Uses of Class

Uses in package java.util

Constructors which throw type

Formatter.Formatter(File file, String charset)
Constructs a new Formatter using the default locale, with the specified file as the output stream and the supplied character set.
Formatter.Formatter(File file, String charset, Locale loc)
Constructs a new Formatter using the specified file as the output stream with the supplied character set and locale.
Constructs a new Formatter using the default locale, with the specified file output stream and the supplied character set.
Constructs a new Formatter using the specified output stream with the supplied character set and locale.
Formatter.Formatter(String file, String charset)
Constructs a new Formatter using the default locale, with the specified file as the output stream and the supplied character set.
Formatter.Formatter(String file, String charset, Locale loc)
Constructs a new Formatter using the specified file as the output stream with the supplied character set and locale.

Uses in package java.util.logging

Methods which throw type

Sets the character encoding which this handler uses for publishing log records.
Sets the character encoding which this handler uses for publishing log records.

Uses in package java.lang

Constructors which throw type

String.String(byte[] data, int offset, int count, String encoding)
Creates a new String using the portion of the byte array starting at the offset and ending at offset + count.
String.String(byte[] data, String encoding)
Creates a new String using the byte array.

Methods which throw type

Converts the Unicode characters in this String to a byte array.

Uses in package

Constructors which throw type

This method initializes a new instance of InputStreamReader to read from the specified stream using a caller supplied character encoding scheme.
This method initializes a new instance of OutputStreamWriter to write to the specified stream using a caller supplied character encoding scheme.
This method initializes a new PrintStream object to write to the specified output File.
PrintStream.PrintStream(OutputStream out, boolean auto_flush, String encoding)
This method initializes a new PrintStream object to write to the specified output sink.
PrintStream.PrintStream(String fileName, String encoding)
This method initializes a new PrintStream object to write to the specified output File.
This initializes a new PrintWriter object to write to the specified file.
This initializes a new PrintWriter object to write to the specified file.

Methods which throw type

Returns the bytes in the internal array as a String.

Uses in package

Methods which throw type

This method translates the passed in string from x-www-form-urlencoded format using the given character encoding to decode the hex encoded unsafe characters.
This method translates the passed in string into x-www-form-urlencoded format using the character encoding to hex-encode the unsafe characters.