GNU Classpath (0.95) | |
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Interface Summary | |
ARG_IN | This simple interface defines just one constant, normally used to mark the parameter as an "input parameter". |
ARG_INOUT | This simple interface defines just one constant, normally used to mark that the the parameter is used both to pass and to return some value. |
ARG_OUT | This simple interface defines just one constant, normally used to mark the parameter as an "output parameter". |
BAD_POLICY | Holds a single constant, specifying, that
the requested Policy is not valid. |
BAD_POLICY_TYPE | Holds a single constant, specifying, that
the requested Policy type is not valid. |
BAD_POLICY_VALUE | Holds a single constant, specifying, that
the requested Policy value is not valid. |
CTX_RESTRICT_SCOPE | This simple interface defines just one constant, normally used
to restrict the property search in the Context by
the current context.
Current | The interfaces, derived from this class, define the objects, providing information, associated with a particular thread of execution. |
CurrentOperations | The interfaces, derived from this class, define operations that provide information, associated with a particular thread of execution. |
CustomMarshal | This interface indicates that the object can provide its own methods for reading and writing its content. |
CustomValue | A Custom Value is a ValueBase implementing its own methods for
reading and writing (unmarshaling and marshaling) the content. |
DataInputStream | An interface for reading the custom value types. |
DataOutputStream | An interface for writing the custom value types. |
DomainManager | Establishes and navigates relationships to superior and subordinate domains, and also creates and access policies. |
DomainManagerOperations | Provides the means to access the policies of the domain, with that
the implementing DomainManager is associated.
DynAny | The DynAny interface provides possibility to access the components of
the CORBA object, stored inside the Any . |
DynArray | Represents the DynAny , holding an array.
DynEnum | Represents the dynamic enumeration, allowing to get/set the value by name or by position in the enumeration list. |
DynFixed | Represents a CORBA fixed , allowing to get and set its value
in the form of the binary representation.
DynSequence | Represents the DynAny , holding the CORBA sequence
(an array with the flexible length).
DynStruct | Represents the DynAny , holding the CORBA structure (record
with the named fields). |
DynUnion | Represents the DynAny , holding the CORBA structure (variant record
with the named fields). |
DynValue | Represents the DynAny , holding a value type.
IDLType | An abstract interface that represent OMG IDL types. |
IDLTypeOperations | Defines operations, applicable for the IDL type. |
IRObject | Represents the interface repository object. |
IRObjectOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the interface repository object. |
Object | The CORBA object reference. |
OMGVMCID | The higher 20 bits of any CORBA exception hold "Vendor Minor Codeset ID" (VMCID), for instance 0x4F4D0000 (OMG standard), 0x54410000 (TAO), 0x4A430000 (JacORB), 0x49540000 (IONA), 0x53550000 (Sun). |
Policy | The interfaces derived from the class allow an ORB or CORBA service access to certain choices (id assignment, threading model and so on) that affect they operation. |
PolicyOperations | Defines the operations that can be applied to the Policy
PRIVATE_MEMBER | One of the two constants, defining the visibility scope of
the ValueMember . |
PUBLIC_MEMBER | One of the two constants, defining the visibility scope of
the ValueMember . |
UNSUPPORTED_POLICY | Holds a single constant, specifying, that
while the requested Policy is valid, it is not supported by
this ORB. |
UNSUPPORTED_POLICY_VALUE | Holds a single constant, specifying, that
while the requested Policy value is valid, it is not
supported by this ORB. |
VM_ABSTRACT | Specifies that the object is an abstract interface. |
VM_CUSTOM | Indicates a custom marshalled value type. |
VM_NONE | One of the possible values, returned by TypeCode.type_modifier() .
VM_TRUNCATABLE | Indicates a truncatable value type. |
Class Summary | |
Any | A container that can store a value of either user defined or primitive IDL type. |
AnyHolder | A holder for storing an instance of Any .
AnySeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
the array of the type Any (not with the "any array").
AnySeqHolder | A sequence holder for CORBA AnySeq that is mapped into
java Any[] .
BooleanHolder | A holder for CORBA boolean that is mapped into
java boolean .
BooleanSeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of boolean
(BooleanSeq ).
BooleanSeqHolder | A sequence holder for CORBA BooleanSeq that is mapped into
java boolean[] .
ByteHolder | A holder for CORBA octet that is mapped into
java byte .
CharHolder | A holder for CORBA char that is mapped into
java char .
CharSeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of char
(CharSeq ).
CharSeqHolder | A sequence holder for CORBA CharSeq that is mapped into
java char[] .
CompletionStatus | Defines the method completion status, usually for the time moment, when the exception has been thrown. |
CompletionStatusHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
CompletionStatus .
Context | This class holds the list of the named properties. |
ContextList | Stores a modifiable list of String objects representing the property names. |
CurrentHelper | The helper operations for the CORBA object Current .
CurrentHolder | A holder for the object Current .
DefinitionKind | This class indicates the kind of the definition, stored in the interface repository. |
DefinitionKindHelper | A helper operations for the definition kind. |
DoubleHolder | A holder for CORBA double that is mapped into
java double .
DoubleSeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of double
(DoubleSeq ).
DoubleSeqHolder | A sequence holder for CORBA DoubleSeq that is mapped into
java double[] .
DynamicImplementation | This class was probably originally thinked as a base of all CORBA object implementations. |
Environment | A container for an exception, that has been thrown by the method of the CORBA object. |
ExceptionList | Stores exceptions that can be thrown when invoking a method of an
CORBA Object .
FieldNameHelper | A formal helper for the CORBA FieldName that is identical to the narrow string. |
FixedHolder | A holder for CORBA fixed that is mapped into
java BigDecimal .
FloatHolder | A holder for CORBA float that is mapped into
java float .
FloatSeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of float
(FloatSeq ).
FloatSeqHolder | A sequence holder for CORBA FloatSeq that is mapped into
java float[] .
IdentifierHelper | A formal helper for the CORBA Identifier that is identical to the narrow string. |
IDLTypeHelper | A helper operations for the IDL type. |
IntHolder | A holder for CORBA long that is mapped into
java int .
LocalObject | An object, formally implementing the CORBA Object , but actually
handling all invocations locally.
LongHolder | A holder for CORBA long long that is mapped into
java long .
LongLongSeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of long
(LongLongSeq ).
LongLongSeqHolder | A sequence holder for CORBA LongLongSeq that is mapped into
java long[] .
LongSeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of int
(LongSeq ).
LongSeqHolder | A sequence holder for CORBA LongSeq that is mapped into
java int[] .
NamedValue | The class is used to describe a call parameter, having name,
value and the passing mode flags (ARG_IN , ARG_OUT or
NameValuePair | Holds the value, having the given name(id). |
NameValuePairHelper | The helper operations for NameValuePair .
NVList | The named value list, used to define the parameters in the
Request . |
ObjectHelper | The helper operations for the binding list. |
ObjectHolder | A holder for CORBA Object that is mapped into
java org.omg.CORBA.Object .
OctetSeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of byte
(OctetSeq ).
OctetSeqHolder | A sequence holder for CORBA OctetSeq that is mapped into
java byte[] .
ORB | A central class in CORBA implementation, responsible for sending and handling remote invocations. |
ParameterMode | Defines the parameter modes (the ways in that a method parameter is used during invocation). |
ParameterModeHelper | A helper operations for a method parameter modes. |
ParameterModeHolder | The holder for ParameterMode. |
PolicyErrorCodeHelper | A helper operations for the policy error code as an alias of
short .
PolicyErrorHelper | The helper operations for the exception PolicyError .
PolicyErrorHolder | A holder for the exception PolicyError .
PolicyHelper | The helper operations for the
CORBA object Policy .
PolicyHolder | A holder for the object Policy .
PolicyListHelper | The helper operations for the
CORBA object Policy [].
PolicyListHolder | A holder for the object Policy[] .
PolicyTypeHelper | A helper operations for the policy type. |
Principal | This class was used to store the client identity in the past. |
PrincipalHolder | A holder for storing an instance of Principal .
