
Interface POAManagerOperations

public interface POAManagerOperations

Defines the operations, applicable to the {@link POAManager}. These operations can turn the associated POAs to and from holding, active and discarding states, but the incative state is irreversible. The inactivated POAs can only be recreated after they were destroyed.
Method Summary
Turns the associated POAs into active state, allowing them to receive and process requests.
voiddeactivate(boolean etherealize_objects, boolean wait_for_completion)

Turns the asociated POAs into inactive state.

voiddiscard_requests(boolean wait_for_completion)

Turns the associated POAs into discaring state.

Get the state of the POA manager.
voidhold_requests(boolean wait_for_completion)
Turns the associated POAs into holding state.

Method Detail


public void activate()
Turns the associated POAs into active state, allowing them to receive and process requests.

Throws: AdapterInactive if the POAs are in the inactive state. If once inactivated, the POA cannot be activated again. This method can only be called to leave the holding or discarding state.


public void deactivate(boolean etherealize_objects, boolean wait_for_completion)

Turns the asociated POAs into inactive state. The POAs in the incative state will reject new requests. A cliet, trying to invoke an object, belonging to the inactivated POA, will receive the remote exception ({@link org.omg.CORBA.OBJ_ADAPTER}, minor code 0x535503ea, incomplete).

If the POA is once inactivated, it cannot be activated again. The operation is used when the associated POAs are to be shut down.

Some independent implementations may set the minor code of the OBJ_ADAPTER to 1, as recommended by OMG (formal/04-03-12). The interoperable systems should expect any of these two values.

Parameters: etherealize_objects if true, the servant managers of the associated POAs, having RETAIN and USE_SERVANT_MANAGER policies, will receive a call of {@link ServantActivatorOperations#etherealize}. wait_for_completion if true, the method call suspends the current thread till POAs complete the requests they are currently processing. If false, the method returns immediately.

Throws: AdapterInactive if the POAs are already in the inactive state.

See Also: POAOperations

UNKNOWN: The 0x535503ea is a Sun specific minor exception code 1002, used for interoperability reasons.


public void discard_requests(boolean wait_for_completion)

Turns the associated POAs into discaring state. In this state, the POAs discard the incoming requests. This mode is used in situations when the server is flooded with requests. The client receives remote exception ({@link org.omg.CORBA.TRANSIENT}, minor code 0x535503e9, incomplete).

Some independent implementations may set the minor code of the TRANSIENT to 1, as recommended by OMG (formal/04-03-12). The interoperable systems should expect any of these two values.

Parameters: wait_for_completion if true, the method call suspends the current thread till POAs complete the requests they are currently processing. If false, the method returns immediately.

Throws: AdapterInactive if the POAs are in the inactive state.

UNKNOWN: The 0x535503e9 is a Sun specific minor exception code 1001, used for interoperability reasons.


public State get_state()
Get the state of the POA manager.


public void hold_requests(boolean wait_for_completion)
Turns the associated POAs into holding state. In this state, the POAs queue incoming requests but do not process them.

Parameters: wait_for_completion if true, the method call suspends the current thread till POAs complete the requests they are currently processing. If false, the method returns immediately.

Throws: AdapterInactive if the POAs are in the inactive state.