Class Summary | |
AbstractAction | A base class for implementing the {@link Action} interface. |
AbstractBorder | An invisible zero-width border, serving as a base class for implementing more interesting borders. |
AbstractButton | Provides an abstract implementation of common button behaviour, data model and look & feel. |
AbstractButton.AccessibleAbstractButton | A Java Accessibility extension of the AbstractButton. |
AbstractButton.ButtonChangeListener | An extension of ChangeListener to be serializable. |
AbstractCellEditor | An abstract superclass for table and tree cell editors. |
AbstractCollection<E> | A basic implementation of most of the methods in the Collection interface to make it easier to create a collection. |
AbstractColorChooserPanel | AbstractColorChooserPanel |
AbstractDocument | An abstract base implementation for the {@link Document} interface. |
AbstractDocument.AbstractElement | An abstract base implementation of the {@link Element} interface. |
AbstractDocument.AttributeContext |
Defines a set of methods for managing text attributes for one or more
Document s.
AbstractDocument.BranchElement |
An implementation of {@link Element} to represent composite
Element s that contain other Element s. |
AbstractDocument.Content | A sequence of data that can be edited. |
AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent |
Stores the changes when a Document is beeing modified. |
AbstractDocument.ElementEdit | An implementation of {@link DocumentEvent.ElementChange} to be added to {@link DefaultDocumentEvent}s. |
AbstractDocument.LeafElement | An implementation of {@link Element} that represents a leaf in the document structure. |
AbstractInterruptibleChannel | |
AbstractLayoutCache | class AbstractLayoutCache |
AbstractLayoutCache.NodeDimensions | class NodeDimensions |
AbstractList<E> | A basic implementation of most of the methods in the List interface to make it easier to create a List based on a random-access data structure. |
AbstractListModel | Provides standard implementations of some methods in {@link ListModel}. |
AbstractMap<K,V> | An abstract implementation of Map to make it easier to create your own implementations. |
AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<K,V> | A class which implements Map.Entry. |
AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<K,V> | A class containing an immutable key and value. |
AbstractMethodError |
An AbstractMethodError is thrown when an application attempts
to access an abstract method. |
AbstractPreferences | Partial implementation of a Preference node. |
AbstractSelectableChannel | |
AbstractSelectionKey | |
AbstractSelector | |
AbstractSequentialList<E> | Abstract superclass to make it easier to implement the List interface when backed by a sequential-access store, such as a linked list. |
AbstractSet<E> | An abstract implementation of Set to make it easier to create your own implementations. |
AbstractSpinnerModel | Provides standard implementations for some of the methods in {@link SpinnerModel}. |
AbstractTableModel | A base class that can be used to create implementations of the {@link TableModel} interface. |
AbstractUndoableEdit |
A default implementation of UndoableEdit that can be
used as a base for implementing editing operations.
AbstractWriter | This is an abstract base class for writing Document instances to a Writer. |
AccessControlContext | AccessControlContext makes system resource access decsion based on permission rights. |
AccessControlException |
This exception is thrown when the AccessController denies
an attempt to perform an operation. |
AccessController | Access control context and permission checker. |
AccessException |
Thrown to indicate that the caller does not have permission to access
certain data, such as bind in an ActivationSystem.
Accessible | Implementing the Accessibility API must start with implementation of this interface at a bare minimum. |
AccessibleAction | If an object implements this interface then it must be able to perform one or more actions. |
AccessibleAttributeSequence | This is a convenience class that represents an accessible attribute sequence. |
AccessibleBundle | This serves as a base class for accessibility "enumerations". |
AccessibleComponent | Objects which are to be rendered to a screen as part of a graphical user interface should implement this interface. |
AccessibleContext | The minimum information that all accessible objects return. |
AccessibleEditableText | Objects which present editable textual information on the display should implement this interface. |
AccessibleExtendedComponent | Objects which present graphical components with extensions such as key bindings or tool-tips should implement this interface. |
AccessibleExtendedTable | Objects which present 2-D tables with the extension of a flat address space should implement this interface. |
AccessibleExtendedText | This interface provides extended text functionality, similar to AccessibleText. |
AccessibleHyperlink | This object encapsulates actions associated with navigating hypertext. |
AccessibleHypertext | Objects which present hyperlinks in a document should implement this interface. |
AccessibleIcon | Objects which have an associated icon, such as buttons, should implement this interface. |
AccessibleKeyBinding | Objects which have keyboard bindings for mneumonics or shortcuts should implement this interface. |
AccessibleObject | This class is the superclass of various reflection classes, and allows sufficiently trusted code to bypass normal restrictions to do necessary things like invoke private methods outside of the class during Serialization. |
AccessibleRelation | The relation between one accessible object and one or more other objects. |
AccessibleRelationSet | Describes all relations of an accessible object. |
AccessibleResourceBundle | This class is deprecated. |
AccessibleRole | The role of an accessible object. |
AccessibleSelection | If an object implements this interface then it must be able to control the selection of its children. |
AccessibleState | A state portion of an accessible object. |
AccessibleStateSet | Describes all elements of an accessible object's state. |
AccessibleStreamable | This interface represents a streamable accessible object. |
AccessibleTable | Objects which present information in a 2-dimensional table should implement this interface. |
AccessibleTableModelChange | Describes a change to an accessible table. |
AccessibleText | Objects which present textual information on the display should implement this interface. |
AccessibleTextSequence | This is a convenience class that encapsulates a String and a range. |
AccessibleValue | If an object implements this interface then it must be able to control a numerical value. |
AccountException | This is the base class for various account-related exceptions. |
AccountExpiredException | An exception that signals that an attempt was made to login to an account that has expired. |
AccountLockedException | An exception indicating that an account is locked. |
AccountNotFoundException | An exception indicating that an account was not found. |
Acl | A Java access control list (ACL) is a group of individual ACL entries. |
AclEntry | This interface models an entry in an access control list (ACL). |
AclNotFoundException | This exception is thrown when a requested access control list (ACL) is not found. |
Action | Provides a convenient central point of control for some task that can be triggered by more than one control in a Swing user interface (for example, a menu item and a toolbar button). |
ActionEvent | This event is generated when an action on a component (such as a button press) occurs. |
ActionListener | This interface is for classes that listen for action events. |
ActionMap | Maps arbitrary keys (usually Strings) to {@link Action} instances. |
ActionMapUIResource |
An ActionMap that implements the {@link UIResource}
interface to indicate that it belongs to a pluggable
Activatable | A common ancestor for the implementations of the activatable objects. |
ActivateFailedException | Thrown when activation fails on a remote call to an activatable object. |
ActivationDesc | Contains the information, necessary to activate the object. |
ActivationException |
General exception class for java.rmi.activation .
ActivationGroup | The entity that receives the request to activate object and activates it. |
ActivationGroupDesc | Contains information, necessary to create of recreate the activation objects. |
ActivationGroupDesc.CommandEnvironment | Contains the startup options for the {@link ActivationGroup} implementations. |
ActivationGroupID | This identifier identifies the activation group inside the scope of its activation system. |
ActivationGroup_Stub | A stub class for {@link ActivationGroup} implementations. |
ActivationID | Denotes the object that can be activated over time. |
ActivationInstantiator | The implementation of this interface creates (instantiates) the new remote objects in response to the activation request. |
ActivationMonitor | The activation and inactivation event listener. |
ActivationSystem |
The ActivationSystem registers groups and activatable objects to be activated within those groups. |
Activator | Activates remote object, providing the live reference to the activable remote object. |
ActiveEvent | An interface for events which can dispatch themselves in another thread. |
ActivityCompletedException | Exception wrapper for CORBA.ACTIVITY_COMPLETED. |
ActivityRequiredException | Exception wrapper for CORBA.ACTIVITY_REQUIRED |
ACTIVE | A single constant interface, defining the adapter state (ACTIVE) = 1. |
ACTIVITY_COMPLETED | The ACTIVITY_COMPLETED indicates that the Activity context in which the method call was made has been completed due to a timeout of either the Activity itself or a transaction that encompasses the Activity. |
ACTIVITY_REQUIRED | The ACTIVITY_REQUIRED system exception indicates that an Activity context was necessary to perform the invoked operation, but one was not found associated with the calling thread. |
AdapterActivator | Adapter activators are associated with POAs and supply the the ability to create child POAs on demand. |
AdapterActivatorOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the AdapterActivator. |
AdapterAlreadyExists | Raised if the target POA already has a child POA with the specified name (during creation of the new POA as a child of the target POA). |
AdapterAlreadyExistsHelper | The helper operations for the exception {@link AdapterAlreadyExists}. |
AdapterInactive | Raised when the current operation is not applicable for the system because the POA manager is in an inactive {@link State}. |
AdapterInactiveHelper | The helper operations for the exception {@link AdapterInactive}. |
AdapterManagerIdHelper | A helper operations for the adapter manager id. |
AdapterNameHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with the adapter name helper. |
AdapterNonExistent | The AdapterNonExistent is thrown if the parent POA cannot locate the required child POA. |
AdapterNonExistentHelper | The helper operations for the exception {@link AdapterNonExistent}. |
AdapterStateHelper | A helper operations for the adapter state. |
AddressHelper | Helper operations for address. |
Adjustable | This interface is for objects that take a numeric value that can be adjusted within a bounded range. |
AdjustmentEvent | This class represents an event that is generated when an adjustable value is changed. |
AdjustmentListener | Interface for classes that listen for adjustment events. |
Adler32 | Computes Adler32 checksum for a stream of data. |
AffineTransform | This class represents an affine transformation between two coordinate spaces in 2 dimensions. |
AffineTransformOp | AffineTransformOp performs matrix-based transformations (translations, scales, flips, rotations, and shears). |
AlgorithmParameterGenerator |
AlgorithmParameterGenerator is used to generate algorithm
parameters for specified algorithms.
AlgorithmParameterGeneratorSpi | AlgorithmParameterGeneratorSpi is the Service Provider Interface for the AlgorithmParameterGenerator class. |
AlgorithmParameters |
AlgorithmParameters is an Algorithm Parameters class which
provides an interface through which the user can manage the parameters of an
AlgorithmParametersSpi | AlgorithmParametersSpi is the Service Provider Interface for the Algorithm Parameters class. |
AlgorithmParameterSpec | A transparent interface for Algorithm Parameter Specifications. |
AllPermission | This class is a permission that implies all other permissions. |
AlphaComposite | |
AlreadyBound | The exception is thrown in response to bind the same object into the same context repeatedly under the different name. |
AlreadyBoundException | Thrown on an attempt to bind an object in the registry that is already bound. |
AlreadyBoundHelper | The helper operations for the {@link AlreadyBound} user exception. |
AlreadyBoundHolder | The holder for class {@link AlreadyBound} exception. |
AlreadyConnectedException | |
AncestorEvent | |
AncestorListener | AncestorListener Interface |
AnnotatedElement |
Represents an element that can be annotated. |
Annotation | This is the common interface for all annotations. |
Annotation | This class is used as a wrapper for a text attribute object. |
AnnotationFormatError | Thrown when an annotation found in a class file is malformed. |
AnnotationTypeMismatchException | Thrown when accessing an element within an annotation for which the type has changed, since compilation or serialization took place. |
Any | A container that can store a value of either user defined or primitive IDL type. |
AnyHolder | A holder for storing an instance of {@link Any}. |
AnySeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with the array of the type {@link Any} (not with the "any array"). |
AnySeqHelper | A helper operations for the array of {@link Any}. |
AnySeqHolder |
A sequence holder for CORBA AnySeq that is mapped into
java Any[] .
AppConfigurationEntry | |
AppConfigurationEntry.LoginModuleControlFlag | |
Appendable |
An |
Applet | This is the base applet class. |
AppletContext | This interface allows an applet access to the browser to retrieve additional data files and display documents. |
AppletInitializer | This interface is a mechanism for the initialization of a Java Bean that is also an Applet. |
AppletStub | This interface is the low level interface between the applet and the browser. |
Applet.AccessibleApplet | This class provides accessibility support for Applets, and is the runtime type returned by {@link #getAccessibleContext()}. |
ApplicationException | This expection is thrown if the application throws an exception, defined as a part of its remote method definition. |
Arc2D | This class represents all arcs (segments of an ellipse in 2-D space). |
Arc2D.Double | This class implements an arc in double precision. |
Arc2D.Float | This class implements an arc in float precision. |
Area | The Area class represents any area for the purpose of Constructive Area Geometry (CAG) manipulations. |
AreaAveragingScaleFilter | This filter should produce images which do not have image artifacts like broken lines which were originally unbroken. |
ArithmeticException | Thrown when a math error has occured, such as trying to divide an integer by zero. |
Array | This interface provides methods for accessing SQL array types. |
Array | Array holds static helper functions that allow you to create and manipulate arrays by reflection. |
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException | Thrown when attempting to access a position outside the valid range of an array. |
ArrayList<E> | An array-backed implementation of the List interface. |
Arrays | This class contains various static utility methods performing operations on arrays, and a method to provide a List "view" of an array to facilitate using arrays with Collection-based APIs. |
ArrayStoreException | Thrown when trying to store an object of the wrong runtime type in an array. |
ArrayType<T> | The open type descriptor for arrays of open data values. |
ARG_IN | This simple interface defines just one constant, normally used to mark the parameter as an "input parameter". |
ARG_INOUT | This simple interface defines just one constant, normally used to mark that the the parameter is used both to pass and to return some value. |
ARG_OUT | This simple interface defines just one constant, normally used to mark the parameter as an "output parameter". |
AssertionError |
An assertion error normally occurs as a result of the assert
statement added in JDK 1.4, to indicate that an assertion failed. |
AsyncBoxView | A {@link View} implementation that lays out its child views in a box, either vertically or horizontally. |
AsyncBoxView.ChildLocator | Manages the effective position of child views. |
AsyncBoxView.ChildState | Represents the layout state of a child view. |
AsynchronousCloseException | |
Attribute | Represents an MBean attribute, having the name and the assigned value. |
Attribute | |
Attribute | Base interface of every printing attribute of the Java Print Service API. |
Attribute | An attribute event. |
AttributeChangeNotification | Defines the notification used to let listeners know of an attribute change. |
AttributeChangeNotificationFilter | Performs filtering of {@link AttributeChangeNotification}s based on a list of attribute names. |
AttributedCharacterIterator |
This interface extends the CharacterIterator interface
in order to support iteration over character attributes as well as
over the characters themselves.
AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute | Defines attribute keys that are used as text attributes. |
AttributedString |
This class models a String with attributes over various
subranges of the string. |
AttributeException |
AttributeException specifies two methods a specific
subclass of {@link javax.print.PrintException} may implement to
provide further information of printing errors if unsupported
attribute classes or values of attributes are involved.
AttributeInUseException | |
AttributeList |
Stores the attribute information, obtained by parsing SGML (DTD) tag
AttributeList | Represents a list of MBean {@link Attribute}s, with their names and values. |
AttributeModificationException | |
AttributeNotFoundException | Thrown when a attribute is requested but can not be found. |
Attributes | Represents attribute name/value pairs from a Manifest as a Map. |
Attributes | |
Attributes.Name | Represents a name of a Manifest Attribute. |
AttributeSet | A set of attributes. |
AttributeSet |
AttributeSet is the top-level interface for sets of printing
attributes in the Java Print Service API.
AttributeSetUtilities |
AttributeSetUtilities provides static methods for working
with AttributeSet s.
AttributeSet.CharacterAttribute | Used as keys to identify character-run attributes. |
AttributeSet.ColorAttribute | Used as keys to identify color attributes. |
AttributeSet.FontAttribute | Used as keys to identify font attributes. |
AttributeSet.ParagraphAttribute | Used as keys to identify paragraph level attributes. |
AttributeValueExp | Represents an attribute value being used as an argument to a relational constraint. |
AudioClip | This interface provides a simple mechanism for playing audio clips. |
AudioFileFormat | This describes an audio file, including information about its length, the format of the audio data, and other things. |
AudioFileFormat.Type | An instance of this type describes a standard audio file format. |
AudioFileReader | This abstract class defines the interface to audio file readers. |
AudioFileWriter | This abstract class provides an API for writing audio files. |
AudioFormat | This class describes an audio format, including its encoding, the number of channels, its frame rate, etc. |
AudioFormat.Encoding | This describes a given audio format encoding. |
AudioInputStream | This is an InputStream which is specialized for reading audio files. |
AudioPermission | This represents the permission to use an audio device. |
AudioSystem | This clas is the primary interface to the audio system. |
AuthenticationException |
This exception is thrown by a SASL mechanism implementation to indicate that the SASL exchange has failed due to reasons related to authentication, such as an invalid identity, passphrase, or key. Note that the lack of an |
AuthenticationException | |
AuthenticationNotSupportedException | |
Authenticator | This abstract class provides a model for obtaining authentication information (in the form of a username and password) required by some network operations (such as hitting a password protected web site). |
AuthorizeCallback | This callback is used by {@link SaslServer} to determine whether one entity (identified by an authenticated authentication ID) can act on behalf of another entity (identified by an authorization ID). |
AuthPermission |
A permission controlling access to authentication service. |
Autoscroll | During DnD operations it is possible that a user may wish to drop the subject of the operation on a region of a scrollable GUI control that is not currently visible to the user. |
AWTError | This error is thrown when a critical Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) error occurs. |
AWTEvent | AWTEvent is the root event class for all AWT events in the JDK 1.1 event model. |
AWTEventListener | This listener is for classes that need to listen to all events in the AWT system. |
AWTEventListenerProxy | This class allows adding an AWTEventListener which only pays attention to a specific event mask. |
AWTEventMulticaster | This class is used to implement a chain of event handlers. |
AWTException | This is a generic exception that indicates an exception occurred in the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) system. |
AWTKeyStroke | This class mirrors KeyEvents, representing both low-level key presses and key releases, and high level key typed inputs. |
AWTPermission | This class implements permissions for AWT. |
BAD_CONTEXT | Means that the operation is invoked by a client but the passed context has no values required by this operation. |
BAD_INV_ORDER | Means that the caller has invoked operations in the wrong order. |
BAD_OPERATION | Means that the object exists but does not support the operation that was invoked on it. |
BAD_PARAM | The exception thrown when a parameter passed to a call is considered illegal. |
BAD_POLICY | Holds a single constant, specifying, that the requested {@link Policy} is not valid. |
BAD_POLICY_TYPE | Holds a single constant, specifying, that the requested {@link Policy} type is not valid. |
BAD_POLICY_VALUE | Holds a single constant, specifying, that the requested {@link Policy} value is not valid. |
BAD_QOS | The BAD_QOS is raised when the object cannot support the quality of service required by an invocation parameter. |
BAD_TYPECODE | Means that the some TypeCode has been realized to be invalid (for example, has an invalid TCKind value). |
BackingStoreException | Chained exception thrown when backing store fails. |
BadAttributeValueExpException | Thrown when the value of an a attribute passed to a query proves to be invalid. |
BadBinaryOpValueExpException | Thrown when the expression passed to a method for constructing a query proves to be invalid. |
BadKind | This exception is thrown when an inappropriate operation is invoked on a {@link org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode} object. |
BadLocationException |
Indicates that an invalid location within a Document has been
BadPaddingException | This exception is thrown during decryption when the decrypted input does not have the proper padding bytes that are expected by the padding mechanism. |
BadStringOperationException | Thrown when a string-based operation passed to a query proves to be invalid. |
BandCombineOp | Filter Raster pixels by applying a matrix. |
BandedSampleModel | A sample model that reads each sample value from a separate band in the {@link DataBuffer}. |
BasicArrowButton | A button that displays an arrow (triangle) that points {@link #NORTH}, {@link #SOUTH}, {@link #EAST} or {@link #WEST}. |
BasicAttribute | |
BasicAttributes | |
BasicBorders | Provides various borders for the Basic look and feel. |
BasicBorders.ButtonBorder | A border whose appearance depends on the state of the enclosed button. |
BasicBorders.FieldBorder | A border that makes its enclosed component appear as lowered into the surface. |
BasicBorders.MarginBorder |
An invisible, but spacing border whose margin is determined
by calling the getMargin() method of the enclosed
component. |
BasicBorders.MenuBarBorder | A border for drawing a separator line below JMenuBar. |
BasicBorders.RadioButtonBorder | A border for drawing radio buttons in the Basic look and feel. |
BasicBorders.RolloverButtonBorder | A one-pixel thick border for rollover buttons, for example in tool bars. |
BasicBorders.SplitPaneBorder | A border for JSplitPanes in the Basic look and feel. |
BasicBorders.ToggleButtonBorder | A border for toggle buttons in the Basic look and feel. |
BasicButtonListener | |
BasicButtonUI | A UI delegate for the {@link JButton} component. |
BasicCheckBoxMenuItemUI | DOCUMENT ME! |
BasicCheckBoxUI | A UI delegate for the {@link JCheckBox} component. |
BasicColorChooserUI | This is the UI Class for the JColorChooser in the Basic Look and Feel. |
BasicColorChooserUI.PropertyHandler | This helper class handles property changes from the JColorChooser. |
BasicComboBoxEditor | An editor used by the {@link BasicComboBoxUI} class. |
BasicComboBoxEditor.UIResource | A subclass of {@link BasicComboBoxEditor} that implements the {@link UIResource} interface. |
BasicComboBoxRenderer | A renderer for a {@link JComboBox}. |
BasicComboBoxRenderer.UIResource | A subclass of {@link BasicComboBoxRenderer} that implements the {@link javax.swing.plaf.UIResource} interface. |
BasicComboBoxUI | A UI delegate for the {@link JComboBox} component. |
BasicComboBoxUI.ComboBoxLayoutManager | A {@link LayoutManager} used to position the sub-components of the {@link JComboBox}. |
BasicComboBoxUI.FocusHandler | Handles focus changes occuring in the combo box. |
BasicComboBoxUI.ItemHandler | Handles {@link ItemEvent}s fired by the {@link JComboBox} when its selected item changes. |
BasicComboBoxUI.KeyHandler | KeyHandler handles key events occuring while JComboBox has focus. |
BasicComboBoxUI.ListDataHandler | Handles the changes occurring in the JComboBox's data model. |
BasicComboBoxUI.PropertyChangeHandler | Handles {@link PropertyChangeEvent}s fired by the {@link JComboBox}. |
BasicComboPopup | UI Delegate for ComboPopup |
BasicComboPopup.InvocationKeyHandler | This class is not used anymore |
BasicComboPopup.InvocationMouseHandler | InvocationMouseHandler is a listener that listens to mouse events occuring in the combo box. |
BasicComboPopup.InvocationMouseMotionHandler | InvocationMouseMotionListener is a mouse listener that listens to mouse dragging events occuring in the combo box. |
BasicComboPopup.ItemHandler | ItemHandler is an item listener that listens to selection events occuring in the combo box. |
BasicComboPopup.ListDataHandler | This class is not used any more. |
BasicComboPopup.ListMouseHandler | ListMouseHandler is a listener that listens to mouse events occuring in the combo box's list of items. |
BasicComboPopup.ListMouseMotionHandler | ListMouseMotionHandler listens to mouse motion events occuring in the combo box's list. |
BasicComboPopup.ListSelectionHandler | This class is not used anymore |
BasicComboPopup.PropertyChangeHandler | This class listens to changes occuring in the bound properties of the combo box |
BasicDesktopIconUI | This class acts as the UI delegate for JDesktopIcons for the Basic look and feel. |
BasicDesktopIconUI.MouseInputHandler | This helper class handles mouse events that occur on the JDesktopIcon. |
BasicDesktopPaneUI | This class is the UI delegate for JDesktopPane for the Basic look and feel. |
BasicDesktopPaneUI.CloseAction | This helper class is used to handle key events that cause JInternalFrames to be closed. |
BasicDesktopPaneUI.MaximizeAction | This helper class is used to handle key events that cause JInternalFrames to be maximized. |
BasicDesktopPaneUI.MinimizeAction | This helper class is used to handle key events that cause JInternalFrames to be minimized. |
BasicDesktopPaneUI.NavigateAction | This helper class is used to handle key events that pass the SELECTED property to the next JInternalFrame in the JDesktopPane's list of children. |
BasicDesktopPaneUI.OpenAction | This helper class is used to restore the JInternalFrame to its original size before maximizing or iconifying. |
BasicDirectoryModel | Implements an AbstractListModel for directories where the source of the files is a JFileChooser object. |
BasicEditorPaneUI | The UI class for {@link JEditorPane}s. |
BasicFileChooserUI | A UI delegate for the {@link JFileChooser} component under the {@link BasicLookAndFeel}. |
BasicFileChooserUI.AcceptAllFileFilter | A file filter that accepts all files. |
BasicFileChooserUI.ApproveSelectionAction | Handles a user action to approve the dialog selection. |
BasicFileChooserUI.BasicFileView | Provides presentation information about files and directories. |
BasicFileChooserUI.CancelSelectionAction | Handles an action to cancel the file chooser. |
BasicFileChooserUI.ChangeToParentDirectoryAction | An action to handle changes to the parent directory (for example, via a click on the "up folder" button). |
BasicFileChooserUI.DoubleClickListener | A mouse listener that handles double-click events. |
BasicFileChooserUI.GoHomeAction | An action that changes the file chooser to display the user's home directory. |
BasicFileChooserUI.NewFolderAction | An action that handles the creation of a new folder/directory. |
BasicFileChooserUI.SelectionListener | A listener for selection events in the file list. |
BasicFileChooserUI.UpdateAction | DOCUMENT ME! |
BasicFormattedTextFieldUI | |
BasicGraphicsUtils | A utility class providing commonly used drawing and measurement routines. |
BasicHTML | Provides support for HTML rendering to {@link javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI} implementations. |
BasicIconFactory | Creates icons for the {@link BasicLookAndFeel}. |
BasicInternalFrameTitlePane | This class acts as a titlebar for JInternalFrames. |
BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.CloseAction | The Action responsible for closing the JInternalFrame. |
BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.IconifyAction | This Action is responsible for iconifying the JInternalFrame. |
BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.MaximizeAction | This Action is responsible for maximizing the JInternalFrame. |
BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.MoveAction | This Action is responsible for dragging the JInternalFrame. |
BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.PropertyChangeHandler | This class is responsible for handling property change events from the JInternalFrame and adjusting the Title Pane as necessary. |
BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.RestoreAction | This Action is responsible for restoring the JInternalFrame. |
BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.SizeAction | This action is responsible for sizing the JInternalFrame. |
BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.SystemMenuBar | This class acts as the MenuBar for the TitlePane. |
BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.TitlePaneLayout | This class acts as the Layout Manager for the TitlePane. |
BasicInternalFrameUI | This is the UI delegate for the Basic look and feel for JInternalFrames. |
BasicInternalFrameUI.BasicInternalFrameListener | This is a helper class that listens to the JInternalFrame for InternalFrameEvents. |
BasicInternalFrameUI.BorderListener | This helper class listens to the edges of the JInternalFrame and the TitlePane for mouse events. |
BasicInternalFrameUI.ComponentHandler | This helper class listens to the JDesktopPane that parents this JInternalFrame and listens for resize events and resizes the JInternalFrame appropriately. |
BasicInternalFrameUI.GlassPaneDispatcher | This helper class is used to listen to the JDesktopPane's glassPane for MouseEvents. |
BasicInternalFrameUI.InternalFrameLayout | This helper class acts as the LayoutManager for JInternalFrames. |
BasicInternalFrameUI.InternalFramePropertyChangeListener | This helper class listens for PropertyChangeEvents from the JInternalFrame. |
BasicLabelUI | This is the Basic Look and Feel class for the JLabel. |
BasicListUI | The Basic Look and Feel UI delegate for the JList. |
BasicListUI.FocusHandler | A helper class which listens for {@link FocusEvent}s from the JList. |
BasicListUI.ListDataHandler | A helper class which listens for {@link ListDataEvent}s generated by the {@link JList}'s {@link ListModel}. |
BasicListUI.ListSelectionHandler | A helper class which listens for {@link ListSelectionEvent}s from the {@link JList}'s {@link ListSelectionModel}. |
BasicListUI.MouseInputHandler | A helper class which listens for {@link MouseEvent}s from the {@link JList}. |
BasicListUI.PropertyChangeHandler | Helper class which listens to {@link PropertyChangeEvent}s from the {@link JList}. |
BasicLookAndFeel | A basic implementation of Swing's Look and Feel framework. |
BasicMenuBarUI | UI Delegate for JMenuBar. |
BasicMenuItemUI | UI Delegate for JMenuItem. |
BasicMenuItemUI.MouseInputHandler | This class handles mouse events occuring inside the menu item. |
BasicMenuUI | UI Delegate for JMenu |
BasicMenuUI.ChangeHandler | Obsolete as of JDK1.4. |
BasicMenuUI.MouseInputHandler | This class is used by menus to handle mouse events occuring in the menu. |
BasicOptionPaneUI | This class is the UI delegate for JOptionPane in the Basic Look and Feel. |
BasicOptionPaneUI.ButtonActionListener | This is a helper class that listens to the buttons located at the bottom of the JOptionPane. |
BasicOptionPaneUI.ButtonAreaLayout | This helper layout manager is responsible for the layout of the button area. |
BasicOptionPaneUI.PropertyChangeHandler | This helper class handles property change events from the JOptionPane. |
BasicPanelUI | A UI delegate for the {@link JPanel} component. |
BasicPasswordFieldUI | |
BasicPermission | This class implements a simple model for named permissions without an associated action list. |
BasicPopupMenuSeparatorUI | The Basic Look and Feel UI delegate for JPopupMenu.Separator. |
BasicPopupMenuUI | UI Delegate for JPopupMenu |
BasicProgressBarUI | The Basic Look and Feel UI delegate for the JProgressBar. |
BasicProgressBarUI.ChangeHandler | A helper class that listens for ChangeEvents from the progressBar's model. |
BasicRadioButtonMenuItemUI | UI Delegator for JRadioButtonMenuItem |
BasicRadioButtonUI | The BasicLookAndFeel UI implementation for {@link javax.swing.JRadioButton}s. |
BasicRootPaneUI | |
BasicScrollBarUI | The Basic Look and Feel UI delegate for JScrollBar. |
BasicScrollBarUI.ArrowButtonListener | A helper class that listens to the two JButtons on each end of the JScrollBar. |
BasicScrollBarUI.ModelListener | A helper class that listens to the ScrollBar's model for ChangeEvents. |
BasicScrollBarUI.PropertyChangeHandler | A helper class that listens to the ScrollBar's properties. |
BasicScrollBarUI.ScrollListener | A helper class that listens for events from the timer that is used to move the thumb. |
BasicScrollBarUI.TrackListener | Helper class that listens for movement on the track. |
BasicScrollPaneUI | A UI delegate for the {@link JScrollPane} component. |
BasicScrollPaneUI.HSBChangeListener | Listens for changes in the state of the horizontal scrollbar's model and updates the scrollpane accordingly. |
BasicScrollPaneUI.MouseWheelHandler | Listens for mouse wheel events and update the scrollpane accordingly. |
BasicScrollPaneUI.PropertyChangeHandler | Listens for property changes on the scrollpane and update the view accordingly. |
BasicScrollPaneUI.ViewportChangeHandler | Listens for changes of the viewport's extent size and updates the scrollpane accordingly. |
BasicScrollPaneUI.VSBChangeListener | Listens for changes in the state of the vertical scrollbar's model and updates the scrollpane accordingly. |
BasicSeparatorUI | The Basic Look and Feel UI delegate for JSeparator. |
BasicSliderUI | This is the UI delegate in the Basic look and feel that paints JSliders. |
BasicSliderUI.ActionScroller | This class is no longer used as of JDK1.3. |
BasicSliderUI.ChangeHandler | Helper class that listens to the {@link JSlider}'s model for changes. |
BasicSliderUI.ComponentHandler | Helper class that listens for resize events. |
BasicSliderUI.FocusHandler | Helper class that listens for focus events. |
BasicSliderUI.PropertyChangeHandler | Helper class that listens for changes to the properties of the {@link JSlider}. |
BasicSliderUI.ScrollListener | Helper class that listens to our swing timer. |
BasicSliderUI.TrackListener | Helper class that listens for mouse events. |
BasicSpinnerUI | A UI delegate for the {@link JSpinner} component. |
BasicSplitPaneDivider | The divider that separates the two parts of a JSplitPane in the Basic look and feel. |
BasicSplitPaneDivider.DividerLayout | This helper class acts as the Layout Manager for the divider. |
BasicSplitPaneDivider.DragController | Performs the tasks associated with an ongoing drag operation. |
BasicSplitPaneDivider.MouseHandler |
The listener for handling mouse events from both the divider and the
containing JSplitPane .