RepositoryIdHelper | A formal helper for the CORBA Repository Id that is identical to the narrow string. |
Request | An object, containing the information, needed to invoke the method of the local or remote CORBA object. |
ServerRequest | This class was expected to be part of the dynamic skeleton interface, but it is almost never used in the code, generated by IDL to java compiler. |
ServiceDetail | An object, representing one of the additional details about the particular ORB service. |
ServiceDetailHelper | The helper operations on the Service Detail. |
ServiceInformation | Stores information about the CORBA service, available from some ORB. |
ServiceInformationHelper | Helper operations for the service information. |
ServiceInformationHolder | A holder for the service information. |
SetOverrideType | Defines the instruction, how the newly specified policies can be taken into consideration. |
SetOverrideTypeHelper | A helper operations for the definition kind. |
ShortHolder | A holder for CORBA short that is mapped into
java short .
ShortSeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of short
(ShortSeq ).
ShortSeqHolder | A sequence holder for CORBA ShortSeq that is mapped into
java short[] .
StringHolder | A holder for CORBA string that is mapped into
java String .
StringSeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA string array.
StringSeqHolder | A sequence holder for CORBA string[] that is mapped into
java String[] .
StringValueHelper | Provides helper operations for the String value type, treating a String as a CORBA value type rather than as a primitive type. |
StructMember | The component, describing the member of CORBA IDL struct .
StructMemberHelper | Defines a helper operations for StructMember. |
TCKind | The basic constants, used in java to IDL mapping. |
TypeCode | An information about a CORBA data type. |
TypeCodeHolder | A holder for CORBA TypeCode that is mapped into
java TypeCode .
ULongLongSeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of long
(ULongLongSeq ).
ULongLongSeqHolder | A sequence holder for CORBA ULongLongSeq that is mapped into
java long[] .
ULongSeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of int
(ULongSeq ).
ULongSeqHolder | A sequence holder for CORBA ULongSeq that is mapped into
java int[] .
UnionMember | The component, describing the member of CORBA IDL union .
UnionMemberHelper | A helper operations for the union member. |
UnknownUserExceptionHelper | The helper operations for the exception UnknownUserException .
UnknownUserExceptionHolder | A holder for the exception UnknownUserException .
UShortSeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of short
(UShortSeq ).
UShortSeqHolder | A sequence holder for CORBA UShortSeq that is mapped into
java short[] .
ValueBaseHelper | A helper operations for the value base type (ValueBase ).
ValueBaseHolder | A holder to store a ValueBase that is handled as
Serializable here.
ValueMember | The class, defining properties of the value member. |
ValueMemberHelper | The helper operations for the value member. |
VersionSpecHelper | A formal helper for the CORBA VersionSpec that is identical to the narrow string. |
VisibilityHelper | A helper operations for a Visibility that is mapped into java and CORBA
short . |
WCharSeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of char
(WCharSeq ).
WCharSeqHolder | A sequence holder for CORBA WCharSeq that is mapped into
java char[] .
WrongTransactionHelper | The helper operations for the exception WrongTransaction .
WrongTransactionHolder | A holder for the exception WrongTransaction .
WStringSeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA wstring array.
WStringSeqHolder | A sequence holder for CORBA wstring[] that is mapped into
java String[] .
