Alphabetical Index: U

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U - static field in class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Tag
The <u> tag
UGARITIC - static field in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
ui - field in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuUI.ChangeHandler
Not used.
ui - field in class javax.swing.JComponent
The user interface delegate for this component.
UID - class java.rmi.server.UID
Represents the unique identifier over time for the host which has generated it.
UID() - constructor for class java.rmi.server.UID
Create the new UID that would have the described features of the uniqueness.
UID(short) - constructor for class java.rmi.server.UID
Create the new UID with the well known id (number).
UIDefaults - class javax.swing.UIDefaults
UIDefaults is a database where all settings and interface bindings are stored into.
UIDefaults() - constructor for class javax.swing.UIDefaults
Constructs a new empty UIDefaults instance.
UIDefaults(java.lang.Object[]) - constructor for class javax.swing.UIDefaults
Constructs a new UIDefaults instance and loads the specified entries.
UIEvent - interface
The UIEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with User Interface events.
UIManager - class javax.swing.UIManager
Manages the current LookAndFeel and any auxiliary LookAndFeel instances.
UIManager() - constructor for class javax.swing.UIManager
Creates a new instance of the UIManager.
A subclass of BasicComboBoxEditor that implements the BasicComboBoxEditor.UIResource interface.
A subclass of BasicComboBoxRenderer that implements the UIResource interface.
Subclasses DefaultListCellRenderers and implements UIResource.
UIResource - interface javax.swing.plaf.UIResource
This public interface is used to designate which objects were created by ComponentUI delegates.
A subclass of MetalComboBoxEditor that implements the UIResource interface.
UIResource() - constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboBoxEditor.UIResource
Creates a new BasicComboBoxEditor.UIResource instance.
UIResource() - constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboBoxRenderer.UIResource
Creates a new UIResource object.
UIResource() - constructor for class javax.swing.DefaultListCellRenderer.UIResource
Creates a new JComponent instance.
UIResource() - constructor for class javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer.UIResource
Creates a new vertically centered, horizontally on the leading edge JLabel object with text and no icon.
UIResource() - constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalComboBoxEditor.UIResource
Creates a new instance.
UIResource() - constructor for class javax.swing.ScrollPaneLayout.UIResource
The basic constructor.
uis - field in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiButtonUI
A list of references to the actual component UIs.
uis - field in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiColorChooserUI
A list of references to the actual component UIs.
uis - field in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiComboBoxUI
A list of references to the actual component UIs.
uis - field in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiDesktopIconUI
A list of references to the actual component UIs.
uis - field in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiDesktopPaneUI
A list of references to the actual component UIs.
uis - field in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiFileChooserUI
A list of references to the actual component UIs.
uis - field in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiInternalFrameUI
A list of references to the actual component UIs.
uis - field in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiLabelUI
A list of references to the actual component UIs.
uis - field in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiListUI
A list of references to the actual component UIs.
uis - field in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiMenuBarUI
A list of references to the actual component UIs.
uis - field in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiMenuItemUI
A list of references to the actual component UIs.
uis - field in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiOptionPaneUI
A list of references to the actual component UIs.
uis - field in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiPanelUI
A list of references to the actual component UIs.
uis - field in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiPopupMenuUI
A list of references to the actual component UIs.
uis - field in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiProgressBarUI
A list of references to the actual component UIs.
uis - field in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiRootPaneUI
A list of references to the actual component UIs.
uis - field in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiScrollBarUI
A list of references to the actual component UIs.
uis - field in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiScrollPaneUI
A list of references to the actual component UIs.
uis - field in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiSeparatorUI
A list of references to the actual component UIs.
uis - field in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiSliderUI
A list of references to the actual component UIs.
uis - field in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiSpinnerUI
A list of references to the actual component UIs.
uis - field in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiSplitPaneUI
A list of references to the actual component UIs.
uis - field in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiTabbedPaneUI
A list of references to the actual component UIs.
uis - field in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiTableHeaderUI
A list of references to the actual component UIs.
uis - field in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiTableUI
A list of references to the actual component UIs.
uis - field in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiTextUI
A list of references to the actual component UIs.
uis - field in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiToolBarUI
A list of references to the actual component UIs.
uis - field in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiToolTipUI
A list of references to the actual component UIs.
uis - field in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiTreeUI
A list of references to the actual component UIs.
uis - field in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiViewportUI
A list of references to the actual component UIs.
uisToArray(java.util.Vector) - static method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiLookAndFeel
Returns an array containing the same ComponentUI instances as uis.
UK - static field in class java.util.Locale
Locale which represents the United Kingdom.
UL - static field in class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Tag
The <ul> tag , breaks flow, block tag.
ULAW - static field in class javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat.Encoding
The ULAW encoding.
Provides static helper methods for working with CORBA sequence of long (ULongLongSeq).
A sequence holder for CORBA ULongLongSeq that is mapped into java long[].
ULongLongSeqHolder() - constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.ULongLongSeqHolder
Constructs an instance of ULongLongSeqHolder, initializing value to null.
ULongLongSeqHolder(long[]) - constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.ULongLongSeqHolder
Constructs an instance of ULongLongSeqHolder, initializing value to the given long[].
ULongSeqHelper - class org.omg.CORBA.ULongSeqHelper
Provides static helper methods for working with CORBA sequence of int (ULongSeq).
ULongSeqHolder - class org.omg.CORBA.ULongSeqHolder
A sequence holder for CORBA ULongSeq that is mapped into java int[].
ULongSeqHolder() - constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.ULongSeqHolder
Constructs an instance of ULongSeqHolder, initializing value to null.
ULongSeqHolder(int[]) - constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.ULongSeqHolder
Constructs an instance of ULongSeqHolder, initializing value to the given int[].
ulp() - method in class java.math.BigDecimal
Returns the size of a unit in the last place of this BigDecimal.
ulp(double) - static method in class java.lang.Math
Return the ulp for the given double argument.
ulp(double) - static method in class java.lang.StrictMath
Return the ulp for the given double argument.
ulp(float) - static method in class java.lang.Math
Return the ulp for the given float argument.
ulp(float) - static method in class java.lang.StrictMath
Return the ulp for the given float argument.
UNASSIGNED - static field in class java.lang.Character
Cn = Other, Not Assigned (Normative).
UNAUTHORIZED - static field in class org.ietf.jgss.GSSException
Operation unauthorized error.
UNAVAILABLE - static field in class org.ietf.jgss.GSSException
Operation unavailable error.
unbind(java.lang.String) - method in class javax.naming.Context
Removes the name - object mapping from the current context.
unbind(java.lang.String) - method in class javax.naming.InitialContext
unbind(java.lang.String) - static method in class java.rmi.Naming
Remove a binding for a given service name.
unbind(java.lang.String) - method in class java.rmi.registry.Registry
unbind(javax.naming.Name) - method in class javax.naming.Context
Removes the name - object mapping from the current context.
unbind(javax.naming.Name) - method in class javax.naming.InitialContext
unbind(org.omg.CosNaming.NameComponent[]) - method in class org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContext
Removes the name from the binding context.
Removes the name from the binding context.
Invoked by the virtual machine with the dying thread and the uncaught exception.
When a Thread in this ThreadGroup does not catch an exception, the virtual machine calls this method.
This interface is used to handle uncaught exceptions which cause a Thread to terminate.
unchecked_narrow(org.omg.CORBA.Object) - static method in class org.omg.CosNaming.BindingIteratorHelper
Narrow the given object to the BindingIterator.
unchecked_narrow(org.omg.CORBA.Object) - static method in class org.omg.IOP.CodecFactoryHelper
Narrow the given object to the CodecFactory.
unchecked_narrow(org.omg.CORBA.Object) - static method in class org.omg.PortableInterceptor.CurrentHelper
Narrow the given object to the Current.
unchecked_narrow(org.omg.CORBA.Object) - static method in class org.omg.DynamicAny.DynAnyFactoryHelper
Narrow the given object to the DynAnyFactory.
unchecked_narrow(org.omg.CORBA.Object) - static method in class org.omg.DynamicAny.DynAnyHelper
Narrow the given object to the DynAny.
unchecked_narrow(org.omg.CORBA.Object) - static method in class org.omg.DynamicAny.DynArrayHelper
Narrow the given object to the DynArray.
unchecked_narrow(org.omg.CORBA.Object) - static method in class org.omg.DynamicAny.DynEnumHelper
Narrow the given object to the DynEnum.
unchecked_narrow(org.omg.CORBA.Object) - static method in class org.omg.DynamicAny.DynFixedHelper
Narrow the given object to the DynFixed.
unchecked_narrow(org.omg.CORBA.Object) - static method in class org.omg.DynamicAny.DynSequenceHelper
Narrow the given object to the DynSequence.
unchecked_narrow(org.omg.CORBA.Object) - static method in class org.omg.DynamicAny.DynStructHelper
Narrow the given object to the DynStruct.
unchecked_narrow(org.omg.CORBA.Object) - static method in class org.omg.DynamicAny.DynUnionHelper
Narrow the given object to the DynUnion.
unchecked_narrow(org.omg.CORBA.Object) - static method in class org.omg.DynamicAny.DynValueHelper
Narrow the given object to the DynValue.
unchecked_narrow(org.omg.CORBA.Object) - static method in class org.omg.PortableInterceptor.IORInterceptor_3_0Helper
Narrow the passed object into the IORInterceptor_3_0.
unchecked_narrow(org.omg.CORBA.Object) - static method in class org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextExtHelper
Narrow the given object to the NamingContextExt.
unchecked_narrow(org.omg.CORBA.Object) - static method in class org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextHelper
Narrow the given object to the NamingContext.
unchecked_narrow(org.omg.CORBA.Object) - static method in class org.omg.PortableServer.ServantActivatorHelper
Narrow the given object to the ServantActivator.
unchecked_narrow(org.omg.CORBA.Object) - static method in class org.omg.PortableServer.ServantLocatorHelper
Narrow the given object to the ServantLocator.
