Class GZIPInputStream

public class GZIPInputStream extends InflaterInputStream

This filter stream is used to decompress a "GZIP" format stream. The "GZIP" format is described in RFC 1952.

Since: JDK 1.1

Field Summary
protected CRC32crc
The CRC-32 checksum value for uncompressed data.
protected booleaneos
Indicates whether or not the end of the stream has been reached.
static intGZIP_MAGIC
The magic number found at the start of a GZIP stream.
Constructor Summary
GZIPInputStream(InputStream in)
Creates a GZIPInputStream with the default buffer size.
GZIPInputStream(InputStream in, int size)
Creates a GZIPInputStream with the specified buffer size.
Method Summary
Closes the input stream.
intread(byte[] buf, int offset, int len)
Reads in GZIP-compressed data and stores it in uncompressed form into an array of bytes.

Field Detail


protected CRC32 crc
The CRC-32 checksum value for uncompressed data.


protected boolean eos
Indicates whether or not the end of the stream has been reached.


public static final int GZIP_MAGIC
The magic number found at the start of a GZIP stream.

Constructor Detail


public GZIPInputStream(InputStream in)
Creates a GZIPInputStream with the default buffer size.

Parameters: in The stream to read compressed data from (in GZIP format).

Throws: IOException if an error occurs during an I/O operation.


public GZIPInputStream(InputStream in, int size)
Creates a GZIPInputStream with the specified buffer size.

Parameters: in The stream to read compressed data from (in GZIP format). size The size of the buffer to use.

Throws: IOException if an error occurs during an I/O operation. IllegalArgumentException if size is less than or equal to 0.

Method Detail


public void close()
Closes the input stream.

Throws: IOException if an error occurs during an I/O operation.


public int read(byte[] buf, int offset, int len)
Reads in GZIP-compressed data and stores it in uncompressed form into an array of bytes. The method will block until either enough input data becomes available or the compressed stream reaches its end.

Parameters: buf the buffer into which the uncompressed data will be stored. offset the offset indicating where in buf the uncompressed data should be placed. len the number of uncompressed bytes to be read.