BasicSplitPaneDivider.VerticalDragController | This is a helper class that controls dragging when the orientation is VERTICAL_SPLIT. |
BasicSplitPaneUI | This is the Basic Look and Feel implementation of the SplitPaneUI class. |
BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicHorizontalLayoutManager | This Layout Manager controls the position and size of the components when the JSplitPane's orientation is HORIZONTAL_SPLIT. |
BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicVerticalLayoutManager | This class is the Layout Manager for the JSplitPane when the orientation is VERTICAL_SPLIT. |
BasicSplitPaneUI.FocusHandler | This class handles FocusEvents from the JComponent. |
BasicSplitPaneUI.KeyboardDownRightHandler | This is a deprecated class. |
BasicSplitPaneUI.KeyboardEndHandler | This is a deprecated class. |
BasicSplitPaneUI.KeyboardHomeHandler | This is a deprecated class. |
BasicSplitPaneUI.KeyboardResizeToggleHandler | This is a deprecated class. |
BasicSplitPaneUI.KeyboardUpLeftHandler | This is a deprecated class. |
BasicSplitPaneUI.PropertyHandler | This helper class handles PropertyChangeEvents from the JSplitPane. |
BasicStroke | A general purpose {@link Stroke} implementation that can represent a wide variety of line styles for use with subclasses of {@link Graphics2D}. |
BasicTabbedPaneUI | This is the Basic Look and Feel's UI delegate for JTabbedPane. |
BasicTabbedPaneUI.FocusHandler | A helper class that handles focus. |
BasicTabbedPaneUI.MouseHandler | A helper class for determining if mouse presses occur inside tabs and sets the index appropriately. |
BasicTabbedPaneUI.PropertyChangeHandler | This class handles PropertyChangeEvents fired from the JTabbedPane. |
BasicTabbedPaneUI.TabbedPaneLayout | A LayoutManager responsible for placing all the tabs and the visible component inside the JTabbedPane. |
BasicTabbedPaneUI.TabSelectionHandler | This class handles ChangeEvents from the JTabbedPane. |
BasicTableHeaderUI | Basic pluggable look and feel interface for JTableHeader. |
BasicTableHeaderUI.MouseInputHandler | Handles column movement and rearrangement by mouse. |
BasicTableUI | |
BasicTableUI.FocusHandler | |
BasicTableUI.KeyHandler | Handles key events for the JTable. |
BasicTableUI.MouseInputHandler | |
BasicTextAreaUI | |
BasicTextFieldUI | |
BasicTextPaneUI | |
BasicTextUI | The abstract base class from which the UI classes for Swings text components are derived. |
BasicTextUI.BasicCaret | A {@link DefaultCaret} that implements {@link UIResource}. |
BasicTextUI.BasicHighlighter | A {@link DefaultHighlighter} that implements {@link UIResource}. |
BasicToggleButtonUI | A UI delegate for the {@link JToggleButton} component. |
BasicToolBarSeparatorUI | The Basic Look and Feel UI delegate for Separator. |
BasicToolBarUI | This is the Basic Look and Feel UI class for JToolBar. |
BasicToolBarUI.DockingListener | This is the MouseHandler class that allows the user to drag the JToolBar in and out of the parent and dock it if it can. |
BasicToolBarUI.DragWindow | This is the window that appears when the JToolBar is being dragged around. |
BasicToolBarUI.FrameListener | This helper class listens for Window events from the floatable window and if it is closed, returns the JToolBar to the last known good location. |
BasicToolBarUI.PropertyListener | This helper class listens for PropertyChangeEvents from the JToolBar. |
BasicToolBarUI.ToolBarContListener | This helper class listens for components added to and removed from the JToolBar. |
BasicToolBarUI.ToolBarFocusListener | DOCUMENT ME! |
BasicToolTipUI | This is the Basic Look and Feel UI class for JToolTip. |
BasicTreeUI |
A delegate providing the user interface for JTree according to
the Basic look and feel.
BasicTreeUI.CellEditorHandler | Listener responsible for getting cell editing events and updating the tree accordingly. |
BasicTreeUI.ComponentHandler | Updates the preferred size when scrolling, if necessary. |
BasicTreeUI.FocusHandler | Repaints the lead selection row when focus is lost/grained. |
BasicTreeUI.KeyHandler | This is used to get multiple key down events to appropriately genereate events. |
BasicTreeUI.MouseHandler | MouseListener is responsible for updating the selection based on mouse events. |
BasicTreeUI.MouseInputHandler | MouseInputHandler handles passing all mouse events, including mouse motion events, until the mouse is released to the destination it is constructed with. |
BasicTreeUI.NodeDimensionsHandler | Class responsible for getting size of node, method is forwarded to BasicTreeUI method. |
BasicTreeUI.PropertyChangeHandler | PropertyChangeListener for the tree. |
BasicTreeUI.SelectionModelPropertyChangeHandler | Listener on the TreeSelectionModel, resets the row selection if any of the properties of the model change. |
BasicTreeUI.TreeCancelEditingAction | The action to cancel editing on this tree. |
BasicTreeUI.TreeExpansionHandler | Updates the TreeState in response to nodes expanding/collapsing. |
BasicTreeUI.TreeHomeAction | TreeHomeAction is used to handle end/home actions. |
BasicTreeUI.TreeIncrementAction | TreeIncrementAction is used to handle up/down actions. |
BasicTreeUI.TreeModelHandler | Forwards all TreeModel events to the TreeState. |
BasicTreeUI.TreePageAction | TreePageAction handles page up and page down events. |
BasicTreeUI.TreeSelectionHandler | Listens for changes in the selection model and updates the display accordingly. |
BasicTreeUI.TreeToggleAction | For the first selected row expandedness will be toggled. |
BasicTreeUI.TreeTraverseAction | TreeTraverseAction is the action used for left/right keys. |
BasicViewportUI | |
BatchUpdateException |
This class extends SQLException to count the successful
updates in each statement in a batch that was successfully updated prior
to the error.
BeanContext |
Acts as a container for sub-beans and as a sub-bean,
so that an entire hierarchy of beans can be made up of
BeanContext s.
BeanContextChild | Beans implement this to get information about the execution environment and its services and to be placed in the hierarchy. |
BeanContextChildComponentProxy |
Interface for BeanContextChild s which wish to associate an
AWT component with them. |
BeanContextChildSupport |
Support for creating a BeanContextChild .
BeanContextContainerProxy |
Interface for BeanContext s which wish to associate an
AWT container with them. |
BeanContextEvent |
Generic superclass for events fired by BeanContext s.
BeanContextMembershipEvent |
Event fired when children are added to or removed from a BeanContext .
BeanContextMembershipListener |
This is the interface to which BeanContextMembershipEvent s are sent.
BeanContextProxy |
Beans that wish to have a BeanContextChild or BeanContext associated with them
but do not wish to implement those interfaces directly, can implement this interface.
BeanContextServiceAvailableEvent |
Event fired when new services become available through a BeanContextServices .
BeanContextServiceProvider | An actual factory for services. |
BeanContextServiceProviderBeanInfo |
BeanContextServiceProvider s implement this to provide information about all of the services they provide.
BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent |
Event fired when services are revoked from a BeanContextServices .
BeanContextServiceRevokedListener | Listens for service revoke events. |
BeanContextServices |
Allows a BeanContext to provide services to its children.
BeanContextServicesListener | Listens for service add and revoke events. |
BeanContextServicesSupport | This is a helper class for implementing a bean context which supplies services. |
BeanContextServicesSupport.BCSSChild | |
BeanContextServicesSupport.BCSSProxyServiceProvider | |
BeanContextServicesSupport.BCSSServiceProvider | |
BeanContextSupport | This is a helper class for implementing a bean context. |
BeanContextSupport.BCSChild | |
BeanContextSupport.BCSIterator | |
BeanDescriptor |
BeanDescriptor describes general information about a Bean, plus
stores the Bean's Class and it's customizer's Class.
BeanInfo | BeanInfo can be implemented in order to provide explicit information to the Introspector. |
Beans |
Beans provides some helper methods that allow the basic
operations of Bean-ness.
BevelBorder | A rectangular, two pixel thick border that causes the enclosed area to appear as if it was raising out of or lowered into the screen. |
Bidi | Bidirectional Algorithm implementation. |
BigDecimal | |
BigInteger | Written using on-line Java Platform 1.2 API Specification, as well as "The Java Class Libraries", 2nd edition (Addison-Wesley, 1998) and "Applied Cryptography, Second Edition" by Bruce Schneier (Wiley, 1996). |
BinaryRefAddr | RefAddr that uses a byte array as content. |
BindException | This exception indicates that an error occurred while attempting to bind socket to a particular port. |
Binding |
Binding represents the name-object mapping of a
binding in a context.
Binding | Defines the binding with the given name and type. |
BindingHelper | The helper operations for {@link Binding}. |
BindingHolder | A holder for the binding type. |
BindingIterator | The iterator for seing the available bindings. |
BindingIteratorHelper | The helper operations for {@link BindingIterator} |
BindingIteratorHolder | The holder to store the binding iterator. |
BindingIteratorOperations | The operations, applicable for an iterator for seing the available bindings. |
BindingIteratorPOA | The binding iterator servant, used in POA-based naming service implementations. |
BindingListHelper | The helper operations for the binding list. |
BindingListHolder | A class to hold the binding list. |
BindingType | Specifies the binding type (how the binding has been created). |
BindingTypeHelper | A helper operations of the {@link BindingType} |
BindingTypeHolder | Holds the binding type. |
BitSet | This class can be thought of in two ways. |
Blob | This interface specified methods for accessing a SQL BLOB (Binary Large OBject) type. |
BlockView | |
BMPImageWriteParam | A class to encode images in the BMP format. |
Book | This class allows documents to be created with different paper types, page formatters, and painters. |
Boolean |
Instances of class Boolean represent primitive
boolean values.
BooleanControl | A BooleanControl is a Control which has two states. |
BooleanControl.Type | A Type specialized to represent a boolean control. |
BooleanHolder |
A holder for CORBA boolean that is mapped into
java boolean .
BooleanSeqHelper |
Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of boolean
(BooleanSeq ).
BooleanSeqHolder |
A sequence holder for CORBA BooleanSeq that is mapped into
java boolean[] .
Border | An public interface for decorative or spacing borders around a Component. |
BorderFactory | A factory for commonly used borders. |
BorderLayout | This class implements a layout manager that positions components in certain sectors of the parent container. |
BorderUIResource | A wrapper for {@link javax.swing.border.Border} that also implements the {@link UIResource} marker interface. |
BorderUIResource.BevelBorderUIResource | A {@link javax.swing.border.BevelBorder} that also implements the {@link UIResource} marker interface. |
BorderUIResource.CompoundBorderUIResource | A {@link javax.swing.border.CompoundBorder} that also implements the {@link UIResource} marker interface. |
BorderUIResource.EmptyBorderUIResource | An {@link javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder} that also implements the {@link UIResource} marker interface. |
BorderUIResource.EtchedBorderUIResource | An {@link javax.swing.border.EtchedBorder} that also implements the {@link UIResource} marker interface. |
BorderUIResource.LineBorderUIResource | A {@link javax.swing.border.LineBorder} that also implements the {@link UIResource} marker interface. |
BorderUIResource.MatteBorderUIResource | A {@link javax.swing.border.MatteBorder} that also implements the {@link UIResource} marker interface. |
BorderUIResource.TitledBorderUIResource | A {@link javax.swing.border.TitledBorder} that also implements the {@link UIResource} marker interface. |
BoundedRangeModel | The data model that represents a range that is constrained to fit within specified bounds. |
Bounds | Thrown when a parameter is outside the bounds for a particular object a method is trying to access. |
Bounds | The {@link org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode#member_name(int) }, {@link org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode#member_type(int) } and {@link org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode#member_label(int) } raise Bounds when the parameter is larger than the index of the last member, constituting the type. |
Box | A component that uses a {@link BoxLayout} as Layout Manager. |
BoxedValueHelper | Provides a helper operations for the boxed value type. |
BoxLayout | A layout that stacks the children of a container in a Box, either horizontally or vertically. |
BoxView | An implementation of {@link CompositeView} that arranges its children in a box along one axis. |
Box.AccessibleBox |
Provides accessibility support for Box es. |
Box.Filler | A component that servers as a filler in BoxLayout controlled containers. |
Box.Filler.AccessibleBoxFiller |
Provides accessibility support for Box.Filler . |
BreakIterator | This class iterates over text elements such as words, lines, sentences, and characters. |
BreakIteratorProvider | A {@link BreakIteratorProvider} provides localized instances of {@link java.text.BreakIterator}. |
Buffer | |
BufferCapabilities | A double-buffering capability descriptor. |
BufferCapabilities.FlipContents | A type-safe enumeration of buffer flipping results. |
BufferedImage | A buffered image always starts at coordinates (0, 0). |
BufferedImageFilter | The BufferedImageFilter class wraps BufferedImageOp objects in a Filter. |
BufferedImageOp |
An operation that is performed on one BufferedImage (the
source) producing a new BufferedImage (the destination). |
BufferedInputStream |
This subclass of FilterInputStream buffers input from an
underlying implementation to provide a possibly more efficient read
mechanism. |
BufferedOutputStream | This class accumulates bytes written in a buffer instead of immediately writing the data to the underlying output sink. |
BufferedReader |
This subclass of FilterReader buffers input from an
underlying implementation to provide a possibly more efficient read
mechanism. |
BufferedWriter | This class accumulates chars written in a buffer instead of immediately writing the data to the underlying output sink. |
BufferOverflowException | |
BufferStrategy | This class describes a strategy for managing image buffering resources on a Canvas or Window. |
BufferUnderflowException | |
Button | This class provides a button widget for the AWT. |
ButtonGroup |
Logically groups a set of buttons, so that only one of the buttons in
a ButtonGroup can be selected at the same time. |
ButtonModel | The data model that is used in all kinds of buttons. |
ButtonPeer | |
ButtonUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JButton .
Button.AccessibleAWTButton | |
Byte |
Instances of class Byte represent primitive byte
ByteArrayInputStream | This class permits an array of bytes to be read as an input stream. |
ByteArrayOutputStream | This class allows data to be written to a byte array buffer and and then retrieved by an application. |
ByteBuffer | |
ByteChannel | |
ByteHolder |
A holder for CORBA octet that is mapped into
java byte .
ByteLookupTable | ByteLookupTable represents translation arrays for pixel values. |
ByteOrder | |
Calendar |
This class is an abstract base class for Calendars, which can be
used to convert between Date objects and a set of
integer fields which represent YEAR ,
MONTH , DAY , etc. |
CallableStatement | This interface provides a mechanism for calling stored procedures. |
Callback |
Implementations of this interface are passed to a {@link CallbackHandler}, allowing underlying security services the ability to interact with a calling application to retrieve specific authentication data such as usernames and passwords, or to display certain information, such as error and warning messages.
CallbackHandler |
An application implements a
CancelablePrintJob |
CancelablePrintJob represents a print job which can be
CancelledKeyException | |
CannotProceed | The exception is raised when the naming service has given up for some reason. |
CannotProceedException | |
CannotProceedHelper | The helper operations for {@link CannotProceed}. |
CannotProceedHolder | The holder for exception {@link CannotProceed}. |
CannotRedoException | An exception which indicates that an editing action cannot be redone. |
CannotUndoException | An exception which indicates that an editing action cannot be undone. |
Canvas |
The Canvas component provides a blank rectangular
area, which the client application can use for drawing and for
capturing events. |
CanvasPeer | |
Canvas.AccessibleAWTCanvas | This class provides accessibility support for the canvas. |
CardLayout | This class implements a card-based layout scheme. |
Caret | Defines the method to be implemented by a caret that can be used in Swing text components. |
CaretEvent | CaretEvent |
CaretListener | CaretListener public interface |
CellEditor | Provides edit capabilities for components that display cells like {@link JTable}, {@link JList} and {@link JTree}. |
CellEditorListener | CellEditorListener public interface |
CellRendererPane | Paints the cells of JList, JTable and JTree. |
CellRendererPane.AccessibleCellRendererPane | Provides accessibility support for CellRendererPanes. |
Certificate | This interface models a digital certificate which verifies the authenticity of a party. |
Certificate | The Certificate class is an abstract class used to manage identity certificates. |
Certificate |
The base class for public-key certificates. This class is deprecated in favor of the {@link} class. |
CertificateEncodingException | Exception for a Certificate Encoding. |
CertificateEncodingException |
Signals a problem when encoding certificates. This class is deprecated in favor of the {@link} class. |
CertificateException | Exception for a Certificate. |
CertificateException |
Signals a generic problem with certificates. This class is deprecated in favor of the {@link} class. |
CertificateExpiredException | Exception for a Certificate Expiring. |
CertificateExpiredException |
Signals that a certificate has expired. This class is deprecated in favor of the {@link} class. |
CertificateFactory | This class implements the CertificateFactory class interface used to generate certificates, certificate revocation lists (CRLs), and certificate paths objects from their encoded forms. |
CertificateFactorySpi | CertificateFactorySpi is the abstract class Service Provider Interface (SPI) for the CertificateFactory class. |
CertificateNotYetValidException | Exception for a Certificate that is not yet valid. |
CertificateNotYetValidException |
Signals that a certificate is not yet valid. This class is deprecated in favor of the {@link} class. |
CertificateParsingException | Exception for parsing a DER-encoded Certificate. |
CertificateParsingException |
Signals a parsing error when decoding a certificate. This class is deprecated. |
Certificate.CertificateRep | Certificate.CertificateRep is an inner class used to provide an alternate storage mechanism for serialized Certificates. |
CertPath | This class represents an immutable sequence, or path, of security certificates. |
CertPathBuilder | This class builds certificate paths (also called certificate chains), which can be used to establish trust for a particular certificate by building a path from a trusted certificate (a trust anchor) to the untrusted certificate. |
CertPathBuilderException |
Indicates a problem while using a CertPathBuilder , wrapping
the lower exception. |
CertPathBuilderResult | A standard interface for the result of building a certificate path. |
CertPathBuilderSpi | The {@link CertPathBuilder} Service Provider Interface (SPI). |
CertPathParameters | Parameters for generating and validating certificate paths. |
CertPathTrustManagerParameters | Trust manager parameters for certification paths. |
CertPathValidator | Generic interface to classes that validate certificate paths. |
CertPathValidatorException | Indicates a problem while validating a certification path. |
CertPathValidatorResult | Interface to the result of calling {@link CertPathValidator#validate(,}. |
CertPathValidatorSpi | The service provider interface (SPI) for the {@link CertPathValidator} class. |
CertPath.CertPathRep | The serialized representation of a path. |
CertSelector | |
CertStore | A CertStore is a read-only repository for certificates and certificate revocation lists. |
CertStoreException |
Indicates a problem while retrieving certificates and CRLs from
CertStore , wrapping the lower exception. |
CertStoreParameters | Parameters used when creating instances of {@link CertStore}. |
CertStoreSpi | The service provider interface (SPI) for the {@link CertStore} class. |
ChangedCharSetException | The exception is thrown when the document charset is changed. |
ChangeEvent | An event used to signal a state change for an object. |
ChangeListener |
A ChangeListener can register with an object to receive
notification of state changes (for objects that support this mechanism).
Channel | |
ChannelBinding |
The GSS-API accommodates the concept of caller-provided channel binding information. |
Channels | |
CharArrayReader | This class permits an array of chars to be read as an input stream. |
CharArrayWriter | This class allows data to be written to a char array buffer and and then retrieved by an application. |
Character | Wrapper class for the primitive char data type. |
CharacterCodingException | |
CharacterIterator | This interface defines a mechanism for iterating over a range of characters. |
Characters | A character data (text) event. |
Character.Subset | A subset of Unicode blocks. |
Character.UnicodeBlock | A family of character subsets in the Unicode specification. |
CharBuffer | |
CharConversionException | This exception is thrown to indicate that a problem occurred with an attempted character conversion. |
CharHolder |
A holder for CORBA char that is mapped into
java char .
Charset | |
CharsetDecoder | |
CharsetEncoder | |
CharsetProvider | This class allows an implementor to provide additional character sets. |
CharSeqHelper |
Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of char
(CharSeq ).
CharSeqHolder |
A sequence holder for CORBA CharSeq that is mapped into
java char[] .
CharSequence | General functions on a sequence of chars. |
Checkbox | This class implements a component which has an on/off state. |
CheckboxGroup | This class if for combining checkboxes into groups so that only one checkbox in the group can be selected at any one time. |
CheckboxMenuItem | This class implements a menu item that has a checkbox on it indicating the selected state of some option. |
CheckboxMenuItemPeer | |
CheckboxMenuItem.AccessibleAWTCheckboxMenuItem | |
CheckboxPeer | |
Checkbox.AccessibleAWTCheckbox | This class provides accessibility support for the checkbox. |
CheckedInputStream | InputStream that computes a checksum of the data being read using a supplied Checksum object. |
CheckedOutputStream | OutputStream that computes a checksum of data being written using a supplied Checksum object. |
Checksum | Interface to compute a data checksum used by checked input/output streams. |
Choice | This class implements a drop down choice list. |
ChoiceCallback |
Underlying security services instantiate and pass a
ChoiceCallback to the handle() method of a
{@link CallbackHandler} to display a list of choices and to retrieve the
selected choice(s).
ChoiceFormat | This class allows a format to be specified based on a range of numbers. |
ChoicePeer | |
Choice.AccessibleAWTChoice | This class provides accessibility support for the combo box. |
Chromaticity |
The Chromaticity printing attribute specifies if print data
should be printed in monochrome or color.
Cipher |
This class implements a cryptographic cipher for transforming data. Ciphers cannot be instantiated directly; rather one of the
A transformation is of the form:
where algorithm is the base name of a cryptographic cipher (such as "AES"), mode is the abbreviated name of a block cipher mode (such as "CBC" for cipher block chaining mode), and padding is the name of a padding scheme (such as "PKCS5Padding"). |
CipherInputStream | This is an {@link} that filters its data through a {@link Cipher} before returning it. |
CipherOutputStream | A filtered output stream that transforms data written to it with a {@link Cipher} before sending it to the underlying output stream. |
CipherSpi |
This class represents the Service Provider Interface (SPI) for cryptographic ciphers. Providers of cryptographic ciphers must subclass this for every cipher they implement, implementing the abstract methods as appropriate, then provide an entry that points to the subclass in their implementation of {@link}. CipherSpi objects are instantiated along with {@link Cipher}s when the {@link Cipher#getInstance(java.lang.String)} methods are invoked. |
Class<T> | A Class represents a Java type. |
ClassCastException | Thrown when an attempt is made to cast an object which is not of the appropriate runtime type. |
ClassCircularityError |
A ClassCircularityError is thrown when a circular dependency
has been detected while initializing a class. |
ClassDefinition | This class binds a class that will be redefined with a new class file. |
ClassDesc | This class is used to marshal java.lang.Class objects over IIOP. |
ClassFileTransformer | This interface should be implemented by classes wishing to transform classes bytecode when defining or redefining classes. |
ClassFormatError |
A ClassFormatError is thrown when a Java Virtual Machine
unable to read a class file because the file is corrupted or cannot be
interpreted as a class file.
ClassLoader | The ClassLoader is a way of customizing the way Java gets its classes and loads them into memory. |
ClassLoaderRepository | Implementations of this interface maintain a list of {@link ClassLoader}s for use by the management servers, allowing classes to be loaded by the first {@link ClassLoader} that will do so. |
ClassLoadingMXBean | Provides access to information about the class loading behaviour of the current invocation of the virtual machine. |
ClassNotFoundException | Thrown when a class is requested by reflection, but the class definition cannot be found. |
ClientRequestInfo | Provides request information, accessible for the {@link ClientRequestInterceptor}. |
ClientRequestInfoOperations | Provides request information, accessible for the {@linkplain ClientRequestInterceptor}. |
ClientRequestInterceptor | A client side request interceptor that is notified on various request processing steps on a client side. |
ClientRequestInterceptorOperations | Defines operations, applicable to the client side request interceptor. |
Clip | A Clip represents some pre-loaded audio data. |
Clipboard | This class allows data to be transferred using a cut and paste type mechanism. |
ClipboardOwner | This interface is for classes that will own a clipboard object. |
Clob | This interface contains methods for accessing a SQL CLOB (Character Large OBject) type. |
Cloneable |
This interface should be implemented by classes wishing to
support of override Object.clone() . |
CloneNotSupportedException | Thrown to indicate an object should not or could not be cloned. |
Closeable |
A Closeable class represents a stream of
data, which can be closed when it is no longer needed.
ClosedByInterruptException | |
ClosedChannelException | |
ClosedSelectorException | |
CMMException | Thrown when there is an error in the native CMM. |
Codec |
Codec provides means to encode IDL data types into the byte arrays. |
CodecFactory |
The CodecFactory is used to obtaind {@link Codec} for the given encoding. |
CodecFactoryHelper | The helper operations for the CORBA object {@link CodecFactory}. |
CodecFactoryOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the CodecFactory. |
CodecOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the Codec. |
CoderMalfunctionError | |
CoderResult | |
CodeSets | Holds the integer identifier of the CodeSets context. |
CodeSource | This class represents a location from which code is loaded (as represented by a URL), and the list of certificates that are used to check the signatures of signed code loaded from this source. |
CodingErrorAction | |
CollationElementIterator |
This class walks through the character collation elements of a
String as defined by the collation rules in an instance of
RuleBasedCollator . |
CollationKey |
This class represents a pre-computed series of bits representing a
String for under a particular Collator . |
Collator |
This class is the abstract superclass of classes which perform
locale dependent String comparisons. |
CollatorProvider | A {@link CollatorProvider} provides localized instances of {@link java.text.Collator}. |
Collection<E> | Interface that represents a collection of objects. |
CollectionCertStoreParameters | An implementation of {@link CertStoreParameters} with a simple, in-memory {@link Collection} of certificates and certificate revocation list. |
Collections | Utility class consisting of static methods that operate on, or return Collections. |
Color | This class represents a color value in the AWT system. |
ColorChooserComponentFactory | ColorChooserComponentFactory |
ColorChooserUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JColorChooser .
ColorConvertOp | ColorConvertOp is a filter for converting images or rasters between colorspaces, either through a sequence of colorspaces or just from source to destination. |
ColorModel |
A color model operates with colors in several formats:
ColorSelectionModel | A model that is used by the {@link JColorChooser} component to represent the selected color. |
ColorSupported |
The ColorSupported printing attribute specifies if a
printing device is capable of color printing.
ColorType | A typesafe enumeration of color types. |
ColorUIResource |
A Color that is marked as UIResource , which indicates that
the color has been installed by a pluggable LookAndFeel. |
ComboBoxEditor | Provides edit capabilities for {@link JComboBox}es. |
ComboBoxModel | The data model for a {@link JComboBox}. |
ComboBoxUI | An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable look and feel for a {@link JComboBox}. |
ComboPopup | |
Comment | A comment event. |
CommunicationException | |
Comparable<T> | Interface for objects that can be ordering among other objects. |
Comparator<T> | Interface for objects that specify an ordering between objects. |
CompilationMXBean | Provides access to information about the Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler provided by the virtual machine, if one exists. |
Compiler |
The Compiler class is a placeholder for a JIT compiler
implementation, and does nothing unless there is such a compiler.
