Authenticator | This abstract class provides a model for obtaining authentication
information (in the form of a username and password) required by
some network operations (such as hitting a password protected
web site).
ContentHandler | This is an abstract class that is the superclass for classes that read
objects from URL's. |
DatagramPacket | This class models a packet of data that is to be sent across the network
using a connectionless protocol such as UDP. |
DatagramSocket | This class models a connectionless datagram socket that sends
individual packets of data across the network. |
DatagramSocketImpl | This abstract class models a datagram socket implementation. |
HttpURLConnection | This class provides a common abstract implementation for those
URL connection classes that will connect using the HTTP protocol.
Inet4Address | |
Inet6Address | |
InetAddress | This class models an Internet address. |
InetSocketAddress | InetSocketAddress instances represent socket addresses
in the java.nio package. |
JarURLConnection | This abstract class represents a common superclass for implementations
of jar URL's. |
MulticastSocket | This class models a multicast UDP socket. |
NetPermission | This class is used to model miscellaneous network permissions. |
NetworkInterface | This class models a network interface on the host computer. |
PasswordAuthentication | This class serves a container for username/password pairs.
Proxy | Defines a proxy setting. |
Proxy.Type | Represents the proxy type.
ProxySelector | Class for handling proxies for different connections.
ServerSocket | This class models server side sockets. |
Socket | This class models a client site socket. |
SocketAddress | Abstract base class for InetSocketAddress.
SocketImpl | This abstract class serves as the parent class for socket implementations.
SocketPermission | This class models a specific set of permssions for connecting to a
host. |
A URI instance represents that defined by
with some deviations.
URL | This final class represents an Internet Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
URLClassLoader | A secure class loader that can load classes and resources from
multiple locations. |
URLConnection | This class models a connection that retrieves the information pointed
to by a URL object. |
URLDecoder | This utility class contains static methods that converts a
string encoded in the x-www-form-urlencoded format to the original
text. |
URLEncoder | This utility class contains static methods that converts a
string into a fully encoded URL string in x-www-form-urlencoded
format. |
URLStreamHandler | This class is the superclass of all URL protocol handlers. |