Class PolicyQualifierInfo

public class PolicyQualifierInfo extends Object

The PolicyQualifierInfo X.509 certificate extension. PolicyQualifierInfo objects are represented by the ASN.1 structure:
 PolicyQualifierInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
    policyQualifierId   PolicyQualifierId,
    qualifier           ANY DEFINED BY policyQualifierId

 PolicyQualifierId ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER

Since: 1.4

UNKNOWN: this class was final in 1.4, but beginning with 1.5 is not

Constructor Summary
PolicyQualifierInfo(byte[] encoded)
Create a new PolicyQualifierInfo object from the DER encoded form passed in the byte array.
Method Summary
Returns the DER encoded form of this object; the contents of the returned byte array are equivalent to those that were passed to the constructor.
Get the qualifier field of this object, as a DER encoded byte array.
Returns the policyQualifierId field of this structure, as a dotted-decimal representation of the object identifier.
Returns a printable string representation of this object.

Constructor Detail


public PolicyQualifierInfo(byte[] encoded)
Create a new PolicyQualifierInfo object from the DER encoded form passed in the byte array. The argument is copied.

The ASN.1 form of PolicyQualifierInfo is:

PolicyQualifierInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
   policyQualifierId     PolicyQualifierId,
   qualifier             ANY DEFINED BY policyQualifierId

PolicyQualifierId ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER

Parameters: encoded The DER encoded form.

Throws: IOException If the structure cannot be parsed from the encoded bytes.

Method Detail


public byte[] getEncoded()
Returns the DER encoded form of this object; the contents of the returned byte array are equivalent to those that were passed to the constructor. The byte array is cloned every time this method is called.

Returns: The encoded form.


public byte[] getPolicyQualifier()
Get the qualifier field of this object, as a DER encoded byte array. The byte array returned is cloned every time this method is called.

Returns: The encoded qualifier.


public String getPolicyQualifierId()
Returns the policyQualifierId field of this structure, as a dotted-decimal representation of the object identifier.

Returns: This structure's OID field.


public String toString()
Returns a printable string representation of this object.

Returns: The string representation.