UNCOLLATED - static field in class javax.print.attribute.standard.SheetCollate
The sheets of the different copies are uncollated.
unconfigureArrowButton() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboBoxUI
Unconfigures the arrow button.
unconfigureEditor() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboBoxUI
Unconfigures the editor for this combo box.
unconfigureEditor() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalComboBoxUI
Unconfigures the editor for this combo box.
unconfigureEnclosingScrollPane() - method in class javax.swing.JTable
UNDECIMBER - static field in class java.util.Calendar
Constant representing Undecimber.
This exception class is thrown by a Proxy instance if the invoke method of that instance's InvocationHandler attempts to throw an exception that not declared by the throws clauses of all of the interface methods that the proxy instance is implementing.
Wraps the given checked exception into a RuntimeException, with no detail message.
Wraps the given checked exception into a RuntimeException, with the specified detail message.
UNDEFINED - static field in class java.awt.BufferCapabilities.FlipContents
The contents of the back buffer are undefined after flipping.
UNDEFINED_CONDITION - static field in class javax.swing.JComponent
Constant used to indicate that no condition has been assigned to a particular action.
UndefinedProperty - static field in class java.awt.Image
This variable is returned whenever a property that is not defined is requested.
UNDERFLOW - static field in class java.nio.charset.CoderResult
Underline - static field in class javax.swing.text.StyleConstants
Underline - static field in class javax.swing.text.StyleConstants.CharacterConstants
A key for the underline character attribute.
UNDERLINE - static field in class java.awt.font.TextAttribute
A key for the UNDERLINE attribute.
UNDERLINE_LOW_DASHED - static field in class java.awt.font.TextAttribute
A value that can be used with the UNDERLINE attribute.
UNDERLINE_LOW_DOTTED - static field in class java.awt.font.TextAttribute
A value that can be used with the UNDERLINE attribute.
UNDERLINE_LOW_GRAY - static field in class java.awt.font.TextAttribute
A value that can be used with the UNDERLINE attribute.
UNDERLINE_LOW_ONE_PIXEL - static field in class java.awt.font.TextAttribute
A value that can be used with the UNDERLINE attribute.
UNDERLINE_LOW_TWO_PIXEL - static field in class java.awt.font.TextAttribute
A value that can be used with the UNDERLINE attribute.
UNDERLINE_ON - static field in class java.awt.font.TextAttribute
A value that can be used with the UNDERLINE attribute.
Toggles the underline attribute for the selected text.
UnderlineAction() - constructor for class javax.swing.text.StyledEditorKit.UnderlineAction
Creates an instance of UnderlineAction.
undo() - method in class javax.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit
Undoes this editing action.
undo() - method in class javax.swing.undo.CompoundEdit
Undoes all edits that are part of of this CompoundEdit.
undo() - method in class javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument.AttributeUndoableEdit
Undos the attribute change.
undo() - method in class javax.swing.undo.StateEdit
Undoes this edit operation.
undo() - method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit
Undoes this editing action.
undo() - method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
Undoes one significant edit action.
UndoableEdit - interface javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit
An editing operation that supports undo/redoability.
UndoableEditEvent - class javax.swing.event.UndoableEditEvent
Constructor UndoableEditEvent
Undoable edit has happened
Registers the edit action of an UndoableEditEvent with this UndoManager.
UndoableEditListener - interface javax.swing.event.UndoableEditListener
UndoableEditListener public interface
UndoableEditSupport - class javax.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport
A helper class for supporting UndoableEditListener.
UndoableEditSupport() - constructor for class javax.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport
Constructs a new helper for broadcasting UndoableEditEvents.
UndoableEditSupport(java.lang.Object) - constructor for class javax.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport
Constructs a new helper for broadcasting UndoableEditEvents.
UndoManager - class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
A manager for providing an application’s undo/redo functionality.
UndoManager() - constructor for class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
Constructs an UndoManager.
UndoName - static field in class javax.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit
The constant string “Undo”, which was returned by getUndoPresentationName() on early versions of the platform.
undoOrRedo() - method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
Undoes or redoes the last action.
undoRedoName - field in class javax.swing.undo.StateEdit
A human-readable name for this edit action.
undoTo(javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit) - method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
Undoes all editing actions in reverse order of addition, up to the specified action,
Thrown if an unexpected checked exception was received in a remote procedure call.
Create an exception with a message.
Create an exception with a message and a cause.
unexportObject(java.rmi.Remote) - static method in class javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject
Deregister a currently exported server object from the ORB runtimes.
Deregister a currently exported server object from the ORB runtimes.
unexportObject(java.rmi.Remote) - static method in class javax.rmi.CORBA.Util
Deactivate the associated Tie, if it is found and is not connected to other registered targets.
unexportObject(java.rmi.Remote) - method in class javax.rmi.CORBA.UtilDelegate
Deactivate the associated Tie, if it is found and is not connected to other registered targets.
unexportObject(java.rmi.Remote,boolean) - static method in class java.rmi.activation.Activatable
Make the remote object unavailable for incoming calls.
unexportObject(java.rmi.Remote,boolean) - static method in class java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject
This class obtains stub that communicates with the remote object.
UnicastRemoteObject() - constructor for class java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject
Create and export new remote object without specifying the port value.
UnicastRemoteObject(int) - constructor for class java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject
Create and export the new remote object, making it available at the given port, local host.
Create and export the new remote object, making it available at the given port, using sockets, produced by the specified factories.
Does nothing, delegates to super(ref).
UNICODE_CASE - static field in class java.util.regex.Pattern
A family of character subsets in the Unicode specification.
UnicodeBlockSURROGATES_AREA - static field in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Surrogates Area.
Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics.
uninitialize() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicLookAndFeel
Uninitializes the Look and Feel.
uninitialize() - method in class javax.swing.LookAndFeel
UIManager.setLookAndFeel calls this method just before we're replaced by a new default look and feel.
uninitialize() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel
Uninitializes the look and feel.
UNINITIALIZED - static field in class
Possible state value which signifies that this instance has not yet been initialized.
UNINITIALIZED_VALUE - static field in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
The value returned when the inputValue is uninitialized.
Clears the state installed on the JFormattedTextField by the formatter.
uninstallBorder(javax.swing.JComponent) - static method in class javax.swing.LookAndFeel
Convenience method for un-installing a component's default border on the specified component if the border is currently an instance of UIResource.
This method removes the chooser panel from the given JColorChooser and does any necessary clean up for the chooser panel.
This method uninstalls listeners that were listening to changes occuring in the comb box's data model
uninstallComponents() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboBoxUI
Uninstalls components from this JComboBox.
uninstallComponents() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicDesktopIconUI
This method uninstalls the sub components for the JDesktopIcon.
uninstallComponents() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI
This method uninstalls the Components for the JInternalFrame.
uninstallComponents() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicOptionPaneUI
This method uninstalls all the components in the JOptionPane.
uninstallComponents() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI
This method uninstalls any components that are a part of or related to this scrollbar.
uninstallComponents() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI
This method uninstalls components for this JTabbedPane.
uninstallComponents() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicToolBarUI
This method uninstall UI installed components from the JToolBar.
uninstallComponents() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Uninstall the rendererPane.
uninstallComponents(javax.swing.JFileChooser) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicFileChooserUI
Uninstalls the components from the file chooser.
uninstallComponents(javax.swing.JFileChooser) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalFileChooserUI
Uninstalls the components added by installComponents(JFileChooser).
uninstallComponents(javax.swing.JLabel) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicLabelUI
This method uninstalls the components for this JLabel.
uninstallComponents(javax.swing.JMenuItem) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI
This method uninstalls the components for this JMenuItem.
uninstallComponents(javax.swing.JRootPane) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicRootPaneUI
Uninstalls look and feel components from the root pane.
uninstallDefaultChoosers() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicColorChooserUI
Uninstalls the default color choosers that have been installed by this UI.
uninstallDefaults() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicColorChooserUI
This method uninstalls the default properties given by the Basic Look and Feel.
uninstallDefaults() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboBoxUI
Uninstalls the defaults and sets any objects created during install to null.
uninstallDefaults() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicDesktopIconUI
This method uninstalls the defaults for the JDesktopIcon.
uninstallDefaults() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicDesktopPaneUI
This method reverses the work done by the installDefaults method.
uninstallDefaults() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
This method uninstalls the defaults.
uninstallDefaults() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI
This method uninstalls the defaults for the JInternalFrame.
