread-"+n, where n is an integer.

Parameters: target the object whose run method is called.

See Also: Thread


public Thread(String name)
Allocates a new Thread object. This constructor has the same effect as Thread(null, null, name).

Parameters: name the name of the new thread.

See Also: Thread


public Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target)
Allocates a new Thread object. This constructor has the same effect as Thread(group, target, gname), where gname is a newly generated name. Automatically generated names are of the form "Thread-"+n, where n is an integer.

Parameters: group the group to put the Thread into target the Runnable object to execute

Throws: SecurityException if this thread cannot access group IllegalThreadStateException if group is destroyed

See Also: Thread


public Thread(ThreadGroup group, String name)
Allocates a new Thread object. This constructor has the same effect as Thread(group, null, name)

Parameters: group the group to put the Thread into name the name for the Thread

Throws: NullPointerException if name is null SecurityException if this thread cannot access group IllegalThreadStateException if group is destroyed

See Also: Thread


public Thread(Runnable target, String name)
Allocates a new Thread object. This constructor has the same effect as Thread(null, target, name).

Parameters: target the Runnable object to execute name the name for the Thread

Throws: NullPointerException if name is null

See Also: Thread


public Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target, String name)
Allocate a new Thread object, with the specified ThreadGroup and name, and using the specified Runnable object's run() method to execute. If the Runnable object is null, this (which is a Runnable) is used instead.

If the ThreadGroup is null, the security manager is checked. If a manager exists and returns a non-null object for getThreadGroup, that group is used; otherwise the group of the creating thread is used. Note that the security manager calls checkAccess if the ThreadGroup is not null.

The new Thread will inherit its creator's priority and daemon status. These can be changed with setPriority and setDaemon.

Parameters: group the group to put the Thread into target the Runnable object to execute name the name for the Thread

Throws: NullPointerException if name is null SecurityException if this thread cannot access group IllegalThreadStateException if group is destroyed

See Also: run run Thread Thread checkAccess checkAccess


public Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target, String name, long size)
Allocate a new Thread object, as if by Thread(group, null, name), and give it the specified stack size, in bytes. The stack size is highly platform independent, and the virtual machine is free to round up or down, or ignore it completely. A higher value might let you go longer before a StackOverflowError, while a lower value might let you go longer before an OutOfMemoryError. Or, it may do absolutely nothing! So be careful, and expect to need to tune this value if your virtual machine even supports it.

Parameters: group the group to put the Thread into target the Runnable object to execute name the name for the Thread size the stack size, in bytes; 0 to be ignored

Throws: NullPointerException if name is null SecurityException if this thread cannot access group IllegalThreadStateException if group is destroyed

Since: 1.4

Method Detail


public static int activeCount()
Get the number of active threads in the current Thread's ThreadGroup. This implementation calls currentThread().getThreadGroup().activeCount().

Returns: the number of active threads in the current ThreadGroup

See Also: activeCount


public final void checkAccess()
Check whether the current Thread is allowed to modify this Thread. This passes the check on to SecurityManager.checkAccess(this).

Throws: SecurityException if the current Thread cannot modify this Thread

See Also: checkAccess


public int countStackFrames()

Deprecated: pointless, since suspend is deprecated

Count the number of stack frames in this Thread. The Thread in question must be suspended when this occurs.

Returns: the number of stack frames in this Thread

Throws: IllegalThreadStateException if this Thread is not suspended


public static Thread currentThread()
Get the currently executing Thread. In the situation that the currently running thread was created by native code and doesn't have an associated Thread object yet, a new Thread object is constructed and associated with the native thread.

Returns: the currently executing Thread


public void destroy()

Deprecated: This method was originally intended to simply destroy the thread without performing any form of cleanup operation. However, it was never implemented. It is now deprecated for the same reason as suspend(), stop() and resume(); namely, it is prone to deadlocks. If a thread is destroyed while it still maintains a lock on a resource, then this resource will remain locked and any attempts by other threads to access the resource will result in a deadlock. Thus, even an implemented version of this method would be still be deprecated, due to its unsafe nature.

Originally intended to destroy this thread, this method was never implemented by Sun, and is hence a no-op.

Throws: NoSuchMethodError as this method was never implemented.


public static void dumpStack()
Print a stack trace of the current thread to stderr using the same format as Throwable's printStackTrace() method.

