GNU Classpath (0.95) | |
Frames | No Frames |
Methods with return type org.w3c.dom.Node | |
Node | HTMLCollection.item(int index) This method retrieves a node specified by ordinal index. |
Node | HTMLOptionsCollection.item(int index) This method retrieves a node specified by ordinal index. |
Node | This method retrieves a Node using a name. |
Node | This method retrieves a Node using a name. |
Methods with parameter type org.w3c.dom.Node | |
void | Inserts a node into the Document or DocumentFragment at the start of
the Range. |
void | Select a node and its contents
void | Select the contents within a node
void | Sets the attributes describing the end of a Range.
void | Sets the end of a Range to be after a node
void | Sets the end position to be before a node.
void | Sets the attributes describing the start of the Range.
void | Sets the start position to be after a node
void | Sets the start position to be before a node
void | Reparents the contents of the Range to the given node and inserts the
node at the position of the start of the Range.
Methods with return type org.w3c.dom.Node | |
Node | The deepest common ancestor container of the Range's two
Node | Node within which the Range ends
Node | Node within which the Range begins
Methods with parameter type org.w3c.dom.Node | |
XPathNSResolver | Adapts any DOM node to resolve namespaces so that an XPath expression
can be easily evaluated relative to the context of the node where it
appeared within the document. |
Object | XPathEvaluator.evaluate(String expression, Node contextNode, XPathNSResolver resolver, short type, Object result) Evaluates an XPath expression string and returns a result of the
specified type if possible.
Object | Evaluates this XPath expression and returns a result.
Methods with return type org.w3c.dom.Node | |
Node | The value of this single node result, which may be null .
Node | Iterates and returns the next node from the node set or
null if there are no more nodes.
Node | XPathResult.snapshotItem(int index) Returns the index th item in the snapshot collection. |
Classes implementing org.w3c.dom.Node | |
class |
Constructors with parameter type org.w3c.dom.Node | |
IIOInvalidTreeException.IIOInvalidTreeException(String message, Throwable cause, Node offendingNode) | |
Fields of type org.w3c.dom.Node | |
Node |
Methods with parameter type org.w3c.dom.Node | |
Node | |
short | |
Node | |
boolean | |
boolean | |
void | |
Node | |
Node | |
void |
Methods with return type org.w3c.dom.Node | |
Node | |
Node | IIOMetadataNode.cloneNode(boolean deep) |
Node | |
Node | |
Node | |
Node | |
Node | |
Node | |
Node | |
Node | |
Node | IIOMetadataNode.item(int index) Returns the index th item in the collection. |
Node | |
Node |
Methods with parameter type org.w3c.dom.Node | |
short | Test whether a specified node is visible in the logical view of a
TreeWalker or NodeIterator . |
NodeIterator | DocumentTraversal.createNodeIterator(Node root, int whatToShow, NodeFilter filter, boolean entityReferenceExpansion) Create a new NodeIterator over the subtree rooted at the
specified node.
TreeWalker | DocumentTraversal.createTreeWalker(Node root, int whatToShow, NodeFilter filter, boolean entityReferenceExpansion) Create a new TreeWalker over the subtree rooted at the
specified node.
void | The node at which the TreeWalker is currently positioned.
Methods with return type org.w3c.dom.Node | |
Node | Moves the TreeWalker to the first visible child of the
current node, and returns the new node. |
Node | The node at which the TreeWalker is currently positioned.
Node | The root node of the NodeIterator , as specified when it
was created.
Node | The root node of the TreeWalker , as specified
when it was created.
Node | Moves the TreeWalker to the last visible child of the
current node, and returns the new node. |
Node | Returns the next node in the set and advances the position of the
NodeIterator in the set. |
Node | Moves the TreeWalker to the next visible node in document
order relative to the current node, and returns the new node. |
Node | Moves the TreeWalker to the next sibling of the current
node, and returns the new node. |
Node | Moves to and returns the closest visible ancestor node of the current
node. |
Node | Returns the previous node in the set and moves the position of the
NodeIterator backwards in the set.
