Class MemoryUsage

public class MemoryUsage extends Object

Retains information on the usage of a particular memory pool, or heap/non-heap memory as a whole. Memory usage is represented by four values (all in bytes):

Since: 1.5

See Also: MemoryMXBean MemoryPoolMXBean

Constructor Summary
MemoryUsage(long init, long used, long committed, long maximum)
Constructs a new {@link MemoryUsage} object with the specified allocation levels.
Method Summary
static MemoryUsagefrom(CompositeData data)

Returns a {@link MemoryUsage} instance using the values given in the supplied {@link} object.

Returns the amount of memory committed for use by this memory pool (in bytes).
Returns the initial amount of memory allocated to the pool (in bytes).
Returns the maximum amount of memory available for this pool (in bytes).
Returns the amount of memory used (in bytes).
Returns a {@link java.lang.String} representation of this {@link MemoryUsage} object.

Constructor Detail


public MemoryUsage(long init, long used, long committed, long maximum)
Constructs a new {@link MemoryUsage} object with the specified allocation levels.

Parameters: init the initial amount of memory allocated, or -1 if this value is undefined. Must be >= -1. used the amount of memory used. Must be >= 0, and <= committed. committed the amount of memory committed for use at present. Must be >= 0 and <= maximum (if defined). maximum the maximum amount of memory that may be used, or -1 if this value is undefined. Must be >= -1.

Throws: IllegalArgumentException if the values break any of the limits specified above.

Method Detail


public static MemoryUsage from(CompositeData data)

Returns a {@link MemoryUsage} instance using the values given in the supplied {@link} object. The composite data instance should contain the following attributes:

All should have the type, java.lang.Long.

Parameters: data the composite data structure to take values from.

Returns: a new instance containing the values from the composite data structure, or null if the data structure was also null.

Throws: IllegalArgumentException if the composite data structure does not match the structure outlined above, or the values are invalid.


public long getCommitted()
Returns the amount of memory committed for use by this memory pool (in bytes). This amount is guaranteed to be available, unlike the maximum.

Returns: the committed amount of memory.


public long getInit()
Returns the initial amount of memory allocated to the pool (in bytes). This method may return -1, if the value is undefined.

Returns: the initial amount of memory allocated, or -1 if this value is undefined.


public long getMax()
Returns the maximum amount of memory available for this pool (in bytes). This amount is not guaranteed to actually be usable. This method may return -1, if the value is undefined.

Returns: the maximum amount of memory available, or -1 if this value is undefined.


public long getUsed()
Returns the amount of memory used (in bytes).

Returns: the amount of used memory.


public String toString()
Returns a {@link java.lang.String} representation of this {@link MemoryUsage} object. This takes the form[init=i, used=u, committed=c, maximum=m], where i is the initial level, u is the used level, c is the committed level and m is the maximum level.

Returns: the string specified above.