WStringValueHelper | Provides helper operations for the Wide String value type, treating a Wide String as a CORBA value type rather than as a primitive type. |
_IDLTypeStub | The stub for the IDL type. |
_PolicyStub | The Policy stub (proxy), used on the client side. |
Exception Summary | |
ACTIVITY_COMPLETED | The ACTIVITY_COMPLETED indicates that the Activity context in which the method call was made has been completed due to a timeout of either the Activity itself or a transaction that encompasses the Activity. |
ACTIVITY_REQUIRED | The ACTIVITY_REQUIRED system exception indicates that an Activity context was necessary to perform the invoked operation, but one was not found associated with the calling thread. |
BAD_CONTEXT | Means that the operation is invoked by a client but the passed context has no values required by this operation. |
BAD_INV_ORDER | Means that the caller has invoked operations in the wrong order. |
BAD_OPERATION | Means that the object exists but does not support the operation that was invoked on it. |
BAD_PARAM | The exception thrown when a parameter passed to a call is considered illegal. |
BAD_QOS | The BAD_QOS is raised when the object cannot support the quality of service required by an invocation parameter. |
BAD_TYPECODE | Means that the some TypeCode has been realized to be invalid (for example, has an invalid TCKind value). |
Bounds | Thrown when a parameter is outside the bounds for a particular object a method is trying to access. |
CODESET_INCOMPATIBLE | Raised when client and server are unable to reach any consensus on which code set should be used to represent the characters. |
COMM_FAILURE | Means that the communication has been lost while an operation was in progress |
DATA_CONVERSION | Means that the ORB cannot convert between the marshalled and native data representation. |
FREE_MEM | Means errors, related to freeing the allocated memory. |
IMP_LIMIT | Means that the server has reached some implementation limit (too many clients, too many references, too long parameters and so on). |
INITIALIZE | Means that the server cannot be initialized because of the some reason. |
INTERNAL | Means an internal failure in the ORB. |
INTF_REPOS | Means errors, related to the interface repository. |
INVALID_ACTIVITY | Raised when the transaction or Activity is resumed in a different context than from which it was suspended. |
INVALID_TRANSACTION | Means that request carried an invalid transaction context. |
INV_FLAG | Means invalid flag, passed during operation. |
INV_IDENT | Means that some IDL identifier has a wrong syntax. |
INV_OBJREF | Means that some object reference is internally malformed. |
INV_POLICY | This exception is thrown when an invocation cannot be made because of an incompatibility between Policy overrides that apply to the particular invocation. |
MARSHAL | Means that some request or reply from the network has a wrong size or is structurally invalid. |
NO_IMPLEMENT | Means that while the operation being invoked does exists, no implementation for it exists. |
NO_MEMORY | Means that the server has runned out of memory. |
NO_PERMISSION | Means that the caller has no rights to invoke the operation. |
NO_RESOURCES | Means that the ORB has reached some general resource limitation like maximal number of the opened connections. |
NO_RESPONSE | Means that the client attempts to retrieve the result that is not yet available. |
OBJECT_NOT_EXIST | Means an attempt to perform some operation on a deleted object. |
OBJ_ADAPTER | This exception typically indicates an administrative mismatch. |
PERSIST_STORE | Indicates a persistent storage failure like database crash. |
PolicyError | The exception is thrown when a policy error occurs. |
REBIND | Raised on the failure of the requested or implied attempt to rebind an object reference. |
SystemException | The root class for all CORBA standard exceptions. |
TIMEOUT | Raised when no delivery has been made during the specified timeout duration. |
TRANSACTION_MODE | Raised when the TransactionPolicy in the IOR is not the same as the current transaction mode. |
TRANSACTION_REQUIRED | Means that request carried a null transaction context, but an active transaction is required. |
TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK | Means that transaction associated with the request has already been rolled back or marked to roll back. |
TRANSACTION_UNAVAILABLE | Raised in response to the abnormal termination of the transaction service. |
TRANSIENT | Means that the ORB cannot reach the object. |
UnknownUserException | A wrapper against an unknown user exception that has been thrown on remote side and returned by the server. |
UNKNOWN | Means that the operation implementation has thrown a non-CORBA exception. |
UserException | The root class for CORBA IDL-defined user exceptions. |
WrongTransaction | Thrown when the transaction scope mismatches. |
that is exposed to the client and the servant
where the method, invoked on
object, is finally delegated. It can be multiple objects per servant or
multiple servants per object. The servant for particular object or
even particular call can be dynamically chosen at run time using
All stages of both local and remote invocations on CORBA objects can be
monitored and modified using Interceptor
The interceptors can add an extra data to the CORBA message (these data
can be later accessed by other interceptor on remote side).
and stream-oriented (based on ObjectImpl
invocation models. The current release includes the working examples,
demonstrating the client-server communication using both methods.
package. ORB returns the working DynAnyFactory that produces working
DynAny's as defined in OMG
package for details how to register
and use CORBA interceptors.
GNU Classpath (0.95) |