CompletionStatus | Defines the method completion status, usually for the time moment, when the exception has been thrown. |
CompletionStatusHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with {@link CompletionStatus}. |
Component | The root of all evil. |
ComponentAdapter |
This class implements ComponentListener and implements
all methods with empty bodies. |
ComponentColorModel | |
ComponentEvent | This class is for events generated when a component is moved, resized, hidden, or shown. |
ComponentIdHelper | A helper operations for th Component id. |
ComponentInputMap | An {@link InputMap} that is associated with a particular {@link JComponent}. |
ComponentInputMapUIResource |
A ComponentInputMap that implements the {@link UIResource}
interface to indicate that it belongs to a pluggable
ComponentListener | This interface is for classes that receive all events from a component. |
ComponentOrientation | This class is used to differentiate different orientations for text layout. |
ComponentPeer | Defines the methods that a component peer is required to implement. |
ComponentSampleModel | ComponentSampleModel supports a flexible organization of pixel samples in memory, permitting pixel samples to be interleaved by band, by scanline, and by pixel. |
ComponentUI | The abstract base class for all delegates that provide the pluggable look and feel for Swing components. |
ComponentView | A {@link View} implementation that is able to render arbitrary {@link Component}s. |
Component.AccessibleAWTComponent | This class provides accessibility support for subclasses of container. |
Component.AccessibleAWTComponent.AccessibleAWTComponentHandler | Converts component changes into property changes. |
Component.AccessibleAWTComponent.AccessibleAWTFocusHandler | Converts focus changes into property changes. |
Component.BltBufferStrategy | This class provides support for blitting offscreen surfaces to a component. |
Component.FlipBufferStrategy | This class provides support for flipping component buffers. |
Composite | This interface is for graphics which are formed as composites of others. |
CompositeContext | This interface provides an optimized environment for compositing graphics. |
CompositeData | Provides an interface to a composite data structure, in order to aid interoperability. |
CompositeDataInvocationHandler |
Provides an {@link java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler} which implements a series of accessor methods (those beginning with {@code "get"} or {@code "is"}) using the content of a {@link CompositeData} object. |
CompositeDataSupport | Provides an implementation of the {@link CompositeData} interface. |
CompositeName | Represents names that may span over several namespaces. |
CompositeType | The open type descriptor for instances of the {@link CompositeData} class. |
CompositeView |
An abstract base implementation of {@link View} that manages child
View s.
CompoundBorder | A Border that is composed of an interior and an exterior border, where the interior border is tightly nested into the exterior. |
CompoundControl | A compound control provides control over several other controls. |
CompoundControl.Type | This describes a single compound control. |
CompoundEdit |
An editing action that consists of multiple
UndoableEdits .
CompoundName | Represents hierarchical names from the single namespace. |
Compression |
The Compression printing attribute specifies if and how the
supplied print data is compressed.
ConcurrentModificationException | Exception that is thrown by the collections classes when it is detected that a modification has been made to a data structure when this is not allowed, such as when a collection is structurally modified while an Iterator is operating over it. |
Configuration | |
ConfigurationException | |
ConfirmationCallback |
Underlying security services instantiate and pass a
ConfirmationCallback to the handle() method of a
{@link CallbackHandler} to ask for YES/NO, OK/CANCEL, YES/NO/CANCEL or other
similar confirmations.
ConnectException | This exception indicates that an error occurred while attempting to connect to a remote host. |
ConnectException | Thrown if a connection is refused for a remote call. |
Connection | This interface provides methods for managing a connection to a database. |
ConnectionEvent | |
ConnectionEventListener | |
ConnectionPendingException | |
ConnectionPoolDataSource | |
ConnectIOException | Wraps an I/O Exception thrown while connecting for a remote call. |
ConsoleHandler |
A ConsoleHandler publishes log records to
System.err .
Container | A generic window toolkit object that acts as a container for other objects. |
ContainerAdapter |
This class implements ContainerListener and implements
all methods with empty bodies. |
ContainerEvent | This event is generated when a component is added or removed from a container. |
ContainerListener | This interface is for classes that wish to listen for all events from container objects. |
ContainerOrderFocusTraversalPolicy | ContainerOrderFocusTraversalPolicy defines a focus traversal order based on the order in which Components were packed in a Container. |
ContainerPeer | |
Container.AccessibleAWTContainer | This class provides accessibility support for subclasses of container. |
Container.AccessibleAWTContainer.AccessibleContainerHandler |
This class fires a PropertyChange listener, if registered,
when children are added or removed from the enclosing accessible object.
ContentHandler | This is an abstract class that is the superclass for classes that read objects from URL's. |
ContentHandlerFactory |
This interface maps MIME types to ContentHandler objects.
ContentModel | A representation of the element content. |
Context | |
Context | This class holds the list of the named properties. |
ContextList | Stores a modifiable list of String objects representing the property names. |
ContextNotEmptyException | This exception is thrown in response to the attempt to destroy the non empty context. |
ContextualRenderedImageFactory | STUBBED |
Control | A control provides the ability to affect some attribute of a line, for instance its volume. |
Control | |
ControlFactory | |
ControllerEventListener | The interface defines the methods to be implemented by classes wanting to be notified on MIDI controller events from a Sequencer. |
Control.Type | This describes a single control. |
ConvolveOp | Convolution filter. |
CookieHolder | The CookieHolder is used together with the {@link org.omg.PortableServer.ServantLocator}, allowing the {@link org.omg.PortableServer.ServantLocatorOperations#preinvoke} to return an arbitrary java.lang.Object that will be later passed to {@link org.omg.PortableServer.ServantLocatorOperations#postinvoke}. |
Copies |
The Copies printing attribute specifies the number
of copies to be printed.
CopiesSupported |
The CopiesSupported attribute specifies the supported
value or range of values for the
{@link javax.print.attribute.standard.Copies} attribute.
CopyOnWriteArrayList<E> | |
CODESET_INCOMPATIBLE | Raised when client and server are unable to reach any consensus on which code set should be used to represent the characters. |
COMM_FAILURE | Means that the communication has been lost while an operation was in progress |
CredentialException | This is the base class for various credential-related exceptions. |
CredentialExpiredException | An exception that signals an attempt to login with a credential that has expired. |
CredentialNotFoundException | An exception that indicates that a credential was not found. |
CropImageFilter | Currently this filter does almost nothing and needs to be implemented. |
CRC32 | Computes CRC32 data checksum of a data stream. |
CRL | Certificate Revocation List class for managing CRLs that have different formats but the same general use. |
CRLException | Exception for a Certificate Revocation List. |
CRLSelector | A generic interface to classes that match certificate revocation lists (CRLs) to some given criteria. |
CSS | Provides CSS attributes to be used by the HTML view classes. |
CSS.Attribute | |
CTX_RESTRICT_SCOPE | This simple interface defines just one constant, normally used to restrict the property search in the {@link Context} by the current context. |
CubicCurve2D | A two-dimensional curve that is parameterized with a cubic function. |
CubicCurve2D.Double | A two-dimensional curve that is parameterized with a cubic function and stores coordinate values in double-precision floating-point format. |
CubicCurve2D.Float | A two-dimensional curve that is parameterized with a cubic function and stores coordinate values in single-precision floating-point format. |
Currency | Representation of a currency for a particular locale. |
CurrencyNameProvider | A {@link CurrencyNameProvider} provides localized versions of the symbols that represent a particular currency. |
Current |
The interfaces, derived from this class, define the objects, providing information, associated with a particular thread of execution. |
Current |
The portable interceptor Current (PICurrent) contains multiple slots where an interceptor can rememeber the request - specific values between subsequent calls of the interceptor methods. |
Current |
Provides the Id of the object currently being served and POA to that this object is connected. |
CurrentHelper | The helper operations for the CORBA object {@link Current}. |
CurrentHelper | The helper operations for the CORBA object {@link Current}. |
CurrentHelper | The helper operations for the CORBA object {@link Current}. |
CurrentHolder | A holder for the object {@link Current}. |
CurrentOperations |
The interfaces, derived from this class, define operations that provide information, associated with a particular thread of execution. |
CurrentOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the portable interceptor Current. |
CurrentOperations | Provides the Id of the object currently being served and POA to that this object is connected. |
Cursor | This class represents various predefined cursor types. |
Customizer |
You may explicitly provide a Customizer for your Bean
class, which allows you complete control of the editing
of the Bean.
A Customizer is meant to be embedded in an RAD tool,
and thus must be a descendant of It must also have a constructor with no arguments. |
CustomMarshal | This interface indicates that the object can provide its own methods for reading and writing its content. |
CustomValue | A Custom Value is a {@link ValueBase} implementing its own methods for reading and writing (unmarshaling and marshaling) the content. |
CustomValue | If the value type provides the user defined methods for reading and writing its content, it must implement this interface for reading and writing the content in a user-defined default way. |
DATA_CONVERSION | Means that the ORB cannot convert between the marshalled and native data representation. |
DatabaseMetaData | |
DataBuffer | Class that manages arrays of data elements. |
DataBufferByte |
A {@link DataBuffer} that uses an array of byte primitives
to represent each of its banks.
DataBufferDouble |
A {@link DataBuffer} that uses an array of double primitives
to represent each of its banks.
DataBufferFloat |
A {@link DataBuffer} that uses an array of float primitives
to represent each of its banks.
DataBufferInt |
A {@link DataBuffer} that uses an array of int primitives
to represent each of its banks.
DataBufferShort |
A {@link DataBuffer} that uses an array of short primitives
to represent each of its banks.
DataBufferUShort |
A {@link DataBuffer} that uses an array of short primitives
to represent each of its banks.
DataFlavor | This class represents a particular data format used for transferring data via the clipboard. |
DataFormatException | Exception thrown when compressed data is corrupt. |
DatagramChannel | |
DatagramPacket | This class models a packet of data that is to be sent across the network using a connectionless protocol such as UDP. |
DatagramSocket | This class models a connectionless datagram socket that sends individual packets of data across the network. |
DatagramSocketImpl | This abstract class models a datagram socket implementation. |
DatagramSocketImplFactory |
This interface defines one method which returns a
DatagramSocketImpl object.
DataInput | This interface is implemented by classes that can data from streams into Java primitive types. |
DataInputStream |
This subclass of FilteredInputStream implements the
DataInput interface that provides method for reading primitive
Java data types from a stream.
DataInputStream | An interface for reading the custom value types. |
DataLine | The DataLine interface adds data-related functionality to the Line interface. |
DataLine.Info | This class extends Line.Info with information specific to DataLine. |
DataOutput | This interface is implemented by classes that can wrte data to streams from Java primitive types. |
DataOutputStream |
This class provides a mechanism for writing primitive Java datatypes
to an OutputStream in a portable way. |
DataOutputStream | An interface for writing the custom value types. |
DataSource | |
DatatypeConfigurationException | A serious error during datatype configuration. |
DatatypeConstants | Basic data type constants. |
DatatypeConstants.Field | Typesafe enumerated class representing the six fields of the Duration class. |
DatatypeFactory | Factory class to create new datatype objects mapping XML to and from Java objects. |
DataTruncation | This exception is thrown when a piece of data is unexpectedly truncated in JDBC. |
Date | This class is a wrapper around java.util.Date to allow the JDBC driver to identify the value as a SQL Date. |
Date |
This class represents a specific time in milliseconds since the epoch. |
DateFormat | |
DateFormatProvider | A {@link DateFormatProvider} provides localized instances of {@link java.text.DateFormat}. |
DateFormatSymbols | This class acts as container for locale specific date/time formatting information such as the days of the week and the months of the year. |
DateFormatSymbolsProvider | A {@link DateFormatSymbolsProvider} provides localized instances of {@link java.text.DateFormatSymbols}. |
DateFormatter |
DateFormatter is an {@link InternationalFormatter}
that implements value to string and string to value conversion via
an instance of {@link DateFormat}.
DateFormat.Field | |
DateTimeAtCompleted |
The DateTimeAtCompleted attribute specifies the date and
the time at which a print job completed (or was canceled or aborted).
DateTimeAtCreation |
The DateTimeAtCreation attribute specifies the
date and the time at which a print job was created.
DateTimeAtProcessing |
The DateTimeAtProcessing attribute specifies the date
and the time at which a print job started processing.
DateTimeSyntax |
DateTimeSyntax is the abstract base class of all attribute
classes having a date and a time as value.
DebugGraphics | An extension of {@link Graphics} that can be used for debugging custom Swing widgets. |
DecimalFormat | This class is a concrete implementation of NumberFormat used to format decimal numbers. |
DecimalFormatSymbols |
This class is a container for the symbols used by
DecimalFormat to format numbers and currency
for a particular locale. |
DecimalFormatSymbolsProvider | A {@link DecimalFormatSymbolsProvider} provides localized instances of {@link java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols}. |
DefaultBoundedRangeModel |
The default implementation of BoundedRangeModel .
DefaultButtonModel | The default implementation of {@link ButtonModel}. |
DefaultCaret | The default implementation of the {@link Caret} interface. |
DefaultCellEditor | The default implementation of {@link TableCellEditor} and {@link TreeCellEditor}. |
DefaultCellEditor.EditorDelegate | This changeable module access the editor component in the component specific way. |
DefaultColorSelectionModel | This is the default implementation of the ColorSelectionModel interface that JColorChoosers use. |
DefaultComboBoxModel |
A model that stores a list of elements and a selected item (which may be
null ). |
DefaultDesktopManager | The default implementation of DesktopManager for Swing. |
DefaultEditorKit | The default implementation of {@link EditorKit}. |
DefaultEditorKit.BeepAction | Creates a beep on the PC speaker. |
DefaultEditorKit.CopyAction | Copies the selected content into the system clipboard. |
DefaultEditorKit.CutAction | Copies the selected content into the system clipboard and deletes the selection. |
DefaultEditorKit.DefaultKeyTypedAction | This action is executed as default action when a KEY_TYPED event is received and no keymap entry exists for that. |
DefaultEditorKit.InsertBreakAction | This action inserts a newline character into the document of the text component. |
DefaultEditorKit.InsertContentAction | Places content into the associated editor. |
DefaultEditorKit.InsertTabAction | Inserts a TAB character into the text editor. |
DefaultEditorKit.PasteAction | Copies content from the system clipboard into the editor. |
DefaultFocusManager | This class has been obsoleted by the new {@link java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager} and {@link java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager} API. |
DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy | DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy is the default focus traversal policy used by Containers. |
DefaultFormatter |
The DefaultFormatter is a concrete formatter for use in
{@link JFormattedTextField}s.
DefaultFormatterFactory | This class is Swing's only concrete implementation of JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatterFactory. |
DefaultHighlighter | The default highlight for Swing text components. |
DefaultHighlighter.DefaultHighlightPainter | |
DefaultKeyboardFocusManager | |
DefaultListCellRenderer | The default implementation {@link ListCellRenderer}. |
DefaultListCellRenderer.UIResource |
Subclasses DefaultListCellRenderers and implements
{@link javax.swing.plaf.UIResource}. |
DefaultListModel | The default implementation of {@link AbstractListModel}, used by {@link javax.swing.JList} and similar objects as the model of a list of values. |
DefaultListSelectionModel | The default implementation of {@link ListSelectionModel}, which is used by {@link javax.swing.JList} and similar classes to manage the selection status of a number of data elements. |
DefaultMenuLayout | The LayoutManager that is used in PopupMenus. |
DefaultMetalTheme | The default theme for the {@link MetalLookAndFeel}. |
DefaultMutableTreeNode | A default implementation of the {@link MutableTreeNode} interface. |
DefaultPersistenceDelegate |
DefaultSingleSelectionModel | The default implementation of {@link SingleSelectionModel}, used in {@link JTabbedPane}, {@link JMenuBar} and {@link JPopupMenu}. |
DefaultStyledDocument | The default implementation of {@link StyledDocument}. |
DefaultStyledDocument.AttributeUndoableEdit | An {@link UndoableEdit} that can undo attribute changes to an element. |
DefaultStyledDocument.ElementBuffer |
Performs all structural changes to the Element
hierarchy. |
DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec | Carries specification information for new {@link Element}s that should be created in {@link ElementBuffer}. |
DefaultStyledDocument.SectionElement | An element type for sections. |
DefaultTableCellRenderer | Class to display every cells. |
DefaultTableCellRenderer.UIResource | |
DefaultTableColumnModel | A model that stores information about the columns used in a {@link JTable}. |
DefaultTableModel |
A two dimensional data structure used to store Object
instances, usually for display in a JTable component.
DefaultTextUI | This class is deprecated and should not be used anymore. |
DefaultTreeCellEditor | Participates in the tree cell editing. |
DefaultTreeCellEditor.DefaultTextField | The default text field, used in the editing sessions. |
DefaultTreeCellEditor.EditorContainer | This container that appears on the tree during editing session. |
DefaultTreeCellRenderer | A default implementation of the {@link TreeCellRenderer} interface. |
DefaultTreeModel | DefaultTreeModel |
DefaultTreeSelectionModel | The implementation of the default tree selection model. |
DefinitionKind | This class indicates the kind of the definition, stored in the interface repository. |
DefinitionKindHelper | A helper operations for the definition kind. |
Deflater | This is the Deflater class. |
DeflaterOutputStream | This is a special FilterOutputStream deflating the bytes that are written through it. |
Delegate | Extends the previous version of the Delegate by one additional method, defined in CORBA 2_3 . |
Delegate | Specifies a vendor specific implementation of the {@link org.omg.CORBA.Object} methods. |
Delegate | Each {@link Servant} has an associated delegate, where the most of the calls are forwarded. |
DelegationPermission | |
Descriptor |
Provides metadata for a management element as a series of fields, formed from name-value pairs. |
DescriptorAccess | Allows the descriptor of a management element to be changed. |
DescriptorRead | Provides read access to the descriptor of a management element. |
DesignMode |
BeanContextChild implementors implement this to get information
about whether they are in a design time or runtime environment.
Desktop | This class enables Java application to access system commands to perform desktop oriented operations, like writing and sending emails, or surfing webpages with the system browser or editing/printing files with a default editor. |
DesktopIconUI | An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable look and feel for a desktop icon. |
DesktopManager | DesktopManagers are responsible for implementing the behaviours for the JInternalFrames that belong to JDesktopPanes. |
DesktopPaneUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JDesktopPane .
DesktopPeer | |
Desktop.Action | Represents an action type supported by a platform. |
Destination |
The Destination attribute provides a URI for an alternate
destination of the printing output.
Destroyable | An interface for objects that are immutable but whose sensitive data may be wiped out. |
DestroyFailedException | An exception thrown when the {@link Destroyable#destroy()} method fails for a credential. |
DESedeKeySpec | This class is a transparent wrapper for DES-EDE (Triple-DES) keys, which are arrays of 24 bytes. |
DESKeySpec | This class is a transparent wrapper for DES keys, which are arrays of 8 bytes. |
DGC | The DGC implementation is used for the server side during the distributed garbage collection. |
DHGenParameterSpec | This class represents the parameters needed for generating Diffie-Hellman parameters. |
DHKey | This interface marks public/private keys in the Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm. |
DHParameterSpec | The base set of parameters necessary to perform Diffie-Hellman key exchange. |
DHPrivateKey | This interface marks a private key in the Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm. |
DHPrivateKeySpec | A wrapper for Diffie-Hellman private key data. |
DHPublicKey | This interface marks a public key in the Diffie-Hellman key-exchange algorithm. |
DHPublicKeySpec | A wrapper for Diffie-Hellman public key data. |
Dialog |
Dialog provides a top-level window normally used to receive
user input in applications.
DialogPeer | |
Dialog.AccessibleAWTDialog |
Accessibility support for Dialog . |
Dictionary<K,V> | A Dictionary maps keys to values; how it does that is implementation-specific. |
DigestException | This exception indicates that a generic message digest exception has occurred. |
DigestInputStream | DigestInputStream is a class that ties an InputStream with a MessageDigest. |
DigestOutputStream | DigestOutputStream is a class that ties an OutputStream with a MessageDigest. |
Dimension | This class holds a width and height value pair. |
Dimension2D | This stores a dimension in 2-dimensional space - a width (along the x-axis) and height (along the y-axis). |
DimensionUIResource |
A Dimension that is marked as UIResource , which
indicates that it has been installed by a pluggable
LookAndFeel. |
DirContext | |
DirectColorModel | |
DirectoryManager | |
DirObjectFactory | |
DirStateFactory | |
DirStateFactory.Result | |
DisplayMode | This encapsulates information about the display mode for a graphics device configuration. |
DISCARDING | A single constant interface, defining the adapter state (DISCARDING) = 2. |
DnDConstants | This class contains various constants used in drag-and-drop operations. |
Doc |
Doc specifies the interface for print services how to obtain
the print data and document specific attributes for printing.
DocAttribute | Marker interface for all attribute classes describing attributes of a {@link javax.print.Doc} object. |
DocAttributeSet |
DocAttributeSet specifies an attribute set which only
allows printing attributes of type
{@link javax.print.attribute.DocAttribute}.
DocFlavor |
DocFlavor provides a description of the format in which the
print data will be supplied in a print job to the print service.
DocFlavor.BYTE_ARRAY |
Predefined static DocFlavor objects for document
types which use a byte array for the print data representation.
DocFlavor.CHAR_ARRAY |
Predefined static DocFlavor objects for document
types which use a char array for the print data representation.
Predefined static DocFlavor objects for document
types which use an InputStream to retrieve the print data.
DocFlavor.READER |
Predefined static DocFlavor objects for document
types which use an Reader to retrieve the print data.
Predefined static DocFlavor objects for document
types which use service formatted print data.
DocFlavor.STRING |
Predefined static DocFlavor objects for document
types which use a String for the print data representation.
DocFlavor.URL |
Predefined static DocFlavor objects for document
types which have an URL where to retrieve the print data.
DocPrintJob |
DocPrintJob represents a print job which supports printing
of a single document.
Document | A Document is the model that backs up all text components in Swing. |
DocumentBuilder | Convenience class for parsing an XML document into a W3C DOM object graph. |
DocumentBuilderFactory | Factory for obtaining document builders. |
DocumentEvent | DocumentEvent public interface |
DocumentEvent.ElementChange | ElementChange public interface |
DocumentEvent.EventType | EventType |
DocumentFilter | |
DocumentFilter.FilterBypass | |
DocumentListener | DocumentListener public interface |
DocumentName |
The DocumentName printing attribute specifies a document name.
DocumentParser |
A simple error-tolerant HTML parser that uses a DTD document to access data on the possible tokens, arguments and syntax. The parser reads an HTML content from a Reader and calls various notifying methods (which should be overridden in a subclass) when tags or data are encountered. Some HTML elements need no opening or closing tags. |
DomainCombiner | A public interface used to combine two ProtectionDomains in a new ProtectionDomain and update the current Protection Domains associated with the current AccessControlContext. |
DomainManager | Establishes and navigates relationships to superior and subordinate domains, and also creates and access policies. |
DomainManagerOperations | Provides the means to access the policies of the domain, with that the implementing {@link DomainManager} is associated. |
Double |
Instances of class Double represent primitive
double values.
DoubleBuffer | |
DoubleHolder |
A holder for CORBA double that is mapped into
java double .
DoubleSeqHelper |
Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of double
(DoubleSeq ).
DoubleSeqHolder |
A sequence holder for CORBA DoubleSeq that is mapped into
java double[] .
DOMLocator | Locator for reporting a location in a W3C DOM object graph. |
DOMResult | Output result specified as a W3C DOM object graph. |
DOMSource | An XML source specified as a W3C DOM node context. |
DragGestureEvent | |
DragGestureListener | This is a listener for starting a drag-and-drop gesture. |
DragGestureRecognizer | STUBBED |
DragSource | |
DragSourceAdapter |
This class implements DragSourceListener and
DragSourceMotionListener , and implements all methods
with empty bodies. |
DragSourceContext | |
DragSourceContextPeer | STUBBED |
DragSourceDragEvent | |
DragSourceDropEvent | |
DragSourceEvent | |
DragSourceListener | This class allows an object to listen for drag and drop events. |
DragSourceMotionListener | This is a listener for mouse motion in the drag source before the drop event occurs. |
Driver | This interface specifies a mechanism for accessing a JDBC database driver. |
DriverManager | This class manages the JDBC drivers in the system. |
DriverPropertyInfo | This class holds a driver property that can be used for querying or setting driver configuration parameters. |
DropTarget | |
DropTargetAdapter |
This class implements DropTargetListener , and implements all methods
with empty bodies. |
DropTargetContext | |
DropTargetContextPeer |
Used to control state of recipient protocol from the
DropTargetListener . |
DropTargetContext.TransferableProxy | |
DropTargetDragEvent | |
DropTargetDropEvent | |
DropTargetEvent | |
DropTargetListener | |
DropTargetPeer | |
DropTarget.DropTargetAutoScroller | |
DSAKey | This interface is implemented by a class to return the parameters of a Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) public or private key. |
DSAKeyPairGenerator | This interface contains methods for intializing a Digital Signature Algorithm key generation engine. |
DSAParameterSpec | DSA Parameter class Specification. |
DSAParams | This interface allows the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) parameters to be queried. |
DSAPrivateKey | This interface models a Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) private key |
DSAPrivateKeySpec | DSA Private Key class Specification. |
DSAPublicKey | This interface models a Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) public key |
DSAPublicKeySpec | DSA Public Key class Specification. |
Representation or the SGML DTD document. |
DTD | A DOCTYPE declaration event. |
DTDConstants |
This class defines the SGML basic types, used for describing HTML 4.01 at |
DuplicateFormatFlagsException | Thrown when the flags supplied to the {@link Formatter#format()} method of a {@link Formatter} contain duplicates. |
DuplicateName | This exception is raised on an attempt to register a second {@link org.omg.PortableInterceptor#Interceptor} with the same name. |
DuplicateNameHelper | The helper operations for the exception {@link DuplicateName}. |
Duration | An immutable time space as specified in XML Schema 1.0. |
DynAny | The DynAny interface provides possibility to access the components of the CORBA object, stored inside the {@link Any}. |
DynAny |
The DynAny interface provides possibility to access the components of the CORBA object, stored inside the {@link Any}. |
DynAnyFactory | Produces DynAnys from Anys or typecodes. |
DynAnyFactoryHelper | The helper operations for {@link DynAnyFactory}. |
DynAnyFactoryOperations | Defines the operations, applicable for DynAnyFactory. |
DynAnyHelper | The helper operations for {@link DynAny}. |
DynAnyOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to {@link DynAny}. |
DynAnySeqHelper | A helper operations for the array of {@link DynAny} (DynAny[]). |
DynArray | Represents the {@link DynAny}, holding an array. |
DynArray | Represents a fixed size array. |
DynArrayHelper | The helper operations for {@link DynArray}. |
DynArrayOperations | Defines operations, applicable for {@link DynArray}. |
DynamicImplementation | This class was probably originally thinked as a base of all CORBA object implementations. |
DynamicImplementation | This class is used for servants that support calling via server request. |
DynamicMBean | Represents a management bean that provides a dynamic interface. |
DynEnum | Represents the dynamic enumeration, allowing to get/set the value by name or by position in the enumeration list. |
DynEnum | Defines the dynamic enumeration. |
DynEnumHelper | The helper operations for {@link DynEnum}. |
DynEnumOperations | Defines operations, applicable to the dynamic enumeration. |
DynFixed |
Represents a CORBA fixed , allowing to get and set its value
in the form of the binary representation.
DynFixed |
Defines dynamic any, holding CORBA fixed . |
DynFixedHelper | The helper operations for {@link DynFixed}. |
DynFixedOperations |
Defines operations, applicable for DynAny, holding CORBA fixed .
DynSequence | Represents the {@link DynAny}, holding the CORBA sequence (an array with the flexible length). |
DynSequence | Defines a dynamic resizeable array with the optional upper size bound. |
DynSequenceHelper | The helper operations for {@link DynSequence}. |
DynSequenceOperations | Defines operations, applicable to DynSequence. |
DynStruct | Represents the {@link DynAny}, holding the CORBA structure (record with the named fields). |
DynStruct | Defines a fixed size structure with the named fields that may have different types. |
DynStructHelper | The helper operations for {@link DynStruct}. |
DynStructOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the DynStructure. |
DynUnion | Represents the {@link DynAny}, holding the CORBA structure (variant record with the named fields). |
DynUnion | Defines a fixed size structure with the named fields that may have different types. |
DynUnionHelper | The helper operations for {@link DynUnion}. |
DynUnionOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the DynUnion. |
DynValue | Represents the {@link DynAny}, holding a value type. |
DynValue | Defines a non boxed value type. |
DynValueBox | A "ValueBox" is a Value type container, holding a single instance of the other CORBA type. |
DynValueBoxOperations | Defines operations, applicable for the boxed value type. |
DynValueCommon |
Defines DynAny that may hold CORBA null . |
DynValueCommonOperations |
Provides operations, applicable to {@link DynAny}s that may hold CORBA
null .
DynValueHelper | The helper operations for {@link DynValue}. |
DynValueOperations | Defines operations, applicable to DynValue. |
EditorKit | |
Element | |
Element |
Stores the element information, obtained by parsing SGML DTD
tag |
ElementIterator | This class can be used to iterate over the {@link Element} tree of a {@link Document} or an {@link Element}. |
ElementType | |
Ellipse2D | Ellipse2D is the shape of an ellipse. |
Ellipse2D.Double |
An {@link Ellipse2D} that stores its coordinates using double
primitives. |
Ellipse2D.Float |
An {@link Ellipse2D} that stores its coordinates using float
primitives. |
EmptyBorder | A border for leaving a specifiable number of pixels empty around the enclosed component. |
EmptyStackException | This exception is thrown by the Stack class when an attempt is made to pop or otherwise access elements from an empty stack. |
EncodedKeySpec | Encoded Key Specification class which is used to store byte encoded keys. |
Encoder | |
Encoding | Defines the encoding format of the {@link Codec}, including the major and minor version numbers. |
EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo |
An implementation of the EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo ASN.1
type as specified in PKCS #8 -
Private-Key Information Syntax Standard.
EndDocument | An end-document event. |
EndElement | An end-element event. |
Entity |
Stores information, obtained by parsing SGML DTL <! |
EntityDeclaration | An entity declaration event. |
EntityReference | An entity reference event. |
Enum<T> | This class represents a Java enumeration. |
EnumConstantNotPresentException | An exception of this type is thrown when a symbolic reference is made to an enum constant which does not exist. |
EnumControl | An EnumControl is a Control which can take one of a specified set of values. |
EnumControl.Type | This Type describes an EnumControl. |
Enumeration<E> | Interface for lists of objects that can be returned in sequence. |
EnumMap<K,V> | |
EnumSet<T> | |
EnumSyntax |
EnumSyntax is the abstract base class of all enumeration
classes in the Java Print Service API.