See Also: printStackTrace


public static int enumerate(Thread[] array)
Copy every active thread in the current Thread's ThreadGroup into the array. Extra threads are silently ignored. This implementation calls getThreadGroup().enumerate(array), which may have a security check, checkAccess(group).

Parameters: array the array to place the Threads into

Returns: the number of Threads placed into the array

Throws: NullPointerException if array is null SecurityException if you cannot access the ThreadGroup

See Also: (Thread[]) activeCount checkAccess


public static Map<Thread,StackTraceElement[]> getAllStackTraces()

Returns a map of threads to stack traces for each live thread. The keys of the map are {@link Thread} objects, which map to arrays of {@link StackTraceElement}s. The results obtained from Calling this method are equivalent to calling {@link getStackTrace()} on each thread in succession. Threads may be executing while this takes place, and the results represent a snapshot of the thread at the time its {@link getStackTrace()} method is called.

The stack trace information contains the methods called by the thread, with the most recent method forming the first element in the array. The array will be empty if the virtual machine can not obtain information on the thread.

To execute this method, the current security manager (if one exists) must allow both the "getStackTrace" and "modifyThreadGroup" {@link RuntimePermission}s.

Returns: a map of threads to arrays of {@link StackTraceElement}s.

Throws: SecurityException if a security manager exists, and prevents either or both the runtime permissions specified above.

Since: 1.5

See Also: getStackTrace


public ClassLoader getContextClassLoader()
Returns the context classloader of this Thread. The context classloader can be used by code that want to load classes depending on the current thread. Normally classes are loaded depending on the classloader of the current class. There may be a security check for RuntimePermission("getClassLoader") if the caller's class loader is not null or an ancestor of this thread's context class loader.

Returns: the context class loader

Throws: SecurityException when permission is denied

Since: 1.2

See Also: setContextClassLoader


public static Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler()
Returns the handler used by default when a thread terminates unexpectedly due to an exception, or null if one doesn't exist.

Returns: the default uncaught exception handler.

Since: 1.5


public long getId()
Returns the unique identifier for this thread. This ID is generated on thread creation, and may be re-used on its death.

Returns: a positive long number representing the thread's ID.

Since: 1.5


public final String getName()
Get this Thread's name.

Returns: this Thread's name


public final int getPriority()
Get this Thread's priority.

Returns: the Thread's priority


public StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace()

Returns an array of {@link StackTraceElement}s representing the current stack trace of this thread. The first element of the array is the most recent method called, and represents the top of the stack. The elements continue in this order, with the last element representing the bottom of the stack.

A zero element array is returned for threads which have not yet started (and thus have not yet executed any methods) or for those which have terminated. Where the virtual machine can not obtain a trace for the thread, an empty array is also returned. The virtual machine may also omit some methods from the trace in non-zero arrays.

To execute this method, the current security manager (if one exists) must allow both the "getStackTrace" and "modifyThreadGroup" {@link RuntimePermission}s.

Returns: a stack trace for this thread.

Throws: SecurityException if a security manager exists, and prevents the use of the "getStackTrace" permission.

Since: 1.5

See Also: getAllStackTraces


public Thread.State getState()
Returns the current state of the thread. This is designed for monitoring thread behaviour, rather than for synchronization control.

Returns: the current thread state.


public final ThreadGroup getThreadGroup()
Get the ThreadGroup this Thread belongs to. If the thread has died, this returns null.

Returns: this Thread's ThreadGroup


public Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler getUncaughtExceptionHandler()

Returns the handler used when this thread terminates due to an uncaught exception. The handler used is determined by the following:

Returns: the appropriate UncaughtExceptionHandler or null if one can't be obtained.

Since: 1.5


public static boolean holdsLock(Object obj)
Checks whether the current thread holds the monitor on a given object. This allows you to do assert Thread.holdsLock(obj).

Parameters: obj the object to test lock ownership on.

Returns: true if the current thread is currently synchronized on obj

Throws: NullPointerException if obj is null

Since: 1.4


public void interrupt()
Interrupt this Thread. First, there is a security check, checkAccess. Then, depending on the current state of the thread, various actions take place:

If the thread is waiting because of {@link #wait()}, {@link #sleep(long)}, or {@link #join()}, its interrupt status will be cleared, and an InterruptedException will be thrown. Notice that this case is only possible if an external thread called interrupt().

If the thread is blocked in an interruptible I/O operation, in {@link java.nio.channels.InterruptibleChannel}, the interrupt status will be set, and ClosedByInterruptException will be thrown.

