Class SecureRandom

public class SecureRandom extends Random

An interface to a cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator (PRNG). Random (or at least unguessable) numbers are used in all areas of security and cryptography, from the generation of keys and initialization vectors to the generation of random padding bytes.
Constructor Summary
Default constructor for SecureRandom.
SecureRandom(byte[] seed)
A constructor for SecureRandom.
protected SecureRandom(SecureRandomSpi secureRandomSpi, Provider provider)
A constructor for SecureRandom.
Method Summary
byte[]generateSeed(int numBytes)
Returns the specified number of seed bytes.
Returns the algorithm name used or "unknown" when the algorithm used couldn't be determined (as when constructed by the protected 2 argument constructor).
static SecureRandomgetInstance(String algorithm)
Returns an instance of a SecureRandom from the first provider that implements it.
static SecureRandomgetInstance(String algorithm, String provider)
Returns an instance of a SecureRandom for the specified algorithm from the named provider.
static SecureRandomgetInstance(String algorithm, Provider provider)
Returns an instance of a SecureRandom for the specified algorithm from the given provider.
Returns the provider being used by the current SecureRandom class.
static byte[]getSeed(int numBytes)
Returns the given number of seed bytes.
protected intnext(int numBits)
Generates an integer containing the user specified number of random bits.
voidnextBytes(byte[] bytes)
Generates a user specified number of bytes.
voidsetSeed(byte[] seed)
Seeds the SecureRandom.
voidsetSeed(long seed)
Seeds the SecureRandom.

Constructor Detail


public SecureRandom()
Default constructor for SecureRandom. It constructs a new SecureRandom by instantating the first SecureRandom algorithm in the default security provier. It is not seeded and should be seeded using setSeed or else on the first call to getnextBytes it will force a seed. It is maintained for backwards compatibility and programs should use {@link #getInstance(java.lang.String)}.


public SecureRandom(byte[] seed)
A constructor for SecureRandom. It constructs a new SecureRandom by instantating the first SecureRandom algorithm in the default security provier. It is seeded with the passed function and is useful if the user has access to hardware random device (like a radiation detector). It is maintained for backwards compatibility and programs should use getInstance.

Parameters: seed Seed bytes for class


protected SecureRandom(SecureRandomSpi secureRandomSpi, Provider provider)
A constructor for SecureRandom. It constructs a new SecureRandom using the specified SecureRandomSpi from the specified security provier.

Parameters: secureRandomSpi A SecureRandomSpi class provider A Provider class

Method Detail


public byte[] generateSeed(int numBytes)
Returns the specified number of seed bytes.

Parameters: numBytes number of seed bytes to get

Returns: an array containing the seed bytes


public String getAlgorithm()
Returns the algorithm name used or "unknown" when the algorithm used couldn't be determined (as when constructed by the protected 2 argument constructor).

Since: 1.5


public static SecureRandom getInstance(String algorithm)
Returns an instance of a SecureRandom from the first provider that implements it.

Parameters: algorithm The algorithm name.

Returns: A new SecureRandom implementing the given algorithm.

Throws: NoSuchAlgorithmException If no installed provider implements the given algorithm. IllegalArgumentException if algorithm is null or is an empty string.


public static SecureRandom getInstance(String algorithm, String provider)
Returns an instance of a SecureRandom for the specified algorithm from the named provider.

Parameters: algorithm The algorithm name. provider The provider name.

Returns: A new SecureRandom implementing the chosen algorithm.

Throws: NoSuchAlgorithmException If the named provider does not implement the algorithm, or if the implementation cannot be instantiated. NoSuchProviderException If no provider named provider is currently installed. IllegalArgumentException if either algorithm or provider is null or empty.


public static SecureRandom getInstance(String algorithm, Provider provider)
Returns an instance of a SecureRandom for the specified algorithm from the given provider.

Parameters: algorithm The SecureRandom algorithm to create. provider The provider to use.

Throws: NoSuchAlgorithmException If the algorithm cannot be found, or if the class cannot be instantiated. IllegalArgumentException if either algorithm or provider is null, or if algorithm is an empty string.


public final Provider getProvider()
Returns the provider being used by the current SecureRandom class.

Returns: The provider from which this SecureRandom was attained


public static byte[] getSeed(int numBytes)
Returns the given number of seed bytes. This method is maintained only for backwards capability.

Parameters: numBytes number of seed bytes to get

Returns: an array containing the seed bytes


protected final int next(int numBits)
Generates an integer containing the user specified number of random bits. It is right justified and padded with zeros.

Parameters: numBits number of random bits to get, 0 <= numBits <= 32;

Returns: the random bits


public void nextBytes(byte[] bytes)
Generates a user specified number of bytes. This function is the basis for all the random functions.

Parameters: bytes array to store generated bytes in


public void setSeed(byte[] seed)
Seeds the SecureRandom. The class is re-seeded for each call and each seed builds on the previous seed so as not to weaken security.

Parameters: seed seed bytes to seed with


public void setSeed(long seed)
Seeds the SecureRandom. The class is re-seeded for each call and each seed builds on the previous seed so as not to weaken security.

Parameters: seed 8 seed bytes to seed with