Interface SSLSession

public interface SSLSession

An SSL session is a mechanism through which connections can be established by re-using previously negotiated handshakes.
Method Summary
Returns the size of the largest application data buffer that can occur in this session.
Returns this session's cihper suite.
Returns the time in milliseconds since midnight GMT, 1 January 1970, that this session was created.
Returns this session's unique identifier, a arbitrary byte array of up to 32 bytes.
Returns the last time this session was accessed.
Returns the chain of certificates that the local side used in the handshake, or null if none were used.
Returns the {@link Principal} representing the local identity used in this session, or null if there is no local identity.
Returns the size of the largest SSL message that will be generated by this session.
Returns the chain of certificates that the remote side used in the handshake, or null if none were used.
Returns the chain of certificates that the remote side used in the handshake, or null if none were used.
Returns the remote host's name.
Returns the port number the remote peer is using for this session.
Returns the {@link Principal} representing the identity of the remote peer, or null if the remote peer has no known identity.
Returns the protocol this session uses.
Returns this session's session context object.
ObjectgetValue(String name)
Returns the object bound to the given name.
Returns the names of all values bound to this session.
Invalidates this session, ensuring that it will not be continued by another socket.
Tells if this session is currently valid, and may be resumed.
voidputValue(String name, Object value)
Binds a value to this session, with the given name.
voidremoveValue(String name)
Un-binds a value.

Method Detail


public int getApplicationBufferSize()
Returns the size of the largest application data buffer that can occur in this session.

Buffers passed to handle the incoming data for the unwrap method of SSLEngine must be at least this large.

Returns: The size of application buffers.

Since: 1.5


public String getCipherSuite()
Returns this session's cihper suite.

Returns: The cipher suite.


public long getCreationTime()
Returns the time in milliseconds since midnight GMT, 1 January 1970, that this session was created.

Returns: The creation time.


public byte[] getId()
Returns this session's unique identifier, a arbitrary byte array of up to 32 bytes.

Returns: The session identifier.


public long getLastAccessedTime()
Returns the last time this session was accessed.

Returns: The lest time this session was accessed.


public Certificate[] getLocalCertificates()
Returns the chain of certificates that the local side used in the handshake, or null if none were used.

Returns: The local certificate chain.


public Principal getLocalPrincipal()
Returns the {@link Principal} representing the local identity used in this session, or null if there is no local identity.

Returns: The local principal.


public int getPacketBufferSize()
Returns the size of the largest SSL message that will be generated by this session.

Callers of wrap and unwrap should use this value to determine the size of buffers for data coming into, or going out over, the network.

Since: 1.5

UNKNOWN: The maximum network packet size.


public X509Certificate[] getPeerCertificateChain()
Returns the chain of certificates that the remote side used in the handshake, or null if none were used.

Returns: The peer's certificate chain.

Throws: SSLPeerUnverifiedException If the identity of the peer has not been verified.


public Certificate[] getPeerCertificates()
Returns the chain of certificates that the remote side used in the handshake, or null if none were used.

Returns: The peer's certificate chain.

Throws: SSLPeerUnverifiedException If the identity of the peer has not been verified.


public String getPeerHost()
Returns the remote host's name.

Returns: The name of the remote host.


public int getPeerPort()
Returns the port number the remote peer is using for this session.

Returns: The peer's port number.

Since: 1.5


public Principal getPeerPrincipal()
Returns the {@link Principal} representing the identity of the remote peer, or null if the remote peer has no known identity.

Returns: The remote peer's principal.

Throws: SSLPeerUnverifiedException If the remote peer's identity could not be verified.

Since: 1.5


public String getProtocol()
Returns the protocol this session uses.

Returns: The protocol.


public SSLSessionContext getSessionContext()
Returns this session's session context object.

Returns: The session context.

Throws: SecurityException If the caller does not have the {@link SSLPermission} "getSessionContext".


public Object getValue(String name)
Returns the object bound to the given name.

Parameters: name The name of the value to get.

Returns: The object bound by that name, or null.


public String[] getValueNames()
Returns the names of all values bound to this session.

Returns: The list of bound names.


public void invalidate()
Invalidates this session, ensuring that it will not be continued by another socket.


public boolean isValid()
Tells if this session is currently valid, and may be resumed.

Returns: True if this session is valid.

Since: 1.5

See Also: invalidate


public void putValue(String name, Object value)
Binds a value to this session, with the given name.

Parameters: name The name to bind the object with. value The value to bind.


public void removeValue(String name)
Un-binds a value.

Parameters: name The name of the value to un-bind.