Environment | A container for an exception, that has been thrown by the method of the CORBA object. |
Holds an integer identifier of the ENCODING_CDR_ENCAPS encoding. |
EOFException | This exception is thrown when the end of the file or stream was encountered unexpectedly. |
Error | Applications should not try to catch errors since they indicate abnormal conditions. |
ErrorListener | Error reporting callback handler. |
ErrorManager |
An ErrorManager deals with errors that a Handler
encounters while logging.
EtchedBorder | A border that looks like an engraving etched into the background surface, or (in its raised variant) coming out of the surface plane. |
Event | Written using on-line Java Platform 1.2 API Specification, as well as "The Java Class Libraries", 2nd edition (Addison-Wesley, 1998). |
EventContext | |
EventDirContext | |
EventFilter | Simple filter interface for XML events. |
EventHandler |
EventHandler forms a bridge between dynamically created listeners and arbitrary properties and methods. You can use this class to easily create listener implementations for some basic interactions between an event source and its target. |
EventListener | Empty interface that is implemented by classes that need to receive events. |
EventListenerList | A utility class for keeping track of {@link EventListener}s. |
EventListenerProxy | An abstract wrapper for event listeners. |
EventObject | Represents Events fired by Objects. |
EventQueue |
This class manages a queue of AWTEvent objects that
are posted to it. |
EventReaderDelegate | Base class for event reader filters. |
EventSetDescriptor | EventSetDescriptor describes the hookup between an event source class and an event listener class. |
Exception | The root class of all exceptions worth catching in a program. |
ExceptionDetailMessage |
Defines the ExceptionDetailMessage (= 14) service context. |
ExceptionInInitializerError |
An ExceptionInInitializerError is thrown when an uncaught
exception has occurred in a static initializer or the initializer for a
static variable. |
ExceptionList | Stores exceptions that can be thrown when invoking a method of an CORBA {@link org.omg.CORBA.Object}. |
ExceptionListener | This interface allows a class to monitor internal exceptions, to try to recover from them. |
ExemptionMechanism | An exemption mechanism, which will conditionally allow cryptography where it is not normally allowed, implements things such as key recovery, key weakening, or key escrow. |
ExemptionMechanismException | Signals a general exception in an {@link ExemptionMechanism}. |
ExemptionMechanismSpi | The Service Provider Interface (SPI) for the {@link ExemptionMechanism} class. |
ExpandVetoException | ExpandVetoException |
ExportException | Thrown if an attempt to export a remote object fails. |
Expression |
An Expression captures the execution of an object method that returns a value. It stores an object, the method to call, and the arguments to pass to the method. While this class can generally be used to describe method calls it is part of the XML serialization API. |
ExtendedRequest | |
ExtendedResponse | |
Externalizable | This interface provides a way that classes can completely control how the data of their object instances are written and read to and from streams. |
FactoryConfigurationError | Error indicating that a factory could not be configured. |
FactoryConfigurationError | An error occurred during configuration of the parser factory. |
FailedLoginException | An exception that signals that an attempt to login was unsuccessful. |
FeatureDescriptor | FeatureDescriptor is the common superclass for all JavaBeans Descriptor classes. |
Fidelity |
The Fidelity attribute specifies how a print job is handled
if the supplied attributes are not fully supported.
FieldNameHelper | A formal helper for the CORBA FieldName that is identical to the narrow string. |
FieldNameHelper | A helper for the FieldName. |
FieldPosition | This class is used by the java.text formatting classes to track field positions. |
FieldView | |
File | This class represents a file or directory on a local disk. |
FileCacheImageInputStream | |
FileCacheImageOutputStream | |
FileChannel | |
FileChannel.MapMode | |
FileChooserUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JFileChooser .
FileDescriptor | This class represents an opaque file handle as a Java class. |
FileDialog | This class implements a file selection dialog box widget. |
FileDialogPeer | |
FileFilter | This interface has one method which is used for filtering pathnames returned in a pathname listing. |
FileFilter | The base class for filters that control the visibility of files in the {@link JFileChooser} component. |
FileHandler |
A FileHandler publishes log records to a set of log
files. |
FileImageInputStream | |
FileImageOutputStream | |
FileInputStream | This class is a stream that reads its bytes from a file. |
FileLock | |
FileLockInterruptionException | |
FilenameFilter | This interface has one method which is used for filtering filenames returned in a directory listing. |
FileNameMap | This interface has one method which, when passed a filename, returns the MIME type associated with that filename. |
FileNotFoundException | This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to access a file that does not exist, or is inaccessible for some other reason (such as writing a read-only file). |
FileOutputStream |
This classes allows a stream of data to be written to a disk file or
any open FileDescriptor .
FilePermission | |
FileReader |
This class provides a convenient way to set up a Reader
to read from a file. |
FileSystemView | The base class providing a view of the file system for use by the {@link JFileChooser} component. |
FileView | An abstract class that provides presentation information about files and directories. |
FileWriter | This is a convenience class for writing to files. |
Filter |
By implementing the Filter interface, applications
can control what is being logged based on arbitrary properties,
not just the severity level. |
FilteredImageSource | |
FilterInputStream | This is the common superclass of all standard classes that filter input. |
FilterOutputStream | This class is the common superclass of output stream classes that filter the output they write. |
FilterReader | This is the common superclass of all standard classes that filter input. |
FilterWriter | This class is the common superclass of output character stream classes that filter the output they write. |
Finishings |
The Finishings attribute specifies the finishing operations
that the Printer applies to every copy of each printed document in the Job.
FixedHeightLayoutCache | The fixed height tree layout. |
FixedHolder |
A holder for CORBA fixed that is mapped into
java BigDecimal .
FlatteningPathIterator | A PathIterator for approximating curved path segments by sequences of straight lines. |
FlavorEvent | Event indicating a Clipboard has different flavors available. |
FlavorException |
FlavorException specifies a method a specific
subclass of {@link javax.print.PrintException} may implement to
provide further information of printing errors if unsupported
document flavors are involved.
FlavorListener | Interface for tagging an interest in FlavorEvents by a class. |
FlavorMap | This interface maps between native platform type names and DataFlavors. |
FlavorTable | A FlavorMap which no longer requires a 1-to-1 mapping between flavors. |
Float |
Instances of class Float represent primitive
float values.
FloatBuffer | |
FloatControl | |
FloatControl.Type | An instance of this class describes a particular floating point control. |
FloatHolder |
A holder for CORBA float that is mapped into
java float .
FloatSeqHelper |
Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of float
(FloatSeq ).
FloatSeqHolder |
A sequence holder for CORBA FloatSeq that is mapped into
java float[] .
FlowLayout | This class implements a flow-based layout. |
FlowView |
A View that can flows it's children into it's layout space.
FlowView.FlowStrategy |
A strategy for translating the logical views of a FlowView
into the real views. |
Flushable |
A Flushable class represents a stream of
data, for which internally buffered data can be `flushed'.
FocusAdapter |
This class implements FocusListener and implements all
methods with empty bodies. |
FocusEvent | This class represents an event generated when a focus change occurs for a component. |
FocusListener | This interface is for classes that wish to be notified of changes of keyboard focus for a component. |
FocusManager | This class has been obsoleted by the new {@link java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager} and {@link java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager} API. |
FocusTraversalPolicy | |
Font | This class represents a windowing system font. |
FontFormatException | Thrown when a specified font is bad. |
FontMetrics | This class returns information about the display characteristics of a font. |
FontPeer | |
FontRenderContext | |
FontUIResource |
A font that is marked as UIResource , which
indicates that it has been installed by a pluggable
LookAndFeel. |
Format |
This class is the abstract superclass of classes that format and parse
data to/from Strings . |
FormatConversionProvider | A format conversion provider supplies methods for converting between different audio formats. |
FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException | Thrown when the flags supplied to the {@link Formatter#format()} method of a {@link Formatter} contains a flag that does not match the conversion character specified for it. |
FormatMismatch | This exception is raised by {@link org.omg.IOP.CodecOperations#decode} or {@link org.omg.IOP.CodecOperations#decode_value} when the data in the octet sequence cannot be decoded into {@link org.omg.CORBA.Any}. |
FormatMismatchHelper | The helper operations for the exception {@link FormatMismatch}. |
Formattable |
The |
FormattableFlags | This class contains a set of flags used by the {@link Formattable#formatTo()} method. |
Formatter |
A Java formatter for |
Formatter |
A Formatter supports handlers by localizing
message texts and by subsituting parameter values for their
FormatterClosedException | Thrown when a method is called on a {@link Formatter} but it has already been closed. |
Formatter.BigDecimalLayoutForm | The type of numeric output format for a {@link BigDecimal}. |
Format.Field | |
FormSubmitEvent | The event fired on form submit. |
FormSubmitEvent.MethodType | The submit method. |
FormView | A View that renders HTML form elements like buttons and input fields. |
FormView.MouseEventListener | |
ForwardRequest | The ForwardRequest is thrown by interceptors to forward the request to another target. |
ForwardRequest |
This exception is raised by {@link ServantManager} to indicate that the invocation target has moved to another known location. |
ForwardRequestHelper | The helper operations for the exception {@link ForwardRequest}. |
ForwardRequestHelper | The helper operations for the exception {@link ForwardRequest}. |
Frame | This class is a top-level window with a title bar and window decorations. |
FramePeer | |
FrameSetView | Implements HTML framesets. |
Frame.AccessibleAWTFrame |
Accessibility support for Frame . |
FREE_MEM | Means errors, related to freeing the allocated memory. |
GapContent | This implementation of {@link AbstractDocument.Content} uses a gapped buffer. |
GarbageCollectorMXBean | Provides access to information about the garbage collectors of the virtual machine. |
GatheringByteChannel | |
GeneralPath | A general geometric path, consisting of any number of subpaths constructed out of straight lines and cubic or quadratic Bezier curves. |
GeneralSecurityException | This class is the common superclass of all security exceptions. |
GenericArrayType | Represents the type of an array's components, which may be either a parameterized type or a type variable. |
GenericDeclaration | Represents an entity that declares one or more type parameters. |
GenericSignatureFormatError | Thrown on encountering a syntactically malformed signature in a reflective method. |
GlyphJustificationInfo | |
GlyphMetrics | |
GlyphVector | |
GlyphView | Renders a run of styled text. |
GlyphView.GlyphPainter |
An abstract base implementation for a glyph painter for
GlyphView . |
GradientPaint | A paint object that can be used to color a region by blending two colors. |
GraphicAttribute | This class represents a graphic embedded in text. |
Graphics | This is the abstract superclass of classes for drawing to graphics devices such as the screen or printers. |
Graphics2D | An abstract class defining a device independent two-dimensional vector graphics API. |
GraphicsConfigTemplate | This allows filtering an array of GraphicsConfigurations for the best one based on various requirements. |
GraphicsConfiguration | This class describes the configuration of various graphics devices, such as a monitor or printer. |
GraphicsDevice | This describes a graphics device available to the given environment. |
GraphicsEnvironment | This descibes the collection of GraphicsDevice and Font objects available on a given platform. |
GrayFilter | Produces grayscale images out of colored images. |
GregorianCalendar |
This class represents the Gregorian calendar, that is used in most countries all over the world. |
GridBagConstraints | This specifies the constraints for a component managed by the GridBagLayout layout manager. |
GridBagLayout | |
GridLayout | This class implements a grid-based layout scheme. |
Group |
This interface represents a group of Principals . |
GSSContext |
This interface encapsulates the GSS-API security context and provides the security services ({@link #wrap(byte[],int,int,org.ietf.jgss.MessageProp)}, {@link #unwrap(byte[],int,int,org.ietf.jgss.MessageProp)}, {@link #getMIC(byte[],int,int,org.ietf.jgss.MessageProp)}, {@link #verifyMIC(byte[],int,int,byte[],int,int,org.ietf.jgss.MessageProp)}) that are available over the context. |
GSSCredential |
This interface encapsulates the GSS-API credentials for an entity. |
GSSException | This exception is thrown whenever a fatal GSS-API error occurs including mechanism specific errors. |
GSSManager |
The GSSManager class is an abstract class that serves as a factory for three GSS interfaces: {@link GSSName}, {@link GSSCredential}, and {@link GSSContext}. |
GSSName |
This interface encapsulates a single GSS-API principal entity. |
Guard | This interface specifies a mechanism for querying whether or not access is allowed to a guarded object. |
GuardedObject |
This class is an object that is guarded by a Guard object.
GZIPInputStream | This filter stream is used to decompress a "GZIP" format stream. |
GZIPOutputStream | This filter stream is used to compress a stream into a "GZIP" stream. |
Handler |
A Handler publishes LogRecords to
a sink, for example a file, the console or a network socket.
HandshakeCompletedEvent | An event raised by a SSLSocket and passed to the {@link HandshakeCompletedListener#handshakeCompleted(HandshakeCompletedEvent)} method of all registered listeners when a SSL handshake in a SSL protocol is completed. |
HandshakeCompletedListener | An event listener that waits to be notified of {@link HandshakeCompletedEvent} objects created when handshake phase of the SSL protocol is completed for a particular connection. |
HasControls | |
HashAttributeSet |
HashAttributeSet provides an implementation of
{@link javax.print.attribute.AttributeSet}. |
HashDocAttributeSet |
HashDocAttributeSet provides an implementation of
{@link javax.print.attribute.DocAttributeSet}. |
HashMap<K,V> | This class provides a hashtable-backed implementation of the Map interface. |
HashPrintJobAttributeSet |
HashPrintJobAttributeSet provides an implementation of
{@link javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttributeSet}. |
HashPrintRequestAttributeSet |
HashPrintRequestAttributeSet provides an implementation of
{@link javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttributeSet}. |
HashPrintServiceAttributeSet |
HashPrintServiceAttributeSet provides an implementation of
{@link javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttributeSet}. |
HashSet<T> | This class provides a HashMap-backed implementation of the Set interface. |
Hashtable<K,V> | A class which implements a hashtable data structure. |
HeadlessException | This exception is thrown when code dependent on a keyboard, mouse, or display is executed in a headless environment. |
HeuristicCommitException | |
HeuristicMixedException | |
HeuristicRollbackException | |
HierarchyBoundsAdapter |
This class implements HierarchyBoundsListener and implements
all methods with empty bodies. |
HierarchyBoundsListener | This listens for changes in an ancestors size or location. |
HierarchyEvent | This class represents an event generated for an ancestor component which may affect this component. |
HierarchyListener | This listens for changes in the hierarchy tree of components. |
Highlighter | |
Highlighter.Highlight | |
Highlighter.HighlightPainter | |
HostnameVerifier | The interface for classes that perform hostname verification for cases when the hostname used to begin the connection (such as in a URL) does not match the hostname used in the SSL handshake. |
HOLDING | A single constant interface, defining the adapter state (HOLDING) = 0. |
HttpsURLConnection | A URL connection that connects via the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for HTTPS connections. |
HttpURLConnection | This class provides a common abstract implementation for those URL connection classes that will connect using the HTTP protocol. |
HTML | HTML attribute and tag definitions. |
HTMLDocument | Represents the HTML document that is constructed by defining the text and other components (images, buttons, etc) in HTML language. |
HTMLDocument.BlockElement | |
HTMLDocument.HTMLReader | A reader to load an HTMLDocument with HTML structure. |
HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.BlockAction | |
HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.CharacterAction | |
HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.FormAction | Processes elements that make up forms: <input>, <textarea>, <select> and <option>. |
HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.HiddenAction | This action indicates that the content between starting and closing HTML elements (like script - /script) should not be visible. |
HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.IsindexAction | Handles <isindex> tags. |
HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.ParagraphAction | |
HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.PreAction | This action is performed when a <pre> tag is parsed. |
HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.SpecialAction | Inserts the elements that are represented by ths single tag with attributes (only). |
HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.TagAction | |
HTMLDocument.Iterator | An iterator over a particular type of tag. |
HTMLDocument.RunElement | RunElement represents a section of text that has a set of HTML character level attributes assigned to it. |
HTMLEditorKit | |
HTMLEditorKit.HTMLFactory |
A {@link ViewFactory} that is able to create {@link View}s for
the Element s that are supported. |
HTMLEditorKit.HTMLTextAction | Abstract Action class that helps inserting HTML into an existing document. |
HTMLEditorKit.InsertHTMLTextAction | This class is used to insert a string of HTML into an existing document. |
HTMLEditorKit.LinkController | Fires the hyperlink events on the associated component when needed. |
HTMLEditorKit.Parser | The abstract HTML parser declaration. |
HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback | The "hook" that receives all information about the HTML document structure while parsing it. |
HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent | HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent transfers information about the link that was activated in a frame. |
HTMLWriter | HTMLWriter, A Writer for HTMLDocuments. |
HTML.Attribute | Represents a HTML attribute. |
HTML.Tag | Represents a HTML tag. |
HTML.UnknownTag | Represents an unknown HTML tag. |
HyperlinkEvent | |
HyperlinkEvent.EventType | |
HyperlinkListener | HyperlinkListener |
Icon | Defines the methods that an object must implement if it should be used as an icon in Swing. |
IconUIResource |
An icon that is marked as UIResource , which
indicates that it has been installed by a pluggable
LookAndFeel. |
IconView | A View that can render an icon. |
ICC_ColorSpace | ICC_ColorSpace - an implementation of ColorSpace While an ICC_Profile class abstracts the data in an ICC profile file an ICC_ColorSpace performs the color space conversions defined by an ICC_Profile instance. |
ICC_Profile | ICC Profile - represents an ICC Color profile. |
ICC_ProfileGray | ICC_ProfileGray - a special case of ICC_Profiles. |
ICC_ProfileRGB | ICC_ProfileRGB - a special case of ICC_Profiles. |
IdAssignmentPolicy | Specifies the Object Id assignment policy. |
IdAssignmentPolicyOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the IdAssignmentPolicy. |
IdAssignmentPolicyValue | Specifies the Object Id assignment policy. |
IdentifierHelper | A formal helper for the CORBA Identifier that is identical to the narrow string. |
Identity |
The Identity class is used to represent people and companies
that can be authenticated using public key encryption. |
IdentityHashMap<K,V> | This class provides a hashtable-backed implementation of the Map interface, but uses object identity to do its hashing. |
IdentityScope |
IdentityScope represents a scope of an identity.
IdUniquenessPolicy | Specfies the Id uniqueness policy. |
IdUniquenessPolicyOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the IdUniquenessPolicy. |
IdUniquenessPolicyValue | Specifies the Object Id uniqueness policy. |
IDLEntity | Indicates that this class has a corresponding Helper class. |
IDLType | An abstract interface that represent OMG IDL types. |
IDLTypeHelper | A helper operations for the IDL type. |
IDLTypeOperations | Defines operations, applicable for the IDL type. |
ID_ASSIGNMENT_POLICY_ID | Holds an integer {@link IdAssignmentPolicy } identifier. |
ID_UNIQUENESS_POLICY_ID | Holds an integer {@link IdUniquenessPolicy} identifier. |
IIOByteBuffer | A data structure for holding a reference to a byte array, an index into that array, and a number of bytes, that can be passed to one specific variant of the {@link, int) readBytes} method. |
IIOException | A runtime exception to indicate image reading and writing failures. |
IIOImage | IIOImage is a container class for components of an image file that stores image data, image metadata and thumbnails. |
IIOInvalidTreeException | |
IIOMetadata | Represents metadata that describe an image or an image stream. |
IIOMetadataController | |
IIOMetadataFormat | |
IIOMetadataFormatImpl | |
IIOMetadataNode | |
IIOParam | An IIOParam stores parameters used when encoding or decoding image streams. |
IIOParamController | An interface to set image parameters. |
IIOReadProgressListener | |
IIOReadUpdateListener | |
IIOReadWarningListener | |
IIORegistry | |
IIOServiceProvider | An abstract superclass for service providers that perform image I/O. |
IIOWriteProgressListener | |
IIOWriteWarningListener | |
IllegalAccessError |
An IllegalAccessError is thrown when an attempt is made to
call a method, or access or modify a field that the application does not
have access to. |
IllegalAccessException | Thrown whenever a reflective method tries to do something that the compiler would not allow. |
IllegalArgumentException | Thrown when a method is passed an illegal or inappropriate argument. |
IllegalBlockingModeException | |
IllegalBlockSizeException | This exception is thrown when finishing encryption without padding or decryption and the input is not a multiple of the cipher's block size. |
IllegalCharsetNameException | |
IllegalClassFormatException | |
IllegalComponentStateException | This exception is thrown when the requested operation failed because a component was not in the proper state. |
IllegalFormatCodePointException | Thrown when a {@link Formatter} receives a character with an invalid Unicode codepoint, as defined by {@link Character#isValidCodePoint(int)}. |
IllegalFormatConversionException | Thrown when the type of an argument supplied to the {@link Formatter#format()} method of a {@link Formatter} does not match the conversion character specified for it. |
IllegalFormatException | A general exception thrown when a format string is supplied to a {@link Formatter} that contains either invalid syntax or a mismatch between the format specification and the supplied arguments. |
IllegalFormatFlagsException | Thrown when the flags supplied to the {@link Formatter#format()} method of a {@link Formatter} form an illegal combination. |
IllegalFormatPrecisionException | Thrown when the specified precision for a {@link Formatter} argument is illegal. |
IllegalFormatWidthException | Thrown when the specified width for a {@link Formatter} argument is illegal. |
IllegalMonitorStateException | Thrown when a thread attempts to wait or notify on a monitor that it does not own (ie. it has not synchronized on the object). |
IllegalPathStateException |
Thrown when an operation on a path is in an illegal state, such as appending
a segment to a GeneralPath without an initial moveto.
IllegalSelectorException | |
IllegalStateException | Thrown when a method is invoked at an illegal or inappropriate time. |
IllegalThreadStateException | Thrown When trying to manipulate a Thread which is in an inappropriate state. |
Image | This is the abstract superclass of all image objects in Java. |
ImageCapabilities | This class represents the capabilities of an image buffer. |
ImageConsumer |
An object implementing the ImageProducer interface can
use objects implementing this interface to deliver the image data.
ImageFilter |
The ImageFilter class is a base class which can be
extended to provide different types of filters for an image. |
ImageGraphicAttribute | This is an implementation of GraphicAttribute which draws images in a TextLayout. |
ImageIcon | An {@link Icon} implementation that is backed by an {@link Image}. |
ImageIcon.AccessibleImageIcon |
Provides the accessibility features for the ImageIcon
class. |
ImageInputStream | An input stream for use by {@link javax.imageio.ImageReader ImageReaders}. |
ImageInputStreamImpl | |
ImageInputStreamSpi | An abstract superclass for service providers that create {@linkplain image input streams} for a file, URL, byte array or any other source. |
ImageIO | An uninstantiable class that provides static methods for locating and using image readers and writers. |
ImageObserver |
An object implementing the ImageObserver interface can
receive updates on image construction from an
ImageProducer asynchronously.
ImageOutputStream | An output stream for use by {@link javax.imageio.ImageWriter ImageWriters}. |
ImageOutputStreamImpl | |
ImageOutputStreamSpi | An abstract superclass for service providers that create {@linkplain image output streams} for a file, URL, byte array or any other target. |
ImageProducer |
An object implementing the ImageProducer interface can
produce data for images. |
ImageReader | A class for decoding images within the ImageIO framework. |
ImageReaderSpi | |
ImageReaderWriterSpi | An abstract superclass that contains the common parts of {@link javax.imageio.spi.ImageReaderSpi} and {@link javax.imageio.spi.ImageWriterSpi}. |
ImageReadParam | DOCUMENT ME |
ImageTranscoder | An ImageTranscoder translates IIOMetadata objects provided by an ImageReader into corresponding IIOMetadata objects that can be understood by a given ImageWriter. |
ImageTranscoderSpi | An abstract superclass for service providers that create {@linkplain javax.imageio.ImageTranscoder image metadata transcoders}. |
ImageTypeSpecifier | ImageTypeSpecifier store the color and sample models associated with an IIOImage. |
ImageView | A view, representing a single image, represented by the HTML IMG tag. |
ImageWriteParam | DOCUMENT ME |
ImageWriter | A class for encoding images within the ImageIO framework. |
ImageWriterSpi | |
ImagingOpException |
This exception is thrown when BufferedImageOp or
RasterOp filters cannot process an image.
ImplicitActivationPolicy | Specifies the implicit activation policy. |
ImplicitActivationPolicyOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the ImplicitActivationPolicy. |
ImplicitActivationPolicyValue | Specifies the implicit activation policy. |
IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION_POLICY_ID | Holds an integer {@link ImplicitActivationPolicy} identifier. |
IMP_LIMIT | Means that the server has reached some implementation limit (too many clients, too many references, too long parameters and so on). |
IncompatibleClassChangeError |
An IncompatibleClassChangeError is thrown when the definition
of a class used by the currently executing method has changed in an
incompatible way.
IncompleteAnnotationException | Thrown when accessing an element within an annotation which was added since compilation or serialization took place, and does not have a default value. |
InconsistentTypeCode | The exception is thrown in response of the attempt to create the dynamic with an unmatching type code. |
InconsistentTypeCode |
The InconsistentTypeCode is thrown on the attempt to create
an {@link org.omg.DynamicAny.DynAny} for Principal
or native data types. |
InconsistentTypeCodeHelper | The helper operations for the exception {@link InconsistentTypeCode}. |
IndexColorModel | Color model similar to pseudo visual in X11. |
IndexedPropertyChangeEvent | This is like a PropertyChangeEvent, but also carries with it the index of the property which changed. |
IndexedPropertyDescriptor |
IndexedPropertyDescriptor describes information about a JavaBean
indexed property, by which we mean an array-like property that
has been exposed via a pair of get and set methods and another
pair that allows you to get to the property by an index. An example property would have four methods like this:
The constraints put on get and set methods are:
IndexOutOfBoundsException | This exception can be thrown to indicate an attempt to access an index which is out of bounds on objects like String, Array, or Vector. |
IndirectionException | This exception is thrown when reading from the ORBs input streams certain specific data layouts (object recursive references to itself). |
Inet4Address | |
Inet6Address | |
InetAddress | This class models an Internet address. |
InetSocketAddress | InetSocketAddress instances represent socket addresses in the java.nio package. |
Inflater | Inflater is used to decompress data that has been compressed according to the "deflate" standard described in rfc1950. |
InflaterInputStream | This filter stream is used to decompress data compressed in the "deflate" format. |
InheritableThreadLocal<T> | A ThreadLocal whose value is inherited by child Threads. |
InitialContext | The starting context for performing naming operations. |
InitialContextFactory |
Defines a factory that creates the initial context for the beginning of the name resolution. |
InitialContextFactoryBuilder | Represents the builder that creates instances of the factories that produce initial naming contexts. |
InitialDirContext | |
InitialLdapContext | |
InlineView | Renders HTML content (identified by {@link HTML.Tag#CONTENT}). |
InputContext | Provides a context for controlling input methods and keyboard layouts. |
InputEvent | This is the common superclass for all component input classes. |
InputMap | Maps {@link KeyStroke}s to arbitrary objects, usually Strings. |
InputMapUIResource |
An InputMap that is marked as UIResource ,
which indicates that it has been installed by a pluggable
LookAndFeel. |
InputMethod | This interface supports complex text input, often for situations where the text is more complex than a keyboard will accomodate. |
InputMethodContext | Provides methods for the communication context between an input method and the client component. |
InputMethodDescriptor | This interface provides information about an InputMethod before it is loaded. |
InputMethodEvent | This class is for event generated by change in a text input method. |
InputMethodHighlight | This describes the highlight attributes of text composed in an input method. |
InputMethodListener | This interface is for classes that wish to receive events from an input method. |
InputMethodRequests | This interface handles requests made by input methods on text editing components. |
InputMismatchException | Thrown when a {@link Scanner} instance encounters a mismatch between the input data and the pattern it is trying to match it against. |
InputStream | This abstract class forms the base of the hierarchy of classes that read input as a stream of bytes. |
InputStream | This class defines a new CDR input stream methods, added since CORBA 2.3. |
InputStream | This class is used to read CORBA IDL data types. |
InputStreamReader | This class reads characters from a byte input stream. |
InputSubset | Defines additional Unicode character blocks for use by input methods. |
InputVerifier | Verifies the user input on a component before the focus is shifted. |
Insets | This class represents the "margin" or space around a container. |
InsetsUIResource |
An Insets that is marked as UIResource ,
which indicates that it has been installed by a pluggable
LookAndFeel. |
InstanceAlreadyExistsException | Thrown when an attempt to register a bean is made, and the bean is already registered. |
InstanceNotFoundException | Thrown when an attempt to locate a bean is made, and the bean does not exist in the repository. |
InstantiationError |
An InstantiationError is thrown when an attempt is made to
create an instance of an abstract class or an interface. |
InstantiationException | Thrown when an attempt is made to use reflection to build a non-instantiable class (an interface or abstract class). |
Instrument | The abstract base class for all MIDI instruments. |
Instrumentation | An Instrumentation object has transformers that will be called each time a class is defined or redefined. |
InsufficientResourcesException | |
IntBuffer | |
Integer |
Instances of class Integer represent primitive
int values.
IntegerSyntax |
IntegerSyntax is the abstract base class of all attribute
classes having an integer as value.
Interceptor | Portable Interceptors are hooks into the ORB through which ORB services can intercept the normal flow of execution in creation of IOR, sending request, receiving request and returning the reply. |
InterceptorOperations | Defines operations, applicable for all types of {@link Interceptor}. |
InternalError |
An InternalError is thrown when a mystical error has
occurred in the Java Virtual Machine.
InternalFrameAdapter | InternalFrameAdapter. |
InternalFrameEvent | An event that indicates a change to a {@link JInternalFrame} component. |
InternalFrameFocusTraversalPolicy | A {@link FocusTraversalPolicy} that provides the additional capability to determine a {@link JInternalFrame}'s initially focused component when it is selected. |
InternalFrameListener | InternalFrameListener public interface |
InternalFrameUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JInternalFrame .
