Uses of Class java.awt.font.GlyphVector

Uses in package java.awt

Methods with parameter type java.awt.font.GlyphVector

Graphics2D.drawGlyphVector(GlyphVector g, float x, float y)
Draws a glyph vector at the specified location.

Methods with return type java.awt.font.GlyphVector

Maps characters to glyphs in a one-to-one relationship, returning a new GlyphVector with a mapped glyph for each input character.
Font.createGlyphVector(FontRenderContext ctx, int[] glyphCodes)
Extracts a sequence of glyphs from a font, returning a new GlyphVector with a mapped glyph for each input glyph code.
Maps characters to glyphs in a one-to-one relationship, returning a new GlyphVector with a mapped glyph for each input character.
Maps characters to glyphs in a one-to-one relationship, returning a new GlyphVector with a mapped glyph for each input character.
Font.layoutGlyphVector(FontRenderContext frc, char[] chars, int start, int limit, int flags)
Produces a glyph vector representing a full layout fo the specified text in this font.

Uses in package java.awt.font

Methods with parameter type java.awt.font.GlyphVector