uninstallDefaults() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicListUI
Resets to null those defaults which were installed in installDefaults()
uninstallDefaults() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuBarUI
This method uninstalls the defaults and nulls any objects created during install.
uninstallDefaults() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI
This method uninstalls the defaults and sets any objects created during install to null
uninstallDefaults() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuUI
This method uninstalls the defaults and sets any objects created during install to null
uninstallDefaults() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicOptionPaneUI
This method uninstalls the defaults for the JOptionPane.
uninstallDefaults() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicPopupMenuUI
This method uninstalls the defaults and sets any objects created during install to null
uninstallDefaults() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicProgressBarUI
The method uninstalls any defaults that were set by the current Look and Feel.
uninstallDefaults() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI
This method uninstalls any defaults that this scrollbar acquired from the Basic Look and Feel defaults.
uninstallDefaults() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSpinnerUI
The reverse of installDefaults.
uninstallDefaults() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI
This method uninstalls the defaults and nulls any objects created during install.
uninstallDefaults() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI
This method uninstalls defaults for the Look and Feel.
uninstallDefaults() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTableHeaderUI
uninstallDefaults() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTableUI
Uninstalls UI defaults that have been installed by installDefaults().
uninstallDefaults() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI
Uninstalls all default properties that have previously been installed by this UI.
uninstallDefaults() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicToolBarUI
This method removes the defaults installed by the Look and Feel.
uninstallDefaults() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Uninstall the defaults for the tree
uninstallDefaults() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalInternalFrameTitlePane
Clears the colors used for the title pane.
uninstallDefaults(javax.swing.AbstractButton) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonUI
Removes the defaults added by installDefaults(AbstractButton).
uninstallDefaults(javax.swing.AbstractButton) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalButtonUI
Removes the defaults added by installDefaults(AbstractButton).
uninstallDefaults(javax.swing.AbstractButton) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalRadioButtonUI
Clears any defaults set in the installDefaults() method.
uninstallDefaults(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicToolTipUI
This method uninstalls the defaults for the given JComponent.
uninstallDefaults(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicViewportUI
uninstallDefaults(javax.swing.JFileChooser) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicFileChooserUI
Uninstalls the defaults previously added by this UI delegate.
uninstallDefaults(javax.swing.JLabel) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicLabelUI
This method uninstalls the defaults that are defined in the Basic look and feel for this JLabel.
uninstallDefaults(javax.swing.JPanel) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicPanelUI
Uninstalls the UI defaults for the specified panel.
uninstallDefaults(javax.swing.JRootPane) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicRootPaneUI
Uninstalls the look and feel defaults that have been installed in installDefaults(JRootPane).
uninstallDefaults(javax.swing.JScrollPane) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollPaneUI
uninstallDefaults(javax.swing.JSeparator) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSeparatorUI
This method removes the defaults that were given by the Basic Look and Feel.
uninstallDesktopManager() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicDesktopPaneUI
This method reverses the work done by the installDesktopManager method.
uninstallIcons(javax.swing.JFileChooser) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicFileChooserUI
Uninstalls the icons previously added by this UI delegate.
uninstallingUI() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboPopup
This method uninstalls the UI for the given JComponent.
uninstallingUI() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.ComboPopup
uninstallKeyboardActions() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboBoxUI
Uninstalls the keyboard actions for the JComboBox there were installed by in installListeners().
uninstallKeyboardActions() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboPopup
This method uninstalls keyboard actions installed by the UI.
uninstallKeyboardActions() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicDesktopPaneUI
This method reverses the work done by the installKeyboardActions method.
uninstallKeyboardActions() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI
This method uninstalls the keyboard actions for the JInternalFrame.
uninstallKeyboardActions() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicListUI
Uninstalls keyboard actions for this UI in the JList.
uninstallKeyboardActions() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuBarUI
This method reverses the work done in installKeyboardActions.
uninstallKeyboardActions() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI
Uninstalls any keyboard actions.
uninstallKeyboardActions() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuUI
Uninstalls any keyboard actions.
uninstallKeyboardActions() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicOptionPaneUI
This method uninstalls keyboard actions for the JOptionPane.
uninstallKeyboardActions() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicPopupMenuUI
Uninstalls any keyboard actions.
uninstallKeyboardActions() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI
Uninstalls the input map and action map installed by installKeyboardActions().
uninstallKeyboardActions() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI
This method reverses the work done in installKeyboardActions.
uninstallKeyboardActions() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI
This method uninstalls keyboard actions for the JTabbedPane.
uninstallKeyboardActions() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTableHeaderUI
uninstallKeyboardActions() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTableUI
Uninstalls the keyboard actions that have been installed by installKeyboardActions().
uninstallKeyboardActions() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI
Uninstalls all keyboard actions that have previously been installed by this UI.
uninstallKeyboardActions() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicToolBarUI
This method uninstalls keyboard actions installed by the UI.
uninstallKeyboardActions() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Uninstall all keyboard actions.
uninstallKeyboardActions(javax.swing.JLabel) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicLabelUI
This method uninstalls the keyboard actions for the given JLabel.
uninstallKeyboardActions(javax.swing.JRootPane) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicRootPaneUI
Uninstalls look and feel keyboard actions from the root pane.
Uninstalls all keyboard actions from the JScrollPane that have been installed by installKeyboardActions(JScrollPane).
uninstallKeyboardActions(javax.swing.JSlider) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSliderUI
Uninstalls any keyboard actions.
uninstallListeners() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicColorChooserUI
This method uninstalls any listeners that were previously installed by the UI.
uninstallListeners() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboBoxUI
Detaches all the listeners we attached in installListeners().
uninstallListeners() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicDesktopIconUI
This method uninstalls the listeners needed by the UI.
uninstallListeners() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
This method is used to uninstall the listeners.
uninstallListeners() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI
This method uninstalls the listeners for the JInternalFrame.
uninstallListeners() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicListUI
Detaches all the listeners we attached in installListeners().
uninstallListeners() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuBarUI
Unregisters all the listeners that this UI delegate was using.
uninstallListeners() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI
Unregisters all the listeners that this UI delegate was using.
uninstallListeners() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuUI
Unregisters all the listeners that this UI delegate was using.
uninstallListeners() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicOptionPaneUI
This method uninstalls listeners for the JOptionPane.
uninstallListeners() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicPopupMenuUI
Unregisters all the listeners that this UI delegate was using.
uninstallListeners() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicProgressBarUI
This method unregisters listeners to all the components that were listened to.
uninstallListeners() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI
This method uninstalls any listeners that were registered during install.
uninstallListeners() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSpinnerUI
The reverse of installListeners, called by uninstallUI
uninstallListeners() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI
This method uninstalls all listeners registered for the UI.
uninstallListeners() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI
This method removes and nulls the listeners for this UI.
uninstallListeners() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTableHeaderUI
Remove the previously installed listeners.
uninstallListeners() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTableUI
uninstallListeners() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI
Uninstalls all listeners that have previously been installed by this UI.
uninstallListeners() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicToolBarUI
This method uninstalls listeners installed by the UI.
uninstallListeners() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Uninstall all registered listeners
uninstallListeners() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalInternalFrameUI
Removes the listeners used.
uninstallListeners(javax.swing.AbstractButton) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonUI
Uninstalls listeners for the button.
uninstallListeners(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollPaneUI
Uninstalls all the listeners that have been installed in installListeners(JScrollPane).
uninstallListeners(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicToolTipUI
This method uninstalls listeners for the given JComponent.
uninstallListeners(javax.swing.JFileChooser) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicFileChooserUI
Uninstalls the listeners previously installed by this UI delegate.
uninstallListeners(javax.swing.JFileChooser) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalFileChooserUI
uninstallListeners(javax.swing.JLabel) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicLabelUI
This method uninstalls the listeners for the given JLabel.
uninstallListeners(javax.swing.JRootPane) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicRootPaneUI
Uninstalls any look and feel specific listeners from the root pane.
uninstallListeners(javax.swing.JScrollPane) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalScrollPaneUI
Uninstalls listeners on scrollPane
uninstallListeners(javax.swing.JSeparator) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSeparatorUI
This method uninstalls any listeners that were installed during the install UI process.
uninstallListeners(javax.swing.JSlider) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSliderUI
Unregisters all the listeners that this UI delegate was using.
uninstallStrings(javax.swing.JFileChooser) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicFileChooserUI
Uninstalls the strings previously added by this UI delegate.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonUI
Uninstalls the UI from the component.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicColorChooserUI
This method uninstalls this UI for the given JComponent.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboBoxUI
Uninstalls the UI for the given JComponent.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicDesktopIconUI
This method uninstalls the UI for the given JComponent.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicDesktopPaneUI
This method uninstalls the UI for the given JComponent.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicFileChooserUI
Uninstalls this UI from the given component.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI
This method reverses the work done by installUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicLabelUI
This method uninstalls the UI for the given JComponent.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicListUI
Uninstalls all the aspects of the UI which were installed in installUI(JComponent).
