Package java.awt.dnd
Events and listeners for drag and drop sources and targets.
Autoscroll | During DnD operations it is possible that a user may wish to drop the
subject of the operation on a region of a scrollable GUI control that
is not currently visible to the user.
DragGestureListener | This is a listener for starting a drag-and-drop gesture. |
DragSourceListener | This class allows an object to listen for drag and drop events. |
DragSourceMotionListener | This is a listener for mouse motion in the drag source before the drop
event occurs. |
DropTargetListener | |
InvalidDnDOperationException | Thrown when a method in the java.awt.dnd package is unable to perform a
requested operation, usually because the underlying DnD system is in the
wrong state.
Events and listeners for drag and drop sources and targets.