Source for javax.naming.spi.DirectoryManager

   1: /* --
   2:    Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
   4: This file is part of GNU Classpath.
   6: GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   7: it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   8: the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
   9: any later version.
  11: GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
  12: WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  14: General Public License for more details.
  16: You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  17: along with GNU Classpath; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
  18: Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
  19: 02110-1301 USA.
  21: Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is
  22: making a combined work based on this library.  Thus, the terms and
  23: conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole
  24: combination.
  26: As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
  27: permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
  28: executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent
  29: modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under
  30: terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked
  31: independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that
  32: module.  An independent module is a module which is not derived from
  33: or based on this library.  If you modify this library, you may extend
  34: this exception to your version of the library, but you are not
  35: obligated to do so.  If you do not wish to do so, delete this
  36: exception statement from your version. */
  39: package javax.naming.spi;
  41: import java.util.Enumeration;
  42: import java.util.Hashtable;
  43: import java.util.StringTokenizer;
  45: import javax.naming.CannotProceedException;
  46: import javax.naming.Context;
  47: import javax.naming.Name;
  48: import javax.naming.NamingException;
  49: import javax.naming.RefAddr;
  50: import javax.naming.Reference;
  51: import javax.naming.Referenceable;
  52: import javax.naming.StringRefAddr;
  53: import;
  54: import;
  56: /**
  57:  * @author Tom Tromey (
  58:  * @date June 25, 2001
  59:  */
  60: public class DirectoryManager extends NamingManager
  61: {
  62:   // Can't instantiate this class.
  63:   DirectoryManager ()
  64:   {
  65:   }
  67:   public static DirContext getContinuationDirContext (CannotProceedException c)
  68:     throws NamingException
  69:   {
  70:     return (DirContext) getContinuationContext (c);
  71:   }
  73:   // Try to create an object using the factory.  Return null on
  74:   // failure.
  75:   private static Object tryCreateObject (ObjectFactory factory,
  76:                      Object refInfo,
  77:                      Name name,
  78:                      Context nameCtx,
  79:                      Hashtable environment,
  80:                      Attributes attrs)
  81:     throws Exception
  82:   {
  83:     if (factory instanceof DirObjectFactory)
  84:       {
  85:     DirObjectFactory dof = (DirObjectFactory) factory;
  86:     return dof.getObjectInstance (refInfo, name, nameCtx,
  87:                       environment, attrs);
  88:       }
  89:     else
  90:       return factory.getObjectInstance (refInfo, name, nameCtx,
  91:                     environment);
  92:   }
  94:   public static Object getObjectInstance (Object refInfo, Name name,
  95:                       Context nameCtx,
  96:                       Hashtable<?, ?> environment,
  97:                       Attributes attrs)
  98:     throws Exception
  99:   {
 100:     ObjectFactory factory = null;
 102:     if (ofb != null)
 103:       factory = ofb.createObjectFactory (refInfo, environment);
 104:     else
 105:       {
 106:     // First see if we have a Reference or a Referenceable.  If so
 107:     // we do some special processing.
 108:     Object ref2 = refInfo;
 109:     if (refInfo instanceof Referenceable)
 110:       ref2 = ((Referenceable) refInfo).getReference ();
 111:     if (ref2 instanceof Reference)
 112:       {
 113:         Reference ref = (Reference) ref2;
 115:         // If we have a factory class name then we use that.
 116:         String fClass = ref.getFactoryClassName ();
 117:         if (fClass != null)
 118:           {
 119:         // Exceptions here are passed to the caller.
 120:         Class k = Class.forName (fClass);
 121:         factory = (ObjectFactory) k.newInstance ();
 122:           }
 123:         else
 124:           {
 125:         // There's no factory class name.  If the address is a
 126:         // StringRefAddr with address type `URL', then we try
 127:         // the URL's context factory.
 128:         Enumeration e = ref.getAll ();
 129:         while (e.hasMoreElements ())
 130:           {
 131:             RefAddr ra = (RefAddr) e.nextElement ();
 132:             if (ra instanceof StringRefAddr
 133:             && "URL".equals (ra.getType ()))
 134:               {
 135:             factory
 136:               = (ObjectFactory) getURLContext (refInfo,
 137:                                name,
 138:                                nameCtx,
 139:                                (String) ra.getContent (),
 140:                                environment);
 141:             Object obj = tryCreateObject (factory,
 142:                               refInfo,
 143:                               name,
 144:                               nameCtx,
 145:                               environment,
 146:                               attrs);
 147:             if (obj != null)
 148:               return obj;
 149:               }
 150:           }
 152:         // Have to try the next step.
 153:         factory = null;
 154:           }
 155:       }
 157:     // Now look at OBJECT_FACTORIES to find the factory.
 158:     if (factory == null)
 159:       {
 160:         StringTokenizer tokens = getPlusPath (Context.OBJECT_FACTORIES,
 161:                           environment, nameCtx);
 163:         while (tokens.hasMoreTokens ())
 164:           {
 165:         String klassName = tokens.nextToken ();
 166:         Class k = Class.forName (klassName);
 167:         factory = (ObjectFactory) k.newInstance ();
 168:         Object obj = tryCreateObject (factory, refInfo, name,
 169:                           nameCtx, environment, attrs);
 170:         if (obj != null)
 171:           return obj;
 172:           }
 174:         // Failure.
 175:         return refInfo;
 176:       }
 177:       }
 179:     if (factory == null)
 180:       return refInfo;
 181:     Object obj = tryCreateObject (factory, refInfo, name,
 182:                   nameCtx, environment, attrs);
 183:     return obj == null ? refInfo : obj;
 184:   }
 186:   public static DirStateFactory.Result getStateToBind (Object obj,
 187:                                Name name,
 188:                                Context nameCtx,
 189:                                Hashtable<?, ?> environment,
 190:                                Attributes attrs)
 191:     throws NamingException
 192:   {
 193:     StringTokenizer tokens = getPlusPath (Context.STATE_FACTORIES,
 194:                       environment, nameCtx);
 195:     while (tokens.hasMoreTokens ())
 196:       {
 197:     String klassName = tokens.nextToken ();
 198:     try
 199:       {
 200:         Class k = Class.forName (klassName);
 201:         StateFactory factory = (StateFactory) k.newInstance ();
 203:         DirStateFactory.Result result = null;
 204:         if (factory instanceof DirStateFactory)
 205:           {
 206:         DirStateFactory dsf = (DirStateFactory) factory;
 207:         result = dsf.getStateToBind (obj, name, nameCtx, environment,
 208:                          attrs);
 209:           }
 210:         else
 211:           {
 212:         Object o = factory.getStateToBind (obj, name, nameCtx,
 213:                            environment);
 214:         if (o != null)
 215:           result = new DirStateFactory.Result (o, attrs);
 216:           }
 217:         if (result != null)
 218:           return result;
 219:       }
 220:     catch (ClassNotFoundException _1)
 221:       {
 222:         // Ignore it.
 223:       }
 224:     catch (ClassCastException _2)
 225:       {
 226:         // This means that the class we found was not an
 227:         // ObjectFactory or that the factory returned something
 228:         // which was not a Context.
 229:       }
 230:     catch (InstantiationException _3)
 231:       {
 232:         // If we couldn't instantiate the factory we might get
 233:         // this.
 234:       }
 235:     catch (IllegalAccessException _4)
 236:       {
 237:         // Another possibility when instantiating.
 238:       }
 239:       }
 241:     return new DirStateFactory.Result (obj, attrs);
 242:   }
 243: }