Uses of Interface java.text.CharacterIterator

Uses in package java.text

Classes implementing java.text.CharacterIterator

This class iterates over a range of characters in a String.

Methods with parameter type java.text.CharacterIterator

This method returns an instance of CollationElementIterator for the String represented by the specified CharacterIterator.
This method sets the text to iterate over from the specified CharacterIterator.
This method sets the String that it is iterating over to the String represented by the specified CharacterIterator.

Methods with return type java.text.CharacterIterator

This method returns the text this object is iterating over as a CharacterIterator.

Uses in package java.awt

Methods with parameter type java.text.CharacterIterator

Font.canDisplayUpTo(CharacterIterator i, int start, int limit)
Checks how much of a given sequence of text can be mapped to glyphs in this font.
Maps characters to glyphs in a one-to-one relationship, returning a new GlyphVector with a mapped glyph for each input character.
FontMetrics.getLineMetrics(CharacterIterator ci, int begin, int limit, Graphics g)
Returns a LineMetrics object constructed with the specified text and the FontRenderContext of the Graphics object when it is an instance of Graphics2D or a generic FontRenderContext with a null transform, not anti-aliased and not using fractional metrics.
Font.getLineMetrics(CharacterIterator ci, int begin, int limit, FontRenderContext rc)
Returns a LineMetrics object constructed with the specified text and FontRenderContext.
FontMetrics.getStringBounds(CharacterIterator ci, int beginIndex, int limit, Graphics context)
Font.getStringBounds(CharacterIterator ci, int begin, int limit, FontRenderContext frc)
Returns the logical bounds of the specified string when rendered with this font in the specified FontRenderContext.

Uses in package javax.swing.text

Classes implementing java.text.CharacterIterator

A text fragment represented by a sequence of characters stored in an array.