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuBarUI
Performs the opposite of installUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI
Performs the opposite of installUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicOptionPaneUI
This method uninstalls the UI for the given JComponent.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicPanelUI
Uninstalls this UI delegate from the specified component.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicPopupMenuUI
Performs the opposite of installUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicProgressBarUI
This method removes the UI for the given JComponent.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicRootPaneUI
Uninstalls this UI from the root pane.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI
This method uninstalls the UI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollPaneUI
Puts the specified component into the state it had before ComponentUI.installUI(JComponent) was called.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSeparatorUI
Uninstalls the UI for the given JComponent.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSliderUI
Performs the opposite of installUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSpinnerUI
Called when the current L&F is replaced with another one, should call uninstallDefaults and uninstallListeners as well as remove the next/previous buttons and the editor
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI
This method uninstalls the BasicSplitPaneUI for the given JComponent.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI
This method uninstalls the UI for the given JComponent.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTableHeaderUI
Puts the specified component into the state it had before ComponentUI.installUI(JComponent) was called.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTableUI
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI
Uninstalls this TextUI from the text component.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicToolBarUI
This method uninstalls the UI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicToolTipUI
This method uninstalls the UI for the given JComponent.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Uninstall the UI for the component
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicViewportUI
Puts the specified component into the state it had before ComponentUI.installUI(JComponent) was called.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI
Puts the specified component into the state it had before installUI(JComponent) was called.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalFileChooserUI
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalRootPaneUI
Uninstalls the UI from the root pane.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalScrollPaneUI
Reverses configuration which was done on the specified component during installUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalToolBarUI
Uninstalls the UI from the toolbar.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalToolTipUI
Clears the defaults set in installUI(JComponent).
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalTreeUI
Reverses configuration which was done on the specified component during installUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiButtonUI
Calls the ComponentUI.uninstallUI(JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiButtonUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiColorChooserUI
Calls the ComponentUI.uninstallUI(JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiColorChooserUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiComboBoxUI
Calls the ComponentUI.uninstallUI(JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiComboBoxUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiDesktopIconUI
Calls the ComponentUI.uninstallUI(JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiDesktopIconUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiDesktopPaneUI
Calls the ComponentUI.uninstallUI(JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiDesktopPaneUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiFileChooserUI
Calls the ComponentUI.uninstallUI(JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiFileChooserUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiInternalFrameUI
Calls the ComponentUI.uninstallUI(JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiInternalFrameUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiLabelUI
Calls the ComponentUI.uninstallUI(JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiLabelUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiListUI
Calls the ComponentUI.uninstallUI(JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiListUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiMenuBarUI
Calls the ComponentUI.uninstallUI(JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiMenuBarUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiMenuItemUI
Calls the ComponentUI.uninstallUI(JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiMenuItemUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiOptionPaneUI
Calls the ComponentUI.uninstallUI(JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiOptionPaneUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiPanelUI
Calls the ComponentUI.uninstallUI(JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiPanelUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiPopupMenuUI
Calls the ComponentUI.uninstallUI(JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiPopupMenuUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiProgressBarUI
Calls the ComponentUI.uninstallUI(JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiProgressBarUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiRootPaneUI
Calls the ComponentUI.uninstallUI(JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiRootPaneUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiScrollBarUI
Calls the ComponentUI.uninstallUI(JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiScrollBarUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiScrollPaneUI
Calls the ComponentUI.uninstallUI(JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiScrollPaneUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiSeparatorUI
Calls the ComponentUI.uninstallUI(JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiSeparatorUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiSliderUI
Calls the ComponentUI.uninstallUI(JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiSliderUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiSpinnerUI
Calls the ComponentUI.uninstallUI(JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiSpinnerUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiSplitPaneUI
Calls the ComponentUI.uninstallUI(JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiSplitPaneUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiTabbedPaneUI
Calls the ComponentUI.uninstallUI(JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiTabbedPaneUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiTableHeaderUI
Calls the ComponentUI.uninstallUI(JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiTableHeaderUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiTableUI
Calls the ComponentUI.uninstallUI(JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiTableUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiTextUI
Calls the ComponentUI.uninstallUI(JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiTextUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiToolBarUI
Calls the ComponentUI.uninstallUI(JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiToolBarUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiToolTipUI
Calls the ComponentUI.uninstallUI(JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiToolTipUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiTreeUI
Calls the ComponentUI.uninstallUI(JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiTreeUI.
uninstallUI(javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiViewportUI
Calls the ComponentUI.uninstallUI(JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiViewportUI.
Joins a pair of rectangles, and places the result in the destination; this can be used to avoid object creation.
union(java.awt.Rectangle) - method in class java.awt.Rectangle
Returns the smallest rectangle that contains both this rectangle and the specified rectangle.
UnionMember - class org.omg.CORBA.UnionMember
The component, describing the member of CORBA IDL union.
UnionMember() - constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.UnionMember
Creates a union member with all fields left with the default value null.
Creates a union member.
UnionMemberHelper - class org.omg.CORBA.UnionMemberHelper
A helper operations for the union member.
UNIQUE_ID - static field in class org.omg.PortableServer.IdUniquenessPolicyValue
Indicates that a servant activated with that POA, supports one and only one OBject Id.
UNIT_DECREMENT - static field in class java.awt.event.AdjustmentEvent
Adjustment type for unit decrements.
UNIT_INCREMENT - static field in class java.awt.event.AdjustmentEvent
Adjustment type for unit increments.
unitIncrement - field in class javax.swing.JScrollBar
How much the thumb moves when moving in a unit.
UNIX_LINES - static field in class java.util.regex.Pattern
UNKNOWN - static field in class javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole
An accessible object whose role is unknown.
UNKNOWN - static field in class java.awt.ComponentOrientation
The orientation is unknown for the locale.
UNKNOWN - static field in class javax.print.attribute.standard.JobState
The job state is currently unknown.
UNKNOWN - static field in class
Used to signify that the behaviour of the operation is unknown.
UNKNOWN - exception org.omg.CORBA.UNKNOWN
Means that the operation implementation has thrown a non-CORBA exception.
UNKNOWN - static field in class javax.print.attribute.standard.PrinterState
The state is unknown currently.
UNKNOWN() - constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.UNKNOWN
Creates UNKNOWN with the default minor code of 0 and a completion state COMPLETED_NO.
UNKNOWN(int,org.omg.CORBA.CompletionStatus) - constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.UNKNOWN
Creates a UNKNOWN exception with the specified minor code and completion status.
UNKNOWN(java.lang.String) - constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.UNKNOWN
Creates a UNKNOWN with the default minor code of 0, completion state COMPLETED_NO and the given explaining message.
Created UNKNOWN exception, providing full information.
This method is invoked when the ORB receives a request for an object reference that identifies a non-existing target POA, to create it.
UNKNOWN_LENGTH - static field in class javax.sound.midi.MidiFileFormat
A special value indicating an unknown quantity.
UNKNOWN_NUMBER_OF_PAGES - static field in class java.awt.print.Pageable
This constant is returned when getNumberOfPages() cannot determine the number of pages available for printing.
UNKNOWN_RULE - static field in class org.w3c.dom.css.CSSRule
The rule is a CSSUnknownRule.
UnknownEncoding - exception org.omg.IOP.CodecFactoryPackage.UnknownEncoding
The CodecFactoryOperations.create_codec(Encoding) raises UnknownEncoding if that factory cannot create a Codec of the given encoding.
UnknownEncoding() - constructor for class org.omg.IOP.CodecFactoryPackage.UnknownEncoding
Create UnknownEncoding with no explaining message.
UnknownEncoding(java.lang.String) - constructor for class org.omg.IOP.CodecFactoryPackage.UnknownEncoding
Create the UnknownEncoding with explaining message.
UnknownEncodingHelper - class org.omg.IOP.CodecFactoryPackage.UnknownEncodingHelper
The helper operations for the exception UnknownEncoding.
UnknownError - error java.lang.UnknownError
An UnknownError is thrown when a serious but unknown problem has occurred in the Java Virtual Machine.
UnknownError() - constructor for class java.lang.UnknownError
Create an error without a message.
UnknownError(java.lang.String) - constructor for class java.lang.UnknownError
Create an error with a message.
UnknownException - exception org.omg.CORBA.portable.UnknownException
The wrapper of the arbitrary exception into the System exception.
UnknownException(java.lang.Throwable) - constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.portable.UnknownException
Create a new unknown exception, wrapping a reason.
Thrown when a Formatter is supplied with an unknown conversion.
Constructs a new UnknownFormatConversionException for the specified conversion string.
Thrown when a Formatter is supplied with an unknown flag.
Constructs a new UnknownFormatFlagsException which specifies that the supplied set of flags contains a unknown.
UnknownGroupException - exception java.rmi.activation.UnknownGroupException
Thrown when an ActivationGroupID parameter is invalid or unknown.
UnknownGroupException(java.lang.String) - constructor for class java.rmi.activation.UnknownGroupException
Create an exception with a message.
This exception indicates that an attempt was made to reference a hostname or IP address that is not valid.
Thrown if a occurs during a remote procedure call.
UnknownHostException() - constructor for class
Create a new instance without a descriptive error message.
Create a new instance with a descriptive error message, such as the name of the host that could not be resolved.
Create an exception with a message.
Create an exception with a message and a cause.
