
Class ServantLocatorPOA

public abstract class ServantLocatorPOA extends Servant implements ServantLocatorOperations, InvokeHandler

The ServantLocator stub is an optional base for the servant locators. It cannot serve remote invocations, as methods in {@link ServantLocatorOperations} take POA as one of parameters. Both JDK 1.5 API and OMG specifies that POA is a local object that must not be transferred to the remote invocation target.

You do not need to derive your servant locator from this stub, it is enough to implement the {@link ServantLocator} interface. But you may choose to do this if you need its functional {@link org.omg.PortableServer.ServantActivatorPOA.delegator#_ids()} method or want to keep default behaviour during pre- or post- invokcations.

Method Summary
String[]_all_interfaces(POA poa, byte[] Object_Id)
Returns an array of interfaces, supported by the servant locator.
OutputStream_invoke(String method, InputStream input, ResponseHandler handler)
Our implementation will not call this method.
Return the complete instance of the servant activator, based on the current class (ServantActivatorPOA or derived).
ServantLocator_this(ORB orb)
Return the complete instance of the servant activator, based on the current class (ServantActivatorPOA or derived).

Method Detail


public String[] _all_interfaces(POA poa, byte[] Object_Id)
Returns an array of interfaces, supported by the servant locator.


public OutputStream _invoke(String method, InputStream input, ResponseHandler handler)
Our implementation will not call this method. After setting your manager to POA, it will call incarnate and etherialize directly.


public ServantLocator _this()
Return the complete instance of the servant activator, based on the current class (ServantActivatorPOA or derived).


public ServantLocator _this(ORB orb)
Return the complete instance of the servant activator, based on the current class (ServantActivatorPOA or derived).