InternationalFormatter | This extends {@link DefaultFormatter} so that the value to string conversion is done via a {@link Format} object. |
InterruptedException | Thrown when a thread interrupts another thread which was previously sleeping, waiting, or paused in some other way. |
InterruptedIOException | This exception is thrown when a in process I/O operation is interrupted for some reason. |
InterruptedNamingException | |
InterruptibleChannel | |
IntHolder |
A holder for CORBA long that is mapped into
java int .
IntrospectionException | IntrospectionException is thrown when the Introspector fails. |
IntrospectionException | A general for all exceptions thrown during introspection operations on management beans. |
Introspector | Introspector is the class that does the bulk of the design-time work in Java Beans. |
Invalid | This exception is thrown by dynamic any operations when a bad DynAny or Any is passed as a parameter. |
InvalidActivityException | Exception wrapper for CORBA.INVALID_ACTIVITY. |
InvalidAddress | The exception is thrown if the passed address is empty or otherwise invalid. |
InvalidAddressHelper | The holder for exception {@link InvalidAddress}. |
InvalidAddressHolder | The holder for the exception {@link InvalidAddress}. |
InvalidAlgorithmParameterException | Thrown for an invalid security algorithm parameter. |
InvalidApplicationException | Thrown when a query or attribute is applied to a management bean which is of the wrong class. |
InvalidAttributeIdentifierException | |
InvalidAttributesException | |
InvalidAttributeValueException | Thrown when a value is given for an attribute which is invalid. |
InvalidAttributeValueException | |
InvalidClassException | This exception is thrown when there is some sort of problem with a class during a serialization operation. |
InvalidDnDOperationException | Thrown when a method in the java.awt.dnd package is unable to perform a requested operation, usually because the underlying DnD system is in the wrong state. |
InvalidKeyException | Thrown for an invalid key. |
InvalidKeyException | Thrown when an invalid key (a field name or row index) is passed to a method of the {@link CompositeData} or {@link TabularData} classes. |
InvalidKeySpecException | Exception for an invalid key specification. |
InvalidMarkException | |
InvalidMidiDataException | This exception is thrown when we encounter bad MIDI data. |
InvalidName | The exception is thrown if the name has the zero length or is otherwise invalid. |
InvalidName | The exception is thrown by {@link org.omg.CORBA.ORB#resolve_initial_references(String)} in response of passing a name for which there is no initial reference. |
InvalidName | This exception is raised by methods in {@link org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitInfoOperations} on the attempt to register or resolve an invalid name like empty string. |
InvalidNameException |
Exception indicating an invalid component or Name .
InvalidNameHelper | The helper operations for the {@link InvalidName} |
InvalidNameHelper | The helper operations for the exception {@link InvalidName}. |
InvalidNameHolder | The holder for exception {@link InvalidName}. |
InvalidObjectException | This exception is thrown when an object fails a validation test during serialization. |
InvalidOpenTypeException | Thrown when a open data value has an erroneous open type. |
InvalidParameterException | Thrown when an invalid parameter is passed to a method of the JCA/JCE engine classes. |
InvalidParameterSpecException | Exception for an invalid algorithm specification. |
InvalidPolicy | Raised if any of the policy objects specified is not supported by this ORB implementation, if conflicting policy objects are specified, or if any of the specified policy objects require prior administrative action that has not been performed. |
InvalidPolicyHelper | The helper operations for the exception {@link InvalidPolicy}. |
InvalidPreferencesFormatException | Indicates reading prefs from stream failed. |
InvalidPropertiesFormatException | |
InvalidSearchControlsException | |
InvalidSearchFilterException | |
InvalidSeq |
This exception is thrown by by dynamic any operations when a bad sequence is passed as a parameter.
InvalidSlot | The InvalidSlot is thrown when the slot identifier, passed in one of the methods, related to {@link Current}, does not define a valid slot. |
InvalidSlotHelper | The helper operations for the exception {@link InvalidSlot}. |
InvalidTransactionException | |
InvalidTypeForEncoding | This exception is raised by {@link org.omg.IOP.CodecOperations#encode} or {@link org.omg.IOP.CodecOperations#encode_value} when the type is not valid for the encoding. |
InvalidTypeForEncodingHelper | The helper operations for the exception {@link InvalidTypeForEncoding}. |
InvalidValue | This expception in response to insert the inapproriate value into dynamic Any, usually by the DynAny.insert_*(value) method group. |
InvalidValue | Raised when the operation on DynAny cannot be performed because one of the parameters, while having the correct type, has the invalid value. |
InvalidValueHelper | The helper operations for the exception {@link InvalidValue}. |
InvocationEvent | This event executes {@link Runnable#run()} of a target object when it is dispatched. |
InvocationHandler | This interface defines an invocation handler. |
InvocationTargetException | InvocationTargetException is sort of a way to "wrap" whatever exception comes up when a method or constructor is called via Reflection. |
InvokeHandler | Provides the dispatching mechanism for incoming call. |
INACTIVE | A single constant interface, defining the adapter state (INACTIVE) = 3. |
INITIALIZE | Means that the server cannot be initialized because of the some reason. |
INTERNAL | Means an internal failure in the ORB. |
INTF_REPOS | Means errors, related to the interface repository. |
INVALID_ACTIVITY | Raised when the transaction or Activity is resumed in a different context than from which it was suspended. |
INVALID_TRANSACTION | Means that request carried an invalid transaction context. |
INV_FLAG | Means invalid flag, passed during operation. |
INV_IDENT | Means that some IDL identifier has a wrong syntax. |
INV_OBJREF | Means that some object reference is internally malformed. |
INV_POLICY | This exception is thrown when an invocation cannot be made because of an incompatibility between Policy overrides that apply to the particular invocation. |
IOException | This exception is thrown to indicate an I/O problem of some sort occurred. |
The object IOR contains sufficient information for finding local or remote CORBA object. |
IORHelper | A helper operations for the structure {@link IOR}. |
IORHolder | A holder for the {@link IOR}. |
IORInfo | Provides the server-side ORB service possibility to add components to the new IOR being created. |
IORInfoOperations | The ORB service uses this interface to add the service specific components to the new IOR being constructed. |
IORInterceptor | An ORB service implementation may need to add information describing the serverORB service related capabilities to object references (IORs). |
IORInterceptorOperations | Defines operation, applicable to the IORInterceptor. |
IORInterceptor_3_0 | The IORInterceptor_3_0 adds to {@link Interceptor} functionality, available since CORBA 3.0. |
IORInterceptor_3_0Helper | The helper operations for the CORBA object {@link IORInterceptor_3_0}. |
IORInterceptor_3_0Holder | A holder for the object {@link IORInterceptor_3_0}. |
IORInterceptor_3_0Operations | Defines the operations, applicable to the IORInterceptor_3_0. |
IRObject | Represents the interface repository object. |
IRObjectOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the interface repository object. |
IstringHelper | "Istring" was a "placeholder for a future IDL internationalized string data type" in the original specification. |
ItemEvent | This event is generated when a selection item changes state. |
ItemListener | This interface is for classes that wish to receive events when an item's selection state changes. |
ItemSelectable | This interface is for objects that can have one or more items selected. |
Iterable<E> | This interface is used to indicate that a given class can be iterated over. |
Iterator<E> | An object which iterates over a collection. |
IvParameterSpec | A wrapper for an initialization vector. |
JApplet | A top-level container that is usually used in web browsers. |
JApplet.AccessibleJApplet |
Provides accessibility support for JApplet . |
JarEntry | Extension to a ZipEntry that contains manifest attributes and certificates. |
JarException | This exception is thrown to indicate an problem with a jar file. |
JarFile | Representation of a jar file. |
JarInputStream | InputStream for reading jar files. |
JarOutputStream | OutputStream for writing jar files. |
JarURLConnection | This abstract class represents a common superclass for implementations of jar URL's. |
JButton | A general purpose push button. |
JButton.AccessibleJButton | Accessibility support for JButtons. |
JCheckBox |
A small box that displays a check or not, depending on it's
selected state. |
JCheckBoxMenuItem | A menu item that displays a checkbox. |
JCheckBoxMenuItem.AccessibleJCheckBoxMenuItem |
Provides the accessibility features for the JCheckBoxMenuItem
JCheckBox.AccessibleJCheckBox |
Provides accessibility support for JCheckBox . |
JColorChooser | A Swing widget that offers users different ways to select a color. |
JColorChooser.AccessibleJColorChooser |
Accessibility support for JColorChooser . |
JComboBox | A component that allows a user to select any item in its list and displays the selected item to the user. |
JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox |
Accessibility support for JComboBox . |
JComboBox.KeySelectionManager | Classes implementing this interface are responsible for matching key characters typed by the user with combo box's items. |
JComponent | The base class of all Swing components. |
JComponent.AccessibleJComponent |
Basic accessibility support for JComponent derived
widgets. |
JComponent.AccessibleJComponent.AccessibleContainerHandler | Receives notification if there are child components are added or removed from the JComponent and fires appropriate PropertyChangeEvents to interested listeners on the AccessibleJComponent. |
JComponent.AccessibleJComponent.AccessibleFocusHandler | Receives notification if the focus on the JComponent changes and fires appropriate PropertyChangeEvents to listeners registered with the AccessibleJComponent. |
JDesktopPane | JDesktopPane is a container (usually for JInternalFrames) that simulates a desktop. |
JDesktopPane.AccessibleJDesktopPane |
Provides the accessibility features for the JDesktopPane
component. |
JDialog | A dialog window. |
JDialog.AccessibleJDialog |
Provides accessibility support for JDialog s. |
JEditorPane | A powerful text editor component that can handle different types of content. |
JEditorPane.AccessibleJEditorPane |
Provides accessibility support for JEditorPane .
JEditorPane.AccessibleJEditorPaneHTML |
Provides accessibility support for JEditorPane s, when the
editor kit is an instance of {@link HTMLEditorKit}.
JEditorPane.JEditorPaneAccessibleHypertextSupport | This is the accessible text that is returned by {@link AccessibleJEditorPaneHTML#getAccessibleText()}. |
JEditorPane.JEditorPaneAccessibleHypertextSupport.HTMLLink | The accessible representation of a HTML link. |
JFileChooser | A component that provides the user a dialog box to browse through a filesystem and choose one or more files or directories. |
JFileChooser.AccessibleJFileChooser |
Provides the accessibility features for the JFileChooser
component. |
JFormattedTextField | A text field that makes use of a formatter to display and edit a specific type of data. |
JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter | An abstract base implementation for a formatter that can be used by a JTextField. |
JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatterFactory | Delivers instances of an {@link AbstractFormatter} for a specific value type for a JFormattedTextField. |
JFrame | A window that supports window decorations (titlebar and borders). |
JFrame.AccessibleJFrame |
Provides accessibility support for JFrame s. |
JInternalFrame | This class implements a Swing widget that looks and acts like a native frame. |
JInternalFrame.AccessibleJInternalFrame |
Provides the accessibility features for the JInternalFrame
component. |
JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon | This class represents the JInternalFrame while it is iconified. |
JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon.AccessibleJDesktopIcon |
Provides the accessibility features for the JDesktopIcon
component. |
JLabel | A component that displays a static text message and/or an icon. |
JLabel.AccessibleJLabel |
Provides the accessibility features for the JLabel
component. |
JLayeredPane |
A container that adds depth to the usual Container semantics.
JLayeredPane.AccessibleJLayeredPane |
Provides accessibility support for JLayeredPane . |
JList |
This class is a facade over three separate objects: {@link javax.swing.ListModel}, {@link javax.swing.ListSelectionModel} and {@link javax.swing.plaf.ListUI}. |
JList.AccessibleJList |
Provides accessibility support for JList . |
JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild |
Provides accessibility support for list elements in JList s. |
JMenu | This class represents a menu that can be added to a menu bar or can be a submenu in some other menu. |
JMenuBar | JMenuBar is a container for menu's. |
JMenuBar.AccessibleJMenuBar |
Provides accessibility support for JMenuBar .
JMenuItem | JMenuItem represents element in the menu. |
JMenuItem.AccessibleJMenuItem |
Provides the accessibility features for the JMenuItem
JMenu.AccessibleJMenu |
Implements support for assisitive technologies for JMenu . |
JMenu.WinListener | |
JMException | A general superclass for all non-runtime management exceptions. |
JMRuntimeException | A general superclass for all runtime management exceptions. |
JMX | Common static methods pertaining to the management API. |
JobAttributes | Needs documentation... |
JobAttributes.DefaultSelectionType | |
JobAttributes.DestinationType | |
JobAttributes.DialogType | |
JobAttributes.MultipleDocumentHandlingType | |
JobAttributes.SidesType | |
JobHoldUntil |
The JobHoldUntil attribute specifies the date
and the time at which a print job must become a candidate
for printing.
JobImpressions |
The JobImpressions printing attribute specifies
the total size in number of impressions of the documents
of a a print job.
JobImpressionsCompleted |
The JobImpressionsCompleted printing attribute reports
the number of impressions already processed.
JobImpressionsSupported |
The JobImpressionsSupported printing attribute specifies the
supported range of values for the
{@link javax.print.attribute.standard.JobImpressions} attribute.
JobKOctets |
The JobKOctets printing attribute specifies
the total size of all the documents of a print job in K octets.
JobKOctetsProcessed |
The JobKOctetsProcessed printing attribute reports
the total number of octets already processed in K octets units.
JobKOctetsSupported |
The JobKOctetsSupported printing attribute specifies the
supported range of values for the
{@link javax.print.attribute.standard.JobKOctets} attribute.
JobMediaSheets |
The JobMediaSheets printing attribute specifies
the total number of media sheets needed by a job.
JobMediaSheetsCompleted |
The JobMediaSheetsCompleted printing attribute reports
the number of media sheets already processed.
JobMediaSheetsSupported |
The JobMediaSheetsSupported printing attribute specifies the
supported range of values for the
{@link javax.print.attribute.standard.JobMediaSheets} attribute.
JobMessageFromOperator |
The JobMessageFromOperator printing attribute provides
a message from an operator or a system administrator related to the
print job. |
JobName |
The JobName printing attribute provides the name of a
print job for identification.
JobOriginatingUserName |
The JobOriginatingUserName attribute specifies the name of
the user which submitted the print job.
JobPriority |
The JobPriority printing attribute specifies
the priority for scheduling a job on the print service.
JobPrioritySupported |
The JobPrioritySupported printing attribute provides
the supported values for the JobPriority attribute.
JobSheets |
The JobSheets printing attribute specifies if a
job start/end sheets should be printed.
JobState |
The JobState printing attribute reports
the current state of a job.
JobStateReason |
The JobStateReason attribute provides additional
information about the current state of a job. |
JobStateReasons |
The JobStateReasons attribute provides the set of
additional informations available about the current state of a print job.
JOptionPane | This class creates different types of JDialogs and JInternalFrames that can ask users for input or pass on information. |
JOptionPane.AccessibleJOptionPane |
Provides the accessibility features for the JOptionPane
component. |
JPanel | An instance of JPanel can be added to a panel, frame etc |
JPanel.AccessibleJPanel |
Provides accessibility support for JPanel .
JPasswordField | class JPasswordField |
JPasswordField.AccessibleJPasswordField | AccessibleJPasswordField |
JPEGHuffmanTable | The JPEGHuffmanTable class represents a Huffman table read from a JPEG image file. |
JPEGImageReadParam | The JPEGImageReadParam class is only used to set JPEG decoding tables for streams that do not provide their own tables. |
JPEGImageWriteParam | The JPEGImageWriteParam class can be used to specify tables and settings used in the JPEG encoding process. |
JPEGQTable | The JPEGQTable class represents a quantization table that can be used to encode or decode a JPEG stream. |
JPopupMenu | JPopupMenu is a container that is used to display popup menu's menu items. |
JPopupMenu.AccessibleJPopupMenu | |
JPopupMenu.Separator | This is the separator that can be used in popup menu. |
JProgressBar | A component that displays a visual indicator of the progress of a task. |
JProgressBar.AccessibleJProgressBar |
Provides the accessibility features for the JProgressBar
component. |
JRadioButton |
The JRadioButton component provides a visually selectable
button with mutually exclusive behaviour within a ButtonGroup .
JRadioButtonMenuItem | This class represents JRadioButtonMenuItem. |
JRadioButtonMenuItem.AccessibleJRadioButtonMenuItem |
Provides the accessibility features for the
JRadioButtonMenuItem component.
JRadioButton.AccessibleJRadioButton | This class provides accessibility support for the toggle button. |
JRootPane | This class is where JComponents are added to. |
JRootPane.AccessibleJRootPane | |
JRootPane.RootLayout | |
JScrollBar | The JScrollBar. |
JScrollBar.AccessibleJScrollBar |
Provides the accessibility features for the JScrollBar
component. |
JScrollPane | A component that embeds another component and enables it to be scrolled both in horizontal and vertical direction. |
JScrollPane.AccessibleJScrollPane |
Provides accessibility support for the JScrollPane .
JScrollPane.ScrollBar | |
JSeparator | The JSeparator. |
JSeparator.AccessibleJSeparator |
Provides the accessibility features for the JSeparator
component. |
JSlider | A visual component that allows selection of a value within a range by adjusting a thumb in a track. |
JSlider.AccessibleJSlider |
Provides the accessibility features for the JSlider
component. |
JSpinner |
A JSpinner is a component that displays a single value from
a sequence of values, and provides a convenient means for selecting the
previous and next values in the sequence. |
JSpinner.DateEditor |
An editor class for a JSpinner that is used
for displaying and editing dates (e.g. that uses
SpinnerDateModel as model).
JSpinner.DefaultEditor | The base class for the editor used by the {@link JSpinner} component. |
JSpinner.ListEditor |
A JSpinner editor used for the {@link SpinnerListModel}.
JSpinner.NumberEditor | A panel containing a {@link JFormattedTextField} that is configured for displaying and editing numbers. |
JSplitPane | This class implements JSplitPane. |
JSplitPane.AccessibleJSplitPane |
Provides the accessibility features for the JSplitPane
component. |
JTabbedPane | This is a container for components where only one component is displayed at a given time and the displayed component can be switched by clicking on tabs. |
JTabbedPane.AccessibleJTabbedPane |
Accessibility support for JTabbedPane . |
JTabbedPane.ModelListener | A helper class that listens for changes to the model. |
JTable | The table component, displaying information, organized in rows and columns. |
JTableHeader | Represents the table header. |
JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader | |
JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry | |
JTable.AccessibleJTable |
Provides accessibility support for JTable .
JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell | Provides accessibility support for table cells. |
JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableModelChange | |
JTextArea |
The JTextArea component provides a multi-line area for displaying
and editing plain text. |
JTextArea.AccessibleJTextArea |
Provides accessibility support for JTextArea .
JTextComponent | |
JTextComponent.AccessibleJTextComponent | AccessibleJTextComponent implements accessibility hooks for JTextComponent. |
JTextComponent.KeyBinding | |
JTextField | |
JTextField.AccessibleJTextField | AccessibleJTextField |
JTextPane | A powerful text component that supports styled content as well as embedding images and components. |
JToggleButton |
The JToggleButton component provides a stateful button,
which can be either selected or unselected. |
JToggleButton.AccessibleJToggleButton | This class provides accessibility support for the toggle button. |
JToggleButton.ToggleButtonModel | The model handles the storage and maintenance of the state of the toggle button. |
JToolBar | JToolBar is a component that provides a toolbar to Swing programs. |
JToolBar.AccessibleJToolBar |
Provides the accessibility features for the JToolBar
component. |
JToolBar.Separator | This is an extension of JSeparator used in toolbars. |
JToolTip | This class is used to display ToolTips. |
JToolTip.AccessibleJToolTip |
Provides the accessibility features for the JToolTip
component. |
JTree | |
JTree.AccessibleJTree | This class implements accessibility support for the JTree class. |
JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode | This class implements accessibility support for the JTree child. |
JTree.DynamicUtilTreeNode | |
JTree.EmptySelectionModel | A TreeModel that does not allow anything to be selected. |
JTree.TreeModelHandler |
Listens to the model of the JTree and updates the property
expandedState if nodes are removed or changed. |
JTree.TreeSelectionRedirector | This redirects TreeSelectionEvents and rewrites the source of it to be this JTree. |
JViewport |
_ +-------------------------------+ ...........Y1 \ | view | . |
JViewport.AccessibleJViewport |
Provides accessibility support for JViewport .
JViewport.ViewListener | A {@link java.awt.event.ComponentListener} that listens for changes of the view's size. |
JWindow | Unlike JComponent derivatives, JWindow inherits from java.awt.Window. |
JWindow.AccessibleJWindow |
Provides accessibility support for JWindow . |
KerberosKey | This class represents a Kerberos key. |
KerberosPrincipal | This represents a Kerberos principal. |
KerberosTicket | This class represents a Kerberos ticket. |
Kernel | Kernel represents an image processing kernel. |
Key | This interfaces models the base characteristics that all keys must have. |
KeyAdapter |
This class implements KeyListener and implements all methods
with empty bodies. |
KeyAgreement | Key agreement is a method in which two or more parties may agree on a secret key for symmetric cryptography or message authentication without transmitting any secrets in the clear. |
KeyAgreementSpi | This is the Service Provider Interface (SPI) for the {@link javax.crypto.KeyAgreement} class. |
KeyAlreadyExistsException | Thrown when a key (a field name or row index) is passed to a method of the {@link CompositeData} or {@link TabularData} classes and it is found to already be in use. |
KeyboardFocusManager |
The KeyboardFocusManager handles the focusing of
windows for receiving keyboard events. |
KeyEvent | This event is generated when a key is pressed or released. |
KeyEventDispatcher | An instance of this interface coordinates with a KeyboardFocusManager to target and dispatch all key events. |
KeyEventPostProcessor | An instance of this interface coordinates with a KeyboardFocusManager to target and dispatch all key events that are otherwise unconsumed. |
KeyException | This exception is thrown when there is a problem with a key. |
KeyFactory | Key factories are used to convert keys (opaque cryptographic keys of type {@link Key}) into key specifications (transparent representations of the underlying key material). |
KeyFactorySpi | KeyFactorySpi is the Service Provider Interface (SPI) for the KeyFactory class. |
KeyGenerator | A generic producer of keys for symmetric cryptography. |
KeyGeneratorSpi | The Service Provider Interface (SPI) for the {@link KeyGenerator} class. |
KeyListener | This interface is for classes that wish to receive keyboard events. |
Keymap | |
KeyManagementException | This exception is thrown whenever a problem related to the management of security keys is encountered. |
KeyManager | A marker interface for objects that serve as key managers in SSL communications. |
KeyManagerFactory | A class that creates key manager implementations based on a requested algorithm. |
KeyManagerFactorySpi | The Service Provider Interface (SPI) for key manager factories. |
KeyPair | KeyPair serves as a simple container for public and private keys. |
KeyPairGenerator |
KeyPairGenerator is a class used to generate key-pairs for a
security algorithm.
KeyPairGeneratorSpi | KeyPairGeneratorSpi is the interface used to generate key pairs for security algorithms. |
KeySpec | A transparent interface for Key Specifications. |
KeyStore | Keystore represents an in-memory collection of keys and certificates. |
KeyStoreBuilderParameters |
FIXME this class is currently a stub; it depends on an implementation of {@link} . |
KeyStoreException | Indicates a problem with the key store. |
KeyStoreSpi | KeyStoreSpi is the Service Provider Interface (SPI) for the KeyStore class. |
KeyStroke | |
Label | This component is used for displaying simple text strings that cannot be edited by the user. |
LabelPeer | |
LabelUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JLabel .
LabelView | A {@link GlyphView} that caches the textattributes for most effective rendering. |
Label.AccessibleAWTLabel | This class provides accessibility support for the label. |
LanguageCallback |
Underlying security services instantiate and pass a LanguageCallback
to the handle() method of a {@link CallbackHandler} to retrieve
the {@link Locale} used for localizing text.
LastOwnerException | This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to delete the last owner of an access control list (ACL) |
LayeredHighlighter | |
LayeredHighlighter.LayerPainter | |
LayoutFocusTraversalPolicy | |
LayoutManager | This interface is for laying out containers in a particular sequence. |
LayoutManager2 | Layout manager for laying out containers based on contraints. |
LayoutQueue | This is a queue which holds {@link Runnable} objects. |
LdapContext | |
LdapReferralException | |
LDAPCertStoreParameters | Parameters for CertStores that are retrieved via the lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP). |
Lease | A lease object is used to request and grant leases for the remote objects. |
Level | A class for indicating logging levels. |
LifespanPolicy | Specifies the object life span policy, if they can outlive the POA with that they were first created. |
LifespanPolicyOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the LifespanPolicy. |
LifespanPolicyValue | Specifies the object life span policy. |
LightweightPeer | |
LimitExceededException | |
Line | A Line represents a single input or output audio line. |
Line2D | Represents a directed line bewteen two points in (x,y) Cartesian space. |
Line2D.Double |
This class defines a point in double precision.
Line2D.Float |
This class defines a point in float precision.
LineBorder | A border that consists of a line whose thickness and color can be specified. |
LineBreakMeasurer | |
LineEvent | This class holds information about a state change of a Line. |
LineEvent.Type | This class represents the kinds of state changes that can occur to a Line. |
LineListener | This interface is used by classes which wish to be notified when the state of a Line changes. |
LineMetrics | |
LineNumberInputStream |
This class functions like a standard InputStream
except that it counts line numbers, and canonicalizes newline
characters. |
LineNumberReader |
This class functions like a standard Reader except that it
counts line numbers, and canonicalizes newline characters. |
LineUnavailableException | |
Line.Info | An object of this type holds information about a Line. |
LinkageError |
Subclasses of LinkageError are thrown to indicate that two
classes which were compatible at separate compilation times cannot be
linked to one another.
LinkedHashMap<K,V> | This class provides a hashtable-backed implementation of the Map interface, with predictable traversal order. |
LinkedHashSet<T> | This class provides a hashtable-backed implementation of the Set interface, with predictable traversal order. |
LinkedList<T> | Linked list implementation of the List interface. |
LinkException | |
LinkLoopException | |
LinkRef | |
List<E> | An ordered collection (also known as a list). |
List | Class that implements a listbox widget |
ListCellRenderer | Renders the cells of a {@link JList}. |
ListDataEvent | An event that contains information about a modification to the content of a list. |
ListDataListener |
A ListDataListener can register with a {@link ListModel} and
receive notification of updates to the model.
ListenerNotFoundException | Thrown when a requested listener does not exist. |
ListIterator<E> | An extended version of Iterator to support the extra features of Lists. |
ListModel | The data model that is typically used in {@link JList}. |
ListPeer | |
ListResourceBundle |
A ListResouceBundle provides an easy way, to create your own
resource bundle. |
ListSelectionEvent | An event that indicates a change to a list selection, including the source of the change (a {@link ListSelectionModel}) and the range of items in the list that have potentially changed their selection status. |
ListSelectionListener | A listener that receives {@link ListSelectionEvent} notifications, typically from a {@link ListSelectionModel} when it is modified. |
ListSelectionModel | A model that tracks the selection status of a list of items. |
ListUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JList .
ListView |
A View to render HTML lists, like the <ul> and
<ol> tags.
List.AccessibleAWTList | |
List.AccessibleAWTList.AccessibleAWTListChild | |
LIFESPAN_POLICY_ID | Holds an integer {@link LifespanPolicy} identifier. |
LoaderHandler | |
Locale | Locales represent a specific country and culture. |
LocaleNameProvider | A {@link LocaleNameProvider} provides localized versions of the names that represent a particular locale. |
LocaleServiceProvider |
This is the superclass of all the {@link Locale} service provider interfaces or SPIs. |
LocalObject | An object, formally implementing the CORBA {@link Object}, but actually handling all invocations locally. |
LocateRegistry | |
Location | Information about the location of an XML event within the underlying stream. |
LockInfo | Provides information on a lock held by a thread. |
Logger | A Logger is used for logging information about events. |
LoggingMXBean | This interface represents the management interface for logging. |
LoggingPermission | |
LoginContext | |
LoginException | A general exception during authentication and authorization. |
LoginModule | The base interface for login methods in the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS). |
LogManager |
The LogManager maintains a hierarchical namespace
of Logger objects and manages properties for configuring the logging
framework. |
LogRecord |
A LogRecord contains the state for an individual
event to be logged.
LogStream | |
Long |
Instances of class Long represent primitive
long values.
LongBuffer | |
LongHolder |
A holder for CORBA long long that is mapped into
java long .
LongLongSeqHelper |
Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of long
(LongLongSeq ).
LongLongSeqHolder |
A sequence holder for CORBA LongLongSeq that is mapped into
java long[] .
LongSeqHelper |
Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of int
(LongSeq ).
LongSeqHolder |
A sequence holder for CORBA LongSeq that is mapped into
java int[] .
LookAndFeel |
A look-and-feel controls most aspects of the appearance and
operation of user interface components in javax.swing . |
LookupOp | LookupOp is a filter that converts each pixel using a lookup table. |
LookupTable | LookupTable represents translation arrays for pixel values. |
LOCATION_FORWARD | A reply status flag, indicating, that the object has moved (temporary or permanently) to another location. |
MARSHAL | Means that some request or reply from the network has a wrong size or is structurally invalid. |
Mac | This class implements a "message authentication code" (MAC), a method to ensure the integrity of data transmitted between two parties who share a common secret key. |
MacSpi | This is the Service Provider Interface (SPI) for the {@link Mac} class. |
MalformedInputException | |
MalformedLinkException | |
MalformedObjectNameException | Thrown when a string used as an {@link ObjectName} is invalid. |
MalformedParameterizedTypeException | This exception class is thrown when one of the reflection methods encountered an invalid parameterized type within the metadata of a class. |
MalformedURLException | This exception indicates that a URL passed to an object was not in a valid format. |
ManagementFactory |
Provides access to the system's management beans via a series of static methods. |
ManagementPermission |
Represents the permission to view or modify the data which forms part of the system management interfaces. |
ManagerFactoryParameters | A marker interface for classes that serve as key or trust manager parameters, used to initialize instances of {@link KeyManagerFactory} or {@link TrustManagerFactory}. |
Manifest | Reads, writes and manipulaties jar manifest files. |
Map<K,V> | An object that maps keys onto values. |
MappedByteBuffer | |
Map.Entry<K,V> | A map entry (key-value pair). |
MarshalException | Thrown if an exception occurs while marshalling data to send in a remote call. |
MarshalledObject |
A MarshalledObject consists of a serialized object which is
marshalled according to the RMI specification.