UnknownObjectException - exception java.rmi.activation.UnknownObjectException
Thrown when an ActivationID parameter is invalid or unknown.
UnknownObjectException(java.lang.String) - constructor for class java.rmi.activation.UnknownObjectException
Create an exception with an error message.
Contrary to what you might think, this does not indicate that the TCP/IP service name specified was invalid.
UnknownServiceException() - constructor for class
Create a new instance without a descriptive error message.
Create a new instance with a descriptive error message.
HTML.UnknownTag - class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.UnknownTag
Represents an unknown HTML tag.
UnknownTag(java.lang.String) - constructor for class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.UnknownTag
Creates a new UnknownTag with the specified name
UnknownUserException - exception org.omg.CORBA.UnknownUserException
A wrapper against an unknown user exception that has been thrown on remote side and returned by the server.
UnknownUserException() - constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.UnknownUserException
Create an unitialised instance of the unknown user exception.
Create the instance of the unknow user exception, initialised to the given value.
The helper operations for the exception UnknownUserException.
A holder for the exception UnknownUserException.
UnknownUserExceptionHolder() - constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.UnknownUserExceptionHolder
Create the unitialised instance, leaving the value field with default null value.
Create the initialised instance.
UNLIMITED - static field in class java.math.MathContext
A MathContext for unlimited precision arithmetic *
Unload all soundbank instruments from this synthesizer.
Unload an instrument from this synth.
Unload a subset of soundbank instruments from this synthesizer.
unloadZone(javax.swing.text.View) - method in class javax.swing.text.ZoneView
This unloads the specified zone.
unmappableCharacterAction() - method in class java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder
unmappableCharacterAction() - method in class java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder
UnmappableCharacterException(int) - constructor for class java.nio.charset.UnmappableCharacterException
Creates the exception
unmappableForLength(int) - static method in class java.nio.charset.CoderResult
Write (marshal) the content of this object to the given input stream.
Thrown if an exception occurs while unmarshalling parameters or results of a remote method call.
Create an exception with a message.
Create an exception with a message and a cause.
UnmodifiableClassException() - constructor for class java.lang.instrument.UnmodifiableClassException
Create an exception without a message.
Create an exception with a message.
UnmodifiableSetException - exception javax.print.attribute.UnmodifiableSetException
Exception which is thrown if an operation on an unmodifiable set is invoked.
UnmodifiableSetException() - constructor for class javax.print.attribute.UnmodifiableSetException
Creates a UnmodifiableSetException.
UnmodifiableSetException(java.lang.String) - constructor for class javax.print.attribute.UnmodifiableSetException
Creates a UnmodifiableSetException with the given message.
Returns an unmodifiable view of the given attribute set.
Returns an unmodifiable view of the given attribute set.
Returns an unmodifiable view of the given attribute set.
Returns an unmodifiable view of the given attribute set.
Returns an unmodifiable view of the given attribute set.
UNNECESSARY - static field in class java.awt.GraphicsConfigTemplate
States that a feature is not necessary in the configuration.
UNORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE - static field in class org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathResult
The result is a node set as defined by [XPath 1.0] that will be accessed iteratively, which may not produce nodes in a particular order.
UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE - static field in class org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathResult
The result is a node set as defined by [XPath 1.0] that will be accessed as a snapshot list of nodes that may not be in a particular order.
Receive notification of an unparsed entity declaration.
Receive notification of an unparsed entity declaration event.
Receive notification of an unparsed entity declaration.
Filter an unparsed entity declaration event.
unquote(java.lang.String) - static method in class
Unquotes the supplied string.
unread(byte[]) - method in class
This method pushes all of the bytes in the passed byte array into the pushback bfer.
This method pushed back bytes from the passed in array into the pushback buffer.
unread(char[]) - method in class
This method pushes all of the chars in the passed char array into the pushback buffer.
unread(char[],int,int) - method in class
This method pushed back chars from the passed in array into the pushback buffer.
unread(int) - method in class
This method pushes a single byte of data into the pushback buffer.
unread(int) - method in class
This method pushes a single char of data into the pushback buffer.
This exception is thrown when a key cannot be recovered from the key store.
UnrecoverableKeyException() - constructor for class
Create an instance with no descriptive error message.
Create an instance with a descriptive error message.
Unreferenced - interface java.rmi.server.Unreferenced
unreferenced() - method in class java.rmi.server.Unreferenced
unregister(java.rmi.activation.ActivationID) - static method in class java.rmi.activation.Activatable
Unregister the object (the object will no longer be activable with that id)
unregister_value_factory(java.lang.String) - method in class org.omg.CORBA_2_3.ORB
This should unregister the given value factory under the given repository id.
This method unregisters a JComponent with the ToolTipManager.
Removes the activation group with the given identifier.
Remove a keyboard action registry.
unregisterKeyboardActions() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicDesktopPaneUI
This method reverses the work done by the registerKeyboardActions method.
unregisterListeners() - method in class java.awt.dnd.DragGestureRecognizer
unregisterListeners() - method in class java.awt.dnd.MouseDragGestureRecognizer
Unregisters the specified management bean.
Unregisters the specified management bean.
Removes the stored identifier-description map entry.
Notification type for the de-registration event.
UnresolvedAddressException() - constructor for class java.nio.channels.UnresolvedAddressException
Creates the exception
This class is used to hold instances of all permissions that cannot be resolved to available permission classes when the security Policy object is instantiated.
Create a new instance with all the information necessary to resolve it to an instance of the proper class at a future time.
A UnsatisfiedLinkError is thrown if an appropriate native language definition of a method declared native cannot be found by the Java Virtual Machine.
UnsatisfiedLinkError() - constructor for class java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError
Create an error without a message.
Create an error with a message.
unscaledValue() - method in class java.math.BigDecimal
Default do-nothing highlighting for unselected converted text.
UNSELECTED_RAW_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT - static field in class
Default do-nothing highlighting for unselected raw text.
UNSEQ_TOKEN - static field in class org.ietf.jgss.GSSException
A later token has already been processed.
UNSET - static field in class javax.swing.Spring
Indicates a not-set value.
unsetCompression() - method in class javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam
unsetCompression() - method in class javax.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageWriteParam
Reset the compression quality to 0.75f.
unsetDecodeTables() - method in class javax.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageReadParam
Clear the quantization and Huffman decoding tables.
unsetEncodeTables() - method in class javax.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageWriteParam
Clear the quantization and Huffman encoding tables.
unsetTiling() - method in class javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam
UnsolicitedNotification - interface javax.naming.ldap.UnsolicitedNotification
UNSPECIFIED_EVENT_TYPE_ERR - static field in class
If the Event's type was not specified by initializing the event before the method was called.
UNSPECIFIED_OPTION - static field in class
Unspecified option type.

The getOptionType method returns this value if this ConfirmationCallback was instantiated with options instead of an optionType.

UNSUPPORTED_COMPRESSION - static field in class javax.print.attribute.standard.JobStateReason
The printer aborted the job because of an unsupported compression while trying to decompress the document data.
UNSUPPORTED_DOCUMENT_FORMAT - static field in class javax.print.attribute.standard.JobStateReason
The printer aborted the job because of the document format is not supported.
Holds a single constant, specifying, that while the requested Policy is valid, it is not supported by this ORB.
Holds a single constant, specifying, that while the requested Policy value is valid, it is not supported by this ORB.
UnsupportedAddressTypeException() - constructor for class java.nio.channels.UnsupportedAddressTypeException
Creates the exception
An exception of this type is thrown when an operation is attempted on a file whose format is unrecognized.
UnsupportedAudioFileException() - constructor for class javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException
Create a new UnsupportedAudioFileException.
Create a new UnsupportedAudioFileException with the indicated message.
UnsupportedCallbackException - exception
Signals that a CallbackHandler does not recognize a particular Callback.
Constructs an UnsupportedCallbackException with no detail message.
Constructs an UnsupportedCallbackException with the specified detail message.
Creates the exception
An UnsupportedClassVersionError is thrown when the Java Virtual Machine determines it does not support the major and minor version numbers in the class file it is attempting to read.
Create an error without a message.
Create an error with a message.
This exception is thrown when the requested character encoding is not supported.
Create an exception without a descriptive error message.
Create an exception with a descriptive error message.
UnsupportedFlavorException - exception java.awt.datatransfer.UnsupportedFlavorException
The data flavor requested is not supported for the transfer data.
Initializes a new instance of UnsupportedDataFlavor for the specified data flavor.
Thrown by the UIManager.setLookAndFeel(LookAndFeel) method when the specified look and feel is not supported on the current platform.
Creates a new exception instance with the specified message.
This exception is thrown by an object when an operation is requested of it that it does not support.
Create an exception without a message.
Create an exception with a message.
Constructs a UnsupportedOperationException using the specified error message, which should give further details as to the reason for this exception.
Constructs a UnsupportedOperationException using the specified cause Throwable, which may be used to provide additional history, with regards to the root of the problem.
unsynchronize(javax.sound.sampled.Line[]) - method in class javax.sound.sampled.Mixer
Stop synchronization for the given set of lines.
unwrap(byte[],int,int) - method in class
Unwraps a byte array received from the server.
unwrap(byte[],int,int) - method in class
Unwraps a byte array received from the client.
