
Interface Codec

public interface Codec extends CodecOperations, IDLEntity, Object

Codec provides means to encode IDL data types into the byte arrays. Some parts of the CORBA message may contain such abstracted (encapsulated) byte arrays, holding arbitrary information. The encoding and decoding operations are defined separately in {@link CodecOperations}. The Codec for {@link ENCODING_CDR_ENCAPS} v 1.0 - 1.2 is required by OMG. Vendors can implement additional Codec's, driven by alternative algorithms.

The {@link ENCODING_CDR_ENCAPS} Codec, returned by the {@link CodecFactory}, is a local object. It is not possible to get its stringified reference, to send it over CDR streams or invoke the methods remotely.

Codec is obtained from {@link CodecFactory}. CodecFactory is returned by ORB.resolve_initial_references("CodecFactory").

UNKNOWN: The ENCODING_CDR_ENCAPS Codec is local in both Suns (at least till 1.4 inclusive) an this implementation.