GNU Classpath (0.95) | |
Frames | No Frames |
Methods with return type org.omg.PortableServer.POA | |
POA | Returns the root POA of the ORB instance, associated with this servant.
POA | Get POA that is directly associated with the given servant.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.PortableServer.POA | |
String[] | |
String[] | |
String[] |
Methods with parameter type org.omg.PortableServer.POA | |
String[] | Get the repository ids of all interfaces, supported by the
CORBA object, identified by the passed Id. |
String[] | Returns an array of interfaces, supported by the servant activator.
String[] | Returns an array of interfaces, supported by the servant locator.
void | ServantActivatorOperations.etherealize(byte[] Object_Id, POA poa, Servant servant, boolean cleanup_in_progress, boolean remaining_activations) This method is invoked whenever a servant for an object is deactivated,
assuming the POA has the USE_SERVANT_MANAGER and RETAIN policies.
void | _ServantActivatorStub.etherealize(byte[] Object_id, POA poa, Servant servant, boolean cleanup, boolean remaining) It is your responsibility to handle the etherialization event.
Servant | This method is invoked whenever the POA receives a request for an
object that is not currently active, assuming the POA has the
Servant | It is your responsibility to handle the incarnation event and
supply the servant. |
void | Insert the POA into the given Any.
void | ServantLocatorOperations.postinvoke(byte[] Object_Id, POA poa, String operation, Object cookie, Servant servant) If the POA has the USE_SERVANT_MANAGER and NON_RETAIN policies, it
invokes this method whenever a servant completes a request.
void | _ServantLocatorStub.postinvoke(byte[] Object_id, POA poa, String method, Object cookie, Servant servant) It is your responsibility to take the postinvoke actions, if any,
by overriding this method. |
Servant | ServantLocatorOperations.preinvoke(byte[] Object_Id, POA poa, String operation, CookieHolder cookie_holder) If the POA has the USE_SERVANT_MANAGER and NON_RETAIN policies, it
invokes this method whenever the object being requested that is not
inactive. |
Servant | It is your responsibility to take the preinvoke actions, if any,
and also supply an appropriate servant for the current invocation.
boolean | This method is invoked when the ORB receives a request for an object
reference that identifies a non-existing target POA, to create it.
void | This should read POA from the CDR input stream, but, following the specs,
it doesnot. |
Methods with return type org.omg.PortableServer.POA | |
POA | Returns the root POA of the ORB instance, associated with this servant.
POA | Get POA that is directly associated with the given servant.
POA | Creates a new POA as a child of the target POA.
POA | Extract the POA from given Any.
POA | Find and optionally activate the child POA with the given name.
POA | Returns POA to that the object currently being served is connected.
POA | Cast the passed object into the POA. |
POA | This should read POA from the CDR input stream, but, following the specs,
it doesnot. |
POA[] | The children of this POA.
POA | Return the parent of this POA.
GNU Classpath (0.95) |