
Class TimeZoneNameProvider

public abstract class TimeZoneNameProvider extends LocaleServiceProvider

A {@link TimeZoneNameProvider} provides localized versions of the names that represent a particular timezone. A null value may be returned, which should be treated as a lack of support for the specified {@link Locale}. The names from this class are also used by {@link DateFormatSymbols#getZoneStrings()}.

Since: 1.6

Constructor Summary
protected TimeZoneNameProvider()
Constructs a new {@link TimeZoneNameProvider}.
Method Summary
abstract StringgetDisplayName(String id, boolean daylight, int style, Locale locale)
Returns a name for the specified time zone identifier localized to the supplied {@link java.util.Locale}.

Constructor Detail


protected TimeZoneNameProvider()
Constructs a new {@link TimeZoneNameProvider}. Provided for implicit invocation by subclasses.

Method Detail


public abstract String getDisplayName(String id, boolean daylight, int style, Locale locale)
Returns a name for the specified time zone identifier localized to the supplied {@link java.util.Locale}. The time zone identifier is either "GMT" or one of the identifiers from the public domain "tz database" found at Note that a translated name for the daylight savings time variant should be returned, even if the timezone has not observed daylight savings time in the past. If the name of the timezone in the given locale is not supported, null is returned.

Parameters: id a time zone identifier. daylight true if the daylight savings time variant should be returned. style either {@link java.util.TimeZone.LONG} or {@link java.util.TimeZone.SHORT} locale the locale to express the timezone in.

Returns: the localized time zone name, or null if one is not available.

Throws: NullPointerException if the identifer or locale is null. IllegalArgumentException if the style is invalid or the locale is not one returned by {@link getAvailableLocales()}

See Also: TimeZone