MaskFormatter | |
Matcher | Instance of a regular expression applied to a char sequence. |
MatchResult | This interface represents the result of a regular expression match. |
Math | Helper class containing useful mathematical functions and constants. |
MathContext | Immutable objects describing settings such as rounding mode and digit precision for numerical operations such as those in the BigDecimal class. |
MatteBorder | A border that is filled with either a solid color or with repeated icon tiles. |
MBeanAttributeInfo | Describes the attributes of a management bean. |
MBeanConstructorInfo | Describes the constructors of a management bean. |
MBeanException | Represents an arbitrary exception thrown by a management bean. |
MBeanFeatureInfo | A general superclass for the description of features of management beans. |
MBeanInfo |
Describes the interface of a management bean. |
MBeanNotificationInfo |
Describes the notifications emitted by a management bean. |
MBeanOperationInfo | Describes the operations of a management bean. |
MBeanParameterInfo | Describes the parameters of a constructor or operation associated with a management bean. |
MBeanPermission |
Represents the permissions required to perform operations using the {@link MBeanServer}. |
MBeanRegistration | Beans may implement this interface in order to perform operations immediately prior to or after their registration or deregistration. |
MBeanRegistrationException | Represents an arbitrary exception thrown during registration of a management bean. |
MBeanServer |
This interface represents a server for management beans, providing facilities for the creation, registration and removal of such beans. |
MBeanServerBuilder | Constructs a default implementation of an {@link MBeanServer}. |
MBeanServerConnection | This interface represents a communication mechanism which may be used to access an MBean server, whether this be local or remote. |
MBeanServerDelegate | Provides an implementation of a delegate bean, which is associated with a management server. |
MBeanServerDelegateMBean | Defines the interface for the delegate bean associated with a management server. |
MBeanServerFactory |
Creates and maintains a set of {@link MBeanServer} instances. |
MBeanServerInvocationHandler |
Provides a proxy for a management bean. |
MBeanServerNotification | The notification emitted by a management server on a registration or de-registration event. |
MBeanServerPermission |
Represents the permissions required to perform operations provided by the {@link MBeanServerFactory}. |
MBeanTrustPermission | Represents the permission held by a trusted source of management beans. |
Media |
The Media printing attribute specifies which
type of media should be used for printing.
MediaName |
MediaName is a subclass of the Media printing
attribute and provides selection of media to be used by the means of
defined names. |
MediaPrintableArea |
The MediaPrintableArea attribute specifies the area
of a media sheet which is available for printing.
MediaSize |
The MediaSize printing attribute class specifies the size
of a printing media. |
MediaSizeName |
MediaSizeName is a subclass of the Media printing
attribute and provides selection of media to be used by the means of
defined size names. |
MediaSize.Engineering | Container class for predefined US Engineering media sizes. |
MediaSize.ISO | Container class for predefined ISO media sizes. |
MediaSize.JIS | Container class for predefined Japanese JIS media sizes. |
MediaSize.NA | Container class for predefined North American media sizes. |
MediaSize.Other | Container class for miscellaneous media sizes. |
MediaTracker | This class is used for keeping track of the status of various media objects. |
MediaTray |
MediaTray is a subclass of the Media printing
attribute and provides selection of media to be used by the means of the
input tray of the printer. |
Member | Member is an interface that represents any member of a class (field or method) or a constructor. |
MemoryCacheImageInputStream | |
MemoryCacheImageOutputStream | |
MemoryHandler |
A MemoryHandler maintains a circular buffer of
log records.
MemoryImageSource | An image producer that delivers image data from an array. |
MemoryManagerMXBean | Provides access to information about the memory managers of the virtual machine. |
MemoryMXBean |
Provides access to information about the memory used by the virtual machine. |
MemoryNotificationInfo |
Represents the content of a notification emitted by the {@link MemoryMXBean}. |
MemoryPoolMXBean |
Provides access to information about one of the memory resources or pools used by the virtual machine. |
MemoryType | Enumerates the possible types of memory pools. |
MemoryUsage |
Retains information on the usage of a particular memory pool, or heap/non-heap memory as a whole. |
Menu | This class represents a pull down or tear off menu in Java's AWT. |
MenuBar | This class implements a menu bar in the AWT system. |
MenuBarPeer | |
MenuBarUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JMenuBar .
MenuBar.AccessibleAWTMenuBar | This class provides accessibility support for AWT menu bars. |
MenuComponent | This is the superclass of all menu AWT widgets. |
MenuComponentPeer | |
MenuComponent.AccessibleAWTMenuComponent | This class provides a base for the accessibility support of menu components. |
MenuContainer | This interface is a container for menu components. |
MenuDragMouseEvent | MenuDragMouseEvent |
MenuDragMouseListener | MenuDragMouseListener public interface |
MenuElement | Defines the methods that any menu element in a {@link JMenu} must implement. |
MenuEvent | MenuEvent |
MenuItem | This class represents an item in a menu. |
MenuItemPeer | |
MenuItemUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JMenuItem .
MenuItem.AccessibleAWTMenuItem | |
MenuKeyEvent | MenuKeyEvent |
MenuKeyListener | MenuKeyListener public interface |
MenuListener | MenuListener public interface |
MenuPeer | |
MenuSelectionManager | This class manages current menu selectection. |
MenuShortcut | This class implements a keyboard accelerator for a menu item. |
Menu.AccessibleAWTMenu | Basic Accessibility class for Menu. |
MessageDigest | Message digests are secure one-way hash functions that take arbitrary-sized data and output a fixed-length hash value. |
MessageDigestSpi | This is the Service Provider Interface (SPI) for MessageDigest class in |
MessageFormat | |
MessageFormat.Field | |
MessageProp |
This is a utility class used within the per-message {@link GSSContext} methods to convey per-message properties. When used with the GSSContext interface's {@link GSSContext#wrap(byte[],int,int,org.ietf.jgss.MessageProp)} and {@link GSSContext#getMIC(byte[],int,int,org.ietf.jgss.MessageProp)} methods, an instance of this class is used to indicate the desired QOP and to request if confidentiality services are to be applied to caller supplied data (wrap only). |
MetaEventListener | The interface defines the methods to be implemented by classes wanting to be notified on MIDI meta events from a Sequencer. |
MetalBorders | A factory class that creates borders for the different Swing components. |
MetalBorders.ButtonBorder |
A border used for {@link JButton} components. This {@link Border} implementation can handle only instances of {@link AbstractButton} and their subclasses. If the Metal Look and Feel's current theme is 'Ocean' the border
will be painted with a special highlight when the mouse cursor if
over the button (ie. the property |
MetalBorders.Flush3DBorder | A simple 3D border. |
MetalBorders.InternalFrameBorder | A border used for the {@link JInternalFrame} component. |
MetalBorders.MenuBarBorder | A border used for {@link JMenuBar} components. |
MetalBorders.MenuItemBorder | A border used for {@link JMenu} and {@link JMenuItem} components. |
MetalBorders.OptionDialogBorder | A border used for {@link JInternalFrame} components that are presented as dialogs (by the {@link JOptionPane} class). |
MetalBorders.PaletteBorder | A border used for a {@link JInternalFrame} when it is being used as a palette. |
MetalBorders.PopupMenuBorder | A border implementation for popup menus. |
MetalBorders.RolloverButtonBorder | A button border that is only visible when the mouse pointer is within the button's bounds. |
MetalBorders.ScrollPaneBorder | A border for {@link JScrollPane} components. |
MetalBorders.TableHeaderBorder | A border for table header cells. |
MetalBorders.TextFieldBorder | A border used for the {@link JTextField} component. |
MetalBorders.ToggleButtonBorder | A border used for the {@link JToggleButton} component. |
MetalBorders.ToolBarBorder | A border used for the {@link JToolBar} component. |
MetalButtonUI | A UI delegate for the {@link JButton} component. |
MetalCheckBoxIcon | An {@link Icon} used by the {@link MetalCheckBoxUI} class. |
MetalCheckBoxUI | A UI delegate for the {@link JCheckBox} component. |
MetalComboBoxButton | A button used by the {@link MetalComboBoxUI} class. |
MetalComboBoxEditor | An editor used by the {@link MetalComboBoxUI} class. |
MetalComboBoxEditor.UIResource | A subclass of {@link MetalComboBoxEditor} that implements the {@link javax.swing.plaf.UIResource} interface. |
MetalComboBoxIcon | An icon used by the {@link MetalComboBoxUI} class. |
MetalComboBoxUI | A UI delegate for the {@link JComboBox} component. |
MetalComboBoxUI.MetalComboBoxLayoutManager | A layout manager that arranges the editor component (if active) and the button that make up the combo box. |
MetalComboBoxUI.MetalComboPopup | A popup menu for the combo-box. |
MetalComboBoxUI.MetalPropertyChangeListener | A listener used to handle property changes in the {@link JComboBox} component, to ensure that the UI delegate accurately reflects the current state in the rendering onscreen. |
MetalDesktopIconUI | A UI delegate for the {@link JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon} component. |
MetalFileChooserUI | A UI delegate for the {@link JFileChooser} component. |
MetalFileChooserUI.DirectoryComboBoxAction | Handles changes to the selection in the directory combo box. |
MetalFileChooserUI.DirectoryComboBoxModel | A combo box model containing the selected directory and all its parent directories. |
MetalFileChooserUI.FileRenderer | A renderer for the files and directories in the file chooser. |
MetalFileChooserUI.FilterComboBoxModel | A combo box model for the file selection filters. |
MetalFileChooserUI.FilterComboBoxRenderer | A renderer for the items in the file filter combo box. |
MetalFileChooserUI.SingleClickListener | A mouse listener for the {@link JFileChooser}. |
MetalIconFactory | Creates icons for the {@link MetalLookAndFeel}. |
MetalIconFactory.FileIcon16 | An icon representing a file (drawn as a piece of paper with the top-right corner turned down). |
MetalIconFactory.FolderIcon16 | An icon representing a folder. |
MetalIconFactory.PaletteCloseIcon | An icon used by the {@link MetalInternalFrameUI} class when the frame is displayed as a palette. |
MetalIconFactory.TreeControlIcon | A tree control icon. |
MetalIconFactory.TreeFolderIcon | A tree folder icon. |
MetalIconFactory.TreeLeafIcon | A tree leaf icon. |
MetalInternalFrameTitlePane | The title pane for a {@link JInternalFrame} (see {@link MetalInternalFrameUI#createNorthPane(JInternalFrame)}). |
MetalInternalFrameUI | A UI delegate for the {@link JInternalFrame} component. |
MetalLabelUI | A UI delegate for the {@link JLabel} component. |
MetalLookAndFeel | A custom look and feel that is designed to look similar across different operating systems. |
MetalMenuBarUI | A UI implementation for MenuBar in the Metal Look & Feel. |
MetalPopupMenuSeparatorUI | A UI delegate for the {@link JPopupMenu.Separator} component. |
MetalProgressBarUI | A UI delegate for the {@link JProgressBar} component. |
MetalRadioButtonUI | A UI delegate for the {@link JRadioButton} component. |
MetalRootPaneUI | A UI delegate for the {@link JRootPane} component. |
MetalScrollBarUI | A UI delegate for the {@link JScrollBar} component. |
MetalScrollButton | A button used by the {@link MetalScrollBarUI}. |
MetalScrollPaneUI | A UI delegate for the {@link JScrollPane} component. |
MetalSeparatorUI | A UI delegate for the {@link JSeparator} component. |
MetalSliderUI | A UI delegate for the {@link JSlider} component. |
MetalSliderUI.MetalPropertyListener | A property change handler that updates the rendered component in response to specific property change events. |
MetalSplitPaneUI | A UI delegate for the {@link JSplitPane} component. |
MetalTabbedPaneUI | A UI delegate for the {@link JTabbedPane} component. |
MetalTabbedPaneUI.TabbedPaneLayout | A {@link LayoutManager} responsible for placing all the tabs and the visible component inside the {@link JTabbedPane}. |
MetalTextFieldUI | A UI delegate for the {@link JTextField} component. |
MetalTheme | The base class for themes used by the {@link MetalLookAndFeel}. |
MetalToggleButtonUI | A UI delegate for the {@link JToggleButton} component. |
MetalToolBarUI | A UI delegate for the {@link JToolBar} component. |
MetalToolBarUI.MetalContainerListener | A listener (no longer used) that responds when components are added to or removed from the {@link JToolBar}. |
MetalToolBarUI.MetalDockingListener | This is the MouseHandler class that allows the user to drag the JToolBar in and out of the parent and dock it if it can. |
MetalToolBarUI.MetalRolloverListener | A listener (no longer used) that responds to property change events in a {@link JToolBar} component. |
MetalToolTipUI | A UI delegate for the {@link JToolTip} component. |
MetalTreeUI | A UI delegate for the {@link JTree} component. |
MetaMessage | A system exclusive MIDI message. |
MethodDescriptor | MethodDescriptor describes information about a JavaBeans method. |
MidiChannel | A MIDI channel. |
MidiDevice | Interface for all MIDI devices. |
MidiDeviceProvider | The abstract base class for all MidiDeviceProvider types. |
MidiDevice.Info | A MIDI device descriptor object. |
MidiEvent | A MIDI event is the combination of a MIDI message and a timestamp specified in MIDI ticks. |
MidiFileFormat | Describe a MIDI file, including specifics about its type, length and timing. |
MidiFileReader | The MidiFileReader abstract class defines the methods to be provided by a MIDI file reader. |
MidiFileWriter | MidiFileWriter provides MIDI file writing services. |
MidiMessage | The base class for all MIDI messages. |
MidiSystem | MidiSystem provides access to the computer system's MIDI resources, as well as utility routines for reading MIDI files and more. |
MidiUnavailableException | This exception is thrown when MIDI resources are not available. |
MimeTypeParseException | MIME string couldn't be parsed correctly. |
MinimalHTMLWriter | MinimalHTMLWriter, A minimal AbstractWriter implementation for HTML. |
MissingFormatArgumentException | Thrown when the a format specification for a {@link Formatter} refers to an argument that is non-existent, or an argument index references a non-existent argument. |
MissingFormatWidthException | Thrown when the a format specification for a {@link Formatter} does not include a width for a value where one is required. |
MissingResourceException | This exception is thrown when a resource is missing. |
Mixer | A Mixer is a Line which itself holds multiple lines. |
MixerProvider | This abstract class defines an interface to mixer providers. |
Mixer.Info | An Info object describes a mixer. |
ModificationItem | |
Modifier | Modifier is a helper class with static methods to determine whether an int returned from getModifiers() represents static, public, protected, native, final, etc... and provides an additional method to print out all of the modifiers in an int in order. |
MonitorInfo | Provides information on a monitor lock held by a thread. |
MouseAdapter |
This class implements MouseListener and implements all methods
with empty bodies. |
MouseDragGestureRecognizer | |
MouseEvent | This event is generated for a mouse event. |
MouseInfo | MouseInfo is a class containing utility functions for mouse information. |
MouseInfoPeer | MouseInfoPeer is the peer interface java.awt.MouseInfo. |
MouseInputAdapter | MouseInputAdapter |
MouseInputListener | MouseInputListener public interface. |
MouseListener | This interface is for classes that wish to receive mouse events other than simple motion events. |
MouseMotionAdapter |
This class implements MouseMotionListener and implements all
methods with empty bodies. |
MouseMotionListener | This interface is for classes that wish to be notified of mouse movements. |
MouseWheelEvent | This event is generated for a mouse wheel rotation. |
MouseWheelListener | This interface is for classes that wish to receive mouse wheel events. |
MultiButtonUI | A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple {@link ButtonUI} instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s). |
MulticastSocket | This class models a multicast UDP socket. |
MultiColorChooserUI | A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple {@link ColorChooserUI} instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s). |
MultiComboBoxUI | A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple {@link ComboBoxUI} instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s). |
MultiDesktopIconUI | A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple {@link DesktopIconUI} instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s). |
MultiDesktopPaneUI | A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple {@link DesktopPaneUI} instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s). |
MultiDoc |
MultiDoc defines the interface for objects providing multiple
documents for use in a print job.
MultiDocPrintJob |
MultiDocPrintJob represents a print job which supports
printing of multiple documents as one print job.
MultiDocPrintService |
MultiDocPrintService represents print services that are
capable of printing multiple documents as one print job. |
MultiFileChooserUI | A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple {@link FileChooserUI} instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s). |
MultiInternalFrameUI | A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple {@link InternalFrameUI} instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s). |
MultiLabelUI | A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple {@link LabelUI} instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s). |
MultiListUI | A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple {@link ListUI} instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s). |
MultiLookAndFeel | A look and feel that provides the ability to use auxiliary look and feels in addition to the primary look and feel. |
MultiMenuBarUI | A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple {@link MenuBarUI} instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s). |
MultiMenuItemUI | A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple {@link MenuItemUI} instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s). |
MultiOptionPaneUI | A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple {@link OptionPaneUI} instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s). |
MultipleComponentProfileHelper | A helper operations for the array of {@link TaggedComponent} (MultipleComponentProfile). |
MultipleComponentProfileHolder | A holder for the sequence of {@link TaggedComponent} ({@link org.omg.IOP.MultipleComponentProfileHelper}). |
MultipleDocumentHandling |
The MultipleDocumentHandling printing attribute controls
how certain printing attributes affect printing in case of multiple
documents in a print job. |
MultipleMaster | |
MultiPanelUI | A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple {@link PanelUI} instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s). |
MultiPixelPackedSampleModel | MultiPixelPackedSampleModel provides a single band model that supports multiple pixels in a single unit. |
MultiPopupMenuUI | A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple {@link PopupMenuUI} instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s). |
MultiProgressBarUI | A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple {@link ProgressBarUI} instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s). |
MultiRootPaneUI | A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple {@link RootPaneUI} instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s). |
MultiScrollBarUI | A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple {@link ScrollBarUI} instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s). |
MultiScrollPaneUI | A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple {@link ScrollPaneUI} instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s). |
MultiSeparatorUI | A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple {@link MultiSeparatorUI} instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s). |
MultiSliderUI | A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple {@link SliderUI} instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s). |
MultiSpinnerUI | A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple {@link SpinnerUI} instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s). |
MultiSplitPaneUI | A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple {@link SplitPaneUI} instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s). |
MultiStyle | A Style implementation that is able to multiplex between several other Styles. |
MultiTabbedPaneUI | A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple {@link TabbedPaneUI} instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s). |
MultiTableHeaderUI | A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple {@link TableHeaderUI} instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s). |
MultiTableUI | A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple {@link TableUI} instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s). |
MultiTextUI | A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple {@link TextUI} instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s). |
MultiToolBarUI | A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple {@link ToolBarUI} instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s). |
MultiToolTipUI | A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple {@link ToolTipUI} instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s). |
MultiTreeUI | A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple {@link TreeUI} instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s). |
MultiViewportUI | A UI delegate that that coordinates multiple {@link ViewportUI} instances, one from the primary look and feel, and one or more from the auxiliary look and feel(s). |
MutableAttributeSet | An {@link AttributeSet} that supports modification of the stored attributes. |
MutableComboBoxModel | A data model used in {@link JComboBox}es that keeps track of the components data and provides methods to insert and remove elements from it. |
MutableTreeNode | MutableTreeNode public interface |
Name | Interface descriping a name build up from different components. |
NameAlreadyBoundException | |
NameCallback |
Underlying security services instantiate and pass a NameCallback
to the handle() method of a {@link CallbackHandler} to retrieve
name information.
NameClassPair |
NameClassPair represents the name-classname mapping pair
of a binding in a context.
NameComponent | The name component, a node in the multi-comonent name. |
NameComponentHelper | A helper classes for the name component. |
NameComponentHolder | The name component holder. |
NamedValue | The class is used to describe a call parameter, having name, value and the passing mode flags ({@link ARG_IN}, {@link ARG_OUT} or {@link ARG_INOUT}. |
NameDynAnyPair | Stores the named value, representing the name by string and the value by {@link DynAny}. |
NameDynAnyPairHelper | A helper operations for the structure {@link NameDynAnyPair}. |
NameDynAnyPairSeqHelper | A helper operations for the array of {@link NameDynAnyPair} (NameDynAnyPair[]). |
NameHelper | The helper operations for the name that is defined as an array of the name components. |
NameHolder | The holder for the name that is defined as an array of the name components. |
NameNotFoundException | |
NameParser | Parser the string representation of the given name into the {@link Name} representation. |
Namespace | A namespace declaration event. |
NamespaceChangeListener | |
NamespaceContext | Interface by which namespace properties are made available. |
NameValuePair | Holds the value, having the given name(id). |
NameValuePair | Holds the value, having the given name(id). |
NameValuePairHelper | The helper operations for {@link NameValuePair}. |
NameValuePairHelper | A helper operations for the structure {@link NameValuePair}. |
NameValuePairSeqHelper | A helper operations for the array of {@link NameValuePair}. |
Naming |
The |
NamingContext | The interface for the naming context. |
NamingContextExt | The extended naming context interface, defined since 1.4. |
NamingContextExtHelper | The helper operations for the extended naming context. |
NamingContextExtHolder | A holder for the extended naming context, added since 1.4. |
NamingContextExtOperations | The extended naming context operations, defined since 1.4. |
NamingContextExtPOA | The extended naming service servant. |
NamingContextHelper | The helper operations for the naming context. |
NamingContextHolder | A holder for the naming context. |
NamingContextOperations | The naming context operations. |
NamingContextPOA | The naming service servant. |
NamingEnumeration<T> |
The specific type of enumeration that supports throwing various exceptions by the hasMore method. |
NamingEvent | |
NamingException | Superclass of all naming Exceptions. |
NamingExceptionEvent | |
NamingListener | |
NamingManager | Contains methods for creating contexts and objects referred to by location information. |
NamingSecurityException | |
NavigationFilter | |
NavigationFilter.FilterBypass | |
NegativeArraySizeException | Thrown when an attempt is made to create an array with a negative size. |
NetPermission | This class is used to model miscellaneous network permissions. |
NetworkInterface | This class models a network interface on the host computer. |
NoClassDefFoundError |
A NoClassDefFoundError is thrown when a classloader or the
Java Virtual Machine tries to load a class and no definition of the class
can be found. |
NoConnectionPendingException | |
NoContext | This exception may be thrown by methods in {@link org.omg.PortableServer.CurrentOperations} if they are invoked outside the context of a POA-dispatched operation. |
NoContextHelper | The helper operations for the exception {@link NoContext}. |
NodeChangeEvent | ObjectEvent fired when a Preference node is added/removed. |
NodeChangeListener | EventListener for Preferences node addition/removal. |
NoInitialContextException | |
NoninvertibleTransformException |
Thrown if an operation requires an inverse of an
AffineTransform , but the transform is in a non-invertible
NonReadableChannelException | |
NonWritableChannelException | |
NoPermissionException | |
NoRouteToHostException | This exception indicates that there is no TCP/IP route to the requested host. |
NoServant | Raised when trying to get the default servant, when no default servant has been associated with POA. |
NoServantHelper | The helper operations for the exception {@link NoServant}. |
NoSuchAlgorithmException | This exception is thrown when the requested security algorithm is not available |
NoSuchAttributeException | |
NoSuchElementException | Exception thrown when an attempt is made to access an element that does not exist. |
NoSuchFieldError |
A NoSuchFieldError is thrown if an application attempts
to access a field of a class, and that class no longer has that field.
NoSuchFieldException | Thrown to indicate the class does not have the specified field. |
NoSuchMethodError |
A NoSuchMethodError is thrown if an application attempts
to access a method of a class, and that class no longer has that method.
NoSuchMethodException | Thrown to indicate the class does not have the specified method. |
NoSuchObjectException | Thrown on an attempt to invoke a call on an object that no longer exists in the remote Virtual Machine. |
NoSuchPaddingException | This exception is thrown when a particular padding scheme is requested but is not available. |
NoSuchProviderException | This exception is thrown when the requested security provider is not available. |
NotActiveException | This exception is thrown when a problem occurs due to the fact that serialization is not active. |
NotationDeclaration | A notation declaration event. |
NotBoundException | Thrown on an attempt to lookup or unbind a registry name that has no associated binding. |
NotCompliantMBeanException | Thrown when a management bean is passed to a method (e.g. to an MBean server to be registered) and it fails to comply with the specifications for such a bean. |
NotContextException | |
NotEmpty | This exception is thrown in response to the attemt to destroy the non tempty context. |
NotEmptyHelper | The helper operations for the {@link NotEmpty}. |
NotEmptyHolder | The holder for exception {@link NotEmpty}. |
NotFound | The exception is thrown when the binding being searched does not exist or has the wrong type |
NotFoundHelper | The helper operations for {@link NotFound}. |
NotFoundHolder | The holder for the {@link NotFound} exception. |
NotFoundReason | Represents the reason (explanation), why the binding cannot be found. |
NotFoundReasonHelper | The helper operations for {@link NotFoundReason} |
NotFoundReasonHolder | The holder for class {@link NotFoundReason}. |
Notification |
A notification message that may be emitted by a bean. |
NotificationBroadcaster |
Represents a bean that can emit notifications when events occur. |
NotificationBroadcasterSupport |
Provides an implementation of the {@link NotificationEmitter} interface, which beans may utilise by extension. |
NotificationEmitter | Represents a bean that can emit notifications when events occur. |
NotificationFilter | Represents a object that acts as a filter for notifications. |
NotificationFilterSupport | Performs filtering of {@link Notification}s based on a list of type prefixes. |
NotificationListener | Represents a object that can receive notifications from a bean. |
NotOwnerException | This exception is thrown whenever an operation is attempted that requires the caller to be the owner of the access control list (ACL) when the caller is in fact not the owner of the ACL. |
NotSerializableException | This exception is thrown when a class implements Serializable because of a superclass, but should not be serialized. |
NotSupportedException | |
NotYetBoundException | |
NotYetConnectedException | |
NON_EXISTENT | A single constant interface, defining the adapter state (NON_EXISTENT) = 4. |
NO_IMPLEMENT | Means that while the operation being invoked does exists, no implementation for it exists. |
NO_MEMORY | Means that the server has runned out of memory. |
NO_PERMISSION | Means that the caller has no rights to invoke the operation. |
NO_RESOURCES | Means that the ORB has reached some general resource limitation like maximal number of the opened connections. |
NO_RESPONSE | Means that the client attempts to retrieve the result that is not yet available. |
NullCipher | Trivial subclass of Cipher that implements the identity transformation, where the input is always copied to the output unchanged. |
NullPointerException |
Thrown when attempting to use null where an object
is required. |
Number | Number is a generic superclass of all the numeric classes, including the wrapper classes {@link Byte}, {@link Short}, {@link Integer}, {@link Long}, {@link Float}, and {@link Double}. |
NumberFormat | This is the abstract superclass of all classes which format and parse numeric values such as decimal numbers, integers, currency values, and percentages. |
NumberFormatException |
Can be thrown when attempting to convert a String to
one of the numeric types, but the operation fails because the string
has the wrong format.
NumberFormatProvider | A {@link NumberFormatProvider} provides localized instances of {@link java.text.NumberFormat}. |
NumberFormatter |
NumberFormatter is an {@link InternationalFormatter}
that implements value to string and string to value conversion via
an instance of {@link NumberFormat}.
NumberFormat.Field | |
NumberOfDocuments |
The NumberOfDocuments printing attribute specifies
the number of documents in a job.
NumberOfInterveningJobs |
The NumberOfInterveningJobs printing attribute provides
the number of jobs ahead in the print service queue before the
requested job.
NumberUp |
The NumberUp printing attribute specifies the number of pages
to be arranged upon a single media sheet.
NumberUpSupported |
The NumberUpSupported printing attribute specifies the
supported value or range of values for the
{@link javax.print.attribute.standard.NumberUp} attribute.
NumericShaper | This class handles numeric shaping. |
NVList | The named value list, used to define the parameters in the {@link org.omg.CORBA.Request}. |
Object | Object is the ultimate superclass of every class (excepting interfaces). |
Object | The CORBA object reference. |
ObjectAlreadyActive | Raised in response to activate the already active object. |
ObjectAlreadyActiveHelper | The helper operations for the exception {@link ObjectAlreadyActive}. |
ObjectChangeListener | |
ObjectFactory | Represents a factory for creating the object. |
ObjectFactoryBuilder | Represents the builder that creates the object factories. |
ObjectHelper | The helper operations for the binding list. |
ObjectHolder |
A holder for CORBA Object that is mapped into
java org.omg.CORBA.Object .
ObjectIdHelper | The Object Id of this package is defined in OMG specification as a byte array. |
ObjectIdHelper | The Object Id is defined in OMG specification just as a narrow (not wide) string. |
ObjectImpl | Extends the previous version of the CORBA object by one additional method, defined in CORBA 2_3 . |
ObjectImpl | The basic implementation of the CORBA Object. |
ObjectInput |
This interface extends the DataInput interface to provide a
facility to read objects as well as primitive types from a stream. |
ObjectInputStream | |
ObjectInputStream.GetField | This class allows a class to specify exactly which fields should be read, and what values should be read for these fields. |
ObjectInputValidation | This class allows an object to validate that it is valid after deserialization has run completely for it and all dependent objects. |
ObjectInstance | A simple class used to link a bean instance to its class name. |
ObjectName |
An {@link ObjectName} instance represents the name of a management bean, or a pattern which may match the name of one or more management beans. |
ObjectNotActive | Raised in several cases when the operation would be applicable to the activated object, but the current object is not active. |
ObjectNotActiveHelper | The helper operations for the exception {@link ObjectNotActive}. |
ObjectOutput |
This interface extends DataOutput to provide the additional
facility of writing object instances to a stream. |
ObjectOutputStream |
An ObjectOutputStream can be used to write objects
as well as primitive data in a platform-independent manner to an
OutputStream .