Used by the peer application to process tokens generated with the wrap call.
unwrap(byte[],java.lang.String,int) - method in class javax.crypto.Cipher
Unwrap a previously-wrapped key.
Used by the peer application to process tokens generated with the wrap call.
Unwraps a byte buffer recieved from the network, storing the decrypted, unwrapped bytes into the given buffer.
Unwraps a byte buffer recieved from the network, storing the decrypted, unwrapped bytes into the given buffers.
Unwraps a byte buffer received from the network, storing the decrypted, unwrapped bytes into the given buffers.
UNWRAP_MODE - static field in class javax.crypto.Cipher
The key unwrapping operation mode.
UP - static field in class java.awt.Event
UP_CYCLE_TRAVERSAL_KEYS - static field in class java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager
Identifies AWTKeyStrokes that move the focus up to the parent focus cycle root.
upAction - static field in class javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
The name of the Action that moves the caret one line up.
UPDATE - static field in class javax.accessibility.AccessibleTableModelChange
Identifies change to existing data.
UPDATE - static field in class java.awt.event.PaintEvent
This id is for update event types.
UPDATE - static field in class javax.swing.event.TableModelEvent
An event type indicating that data has been updated in the model.
update(byte) - method in class javax.crypto.Mac
Update the computation with a single byte.
update(byte) - method in class
Updates the digest with the byte.
update(byte) - method in class
Updates the data to be signed or verified with the specified byte.
update(byte[]) - method in class
Updates the checksum with the bytes taken from the array.
update(byte[]) - method in class javax.crypto.Cipher
Continue a multi-part transformation on an entire byte array, returning the transformed bytes.
update(byte[]) - method in class
Adds the complete byte array to the data checksum.
update(byte[]) - method in class javax.crypto.Mac
Update the computation with a byte array.
update(byte[]) - method in class
Updates the digest with the bytes of an array.
update(byte[]) - method in class
Updates the data to be signed or verified with the specified bytes.
update(byte[],int,int) - method in class
Updates the checksum with the bytes taken from the array.
update(byte[],int,int) - method in class
Adds the byte array to the data checksum.
update(byte[],int,int) - method in class javax.crypto.Cipher
Continue a multi-part transformation on part of a byte array, returning the transformed bytes.
update(byte[],int,int) - method in class
Adds the byte array to the data checksum.
update(byte[],int,int) - method in class javax.crypto.Mac
Update the computation with a portion of a byte array.
update(byte[],int,int) - method in class
Updates the digest with the bytes from the array starting from the specified offset and using the specified length of bytes.
update(byte[],int,int) - method in class
Updates the data to be signed or verified with the specified bytes.
update(byte[],int,int,byte[]) - method in class javax.crypto.Cipher
Continue a multi-part transformation on part of a byte array, placing the transformed bytes into the given array.
update(byte[],int,int,byte[],int) - method in class javax.crypto.Cipher
Continue a multi-part transformation on part of a byte array, placing the transformed bytes into the given array.
update(int) - method in class
Updates the checksum with the byte b.
update(int) - method in class
Adds one byte to the data checksum.
update(int) - method in class
Updates the checksum with the int bval.
update(java.awt.Graphics) - method in class java.awt.Canvas
Updates the canvas in response to a request to repaint() it.
update(java.awt.Graphics) - method in class javax.swing.CellRendererPane
Should not be called.
update(java.awt.Graphics) - method in class java.awt.Component
Updates this component.
update(java.awt.Graphics) - method in class java.awt.Container
Updates this container.
update(java.awt.Graphics) - method in class javax.swing.JApplet
Updates this container.
update(java.awt.Graphics) - method in class javax.swing.JComponent
update(java.awt.Graphics) - method in class javax.swing.JDialog
This method simply calls paint and returns.
update(java.awt.Graphics) - method in class javax.swing.JFrame
Updates this container.
update(java.awt.Graphics) - method in class javax.swing.JWindow
Updates this container.
update(java.awt.Graphics,javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI
This method calls paint.
update(java.awt.Graphics,javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI
Overridden for better control over background painting.
Fills the specified component with its background color (unless the opaque property is false) before calling paint(Graphics,JComponent).
update(java.awt.Graphics,javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalButtonUI
If the property Button.gradient is set, then a gradient is painted as background, otherwise the normal superclass behaviour is called.
update(java.awt.Graphics,javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalMenuBarUI
If the property MenuBar.gradient is set, then a gradient is painted as background, otherwise the normal superclass behaviour is called.
If the property ToggleButton.gradient is set, then a gradient is painted as background, otherwise the normal superclass behaviour is called.
update(java.awt.Graphics,javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalToolBarUI
Paints the background of the component if necessary and then calls paint(g, c).
update(java.awt.Graphics,javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiButtonUI
Calls the ComponentUI.update(Graphics,JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiButtonUI.
Calls the ComponentUI.update(Graphics,JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiColorChooserUI.
update(java.awt.Graphics,javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiComboBoxUI
Calls the ComponentUI.update(Graphics,JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiComboBoxUI.
Calls the ComponentUI.update(Graphics,JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiDesktopIconUI.
Calls the ComponentUI.update(Graphics,JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiDesktopPaneUI.
Calls the ComponentUI.update(Graphics,JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiFileChooserUI.
Calls the ComponentUI.update(Graphics,JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiInternalFrameUI.
update(java.awt.Graphics,javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiLabelUI
Calls the ComponentUI.update(Graphics,JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiLabelUI.
update(java.awt.Graphics,javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiListUI
Calls the ComponentUI.update(Graphics,JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiListUI.
update(java.awt.Graphics,javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiMenuBarUI
Calls the ComponentUI.update(Graphics,JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiMenuBarUI.
update(java.awt.Graphics,javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiMenuItemUI
Calls the ComponentUI.update(Graphics,JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiMenuItemUI.
Calls the ComponentUI.update(Graphics,JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiOptionPaneUI.
update(java.awt.Graphics,javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiPanelUI
Calls the ComponentUI.update(Graphics,JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiPanelUI.
Calls the ComponentUI.update(Graphics,JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiPopupMenuUI.
Calls the ComponentUI.update(Graphics,JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiProgressBarUI.
update(java.awt.Graphics,javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiRootPaneUI
Calls the ComponentUI.update(Graphics,JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiRootPaneUI.
Calls the ComponentUI.update(Graphics,JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiScrollBarUI.
Calls the ComponentUI.update(Graphics,JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiScrollPaneUI.
Calls the ComponentUI.update(Graphics,JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiSeparatorUI.
update(java.awt.Graphics,javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiSliderUI
Calls the ComponentUI.update(Graphics,JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiSliderUI.
update(java.awt.Graphics,javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiSpinnerUI
Calls the ComponentUI.update(Graphics,JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiSpinnerUI.
Calls the ComponentUI.update(Graphics,JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiSplitPaneUI.
Calls the ComponentUI.update(Graphics,JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiTabbedPaneUI.
Calls the ComponentUI.update(Graphics,JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiTableHeaderUI.
update(java.awt.Graphics,javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiTableUI
Calls the ComponentUI.update(Graphics,JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiTableUI.
update(java.awt.Graphics,javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiTextUI
Calls the ComponentUI.update(Graphics,JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiTextUI.
update(java.awt.Graphics,javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiToolBarUI
Calls the ComponentUI.update(Graphics,JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiToolBarUI.
update(java.awt.Graphics,javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiToolTipUI
Calls the ComponentUI.update(Graphics,JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiToolTipUI.
update(java.awt.Graphics,javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiTreeUI
Calls the ComponentUI.update(Graphics,JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiTreeUI.
update(java.awt.Graphics,javax.swing.JComponent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiViewportUI
Calls the ComponentUI.update(Graphics,JComponent) method for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiViewportUI.
update(java.nio.ByteBuffer) - method in class javax.crypto.Mac
Update this MAC with the remaining bytes in the given buffer
update(java.nio.ByteBuffer) - method in class
Updates the digest with the remaining bytes of a buffer.
update(java.nio.ByteBuffer) - method in class
Update this signature with the Buffer.remaining() bytes of the input buffer.
Continue a multi-part transformation on a byte buffer, storing the transformed bytes into another buffer.
This method is called whenever the observable object changes, and has called notifyObservers.
update(javax.sound.sampled.LineEvent) - method in class javax.sound.sampled.LineListener
This is called when the line's status changes.
UPDATE_WHEN_ON_EDT - static field in class javax.swing.text.DefaultCaret
Indicates the Caret position should be updated only if Document changes are made on the Event Dispatcher thread.
UpdateAction() - constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicFileChooserUI.UpdateAction
Creates a new UpdateAction object.
updateAlwaysOnTop() - method in class java.awt.peer.WindowPeer
Update the always-on-top status of the Window.
updateArray(int,java.sql.Array) - method in class java.sql.ResultSet
This method updates the specified column to have a java.sqlArray value.
This method updates the specified column to have a java.sqlArray value.
This method updates the specified column from an ASCII text stream.
This method updates the specified column from an ASCII text stream.
updateAutoscroll(java.awt.Point) - method in class java.awt.dnd.DropTarget
This method updates the specified column to have a BigDecimal value.