If the thread is blocked on a {@link java.nio.channels.Selector}, the interrupt status will be set, and the selection will return, with a possible non-zero value, as though by the wakeup() method.

Otherwise, the interrupt status will be set.

Throws: SecurityException if you cannot modify this Thread


public static boolean interrupted()
Determine whether the current Thread has been interrupted, and clear the interrupted status in the process.

Returns: whether the current Thread has been interrupted

See Also: isInterrupted


public final boolean isAlive()
Determine whether this Thread is alive. A thread which is alive has started and not yet died.

Returns: whether this Thread is alive


public final boolean isDaemon()
Tell whether this is a daemon Thread or not.

Returns: whether this is a daemon Thread or not

See Also: Thread


public boolean isInterrupted()
Determine whether the given Thread has been interrupted, but leave the interrupted status alone in the process.

Returns: whether the Thread has been interrupted

See Also: interrupted


public final void join()
Wait forever for the Thread in question to die.

Throws: InterruptedException if the Thread is interrupted; it's interrupted status will be cleared


public final void join(long ms)
Wait the specified amount of time for the Thread in question to die.

Parameters: ms the number of milliseconds to wait, or 0 for forever

Throws: InterruptedException if the Thread is interrupted; it's interrupted status will be cleared


public final void join(long ms, int ns)
Wait the specified amount of time for the Thread in question to die.

Note that 1,000,000 nanoseconds == 1 millisecond, but most VMs do not offer that fine a grain of timing resolution. Besides, there is no guarantee that this thread can start up immediately when time expires, because some other thread may be active. So don't expect real-time performance.

Parameters: ms the number of milliseconds to wait, or 0 for forever ns the number of extra nanoseconds to sleep (0-999999)

Throws: InterruptedException if the Thread is interrupted; it's interrupted status will be cleared IllegalArgumentException if ns is invalid


public final void resume()

Deprecated: pointless, since suspend is deprecated

Resume this Thread. If the thread is not suspended, this method does nothing. To mirror suspend(), there may be a security check: checkAccess.

Throws: SecurityException if you cannot resume the Thread

See Also: checkAccess suspend


public void run()
The method of Thread that will be run if there is no Runnable object associated with the Thread. Thread's implementation does nothing at all.

See Also: start Thread


public void setContextClassLoader(ClassLoader classloader)
Sets the context classloader for this Thread. When not explicitly set, the context classloader for a thread is the same as the context classloader of the thread that created this thread. The first thread has as context classloader the system classloader. There may be a security check for RuntimePermission("setContextClassLoader").

Parameters: classloader the new context class loader

Throws: SecurityException when permission is denied

Since: 1.2

See Also: getContextClassLoader


public final void setDaemon(boolean daemon)
Set the daemon status of this Thread. If this is a daemon Thread, then the VM may exit even if it is still running. This may only be called before the Thread starts running. There may be a security check, checkAccess.

Parameters: daemon whether this should be a daemon thread or not

Throws: SecurityException if you cannot modify this Thread IllegalThreadStateException if the Thread is active

See Also: isDaemon checkAccess


public static void setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler h)

Sets the default uncaught exception handler used when one isn't provided by the thread or its associated ThreadGroup. This exception handler is used when the thread itself does not have an exception handler, and the thread's ThreadGroup does not override this default mechanism with its own. As the group calls this handler by default, this exception handler should not defer to that of the group, as it may lead to infinite recursion.

Uncaught exception handlers are used when a thread terminates due to an uncaught exception. Replacing this handler allows default code to be put in place for all threads in order to handle this eventuality.

Parameters: h the new default uncaught exception handler to use.

Throws: SecurityException if a security manager is present and disallows the runtime permission "setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler".

Since: 1.5


public final void setName(String name)
Set this Thread's name. There may be a security check, checkAccess.

Parameters: name the new name for this Thread

Throws: NullPointerException if name is null SecurityException if you cannot modify this Thread


public final void setPriority(int priority)
Set this Thread's priority. There may be a security check, checkAccess, then the priority is set to the smaller of priority and the ThreadGroup maximum priority.

