
Interface Activator

public interface Activator extends Remote

Activates remote object, providing the live reference to the activable remote object. Usually there is only one activator per host.

See Also: ActivationSystem ActivationMonitor

Method Summary
MarshalledObjectactivate(ActivationID id, boolean force)
Activate the object, associated with the given activation identifier.

Method Detail


public MarshalledObject activate(ActivationID id, boolean force)
Activate the object, associated with the given activation identifier. The activator looks for the {@link ActivationDesc}riptor for the passed identifier, determines the object activation group and initiates object recreation either via {@link ActivationInstantiator} or via {@link Class#newInstance()}.

Parameters: id the identifier of the object to activate. force if true, the activator always contacts the group to obtain the reference. If false, it may return the cached value.

Returns: the activated remote object (its stub).

Throws: UnknownObjectException if the object with this id is unknown ActivationException if the activation has failed due other reason RemoteException if the remote call has failed.