Class ArrayType<T>

public class ArrayType<T> extends OpenType<T>

The open type descriptor for arrays of open data values.

Since: 1.5

Constructor Summary
ArrayType(int dim, OpenType<?> elementType)

Constructs a new {@link ArrayType} instance for an array of the specified type with the supplied number of dimensions.

ArrayType(SimpleType<?> elementType, boolean primitiveArray)

Constructs a new {@link ArrayType} instance for a unidimensional array of the specified {@link SimpleType}.

Method Summary
booleanequals(Object obj)

Compares this array type with another object for equality.

static <E> ArrayType<E[]>getArrayType(OpenType<E> elementType)

Returns a new {@link ArrayType} instance in a type-safe manner, by ensuring that the type of the given {@link OpenType} matches the component type used in the type of the returned instance.

Returns the number of dimensions used by arrays of this type.
Returns the open type descriptor which describes the type of the elements of this array type.
static <T> ArrayType<T>getPrimitiveArrayType(Class<T> type)

Returns a new {@link ArrayType} instance for the given primitive type in a type-safe* manner, by ensuring that the type of the given {@link OpenType} matches the type used in the returned instance.


Returns the hash code of the array type.

Returns true if this instance represents an array of a primitive type.
booleanisValue(Object obj)

Returns true if the specified object is a member of this array type.


Returns a textual representation of this instance.

Constructor Detail


public ArrayType(int dim, OpenType<?> elementType)

Constructs a new {@link ArrayType} instance for an array of the specified type with the supplied number of dimensions. The attributes used by the superclass, {@link OpenType}, are automatically defined, based on these values. Both the class name and type name are set to the value returned by the {@link java.lang.Class#getName()} of the array's class (i.e. the element type, preceded by n instances of '[' and an 'L', where n is the number of dimensions the array has). The description is based upon the template n-dimension array of e, where n is the number of dimensions of the array, and e is the element type. The class name of the actual elements is obtainable by calling {@link OpenType#getClassName()} on the result of {@link #getElementOpenType()}.

As an example, the array type returned by new ArrayType(6, SimpleType.INTEGER) has the following values:

Class Name[[[[[[Ljava.lang.Integer;
Type Name[[[[[[Ljava.lang.Integer;
Description6-dimension array of java.lang.Integer
Element Type Class Namejava.lang.Integer

The dimensions of the array must be equal to or greater than 1. The element type must be an instance of {@link SimpleType}, {@link CompositeType} or {@link TabularType}.

Parameters: dim the dimensions of the array. elementType the type of the elements of the array.

Throws: IllegalArgumentException if dim is less than 1. OpenDataException if the element type is not an instance of either {@link SimpleType}, {@link CompositeType} or {@link TabularType}.


public ArrayType(SimpleType<?> elementType, boolean primitiveArray)

Constructs a new {@link ArrayType} instance for a unidimensional array of the specified {@link SimpleType}. The attributes used by the superclass, {@link OpenType}, are automatically defined, based on these values. Both the class name and type name are set to the value returned by the {@link java.lang.Class#getName()} of the array's class. If the array is of a primitive type (indicated by giving {@code primitiveArray} the value {@code true}), the name will be '[' followed by the appropriate letter for the primitive type (see {@link java.lang.Class#getName()}). If the array is not of a primitive type, then the name is formed from the element type, preceded by '[' and an 'L', in the same way as when the multi-dimensional constructor is used.

The description is based upon the template 1-dimension array of e, where e is either the primitive type or a class name, depending on whether the array itself is of a primitive type or not. The class name of the actual elements is obtainable by calling {@link OpenType#getClassName()} on the result of {@link #getElementOpenType()}. This will be the appropriate wrapper class for a primitive type.

As an example, the array type returned by new ArrayType(SimpleType.INTEGER, true) has the following values:

Class Name[I
Type Name[I
Description1-dimension array of int
Element Type Class Namejava.lang.Integer

Parameters: elementType the type of the elements of the array. primitiveArray true if the array should be of a primitive type.

Throws: OpenDataException if {@code primitiveArray} is {@code true}, and {@link elementType} is not a valid {@link SimpleType} for a primitive type.

Since: 1.6

Method Detail


public boolean equals(Object obj)

Compares this array type with another object for equality. The objects are judged to be equal if:

Parameters: obj the object to compare with.

Returns: true if the conditions above hold.


public static <E> ArrayType<E[]> getArrayType(OpenType<E> elementType)

Returns a new {@link ArrayType} instance in a type-safe manner, by ensuring that the type of the given {@link OpenType} matches the component type used in the type of the returned instance. If the given {@link OpenType} is a {@link SimpleType}, {@link CompositeType} or {@link TabularType}, then a 1-dimensional array of that type is returned. Otherwise, if the type is an {@link ArrayType} of n dimensions, the returned type is also an {@link ArrayType} but of n+1 dimensions. For example, {@code ArrayType.getArrayType(ArrayType.getArrayType(SimpleType.STRING))} returns a 2-dimensional array of {@link SimpleType#String}.

This method caches its results, so that the same instance is returned from subsequent calls with the same parameters.

Parameters: elementType the element type of the new array type.

Throws: OpenDataException if the class name of {@code elementType} is not in {@link OpenType#ALLOWED_CLASSNAMES_LIST}.

Since: 1.6


public int getDimension()
Returns the number of dimensions used by arrays of this type.

Returns: the number of dimensions.


public OpenType<?> getElementOpenType()
Returns the open type descriptor which describes the type of the elements of this array type.

Returns: the type of the elements.


public static <T> ArrayType<T> getPrimitiveArrayType(Class<T> type)

Returns a new {@link ArrayType} instance for the given primitive type in a type-safe* manner, by ensuring that the type of the given {@link OpenType} matches the type used in the returned instance. If the type is an array of n dimensions, the returned type is also an {@link ArrayType} of n dimensions.

As an example, the array type returned by getPrimitiveArrayType(Integer.TYPE) has the following values:

Class Name[I
Type Name[I
Description1-dimension array of int
Element Type Class Namejava.lang.Integer

This method caches its results, so that the same instance is returned from subsequent calls with the same parameters.

Parameters: type the type of the new {@link ArrayType}.

Throws: IllegalArgumentException if the type is not a primitive array.

Since: 1.6


public int hashCode()

Returns the hash code of the array type. This is computed as the sum of the hash code of the element type together with the number of dimensions the array has and the primitive array flag. These are the same elements of the type that are compared as part of the {@link #equals(java.lang.Object)} method, thus ensuring that the hashcode is compatible with the equality test.

As instances of this class are immutable, the hash code is computed just once for each instance and reused throughout its life.

Returns: the hash code of this instance.


public boolean isPrimitiveArray()
Returns true if this instance represents an array of a primitive type.

Returns: true if the array is of a primitive type.


public boolean isValue(Object obj)

Returns true if the specified object is a member of this array type. The object is judged to be so if it is non-null, an array and one of the following two conditions holds:

Parameters: obj the object to test for membership.

Returns: true if the object is a member of this type.


public String toString()

Returns a textual representation of this instance. This is constructed using the class name ( and each element of the instance which is relevant to the definition of {@link equals(java.lang.Object)} and {@link hashCode()} (i.e. the type name, the number of dimensions and the element type).

As instances of this class are immutable, the return value is computed just once for each instance and reused throughout its life.

Returns: a @link{java.lang.String} instance representing the instance in textual form.