ObjectOutputStream.PutField | This class allows a class to specify exactly which fields should be written, and what values should be written for these fields. |
ObjectReferenceFactory | Provides the possibility to create the CORBA object reference. |
ObjectReferenceFactoryHelper | The helper operations for the CORBA object {@link ObjectReferenceFactory}. |
ObjectReferenceFactoryHolder | A holder for the object {@link ObjectReferenceFactory}. |
ObjectReferenceTemplate | Defines the identity of the portable object adapter ({@link POA}}. |
ObjectReferenceTemplateHelper | The helper operations for the CORBA object {@link ObjectReferenceTemplate}. |
ObjectReferenceTemplateHolder | A holder for the object {@link ObjectReferenceTemplate}. |
ObjectReferenceTemplateSeqHelper | Provides static helper methods for working with the array of object reference templates. |
ObjectReferenceTemplateSeqHolder | A holder for the array of {@link ObjectReferenceTemplate}s. |
ObjectStreamClass | |
ObjectStreamConstants | This interface contains constants that are used in object serialization. |
ObjectStreamException | This exception is thrown when a problem occurs during serialization. |
ObjectStreamField | This class intends to describe the field of a class for the serialization subsystem. |
ObjectView |
A view for HTML <object> tags.
ObjID | Represents the object identifier, unique for the host that generated it. |
Observable | This class represents an object which is observable. |
Observer | Interface that is implemented when a class wants to be informed of changes in Observable objects. |
OBJECT_NOT_EXIST | Means an attempt to perform some operation on a deleted object. |
OBJ_ADAPTER | This exception typically indicates an administrative mismatch. |
OceanTheme | A modern theme for the Metal Look & Feel. |
OctetSeqHelper |
Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of byte
(OctetSeq ).
OctetSeqHolder |
A sequence holder for CORBA OctetSeq that is mapped into
java byte[] .
Oid |
This class represents Universal Object Identifiers (Oids) and their associated operations. Oids are hierarchically globally-interpretable identifiers used within the GSS-API framework to identify mechanisms and name formats. The structure and encoding of Oids is defined in ISOIEC-8824 and ISOIEC-8825. |
OMGVMCID | The higher 20 bits of any CORBA exception hold "Vendor Minor Codeset ID" (VMCID), for instance 0x4F4D0000 (OMG standard), 0x54410000 (TAO), 0x4A430000 (JacORB), 0x49540000 (IONA), 0x53550000 (Sun). |
OpenDataException | Thrown when an instance of one of the open types, open data objects or open metadata information objects could not be created due to invalid construction parameters. |
OpenMBeanAttributeInfo | Describes an attribute associated with an open management bean. |
OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport | Describes an attribute of an open management bean. |
OpenMBeanConstructorInfo | Describes a constructor for an open management bean. |
OpenMBeanConstructorInfoSupport | Describes a constructor for an open management bean. |
OpenMBeanInfo | Describes an open management bean. |
OpenMBeanInfoSupport | Describes an open management bean. |
OpenMBeanOperationInfo | Describes a operation for an open management bean. |
OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport | Describes a operation for an open management bean. |
OpenMBeanParameterInfo | Describes the parameters of a constructor or operation associated with an open management bean. |
OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport | Describes the parameters of a constructor or operation associated with an open management bean. |
OpenType | |
OpenType<T> | The superclass of all open types, which describe the applicable data values for open MBeans. |
OperatingSystemMXBean | Provides access to information about the underlying operating system. |
Operation | This class was used with jdk 1.1 stubs and skeletons. |
OperationNotSupportedException | |
OperationsException | A general superclass for all exceptions thrown by operations on management beans. |
Option |
Value class for the combobox model that renders <option>
OptionalDataException | This exception is thrown when unexpected data appears in the input stream from which a serialized object is being read. |
OptionPaneUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JOptionPane .
OrientationRequested |
The OrientationRequested printing attribute specifies
the desired orientation of the print data on the media sheet.
ORB | This class should provide the {@link org.omg.CORBA.ORB}) ORB extensions, defined in the OMG CORBA version 2.3 specification. |
ORB | A central class in CORBA implementation, responsible for sending and handling remote invocations. |
ORBIdHelper | The ORB Id is defined in OMG specification just as a narrow (not wide) string. |
ORBInitializer |
Registers the interceptor. |
ORBInitializerOperations | Defines operations, applicable to the ORBInitializer. |
ORBInitInfo | The instance of this interface is passed to {@link ORBInitializerOperations} and is used by {@link ORBInitializer} to register its {@link Interceptor}. |
ORBInitInfoOperations | Defines operations, applicable to {@link ORBInitInfo}. |
OutOfMemoryError | Thrown when the Java Virtual Machine is unable to allocate an object because it is out of memory and no more memory could be made available by the garbage collector. |
OutputDeviceAssigned |
The OutputDeviceAssigned printing attribute specifies the
output printer device assigned by a print service to a print job.
OutputKeys | Constants for XSLT output attributes. |
OutputStream | This abstract class forms the base of the hierarchy of classes that write output as a stream of bytes. |
OutputStream | This class defines a new CDR input stream methods, added since CORBA 2.3. |
OutputStream | This class is used to write CORBA IDL data types. |
OutputStreamWriter | This class writes characters to an output stream that is byte oriented It converts the chars that are written to bytes using an encoding layer, which is specific to a particular encoding standard. |
OverlappingFileLockException | |
OverlayLayout | A layout manager that lays out the components of a container one over another. |
Owner | This interface provides a mechanism for maintaining a list of owners of an access control list (ACL). |
Package | Everything you ever wanted to know about a package. |
PackedColorModel | |
PageAttributes | Missing Documentation |
PageAttributes.ColorType | |
PageAttributes.MediaType | |
PageAttributes.OrientationRequestedType | |
PageAttributes.OriginType | |
PageAttributes.PrintQualityType | |
Pageable | This interface represents pages that are to be printed. |
PageFormat | This class contains information about the desired page format to use for printing a particular set of pages. |
PageRanges |
The PageRanges printing attribute specifies the
range(s) of pages to be printed in a print job.
PagesPerMinute |
The PagesPerMinute printing attribute specifies
the nominal number of pages per minute which may be printed
by the printer.
PagesPerMinuteColor |
The PagesPerMinuteColor printing attribute specifies
the nominal number of pages per minute which may be printed in
color by the printer.
Paint | Defines how color patterns are generated for Graphics2D operations. |
PaintContext | |
PaintEvent | This event is generated when an area of the screen needs to be painted. |
Panel | A panel is a simple container class. |
PanelPeer | |
PanelUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JPanel .
Panel.AccessibleAWTPanel | This class provides accessibility support for Panels, and is the runtime type returned by {@link #getAccessibleContext()}. |
Paper | This class describes a particular type of paper. |
ParagraphView | A {@link FlowView} that flows it's children horizontally and boxes the rows vertically. |
ParagraphView | Renders a paragraph in HTML. |
Parameter | When representing the information about a request, defines a one of the arguments for the operation being invoked. |
ParameterBlock | |
ParameterDescriptor | ParameterDescriptor represents a single parameter to a method. |
ParameterizedType |
Represents a type which is parameterized over one or more other types. |
ParameterMetaData | |
ParameterMode | Defines the parameter modes (the ways in that a method parameter is used during invocation). |
ParameterModeHelper | A helper operations for a method parameter modes. |
ParameterModeHolder | The holder for ParameterMode. |
ParseException | This exception is thrown when an unexpected error occurs during parsing. |
ParsePosition | This class is used to keep track of the current position during parsing operations. |
Parser |
A simple error-tolerant HTML parser that uses a DTD document to access data on the possible tokens, arguments and syntax. The parser reads an HTML content from a Reader and calls various notifying methods (which should be overridden in a subclass) when tags or data are encountered. Some HTML elements need no opening or closing tags. |
ParserConfigurationException | An exception occurred during configuration of the XML parser. |
ParserDelegator | This class instantiates and starts the working instance of html parser, being responsible for providing the default DTD. |
PartialResultException | Thrown from the {@link javax.naming.NamingEnumeration}, this exception indicates that the enumeration represents only part of the existing elements that would be an answer to the specified request. |
PasswordAuthentication | This class serves a container for username/password pairs. |
PasswordCallback |
Underlying security services instantiate and pass a PasswordCallback
to the handle() method of a {@link CallbackHandler} to retrieve
password information.
PasswordView | |
Patch | A Patch describes where an Instrument is loaded on a Synthesizer. |
PathIterator | This interface provides a directed path over the boundary of a shape. |
Pattern | Compiled regular expression ready to be applied. |
PatternSyntaxException | Indicates illegal pattern for regular expression. |
PBEKey | Interface to a password-derived key for password-based encryption (PBE). |
PBEKeySpec | A wrapper for a password-based key, used for password-based encryption (PBE). |
PBEParameterSpec | A wrapper for the parameters used in PKCS #5 - Password-Based Cryptography Standard. |
PDLOverrideSupported |
The PDLOverrideSupported printing attribute specifies
if a print services is capable of attempting to override document data
instructions with IPP attributesc.
Permission | This class is the abstract superclass of all classes that implement the concept of a permission. |
Permission | This interface provides information about a permission that can be granted. |
PermissionCollection | This class models a group of Java permissions. |
Permissions | This class is a heterogeneous collection of permissions. |
PersistenceDelegate | A For custom classes you will need to implement
PersistentMBean | Beans may implement this interface in order to become persistent. |
PERSIST_STORE | Indicates a persistent storage failure like database crash. |
PhantomReference<T> | A phantom reference is useful, to get notified, when an object got finalized. |
Pipe | |
PipedInputStream | An input stream that reads its bytes from an output stream to which it is connected. |
PipedOutputStream |
This class writes its bytes to a PipedInputStream to
which it is connected.
PipedReader | An input stream that reads characters from a piped writer to which it is connected. |
PipedWriter |
This class writes its chars to a PipedReader to
which it is connected.
Pipe.SinkChannel | |
Pipe.SourceChannel | |
PixelGrabber | PixelGrabber is an ImageConsumer that extracts a rectangular region of pixels from an Image. |
PixelInterleavedSampleModel |
A SampleModel that uses exactly one element of the
raster’s {@link DataBuffer} per pixel, holds all bands in a
single bank, and stores band data in pixel-interleaved manner.
PKCS8EncodedKeySpec | PKCS8 Encoded Key Specification class which is used to store "PKCS#8" byte encoded keys. |
PKIXBuilderParameters | Parameters for building certificate paths using the PKIX algorithm. |
PKIXCertPathBuilderResult | The result of calling the {@link CertPathBuilder#build(} method of PKIX {@link CertPathBuilder}s. |
PKIXCertPathChecker | A validator for X.509 certificates when approving certificate chains. |
PKIXCertPathValidatorResult | Results returned by the {@link CertPathValidator#validate(,} method for PKIX {@link CertPathValidator}s. |
PKIXParameters | Parameters for verifying certificate paths using the PKIX (Public-Key Infrastructure (X.509)) algorithm. |
PlainDocument | A simple document class which maps lines to {@link Element}s. |
PlainView | |
Point | This class represents a point on the screen using cartesian coordinates. |
Point2D | This class implements a generic point in 2D Cartesian space. |
Point2D.Double |
This class defines a point in double precision.
Point2D.Float |
This class defines a point in float precision.
PointerInfo | PointerInfo represents information about the mouse pointer, i.e. its GraphicsDevice and location. |
Policy |
Policy is an abstract class for managing the system security
policy for the Java application environment. |
Policy | |
Policy | The interfaces derived from the class allow an ORB or CORBA service access to certain choices (id assignment, threading model and so on) that affect they operation. |
PolicyError | The exception is thrown when a policy error occurs. |
PolicyErrorCodeHelper |
A helper operations for the policy error code as an alias of
short .
PolicyErrorHelper | The helper operations for the exception {@link PolicyError}. |
PolicyErrorHolder | A holder for the exception {@link PolicyError}. |
PolicyFactory | The {@link ORBInitializer} may register the PolicyFactory to create the service specific policies later. |
PolicyFactoryOperations | A service implementation can register policy factory during ORB initialization for creating the service-specific policies. |
PolicyHelper | The helper operations for the CORBA object {@link Policy}. |
PolicyHolder | A holder for the object {@link Policy}. |
PolicyListHelper | The helper operations for the CORBA object {@link Policy}[]. |
PolicyListHolder |
A holder for the object Policy[] .
PolicyNode | |
PolicyOperations | Defines the operations that can be applied to the {@link Policy} object. |
PolicyQualifierInfo | The PolicyQualifierInfo X.509 certificate extension. |
PolicyTypeHelper | A helper operations for the policy type. |
Polygon | This class represents a polygon, a closed, two-dimensional region in a coordinate space. |
PooledConnection | |
Popup | Manages a popup window that displays a Component on top of everything else. |
PopupFactory |
A factory for Popup objects. |
PopupMenu | This class implement an AWT popup menu widget |
PopupMenuEvent | PopupMenuEvent |
PopupMenuListener | PopupMenuListener public interface |
PopupMenuPeer | |
PopupMenuUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JPopupMenu .
PopupMenu.AccessibleAWTPopupMenu | |
Port | A Port is a Line which represents an audio device, for instance a microphone. |
PortableRemoteObject |
An utility class for RMI/IDL server side object implementations. |
PortableRemoteObjectDelegate | A delegate, implementing the functionality, provided by the {@link PortableRemoteObject}. |
PortUnreachableException | This exception signals that an ICMP port unreachable datagram has been received. |
Port.Info | This describes a single port. |
Position | |
Position.Bias | |
The Portable Object Adapter (POA) provides more control on the request processing than it is possible when connecting objects directly to the ORB. |
POAHelper | The helper operations for the CORBA object {@link POA}. |
POAManager |
A POA manager is associated with one or more POAs and provides means to regulate they activity. |
POAManagerOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the {@link POAManager}. |
POAOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the POA. |
PreferenceChangeEvent | ObjectEvent fired when a Preferences entry changes. |
PreferenceChangeListener | EventListener for Preferences entry addition, change or removal. |
Preferences | Preference node containing key value entries and subnodes. |
PreferencesFactory | Preferences system and user root factory interface. |
PreparedStatement | This interface provides a mechanism for executing pre-compiled statements. |
PresentationDirection |
The PresentationDirection attribute specifies
a value to be used together with the NumberUp attribute
to indicate the layout of multiple pages on a single media sheet.
Principal | This interface models an entity (such as a user or a certificate authority) for the purposes of applying the Java security model. |
Principal | This class was used to store the client identity in the past. |
PrincipalHolder | A holder for storing an instance of {@link Principal}. |
Printable | This interface provides a mechanism for the actual printing of pages to the printer. |
PrinterAbortException | This exception is thrown when the print job is aborted, either by the user or by the application. |
PrinterException | This is the generic toplevel exception for printing errors. |
PrinterGraphics |
This interface is implemented by the Graphics instance that is
used for rendering pages. |
PrinterInfo |
The PrinterInfo printing attribute provides
informations about a printer device.
PrinterIOException | This exception is thrown when the print job encounters an I/O problem of some kind. |
PrinterIsAcceptingJobs |
The PrinterIsAcceptingJobs printing attribute signals
if a print services is currently accepting jobs.
PrinterJob | This class controls printing. |
PrinterLocation |
The PrinterLocation printing attribute provides the location
of a printer device. |
PrinterMakeAndModel |
The PrinterMakeAndModel printing attribute provides the name
of the maker and the model of the printer.
PrinterMessageFromOperator |
The PrinterMessageFromOperator printing attribute provides
a message from an operator or a system administrator related to the
printer. |
PrinterMoreInfo |
The PrinterMoreInfo attribute provides a URI that can be used
to obtain more information about the printer.
PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer |
The PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer attribute provides a URI that
can be used to obtain more information about the printer device type and
its manufacturer.
PrinterName |
The PrinterName printing attribute provides the name of a
print service. |
PrinterResolution |
The PrinterResolution printing attribute specifies a
resolution supported by a print service or to be used by a print job.
PrinterState |
The PrinterState printing attribute reports
the current state of the printer device.
PrinterStateReason |
The PrinterStateReason attribute provides additional
information about the current state of the printer device. |
PrinterStateReasons |
The PrinterStateReasons attribute provides the set of
additional informations available about the current state of the printer
PrinterURI |
The PrinterURI attribute provides the URI of a printer.
PrintEvent | Superclass of all events in the Java Print Service API. |
PrintException |
PrintException is used to report exceptions during the
usage of a print service implementation.
PrintGraphics | This interface allows the originating print job to be obtained. |
PrintJob | This abstract class represents a print job. |
PrintJobAdapter | Adapter class for implementing {@link javax.print.event.PrintJobListener} classes. |
PrintJobAttribute | Marker interface for all attribute classes describing attributes or the status of a ({@link javax.print.DocPrintJob} object. |
PrintJobAttributeEvent |
PrintJobAttributeEvent s are generated by a
PrintService to inform registered listeners that attributes
associated with a {@link javax.print.DocPrintJob} instance have changed.
PrintJobAttributeListener | Listener interface to receive attribute changes from a print job. |
PrintJobAttributeSet |
PrintJobAttributeSet specifies an attribute set which only
allows printing attributes of type
{@link javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute}.
PrintJobEvent |
PrintJobEvent s are generated by a print job during
print job processing to inform registered listeners about the state
of processing.
PrintJobListener | Listener interface to receive processing events from a print job. |
PrintQuality |
The PrintQuality printing attribute specifies the
print quality that should be used by the print services for a job.
PrintRequestAttribute | Marker interface for all attribute classes which specify a requested attribute of {@link javax.print.DocPrintJob} object. |
PrintRequestAttributeSet |
PrintRequestAttributeSet specifies an attribute set which only
allows printing attributes of type
{@link javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttribute}.
PrintService |
A PrintService represents a printer available for printing.
PrintServiceAttribute | Marker interface for all attribute classes describing parameters or the status of a {@link javax.print.PrintService}. |
PrintServiceAttributeEvent |
PrintServiceAttributeEvent s are generated by a
PrintService to inform registered listeners that
its associated attributes have changed.
PrintServiceAttributeListener | Listener interface to receive attribute changes from a print service. |
PrintServiceAttributeSet |
PrintServiceAttributeSet specifies an attribute set which only
allows printing attributes of type
{@link javax.print.attribute.PrintServiceAttribute}.
PrintServiceLookup |
PrintServiceLookup implementations provide a way to lookup
print services based on different constraints.
PrintStream | This class prints Java primitive values and object to a stream as text. |
PrintWriter | This class prints Java primitive values and objects to a stream as text. |
PriorityQueue<E> | |
PrivateCredentialPermission | A permission governing access to a private credential. |
PrivateKey | This interface specified no methods. |
PrivilegedAction<T> |
This interface specifes a single run method that
executes a privileged operation. |
PrivilegedActionException |
This exception is thrown when an exception is thrown during a
privileged action being performed with the
AccessController.doPrivileged() method. |
PrivilegedExceptionAction<T> |
This interface defines a method that is called by
AccessController.doPrivileged() in order to perform a
privileged operation with higher privileges enabled. |
Process |
An instance of a subclass of Process is created by the
Runtime.exec methods. |
ProcessBuilder |
This class is used to construct new operating system processes. |
ProcessingInstruction | A processing instruction event. |
ProfileDataException |
Thrown when there is an error accessing or processing an
ICC_Profile .
ProfileIdHelper | A helper operations for th Profile id. |
ProgressBarUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JProgressBar .
ProgressMonitor |
Using this class you can easily monitor tasks where you cannot estimate the duration exactly. A ProgressMonitor instance waits until the first time setProgress is called. |
ProgressMonitorInputStream | An input stream with a {@link ProgressMonitor}. |
Properties | A set of persistent properties, which can be saved or loaded from a stream. |
PropertyChangeEvent | PropertyChangeEvents are fired in the PropertyChange and VetoableChange event classes. |
PropertyChangeListener | PropertyChangeListener allows a class to monitor properties of a Bean for changes. |
PropertyChangeListenerProxy |
This class provides an extension to PropertyChangeListener -
associating a name with the listener. |
PropertyChangeSupport | PropertyChangeSupport makes it easy to fire property change events and handle listeners. |
PropertyDescriptor | PropertyDescriptor describes information about a JavaBean property, by which we mean a property that has been exposed via a pair of get and set methods. |
PropertyEditor | PropertyEditors are custom GUI editors for specific types of values. |
PropertyEditorManager |
PropertyEditorManager is used to find property editors
for various types (not necessarily Beans). It first checks to see if the property editor is already registered; if it is, that property editor is used. |
PropertyEditorSupport | PropertyEditorSupport helps with PropertyEditors, implementing base functionality that they usually must have but which is a pain to implement. |
PropertyPermission |
This class represents the permission to access and modify a property. The name is the name of the property, e.g. xxx. |
PropertyResourceBundle |
This class is a concrete ResourceBundle that gets it
resources from a property file. |
PropertyVetoException | PropertyVetoException is thrown when a VetoableChangeListener doesn't like the proposed change. |
ProtectionDomain | This class represents a group of classes, along with their granted permissions. |
ProtocolException | This exception indicates that some sort of low level protocol exception occurred. |
Provider | This class represents a Java security architecture service provider. |
ProviderException | This exception indicates that a runtime problem was encounterd with a security provider. |
Proxy | Defines a proxy setting. |
Proxy | This class allows you to dynamically create an instance of any (or even multiple) interfaces by reflection, and decide at runtime how that instance will behave by giving it an appropriate {@link InvocationHandler}. |
ProxySelector | Class for handling proxies for different connections. |
Proxy.Type | Represents the proxy type. |
PRIVATE_MEMBER | One of the two constants, defining the visibility scope of the {@link ValueMember}. |
PSSParameterSpec | An implementation of {@link AlgorithmParameterSpec} for the RSA PSS encoding scheme. |
PublicKey | This interface specified no methods. |
PushbackInputStream |
This subclass of FilterInputStream provides the ability to
unread data from a stream. |
PushbackReader |
This subclass of FilterReader provides the ability to
unread data from a stream. |
PUBLIC_MEMBER | One of the two constants, defining the visibility scope of the {@link ValueMember}. |
QName | An XML qualified name. |
QuadCurve2D | A two-dimensional curve that is parameterized with a quadratic function. |
QuadCurve2D.Double | A two-dimensional curve that is parameterized with a quadratic function and stores coordinate values in double-precision floating-point format. |
QuadCurve2D.Float | A two-dimensional curve that is parameterized with a quadratic function and stores coordinate values in single-precision floating-point format. |
Query | Provides static methods for constructing queries. |
QueryEval | Represents the evaluation context of a {@link MBeanServer} query by retaining the server used on a thread-by-thread basis. |
QueryExp |
Applies the type of relational constraints seen in the
where clauses of databases to an
{@link ObjectName}. |
QueuedJobCount |
The QueuedJobCount printing attribute reports
the number of jobs currently in the queue. |
Random | This class generates pseudorandom numbers. |
RandomAccess |
Marker interface used to inform List implementations that
they support fast (usually constant time) random access. |
RandomAccessFile | This class allows reading and writing of files at random locations. |
Raster | A rectangular collection of pixels composed from a {@link DataBuffer} which stores the pixel values, and a {@link SampleModel} which is used to retrieve the pixel values. |
RasterFormatException |
This exception is thrown when there is invalid layout information in
RasterOp | An operation that is performed on one raster (the source) producing a new raster (the destination). |
RC2ParameterSpec | A wrapper for parameters for the RC2 block cipher ("RC" means either "Rivest Cipher" or "Ron's Code", depending upon who you ask and when). |
RC5ParameterSpec | A wrapper for parameters to the RC5 block cipher. |
Readable |
A Readable object is simply a source for Unicode character
data. |
ReadableByteChannel | |
Reader | This abstract class forms the base of the hierarchy of classes that read input as a stream of characters. |
ReaderDelegate | Base class for XML stream reader filters. |
ReadOnlyBufferException | |
RealmCallback | This callback is used by {@link SaslClient} and {@link SaslServer} to retrieve realm information. |
RealmChoiceCallback | This callback is used by {@link SaslClient} and {@link SaslServer} to obtain a realm given a list of realm choices. |
Receiver | This interface describes the methods required by objects receiving MIDI messages. |
Rectangle | This class represents a rectangle and all the interesting things you might want to do with it. |
Rectangle2D | This class describes a rectangle by a point (x,y) and dimension (w x h). |
Rectangle2D.Double |
This class defines a rectangle in double precision.
Rectangle2D.Float |
This class defines a rectangle in float precision.
RectangularShape | This class provides a generic framework, and several helper methods, for subclasses which represent geometric objects inside a rectangular frame. |
Ref | This interface provides a mechanism for obtaining information about a SQL structured type |
RefAddr | Abstract superclass of addresses used in References. |
Reference<T> | This is the base class of all references. |
Reference | This class represents a reference to an object that is located outside of the naming/directory system. |
Referenceable | The object, implementing this interface, can provided the {@link Reference} about itself. |
ReferenceQueue<T> | This is the queue, where references can enqueue themselve on. |
ReferenceUriSchemesSupported |
The ReferenceUriSchemesSupported attribute provides
the supported URI schemes (e.g. ftp) which are supported by the
printer service to be used as uri reference for document data.
ReferralException | |
ReflectionException | Represents one of the reflection exceptions thrown by a management bean. |
ReflectPermission | This class implements permissions for reflection. |
Refreshable | An object whose internal state may be refreshed: as in a credential object with a expiry date. |
RefreshFailedException | A signal that a call to {@link Refreshable#refresh()} failed. |
Region | Describes a region of a component or the complete component. |
RegisterableService | An interface which service providers may optionally implement in order to get notified when they are added or removed from a {@link ServiceRegistry}. |
Registry | |
RegistryHandler | |
RemarshalException | This is exception is potentially thrown by the _invoke() method of the object implementation, requiring to write the method parameters repeatedly. |
Remote | Marker interface for interfaces which methods are invokable from outside of this virtual machine through remote method calls. |
RemoteCall | |
RemoteException | The superclass of exceptions related to RMI (remote method invocation). |
RemoteObject | |
RemoteObjectInvocationHandler | Together with dynamic proxy instance, this class replaces the generated RMI stub (*_Stub) classes that (following 1.5 specification) should be no longer required. |
RemoteRef | Represents a handler to the remote object. |
RemoteServer | A common superclass for the server implementations. |
RemoteStub | This is a base class for the automatically generated RMI stubs. |
RenderableImage | |
RenderableImageOp | |
RenderableImageProducer | |
RenderContext | |
RenderedImageFactory | |
Renderer | This interface is not used and exists only for compatibility. |
RenderingHints | A collection of (key, value) items that provide 'hints' for the {@link java.awt.Graphics2D} rendering pipeline. |
RenderingHints.Key | The base class used to represent keys. |
RepaintManager |
The repaint manager holds a set of dirty regions, invalid components, and a double buffer surface. |
ReplicateScaleFilter | This filter should be used for fast scaling of images where the result does not need to ensure straight lines are still straight, etc. |
RepositoryIdHelper | A formal helper for the CORBA Repository Id that is identical to the narrow string. |
Request | An object, containing the information, needed to invoke the method of the local or remote CORBA object. |
RequestingUserName |
The RequestingUserName attribute provides the name of
the user which requests the printing of the given job.
RequestInfo | Provides access to request information, available to the {@link ClientRequestInterceptor} or {@link ServerRequestInterceptor}. |
RequestInfoOperations | Defines operations that are applicable for both server and client request. |
RequestProcessingPolicy | Specifies the behaviour in the case when the requested object is not found in the Active Object Map or that map is not in use. |
RequestProcessingPolicyOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the RequestProcessingPolicy. |
RequestProcessingPolicyValue | Specifies the behaviour in the case when the requested object is not found in the Active Object Map or that map is not in use. |
RescaleOp | RescaleOp is a filter that changes each pixel by a scaling factor and offset. |
ResolutionSyntax |
ResolutionSyntax is the abstract base class of all attribute
classes which provide a resolution as value (e.g. printer resolution).
Resolver |
Represents the object, capable for the at least partial name resolution. |
ResolveResult | Stores the partial resolution of the name. |
ResourceBundle | A resource bundle contains locale-specific data. |
ResponseHandler | The interface, able to return streams, where the reply data can be marshalled. |
Result | The result of an XSL transformation. |
ResultSet | This interface provides access to the data set returned by a SQL statement. |
ResultSetMetaData |
This interface provides a mechanism for obtaining information about
the columns that are present in a ResultSet .
RetentionPolicy | This enum is used to control the lifetime of an annotation. |
ReverbType | This represents a reverb effect which can be applied to an audio signal. |
REBIND | Raised on the failure of the requested or implied attempt to rebind an object reference. |
REQUEST_PROCESSING_POLICY_ID | Holds an integer {@link RequestProcessingPolicy} identifier. |
RGBImageFilter | A filter designed to filter images in the default RGBColorModel regardless of the ImageProducer's ColorModel. |
RMIClassLoader | This class provides a set of public static utility methods for supporting network-based class loading in RMI. |
RMIClassLoaderSpi | |
RMIClientSocketFactory | |
RMICustomMaxStreamFormat | A single constant interface, defining the RMICustomMaxStreamFormat (= 17) service context. |
RMIFailureHandler | |
RMISecurityException | Never thrown, but originally intended to wrap a {@link java.lang.SecurityException} in the case of RMI. |
RMISecurityManager | |
RMIServerSocketFactory | |
RMISocketFactory | |
Robot | The Robot class is used to simulate user interaction with graphical programs. |
RobotPeer | |
RollbackException | |
RootPaneContainer | Components that contain a single {@link JRootPane} as only child implement this interface, typically this is implemented by the Swing top-level containers. |
RootPaneUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JRootPane .
