

public final class CODESET_INCOMPATIBLE extends SystemException implements Serializable

Raised when client and server are unable to reach any consensus on which code set should be used to represent the characters. This happens when neither server nor client can convert from the native code set of the corresponding side, there is no shared codeset from that both sides could convert and additionally the client and server native code sets are too different to communicate anyway without massive data loss.

Since: 1.5

Constructor Summary
Creates CODESET_INCOMPATIBLE with the default minor code of 0, completion state COMPLETED_NO and the given explaining message.
Creates CODESET_INCOMPATIBLE with the default minor code of 0 and a completion state COMPLETED_NO.
CODESET_INCOMPATIBLE(int minor, CompletionStatus completed)
Creates a CODESET_INCOMPATIBLE exception with the specified minor code and completion status.
CODESET_INCOMPATIBLE(String reason, int minor, CompletionStatus completed)
Created CODESET_INCOMPATIBLE exception, providing full information.

Constructor Detail


public CODESET_INCOMPATIBLE(String message)
Creates CODESET_INCOMPATIBLE with the default minor code of 0, completion state COMPLETED_NO and the given explaining message.

Parameters: message the explaining message.


Creates CODESET_INCOMPATIBLE with the default minor code of 0 and a completion state COMPLETED_NO.


public CODESET_INCOMPATIBLE(int minor, CompletionStatus completed)
Creates a CODESET_INCOMPATIBLE exception with the specified minor code and completion status.

Parameters: minor additional error code. completed the method completion status.


public CODESET_INCOMPATIBLE(String reason, int minor, CompletionStatus completed)
Created CODESET_INCOMPATIBLE exception, providing full information.

Parameters: reason explaining message. minor additional error code (the "minor"). completed the method completion status.