Node | Moves the TreeWalker to the previous visible node in
document order relative to the current node, and returns the new
node. |
Node | Moves the TreeWalker to the previous sibling of the
current node, and returns the new node. |
Methods with return type org.w3c.dom.Node | |
Node | The node that associates this style sheet with the document. |
Methods with parameter type org.w3c.dom.Node | |
Node | Attempts to adopt a node from another document to this document. |
Node | Adds the node newChild to the end of the list of children
of this node. |
short | Compares the reference node, i.e. the node on which this method is
being called, with a node, i.e. the one passed as a parameter, with
regard to their position in the document and according to the
document order.
void | This method is called whenever the node for which this handler is
registered is imported or cloned.
Node | Imports a node from another document to this document, without altering
or removing the source node from the original document; this method
creates a new copy of the source node. |
Node | Inserts the node newChild before the existing child node
refChild . |
boolean | Tests whether two nodes are equal.
boolean | Returns whether this node is the same node as the given one.
Node | Removes the child node indicated by oldChild from the list
of children, and returns it.
Node | Rename an existing node of type ELEMENT_NODE or
Node | Replaces the child node oldChild with newChild
in the list of children, and returns the oldChild node.
Node | Adds a node using its nodeName attribute. |
Node | Adds a node using its namespaceURI and
localName . |
Methods with return type org.w3c.dom.Node | |
Node | Attempts to adopt a node from another document to this document. |
Node | Adds the node newChild to the end of the list of children
of this node. |
Node | Returns a duplicate of this node, i.e., serves as a generic copy
constructor for nodes. |
Node | The first child of this node. |
Node | The last child of this node. |
Node | Retrieves a node specified by name.
Node | Retrieves a node specified by local name and namespace URI.
Node | The node immediately following this node. |
Node | The parent of this node. |
Node | The node immediately preceding this node. |
Node | The node this locator is pointing to, or null if no node
is available.
Node | Imports a node from another document to this document, without altering
or removing the source node from the original document; this method
creates a new copy of the source node. |
Node | Inserts the node newChild before the existing child node
refChild . |
Node | NamedNodeMap.item(int index) Returns the index th item in the map. |
Node | Returns the index th item in the collection. |
Node | Removes the child node indicated by oldChild from the list
of children, and returns it.
Node | Removes a node specified by name. |
Node | Removes a node specified by local name and namespace URI. |
Node | Rename an existing node of type ELEMENT_NODE or
Node | Replaces the child node oldChild with newChild
in the list of children, and returns the oldChild node.
Node | Adds a node using its nodeName attribute. |
Node | Adds a node using its namespaceURI and
localName . |
Methods with parameter type org.w3c.dom.Node | |
void | MutationEvent.initMutationEvent(String typeArg, boolean canBubbleArg, boolean cancelableArg, Node relatedNodeArg, String prevValueArg, String newValueArg, String attrNameArg, short attrChangeArg) The initMutationEvent method is used to initialize the
value of a MutationEvent created through the
DocumentEvent interface. |
Methods with return type org.w3c.dom.Node | |
Node | relatedNode is used to identify a secondary node related
to a mutation event. |
Methods with parameter type org.w3c.dom.Node | |
short | This method will be called by the parser at the completion of the
parsing of each node. |
Node | Parse an XML fragment from a resource identified by a
LSInput and insert the content into an existing document
at the position specified with the context and
action arguments. |
boolean | Serialize the specified node as described above in the general
description of the LSSerializer interface. |
String | Serialize the specified node as described above in the general
description of the LSSerializer interface. |
boolean | A convenience method that acts as if LSSerializer.write
was called with a LSOutput with no encoding specified
and LSOutput.systemId set to the uri
Methods with return type org.w3c.dom.Node | |
Node | Parse an XML fragment from a resource identified by a
LSInput and insert the content into an existing document
at the position specified with the context and
action arguments. |
Constructors with parameter type org.w3c.dom.Node | |
Constructor with the node to append to.
| |
Constructor with the node to append to and the system ID.
| |
Constructor with the node to append to and the child node before which
the result should be appended.
| |
Constructor with the node to append to, the child node before which
the result should be appended, and the system ID.
| |
Constructor with a context node.
| |
Constructor with a context node and system ID.
Methods with parameter type org.w3c.dom.Node | |
void | Sets the child node before which the result nodes will be inserted.
void | Sets the node to which the result tree will be appended.
void | Sets the context node.
Methods with return type org.w3c.dom.Node | |
Node | Returns the child node before which the result nodes will be inserted.
Node | Returns the node to which the result tree is to be appended,
or the result tree after transformation if no node was previously set.
Node | Returns the context node.
Node | Returns the node on which the event originated.
GNU Classpath (0.95) |