This method updates the specified column to have a BigDecimal value.
This method updates the specified column from a binary stream.
This method updates the specified column from a binary stream.
updateBlob(int,java.sql.Blob) - method in class java.sql.ResultSet
This method updates the specified column to have a java.sql.Blob value.
This method updates the specified column to have a java.sql.Blob value.
updateBoolean(int,boolean) - method in class java.sql.ResultSet
This method updates the specified column to have a boolean value.
This method updates the specified column to have a boolean value.
updateButtonMnemonic - field in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicFileChooserUI
The localised mnemonic for the "update" button.
updateButtonText - field in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicFileChooserUI
The localised text for the "update" button.
updateButtonToolTipText - field in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicFileChooserUI
The localised tool tip text for the "update" button.
updateByte(int,byte) - method in class java.sql.ResultSet
This method updates the specified column to have a byte value.
updateByte(java.lang.String,byte) - method in class java.sql.ResultSet
This method updates the specified column to have a byte value.
updateBytes(int,byte[]) - method in class java.sql.ResultSet
This method updates the specified column to have a byte array value.
This method updates the specified column to have a byte array value.
updateCachedPreferredSize() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Updates the preferredSize instance variable, which is returned from getPreferredSize().
updateCellEditor() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Updates the cellEditor based on editability of the JTree that we're contained in.
This method updates the specified column from a character stream.
This method updates the specified column from a character stream.
Updates the list of children that is returned by getView(int) and getViewCount().
Updates the list of children that is returned by View.getView(int) and View.getViewCount().
updateChooser() - method in class javax.swing.colorchooser.AbstractColorChooserPanel
This method updates the chooser panel when the JColorChooser's color has changed.
updateClob(int,java.sql.Clob) - method in class java.sql.ResultSet
This method updates the specified column to have a java.sql.Clob value.
This method updates the specified column to have a java.sql.Clob value.
Receives notification when the columnHeader property has changed on the scrollpane.
updateComponents() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicHorizontalLayoutManager
This method determines the size of each component.
updateComponentTreeUI(java.awt.Component) - static method in class javax.swing.SwingUtilities
Recursively walk the component tree under comp calling updateUI on each JComponent found.
This function sets the drag cursor for the specified operation, actions and status if the default drag cursor is active.
updateCursorImmediately() - method in class java.awt.peer.ComponentPeer
Updates the cursor.
Since insertUpdate and removeUpdate each deal with children Elements being both added and removed, they both have to perform the same checks.
updateDate(int,java.sql.Date) - method in class java.sql.ResultSet
This method updates the specified column to have a java.sql.Date value.
This method updates the specified column to have a java.sql.Date value.
updateDepthOffset() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Updates how much each depth should be offset by.
updateDouble(int,double) - method in class java.sql.ResultSet
This method updates the specified column to have a double value.
This method updates the specified column to have a double value.
updateExpandedDescendants(javax.swing.tree.TreePath) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Updates the expanded state of all the descendants of the path by getting the expanded descendants from the tree and forwarding to the tree state.
updateFloat(int,float) - method in class java.sql.ResultSet
This method updates the specified column to have a float value.
This method updates the specified column to have a float value.
updateInt(int,int) - method in class java.sql.ResultSet
This method updates the specified column to have an int value.
updateInt(java.lang.String,int) - method in class java.sql.ResultSet
This method updates the specified column to have an int value.
updateLabelUIs() - method in class javax.swing.JSlider
Resets the UI delegates for the labels in the labelTable to the default for the current look and feel.
Updates the layout for this view.
Updates the layout.
updateLayoutCacheExpandedNodes() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Make all the nodes that are expanded in JTree expanded in LayoutCache.
updateLayoutState() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicListUI
Recomputes the cellHeights, cellHeight, and cellWidth properties by examining the variouis properties of the JList.
updateLayoutStateNeeded - field in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicListUI
A bitmask that indicates which properties of the JList have changed.
updateLeadIndex() - method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
Updates the lead selection row number after changing the lead selection path.
updateLevel - field in class javax.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport
The number of times that beginUpdate() has been called without a matching call to endUpdate().
This method changes the selection in the list to the item over which the mouse is currently located.
updateListeners - field in class javax.imageio.ImageReader
A list of installed update listeners.
updateLong(int,long) - method in class java.sql.ResultSet
This method updates the specified column to have a long value.
updateLong(java.lang.String,long) - method in class java.sql.ResultSet
This method updates the specified column to have a long value.
updateMetrics() - method in class javax.swing.text.PlainView
updateNull(int) - method in class java.sql.ResultSet
This method updates the specified column to have a NULL value.
updateNull(java.lang.String) - method in class java.sql.ResultSet
This method updates the specified column to have a NULL value.
This method updates the specified column to have an Object value.
This method updates the specified column to have an Object value.
This method updates the specified column to have an Object value.
This method updates the specified column to have an Object value.
updateRef(int,java.sql.Ref) - method in class java.sql.ResultSet
This method updates the specified column to have a java.sql.Ref value.
This method updates the specified column to have a java.sql.Ref value.
updateRenderer() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Messaged from the tree we're in when the renderer has changed.
updateRenderer(javax.swing.JComponent,java.lang.String) - static method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicHTML
Stores a HTML renderer in c's client property if text is HTML, otherwise it clears the corresponding client property.
updateRow() - method in class java.sql.ResultSet
This method updates the current row in the database.
Receives notification when the rowHeader property has changed on the scrollpane.
updatesAreDetected(int) - method in class java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
This method tests whether or not the specified result set type can detect a visible update by calling the rowUpdated method.
Receives notification when the scrollBarDisplayPolicy property has changed on the scrollpane.
updateShort(int,short) - method in class java.sql.ResultSet
This method updates the specified column to have a short value.
This method updates the specified column to have a short value.
updateSize() - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Marks the cached size as being invalid, and messages the tree with treeDidChange.
This method updates the specified column to have a String value.
This method updates the specified column to have a String value.
updateStyles(java.awt.Component) - static method in class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel
Updates all style information of the component and it's children.
updateTableInRealTime - field in class javax.swing.table.JTableHeader
The updateTableInRealTime property.
updateTime(int,java.sql.Time) - method in class java.sql.ResultSet
This method updates the specified column to have a java.sql.Time value.
This method updates the specified column to have a java.sql.Time value.
This method updates the specified column to have a java.sql.Timestamp value.
This method updates the specified column to have a java.sql.Timestamp value.
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
Set the "UI" property to a class constructed, via the UIManager, from the current look and feel.
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer
Look and feel has changed.
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JButton
Sets this button's UI delegate to the default (obtained from the UIManager) for the current look and feel.
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JColorChooser
This method resets the UI Component property to the Look and Feel default.
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JComboBox
This method sets this comboBox's UI to the UIManager's default for the current look and feel.
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JComponent
This method should be overridden in subclasses.
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JDesktopPane
This method restores the UI used with the JDesktopPane to the default.
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JFileChooser
Installs the UI delegate for the current look and feel.
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame
This method resets the UI to the Look and Feel defaults.
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon
This method restores the UI property to the defaults.
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JLabel
Resets the label's UI delegate to the default UI for the current look and feel.
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JList
Calls setUI(ListUI) with the ListUI subclass returned from calling UIManager.getUI(JComponent).
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JMenu
This method sets this menuItem's UI to the UIManager's default for the current look and feel.
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JMenuBar
Set the "UI" property to a class constructed, via the UIManager, from the current look and feel.
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JMenuItem
This method sets this menuItem's UI to the UIManager's default for the current look and feel.
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
This method resets the UI to the Look and Feel default.
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JPanel
Sets this panel's UI delegate to the default (obtained from the UIManager) for the current look and feel.
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JPopupMenu
This method sets this menuItem's UI to the UIManager's default for the current look and feel.
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JProgressBar
Sets this JProgressBar's UI delegate to the default (obtained from the UIManager) for the current look and feel.
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JRadioButton
This method resets the radio button's UI delegate to the default UI for the current look and feel.
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JRootPane
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JScrollBar
This method changes the UI to be the default for the current look and feel.
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JScrollPane
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JSeparator
Sets this separator's UI delegate to the default (obtained from the UIManager) for the current look and feel.
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JSlider
Sets this slider's UI delegate to the default (obtained from the UIManager) for the current look and feel.
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JSpinner
This method resets the spinner's UI delegate to the default UI for the current look and feel.
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JSplitPane
This method resets the UI to the one specified by the current Look and Feel.
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JTabbedPane
This method restores the UI to the defaults given by the UIManager.
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JTable
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.table.JTableHeader
This method should be overridden in subclasses.
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.text.JTextComponent
This method resets the label's UI delegate to the default UI for the current look and feel.
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JToggleButton
This method resets the toggle button's UI delegate to the default UI for the current look and feel.
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JToolBar
This method resets the UI used to the Look and Feel defaults.
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JToolTip
This method resets the UI used to the Look and Feel default.
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JTree
This method resets the UI used to the Look and Feel defaults..
updateUI() - method in class javax.swing.JViewport
This method resets the UI used to the Look and Feel defaults..
updateUndoPositions(java.util.Vector) - method in class javax.swing.text.StringContent
Resets the positions in the specified vector to their original offset after a undo operation is performed.