Parameters: priority the new priority for this Thread

Throws: IllegalArgumentException if priority exceeds MIN_PRIORITY or MAX_PRIORITY SecurityException if you cannot modify this Thread

See Also: getPriority checkAccess getMaxPriority MIN_PRIORITY MAX_PRIORITY


public void setUncaughtExceptionHandler(Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler h)
Assigns the given UncaughtExceptionHandler to this thread. This will then be called if the thread terminates due to an uncaught exception, pre-empting that of the ThreadGroup.

Parameters: h the handler to use for this thread.

Throws: SecurityException if the current thread can't modify this thread.

Since: 1.5


public static void sleep(long ms)
Suspend the current Thread's execution for the specified amount of time. The Thread will not lose any locks it has during this time. There are no guarantees which thread will be next to run, but most VMs will choose the highest priority thread that has been waiting longest.

Parameters: ms the number of milliseconds to sleep, or 0 for forever

Throws: InterruptedException if the Thread is (or was) interrupted; it's interrupted status will be cleared IllegalArgumentException if ms is negative

See Also: interrupt Thread Thread


public static void sleep(long ms, int ns)
Suspend the current Thread's execution for the specified amount of time. The Thread will not lose any locks it has during this time. There are no guarantees which thread will be next to run, but most VMs will choose the highest priority thread that has been waiting longest.

Note that 1,000,000 nanoseconds == 1 millisecond, but most VMs do not offer that fine a grain of timing resolution. When ms is zero and ns is non-zero the Thread will sleep for at least one milli second. There is no guarantee that this thread can start up immediately when time expires, because some other thread may be active. So don't expect real-time performance.

Parameters: ms the number of milliseconds to sleep, or 0 for forever ns the number of extra nanoseconds to sleep (0-999999)

Throws: InterruptedException if the Thread is (or was) interrupted; it's interrupted status will be cleared IllegalArgumentException if ms or ns is negative or ns is larger than 999999.

See Also: interrupt Thread Thread


public void start()
Start this Thread, calling the run() method of the Runnable this Thread was created with, or else the run() method of the Thread itself. This is the only way to start a new thread; calling run by yourself will just stay in the same thread. The virtual machine will remove the thread from its thread group when the run() method completes.

Throws: IllegalThreadStateException if the thread has already started

See Also: run


public final void stop()

Deprecated: unsafe operation, try not to use

Cause this Thread to stop abnormally because of the throw of a ThreadDeath error. If you stop a Thread that has not yet started, it will stop immediately when it is actually started.

This is inherently unsafe, as it can interrupt synchronized blocks and leave data in bad states. Hence, there is a security check: checkAccess(this), plus another one if the current thread is not this: RuntimePermission("stopThread"). If you must catch a ThreadDeath, be sure to rethrow it after you have cleaned up. ThreadDeath is the only exception which does not print a stack trace when the thread dies.

Throws: SecurityException if you cannot stop the Thread

See Also: interrupt checkAccess start ThreadDeath ThreadGroup checkAccess checkPermission


public final void stop(Throwable t)

Deprecated: unsafe operation, try not to use

Cause this Thread to stop abnormally and throw the specified exception. If you stop a Thread that has not yet started, the stop is ignored (contrary to what the JDK documentation says). WARNINGThis bypasses Java security, and can throw a checked exception which the call stack is unprepared to handle. Do not abuse this power.

This is inherently unsafe, as it can interrupt synchronized blocks and leave data in bad states. Hence, there is a security check: checkAccess(this), plus another one if the current thread is not this: RuntimePermission("stopThread"). If you must catch a ThreadDeath, be sure to rethrow it after you have cleaned up. ThreadDeath is the only exception which does not print a stack trace when the thread dies.

Parameters: t the Throwable to throw when the Thread dies

Throws: SecurityException if you cannot stop the Thread NullPointerException in the calling thread, if t is null

See Also: interrupt checkAccess start ThreadDeath ThreadGroup checkAccess checkPermission


public final void suspend()

Deprecated: unsafe operation, try not to use

Suspend this Thread. It will not come back, ever, unless it is resumed.

This is inherently unsafe, as the suspended thread still holds locks, and can potentially deadlock your program. Hence, there is a security check: checkAccess.

Throws: SecurityException if you cannot suspend the Thread

See Also: checkAccess resume


public String toString()
Returns a string representation of this thread, including the thread's name, priority, and thread group.

Returns: a human-readable String representing this Thread


public static void yield()
Yield to another thread. The Thread will not lose any locks it holds during this time. There are no guarantees which thread will be next to run, and it could even be this one, but most VMs will choose the highest priority thread that has been waiting longest.