Uses of Interface

Uses in package

Constructors with parameter type

Constructs a new MBeanServerInvocationHandler which forwards methods to the supplied bean via the given MBeanServerConnection.
Constructs a new MBeanServerInvocationHandler which forwards methods to the supplied bean via the given MBeanServerConnection.

Methods with parameter type

Returns a proxy for a standard management bean, using the specified connection to access the named implementation.
JMX.T newMBeanProxy(MBeanServerConnection conn, ObjectName name, Class iface, boolean bcast)
Returns a proxy for a standard management bean, using the specified connection to access the named implementation, as with newMBeanProxy(MBeanServerConnection, ObjectName, Class).
Returns a proxy for a MXBean, using the specified connection to access the named implementation.
JMX.T newMXBeanProxy(MBeanServerConnection conn, ObjectName name, Class iface, boolean bcast)
Returns a proxy for a MXBean, using the specified connection to access the named implementation, as with newMXBeanProxy(MBeanServerConnection, ObjectName, Class).
MBeanServerInvocationHandler.T newProxyInstance(MBeanServerConnection conn, ObjectName name, Class iface, boolean broadcaster)
Returns a proxy for the specified bean.

Methods with return type

Returns the connection through which the calls to the bean will be made.

Uses in package

Methods with parameter type

ManagementFactory.T newPlatformMXBeanProxy(MBeanServerConnection connection, String mxbeanName, Class mxbeanInterface)
Returns a proxy for the specified platform bean.