Resets the positions in the specified range to their original offset after a undo operation is performed.
updateViewport(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent) - method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollPaneUI
Receives notification when the viewport property has changed on the scrollpane.
upFocusCycle() - method in class java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager
Moves the current focus upwards by one focus cycle, so that the new focus owner is the focus cycle root of the current owner.
Moves the current focus upwards by one focus cycle.
Moves the current focus upwards by one focus cycle.
upFolderIcon - field in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicFileChooserUI
An icon for the "up folder" button.
upKey - field in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI
upKey - field in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI
This is the keystroke for moving up.
upKey - field in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicToolBarUI
UPPER_LEADING_CORNER - static field in class javax.swing.ScrollPaneConstants
UPPER_LEFT_CORNER - static field in class javax.swing.ScrollPaneConstants
UPPER_RIGHT_CORNER - static field in class javax.swing.ScrollPaneConstants
UPPER_TRAILING_CORNER - static field in class javax.swing.ScrollPaneConstants
UPPERCASE - static field in class java.util.FormattableFlags
Requires the output to be in uppercase.
UPPERCASE_LETTER - static field in class java.lang.Character
Lu = Letter, Uppercase (Informative).
upperLeft - field in class javax.swing.JScrollPane
upperLeft - field in class javax.swing.ScrollPaneLayout
upperRight - field in class javax.swing.JScrollPane
upperRight - field in class javax.swing.ScrollPaneLayout
URI - class
A URI instance represents that defined by RFC3986, with some deviations.
URI(java.lang.String) - constructor for class
Creates an URI from the given string
Create an URI from the given components
Create an URI from the given components
Create an URI from the given components
Create an URI from the given components
URIException - interface javax.print.URIException
URIException specifies methods a specific subclass of PrintException may implement to provide further informations of printing errors if URI problems are involved.
URIInaccessible - static field in class javax.print.URIException
Indicates that the provided URI is not accessible.
URIOtherProblem - static field in class javax.print.URIException
Indicates any other problem which is not defined by the other reason constants.
URIResolver - interface javax.xml.transform.URIResolver
Callback that can resolve a URI into source XML for transformation.
URISchemeNotSupported - static field in class javax.print.URIException
Indicates that the print service does not support a specific uri scheme (for example the ftp scheme).
URISyntax - class javax.print.attribute.URISyntax
URISyntax is the abstract base class of all attribute classes having an Uniform Resource Identifier URI as value.
URISyntax( - constructor for class javax.print.attribute.URISyntax
Creates a URISyntax object.
This exception is thrown when a String cannot be parsed as a URI.
Create an exception from the invalid string, with the index set to -1.
Create an exception from the invalid string, with the index of the point of failure.
DocFlavor.URL - class javax.print.DocFlavor.URL
Predefined static DocFlavor objects for document types which have an URL where to retrieve the print data.
URL - class
This final class represents an Internet Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
url - field in class
This is the URL associated with this connection
URL(java.lang.String) - constructor for class javax.print.DocFlavor.URL
Constructor for doc flavor objects with the given MIME type and a print data representation class name of "".
URL(java.lang.String) - constructor for class
Initializes a URL from a complete string specification such as "".
Constructs a URL and loads a protocol handler for the values passed as arguments.
This method initializes a new instance of URL with the specified protocol, host, port, and file.
Constructs a URL and loads a protocol handler for the values passed in as arugments.
URL(,java.lang.String) - constructor for class
This method parses a String representation of a URL within the context of an existing URL.
Creates an URL from given arguments This method parses a String representation of a URL within the context of an existing URL.
URL_PKG_PREFIXES - static field in class javax.naming.Context
Property with colon-separated list of package prefixes to use.
A secure class loader that can load classes and resources from multiple locations.
URLClassLoader([]) - constructor for class
Creates a URLClassLoader that gets classes from the supplied URLs.
Creates a URLClassLoader that gets classes from the supplied URLs.
Creates a URLClassLoader that gets classes from the supplied URLs.
URLConnection - class
This class models a connection that retrieves the information pointed to by a URL object.
URLConnection( - constructor for class
Creates a URL connection to a given URL.
URLDecoder - class
This utility class contains static methods that converts a string encoded in the x-www-form-urlencoded format to the original text.
URLDecoder() - constructor for class
Public contructor.
URLEncoder - class
This utility class contains static methods that converts a string into a fully encoded URL string in x-www-form-urlencoded format.
This class is the superclass of all URL protocol handlers.
URLStreamHandler() - constructor for class
Creates a URLStreamHander
This interface contains one method which maps the protocol portion of a URL (eg, "http" in "") to a URLStreamHandler object.
URLStringHelper - class org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextExtPackage.URLStringHelper
Helper operations for the URL string name.
US - static field in class java.util.Locale
Locale which represents the United States.
USE_ACTIVE_OBJECT_MAP_ONLY - static field in class org.omg.PortableServer.RequestProcessingPolicyValue
An instance of RequestProcessingPolicyValue, initialized to USE_ACTIVE_OBJECT_MAP_ONLY.
USE_ALL_BEANINFO - static field in class java.beans.Introspector
USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT - static field in class org.omg.PortableServer.RequestProcessingPolicyValue
An instance of RequestProcessingPolicyValue, initialized to USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT.
USE_SERVANT_MANAGER - static field in class org.omg.PortableServer.RequestProcessingPolicyValue
An instance of RequestProcessingPolicyValue, initialized to USE_SERVANT_MANAGER.
useCaches - field in class
If this flag is set, the protocol is allowed to cache data whenever it can (caching is not guaranteed).
useDaylightTime() - method in class java.util.SimpleTimeZone
Returns if this time zone uses daylight savings time.
useDaylightTime() - method in class java.util.TimeZone
Returns true, if this time zone uses Daylight Savings Time.
USEMAP - static field in class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Attribute
The usemap attribute
Informs this ObjectOutputStream to write data according to the specified protocol.
USER_EXCEPTION - interface org.omg.PortableInterceptor.USER_EXCEPTION
A reply status flag, indicating, that the UserException has been thrown from inside the remote method.
USER_ID - static field in class org.omg.PortableServer.IdAssignmentPolicyValue
An instance of IdAssignmentPolicyValue, initialized to USER_ID.
UserDataHandler - interface org.w3c.dom.UserDataHandler
When associating an object to a key on a node using Node.setUserData() the application can provide a handler that gets called when the node the object is associated to is being cloned, imported, or renamed.
UserException - exception org.omg.CORBA.UserException
The root class for CORBA IDL-defined user exceptions.
UserException() - constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.UserException
Constructs a the exception.
UserException(java.lang.String) - constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.UserException
Constructs the exception, explaining the reason of throwing it.
userNodeForPackage(Class) - static method in class java.util.prefs.Preferences
Returns the user preferences node for the package of a class.
userObject - field in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
userRoot() - static method in class java.util.prefs.Preferences
Returns the user preferences root node containing preferences for the the current user.
userRoot() - method in class java.util.prefs.PreferencesFactory
Returns the user root preferences node.
UserTransaction - interface javax.transaction.UserTransaction
usesFractionalMetrics() - method in class java.awt.font.FontRenderContext
usesLocalFilePerTable() - method in class java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
This method tests whether or not the database uses a separate file for each table.
usesLocalFiles() - method in class java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
This method tests whether or not the database uses local files to store tables.
usesShiftModifier() - method in class java.awt.MenuShortcut
Returns the shift setting for this shortcut.
UShortSeqHelper - class org.omg.CORBA.UShortSeqHelper
Provides static helper methods for working with CORBA sequence of short (UShortSeq).
UShortSeqHolder - class org.omg.CORBA.UShortSeqHolder
A sequence holder for CORBA UShortSeq that is mapped into java short[].
UShortSeqHolder() - constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.UShortSeqHolder
Constructs an instance of UShortSeqHolder, initializing value to null.
UShortSeqHolder(short[]) - constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.UShortSeqHolder
Constructs an instance of UShortSeqHolder, initializing value to the given short[].
usingProxy() - method in class
Returns a boolean indicating whether or not this connection is going through a proxy
UTC(int,int,int,int,int,int) - static method in class java.util.Date
Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch specified by the given arguments.
UTC_TIME - static field in class java.util.SimpleTimeZone
Constant to indicate that start and end times are specified in UTC.
When reading a UTF string from an input stream, this exception is thrown to indicate that the data read is invalid.
UTFDataFormatException() - constructor for class
Create a new UTFDataFormatException without a descriptive error message.
Create a new UTFDataFormatException with a descriptive error message.
Util - class javax.rmi.CORBA.Util
Provides utility methods used by stubs and ties to perform common operations.
UtilDelegate - interface javax.rmi.CORBA.UtilDelegate
A delegate, implementing the functionality, provided by the Util.
Utilities - class javax.swing.text.Utilities
A set of utilities to deal with text.
Utilities() - constructor for class javax.swing.text.Utilities
Creates a new Utilities object.
UUID - class java.util.UUID
This class represents a 128-bit UUID value.
UUID(long,long) - constructor for class java.util.UUID
Constructs a new UUID.