RoundingMode | An enum to specify rounding behaviour for numerical operations that may discard precision. |
RoundRectangle2D | This class implements a rectangle with rounded corners. |
RoundRectangle2D.Double | A subclass of RoundRectangle which keeps its parameters as doubles. |
RoundRectangle2D.Float | A subclass of RoundRectangle which keeps its parameters as floats. |
RowMapper | RowMapper public interface |
RowSet | |
RowSetEvent | |
RowSetInternal | |
RowSetListener | |
RowSetMetaData | |
RowSetReader | |
RowSetWriter | |
RSAKey | A generic RSA Key interface for public and private keys |
RSAKeyGenParameterSpec | This class generates a set of RSA Key parameters used in the generation of RSA keys. |
RSAMultiPrimePrivateCrtKey | The interface to an RSA multi-prime private key, as defined in the PKCS#1 v2.1, using the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) information values. |
RSAMultiPrimePrivateCrtKeySpec | This class represents an RSA multi-prime private key, as defined in the PKCS#1 v2.1, using the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) information values. |
RSAOtherPrimeInfo | An in-memory representation of the RSA triplet (prime, exponent, and coefficient) inside a PKCS#1 v2.1 OtherPrimeInfo structure. |
RSAPrivateCrtKey | This interface provides access to information about an RSA private key in Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) format. |
RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec | RSA Private Certificate Key class Specification. |
RSAPrivateKey | This interface provides access to information about an RSA private key. |
RSAPrivateKeySpec | RSA Private Key class Specification. |
RSAPublicKey | This interface provides access to information about an RSA public key. |
RSAPublicKeySpec | RSA Public Key class Specification. |
RTFEditorKit | Provides support for RTF data for use in {@link javax.swing.JEditorPane}s. |
RuleBasedCollator |
This class is a concrete subclass of Collator suitable
for string collation in a wide variety of languages. |
Runnable | Runnable is an interface you implement to indicate that your class can be executed as the main part of a Thread, among other places. |
Runtime | Runtime represents the Virtual Machine. |
RuntimeErrorException | Represents an arbitrary error thrown by a management bean. |
RuntimeException |
All exceptions which are subclasses of RuntimeException
can be thrown at any time during the execution of a Java virtual machine.
RuntimeMBeanException | Represents an arbitrary runtime exception thrown by a management bean. |
RuntimeMXBean | Provides access to information about the underlying virtual machine. |
RuntimeOperationsException | Represents a runtime exception thrown by a management bean operation. |
RuntimePermission |
A RuntimePermission contains a permission name, but no
actions list. |
RunTime | Defines the base class that represents the Sending Context. |
RunTimeOperations | Defines the operations, applicable for Sending Context. |
SAXParser | Convenience class for using or accessing a SAX version 1 or 2 parser. |
SAXParserFactory | Factory for obtaining SAX parsers. |
SAXResult | Specifies SAX handlers to be used as a result sink during a transformation. |
SAXSource | Specifies a SAX XML source. |
SAXTransformerFactory | Specialized transformer factory with support for SAX-specific factory methods. |
SampleModel |
A SampleModel is used to access pixel data from a
{@link DataBuffer}. |
Sasl |
A static class for creating SASL clients and servers. This class defines the policy of how to locate, load, and instantiate SASL clients and servers. For example, an application or library gets a SASL client instance by doing something like: SaslClient sc = Sasl.createSaslClient(mechanisms, authorizationID, protocol, serverName, props, callbackHandler); It can then proceed to use the instance to create an authenticated connection. Similarly, a server gets a SASL server instance by using code that looks as follows: SaslServer ss = Sasl.createSaslServer(mechanism, protocol, serverName, props, callbackHandler); |
SaslClient |
Performs SASL authentication as a client. A protocol library such as one for LDAP gets an instance of this class in order to perform authentication defined by a specific SASL mechanism. |
SaslClientFactory |
An interface for creating instances of {@link SaslClient}. |
SaslException | This class represents an error that has occurred when using SASL. |
SaslServer |
Performs SASL authentication as a server. A server such as an LDAP server gets an instance of this class in order to perform authentication defined by a specific SASL mechanism. |
SaslServerFactory |
An interface for creating instances of {@link SaslServer}. |
Savepoint | |
ScatteringByteChannel | |
Schema | An immutable grammar. |
SchemaFactory | Factory for obtaining schemata. |
SchemaFactoryLoader | API compatibility class. |
SchemaViolationException | |
Scrollable | Defines the method that a component should implement to behave nicely in {@link JScrollPane}s. |
Scrollbar | This class implements a scrollbar widget. |
ScrollbarPeer | |
Scrollbar.AccessibleAWTScrollBar | This class provides accessibility support for the scrollbar. |
ScrollBarUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JScrollBar .
ScrollPane | This widget provides a scrollable region that allows a single subcomponent to be viewed through a smaller window. |
ScrollPaneAdjustable | Need this class since the serialization spec for ScrollPane uses it. |
ScrollPaneConstants | Defines some constants that are used in {@link JScrollPane} and related components. |
ScrollPaneLayout | ScrollPaneLayout |
ScrollPaneLayout.UIResource | |
ScrollPanePeer | |
ScrollPaneUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JScrollPane .
ScrollPane.AccessibleAWTScrollPane | |
SealedObject | This class allows any {@link} object to be stored in an encrypted form. |
SearchControls | |
SearchResult | |
SecretKey | A secret key for symmetric cryptography. |
SecretKeyFactory | A secret key factory translates {@link SecretKey} objects to and from {@link} objects, and can translate between different vendors' representations of {@link SecretKey} objects (for security or semantics; whichever applies). |
SecretKeyFactorySpi | The Service Provider Interface (SPI) for the {@link SecretKeyFactory} class. |
SecretKeySpec | This is a simple wrapper around a raw byte array, for ciphers that do not require any key parameters other than the bytes themselves. |
SecureClassLoader | A Secure Class Loader for loading classes with additional support for specifying code source and permissions when they are retrieved by the system policy handler. |
SecureRandom | An interface to a cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator (PRNG). |
SecureRandomSpi | SecureRandomSpi is the Service Provider Interface for SecureRandom providers. |
Security | This class centralizes all security properties and common security methods. |
SecurityException | The security manager will throw this exception to indicate a security violation. |
SecurityManager | SecurityManager is a class you can extend to create your own Java security policy. |
SecurityPermission | This class provides a mechanism for specified named permissions related to the Java security framework. |
Segment | A text fragment represented by a sequence of characters stored in an array. |
SelectableChannel | |
SelectionKey | |
Selector | |
SelectorProvider | |
SeparatorUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JSeparator .
Sequence | Objects of this type represent sequences of MIDI messages that can be played back by a Sequencer. |
SequenceInputStream |
This class merges a sequence of multiple InputStream 's in
order to form a single logical stream that can be read by applications
that expect only one stream.
Sequencer | A Sequencer object plays MIDI sequences described as Sequence objects. |
Sequencer.SyncMode | A SyncMode object represents the mechanism by which a MIDI sequencer synchronizes time with a master or slave device. |
Serializable | This interface has no methods. |
SerializablePermission | This class models permissions related to serialization. |
Servant |
The servant is responsible for handling the method invocation on the target object. |
ServantActivator | The POA, that has the RETAIN policy uses servant managers that are ServantActivators. |
ServantActivatorHelper | The helper operations for the CORBA object {@link ServantActivator}. |
ServantActivatorOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the {@link ServantActivator}. |
ServantActivatorPOA |
This ServantActivator stub is an optional base for the servant activators. |
ServantAlreadyActive | Raised in response to activate the already active object when the UNIQUE_ID (single ID per object, default) policy is active. |
ServantAlreadyActiveHelper | The helper operations for the exception {@link ServantAlreadyActive}. |
ServantLocator | When the POA has the NON_RETAIN policy it uses servant managers that are ServantLoacators. |
ServantLocatorHelper | The helper operations for the CORBA object {@link ServantLocator}. |
ServantLocatorOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the {@link ServantLocator}. |
ServantLocatorPOA |
The ServantLocator stub is an optional base for the servant locators. |
ServantManager | A servant manager is associated with POA and provide possibility to activate objects on demand. |
ServantManagerOperations | This interface would define the operations, applicable to the ServantManager. |
ServantNotActive | Raised in several cases when the operation would be applicable to the activated servant, but the current object is not active. |
ServantNotActiveHelper | The helper operations for the exception {@link ServantNotActive}. |
ServantObject | Together with supporting methods in {@link ObjectImpl} and {@link Delegate}, provides mechanism for direct calls of clients, running on the same virtual machine (collocated). |
ServantRetentionPolicy | Specifies if the active servants should be retained in the Active Object Map. |
ServantRetentionPolicyOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the ServantRetentionPolicy. |
ServantRetentionPolicyValue | Specifies the servant retention policy. |
ServerCloneException |
Thrown if a remote exception occurs during the cloning process of a
UnicastRemoteObject .
ServerError | Wraps any error thrown while processing the server of a remote call. |
ServerException | Wraps any exception thrown while processing the server of a remote call. |
ServerIdHelper | The Server Id is defined in OMG specification just as a narrow (not wide) string. |
ServerNotActiveException |
Thrown during RemoteServer.getClientHost if the host is
not servicing a remote method call.
ServerRef | |
ServerRequest | This class was expected to be part of the dynamic skeleton interface, but it is almost never used in the code, generated by IDL to java compiler. |
ServerRequestInfo | Provides request information, accessible for the {@link ServerRequestInterceptor}. |
ServerRequestInfoOperations | Provides request information, accessible for the {@link ClientRequestInterceptor}. |
ServerRequestInterceptor | A server side request interceptor that is notified on various request processing steps on a server side. |
ServerRequestInterceptorOperations | Defines operations, applicable to the server side request interceptor. |
ServerRuntimeException | Wraps any runtime exception thrown while processing the server of a remote call. |
ServerSocket | This class models server side sockets. |
ServerSocketChannel | |
ServerSocketFactory | A factory for server sockets. |
ServiceConfigurationError |
An error thrown when a problem occurs during the loading of a service provider by a {@link ServiceLoader}. |
ServiceContext | The ServiceContext structure contains the service data, being passed in the CORBA message. |
ServiceContextHelper | A helper operations for the structure {@link ServiceContext}. |
ServiceContextHolder | A holder for the structure {@link ServiceContext}. |
ServiceContextListHelper | The helper operations for the CORBA object {@link ServiceContext}[]. |
ServiceContextListHolder | A holder for the sequence of the {@link ServiceContext}s. |
ServiceDetail | An object, representing one of the additional details about the particular ORB service. |
ServiceDetailHelper | The helper operations on the Service Detail. |
ServiceIdHelper | A helper operations for a context service id. |
ServiceInformation | Stores information about the CORBA service, available from some ORB. |
ServiceInformationHelper | Helper operations for the service information. |
ServiceInformationHolder | A holder for the service information. |
ServiceLoader<S> |
Facilities for loading service providers. |
ServiceNotFoundException | Thrown when a requested service is unsupported. |
ServicePermission | This represents permission to access to a Kerberos service principal. |
ServiceRegistry | A registry for service providers. |
ServiceRegistry.Filter | A filter for selecting service providers that match custom criteria. |
ServiceUI |
ServiceUI provides a method to create a graphical
print dialog.
ServiceUIFactory |
ServiceUIFactory enables print services to provide additional
user interface dialogs.
ServiceUnavailableException | |
Set<E> | A collection that contains no duplicates. |
SetOfIntegerSyntax |
SetOfIntegerSyntax is the abstract base class of all attribute
classes which provide a set of non-negative integers as value (e.g. the
page ranges to print) represented as single values or ranges of values.
SetOverrideType | Defines the instruction, how the newly specified policies can be taken into consideration. |
SetOverrideTypeHelper | A helper operations for the definition kind. |
Severity |
The Severity printing attribute specifies the severity
for a PrinterStateReason attribute.
SERVANT_RETENTION_POLICY_ID | Holds an integer {@link ServantRetentionPolicy} identifier. |
Shape | This interface represents an abstract shape. |
ShapeGraphicAttribute | This is an implementation of GraphicAttribute that draws shapes in a TextLayout. |
SharedUIDefaults | Manages shared instances for UI defaults. |
SheetCollate |
The SheetCollate printing attribute specifies
whether or not the sheets of each copy in a print job have to be
in sequence.
Short |
Instances of class Short represent primitive
short values.
ShortBuffer | |
ShortBufferException | This exception is thrown on an attempt to transform bytes into a buffer that is too short to contain the data. |
ShortHolder |
A holder for CORBA short that is mapped into
java short .
ShortLookupTable | ShortLookupTable represents translation arrays for pixel values. |
ShortMessage | A short MIDI message that is no longer than 3 bytes long. |
ShortSeqHelper |
Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of short
(ShortSeq ).
ShortSeqHolder |
A sequence holder for CORBA ShortSeq that is mapped into
java short[] .
Sides |
The Sides printing attribute specifies how consecutive
printing pages are arranged on the media sheet.
Signature |
Signature is used to provide an interface to digital signature
algorithms. |
SignatureException | This exception is thrown when a problem is encountered with a digital signature. |
SignatureSpi |
SignatureSpi defines the Service Provider Interface (SPI) for
the {@link Signature} class. |
SignedObject |
SignedObject is used for storing runtime objects whose
integrity cannot be compromised without being detected.
Signer |
Signer is a subclass of {@link Identity}. |
SimpleAttributeSet | A set of attributes. |
SimpleBeanInfo | SimpleBeanInfo is a class you may extend to more easily provide select information to the Introspector. |
SimpleDateFormat | SimpleDateFormat provides convenient methods for parsing and formatting dates using Gregorian calendars (see java.util.GregorianCalendar). |
SimpleDoc |
Simple implementation of the Doc interface capable of handling
the predefined document flavors of DocFlavor .
SimpleFormatter |
A SimpleFormatter formats log records into
short human-readable messages, typically one or two lines.
SimpleTimeZone | This class represents a simple time zone offset and handles daylight savings. |
SimpleType<T> | The open type descriptor for data values that are members of one of the simple types (such as an integer or a string). |
SinglePixelPackedSampleModel |
A SampleModel used when all samples are stored in a single
data element in the {@link DataBuffer}, and each data element contains
samples for one pixel only.
SingleSelectionModel | A data model that is used in components that support at most one selected element, like {@link JTabbedPane}, {@link JMenu} and {@link JPopupMenu}. |
Size2DSyntax |
Size2DSyntax is the abstract base class of all attribute
classes which provide a two dimensional size as value (e.g. the size of
a media like Letter or A4).
SizeLimitExceededException | Thrown from the {@link javax.naming.NamingEnumeration}, this exception indicates that there are more elements than the previously specified size limit. |
SizeRequirements | This class calculates information about the size and position requirements of components. |
SizeSequence | A sequence of values that represent the dimensions (widths or heights) of some collection of items (for example, the widths of the columns in a table). |
Skeleton | |
SkeletonMismatchException | Thrown if a call is received that does not match a Skeleton. |
SkeletonNotFoundException | Thrown if a Skeleton corresponding to the remote object is not found. |
SliderUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JSlider .
Socket | This class models a client site socket. |
SocketAddress | Abstract base class for InetSocketAddress. |
SocketChannel | |
SocketException | This exception indicates that a generic error occurred related to an operation on a socket. |
SocketFactory | A factory for client sockets. |
SocketHandler |
A SocketHandler publishes log records to
a TCP/IP socket.
SocketImpl | This abstract class serves as the parent class for socket implementations. |
SocketImplFactory |
This interface defines one method which returns a SocketImpl
object. |
SocketOptions |
This interface is used by SocketImpl and
DatagramSocketImpl to implement options
on sockets.
SocketPermission | This class models a specific set of permssions for connecting to a host. |
SocketSecurityException |
Thrown during remote object export if the code does not have permission
to create a on the specified port.
SocketTimeoutException | This exception signals that a socket read or accept timed out. |
SoftBevelBorder | A rectangular, three pixel thick border that looks like a BevelBorder with slightly softened corners. |
SoftReference<T> | A soft reference will be cleared, if the object is only softly reachable and the garbage collection needs more memory. |
SortedMap<K,V> | A map which guarantees its key's iteration order. |
SortedSet<E> | A set which guarantees its iteration order. |
SortingFocusTraversalPolicy | |
Soundbank | A Soundbank is a container for instruments which may be loaded into a Synthesizer. |
SoundbankReader | The SoundbankReader abstract class defines the methods to be provided by a soundbank file reader. |
SoundbankResource | SoundbankResource objects represent audio data stored in a sound bank. |
Source | An XML input source. |
SourceDataLine | This is a DataLine to which data may be written. |
SourceLocator | The location in an XML resource at which an event occurred. |
SpinnerDateModel | A date model used by the {@link JSpinner} component. |
SpinnerListModel |
An implementation of SpinnerModel which uses the values
contained within a list or an array. |
SpinnerModel | The data model that is used in {@link JSpinner}s. |
SpinnerNumberModel | A model used by the {@link JSpinner} component. |
SpinnerUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JSpinner .
SplitPaneUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JSplitPane .
Spring | Calculates the space between component edges, that are layed out by {@link SpringLayout}. |
SpringLayout | A very flexible layout manager. |
SpringLayout.Constraints | The constraints that define the relationships between components. |
SQLData | This interface is used for mapping SQL data to user defined datatypes. |
SQLException | This exception is thrown when a database error occurs. |
SQLInput | This interface provides methods for reading values from a stream that is connected to a SQL structured or distinct type. |
SQLOutput | This interface provides methods for writing Java types to a SQL stream. |
SQLPermission | |
SQLWarning | This exception is thrown when a database warning occurs. |
SslRMIClientSocketFactory | SslRMIClientSocketFactory This class implements an RMIClientSocketFactory for SSL sockets. it uses the defeult SSLClientSocketFactory. |
SslRMIServerSocketFactory | SslRMIServerSocketFactory This class implements an RMIServerSocketFactory for SSL sockets. it uses the defeult SSLServerSocketFactory. |
SSLContext | A "meta-factory" for protocol-specific socket and server socket factories. |
SSLContextSpi | The Service Provider Interface (SPI) for SSLContext objects. |
SSLEngine | A class for low-level message wrapping and unwrapping of SSL messages. |
SSLEngineResult |
A result from an {@link SSLEngine} wrap or
unwrap operation. |
SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus | An enumeration of possible handshake status states. |
SSLEngineResult.Status | An enumeration of possible general states. |
SSLException | The superclass of all possible SSL exceptions. |
SSLHandshakeException | An exception that signals an error in the SSL handshake phase. |
SSLKeyException | An exception signaling a problem using a public or private key in an SSL communication. |
SSLPeerUnverifiedException | An exception thrown when the remote peer could not be verified. |
SSLPermission | A permission used for accessing SSL classes. |
SSLProtocolException | An exception thrown when a fatal protocol error is encountered. |
SSLServerSocket | A server socket that allows clients to connect via the SSL protocol. |
SSLServerSocketFactory | A server socket factory for Secure Socket Layer (SSL) server sockets. |
SSLSession | An SSL session is a mechanism through which connections can be established by re-using previously negotiated handshakes. |
SSLSessionBindingEvent | An event raised by {@link SSLSession} objects when objects are bound to them. |
SSLSessionBindingListener | An event listener interface that should be notified when it is bound or unbound to a {@link SSLSession}. |
SSLSessionContext | A collection of saved SSL sessions, with thier corresponding session IDs. |
SSLSocket | A socket that communicates over the secure socket layer protocol. |
SSLSocketFactory | A socket factory for creating Secure Socket Layer (SSL) sockets. |
Stack<T> | |
StackOverflowError |
A StackOverflowError is thrown when the execution stack
overflow occurs. |
StackTraceElement | One function call or stack trace element. |
StandardMBean | Provides a dynamic management bean by using reflection on an interface and an implementing class. |
StartDocument | A start-document event. |
StartElement | A start-element event. |
StartTlsRequest | |
StartTlsResponse | |
State | Defines the possible states of the POA manager. |
StateEdit | A helper class, making it easy to support undo and redo. |
StateEditable | The interface for objects whose state can be undone or redone by a {@link StateEdit} action. |
StateFactory | Represents a factory, producing the object states for binding. |
Statement | This interface provides a mechanism for executing SQL statements. |
Statement |
A Statement captures the execution of an object method. |
Status | |
Streamable | The base class for the Holder classess of IDL types. |
StreamableValue | If the value type does not provide the user defined methods for reading and writing its content, it must implement this interface for reading and writing the content in a default way. |
StreamCorruptedException | This exception is thrown when there is an error in the data that is read from a stream during de-serialization. |
StreamFilter | Simple filter interface for XMLStreamReaders. |
StreamHandler |
A StreamHandler publishes LogRecords to
a instances of .
StreamPrintService |
StreamPrintService is a special print service capable of
printing into a supplied output stream.
StreamPrintServiceFactory |
StreamPrintServiceFactory provides a static method to lookup
registered factories to construct StreamPrintService instances.
StreamResult | Specifies a stream to which to write the transformation result. |
StreamSource | Specifies a stream from which to read the source XML data. |
StreamTokenizer | This class parses streams of characters into tokens. |
StrictMath | Helper class containing useful mathematical functions and constants. |
String | Strings represent an immutable set of characters. |
StringBuffer |
StringBuffer represents a changeable String .
StringBufferInputStream |
This class permits a String to be read as an input stream.
StringBuilder |
StringBuilder represents a changeable String .
StringCharacterIterator |
This class iterates over a range of characters in a String .
StringContent |
An implementation of the AbstractDocument.Content
interface useful for small documents or debugging. |
StringHolder |
A holder for CORBA string that is mapped into
java String .
StringIndexOutOfBoundsException | This exception can be thrown to indicate an attempt to access an index which is out of bounds of a String. |
StringNameHelper | Helper operations for the string name. |
StringReader |
This class permits a String to be read as a character
input stream.
StringRefAddr | RefAddr that uses a String as content. |
StringSelection | This class transfers a string as plain text using the clipboard. |
StringSeqHelper |
Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA string array.
StringSeqHolder |
A sequence holder for CORBA string[] that is mapped into
java String[] .
StringTokenizer | This class splits a string into tokens. |
StringValueExp | Represents a string being used as an argument to a relational constraint. |
StringValueHelper | Provides helper operations for the String value type, treating a String as a CORBA value type rather than as a primitive type. |
StringWriter |
This class writes chars to an internal StringBuffer that
can then be used to retrieve a String .
Stroke | This interface allows a Graphics2D to grab the outline of a shape, as if stroked by a marking pen of appropriate size and shape. |
Struct | This interface implements the standard type mapping for a SQL structured type. |
StructMember |
The component, describing the member of CORBA IDL struct .
StructMemberHelper | Defines a helper operations for StructMember. |
Stub | A Stub descendants provide access to the object on the client side. |
StubDelegate | A delegate, implementing the functionality, provided by the {@link Stub}. |
StubNotFoundException | Thrown if a valid stub class is not found for an object when it is exported. |
Style | |
StyleConstants | Represents standard attribute keys. |
StyleConstants.CharacterConstants | A set of keys for attributes that apply to characters. |
StyleConstants.ColorConstants | A set of keys for attributes that relate to colors. |
StyleConstants.FontConstants | A set of keys for attributes that apply to fonts. |
StyleConstants.ParagraphConstants | A set of keys for attributes that apply to paragraphs. |
StyleContext | |
StyleContext.NamedStyle | |
StyleContext.SmallAttributeSet | |
StyledDocument | StyledDocument |
StyledEditorKit | An {@link EditorKit} that supports editing styled text. |
StyledEditorKit.AlignmentAction | Sets the alignment attribute on the selected text. |
StyledEditorKit.BoldAction | Toggles the bold attribute for the selected text. |
StyledEditorKit.FontFamilyAction | Sets the font family attribute on the selected text. |
StyledEditorKit.FontSizeAction | Sets the font size attribute on the selected text. |
StyledEditorKit.ForegroundAction | Sets the foreground color attribute on the selected text. |
StyledEditorKit.ItalicAction | Toggles the italic attribute for the selected text. |
StyledEditorKit.StyledTextAction | The abstract superclass of all styled TextActions. |
StyledEditorKit.UnderlineAction | Toggles the underline attribute for the selected text. |
StyleSheet | This class adds support for defining the visual characteristics of HTML views being rendered. |
StyleSheet.BoxPainter | This class carries out some of the duties of CSS formatting. |
StyleSheet.ListPainter | This class carries out some of the CSS list formatting duties. |
Subject | |
SubjectDomainCombiner | |
SupportedValuesAttribute | Marker interface for all attribute classes specifying the supported/allowed values for another printing attribute class. |
SUCCESSFUL | A reply status flag, indicating, that the remote method has been called and returned without exception. |
SwingConstants | Defines constant values that are used throughout the Swing packages. |
SwingPropertyChangeSupport | Provides a mechanism for registering {@link PropertyChangeListener}s and forwarding {@link PropertyChangeEvent}s to those listeners. |
SwingUtilities | A number of static utility functions which are useful when drawing swing components, dispatching events, or calculating regions which need painting. |
SyncFailedException | Thrown when a file synchronization fails. |
Synchronization | |
SyncScopeHelper |
A helper operations for synchronization scope as an alias of
short .
SynthConstants | A couple of constants used by the Synth Look and Feel. |
SynthContext | Contains some contextual information about a region. |
Synthesizer | Interface for MIDI audio synthesizer devices. |
SynthGraphicsUtils | Wrapper for graphics primitives used in Synth. |
SynthLookAndFeel | A look and feel that can be customized either by providing a file to {@link #load} or by setting a {@link SynthStyleFactory} using {@link #setStyleFactory}. |
SynthPainter | The abstract definition of a delegate that takes the responsibility of painting for the components. |
SynthStyle | A set of style properties that can be installed on a component. |
SynthStyleFactory | |
SysexMessage | A system exclusive MIDI message. |
System | System represents system-wide resources; things that represent the general environment. |
SystemColor | This class contains the various "system colors" in use by the native windowing system. |
SystemException | |
SystemException | The root class for all CORBA standard exceptions. |
SystemFlavorMap | This class maps between native platform type names and DataFlavors. |
SYNC_WITH_TRANSPORT | A CORBA synchronization mode, defining how far the request shall progress before control is returned to the client for one way operations (when no response is required). |
SYSTEM_EXCEPTION | A reply status flag, indicating, that the {@link org.omg.CORBA.SystemException} has been thrown while calling or from inside the remote method. |
TAG_ALTERNATE_IIOP_ADDRESS | Holds an integer constant of the TAG_ALTERNATE_IIOP_ADDRESS Component that may occur zero or more times in the Internet of Multiple components profile. |
Holds the integer identifier of the code sets profile. |
TAG_INTERNET_IOP | Holds the integer identifier of the internet profile. |
Holds an integer identifier of the TAG_JAVA_CODEBASE profile. |
TAG_MULTIPLE_COMPONENTS | Holds the integer identifier of the multiple components profile. |
Holds an integer constant of the TAG_ORB_TYPE Component that defines the kind or CORBA implementation of ORB the reference is comming from. |
TAG_POLICIES | An integer identifier for the TAG_POLICIES component. |
TAG_RMI_CUSTOM_MAX_STREAM_FORMAT | A single constant interface, defining the TAG_RMI_CUSTOM_MAX_STREAM_FORMAT (= 38) tagged component. |
TabableView | |
TabbedPaneUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JTabbedPane .
TabExpander | |
TableCellEditor | TableCellEditor public interface |
TableCellRenderer | TableCellRenderer public interface |
TableColumn | Represents the attributes of a column in a table, including the column index, width, minimum width, preferred width and maximum width. |
TableColumnModel | The interface used by {@link JTable} to access the columns in the table view. |
TableColumnModelEvent | TableColumnModelEvent |
TableColumnModelListener |
A TableColumnModelListener can register with a
{@link TableColumnModel} to receive notification of changes to the model.
TableHeaderUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JTableHeader .
TableModel |
A TableModel is a two dimensional data structure that
can store arbitrary Object instances, usually for the
purpose of display in a {@link javax.swing.JTable} component. |
TableModelEvent | An event that describes changes to a {@link TableModel}. |
TableModelListener |
A TableModelListener can register with a
{@link javax.swing.table.TableModel} and receive notification of updates to
the model.
TableUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JTable .
TableView | A {@link View} implementation for rendering tables inside styled text. |
TableView.TableCell | This class is deprecated and not used anymore. |
TableView.TableRow |
A view implementation that renders a row of a TableView .
TabSet | A set of tab stops. |
TabStop | Represents a tab position in some text. |
TabularData | Provides an interface to a specific type of composite data structure, where keys (the columns) map to the {@link CompositeData} objects that form the rows of the table. |
TabularDataSupport | Provides an implementation of the {@link TabularData} interface using a {@link java.util.HashMap}. |
TabularType | The open type descriptor for instances of the {@link TabularData} class. |
TagElement | The SGML element, defining a single html tag. |
TaggedComponent | The tagged component in a part of the {@link TaggedProfile}. |
TaggedComponentHelper | A helper operations for the {@link TaggedComponent}. |
TaggedComponentHolder | A holder for the structure {@link TaggedComponent}. |
TaggedProfile | The TaggedProfile if part of the {@link IOR}, defining a single specific aspect of the object related information. |
TaggedProfileHelper | A helper operations for the structure {@link TaggedProfile}. |
TaggedProfileHolder | A holder for the structure {@link TaggedProfile}. |
TargetDataLine | This is a DataLine from which data may be read. |
TCKind | The basic constants, used in java to IDL mapping. |
Templates | A compiled, reusable XSL transformation. |
TemplatesHandler | A content handler that processes SAX parse events into a compiled transformation template. |
TextAction | TextAction |
TextArea | A TextArea is a text component capable of displaying multiple lines of user-editable text. |
TextAreaPeer | |
TextArea.AccessibleAWTTextArea | |
TextAttribute | Attributes (and associated values) that can be used to define an {@link java.text.AttributedString}. |
TextComponent | This class provides common functionality for widgets than contain text. |
TextComponentPeer | |
TextComponent.AccessibleAWTTextComponent | |
TextEvent | This event is generated when a text box changes contents. |
TextField | This class implements a single line text entry field widget |
TextFieldPeer | |
TextField.AccessibleAWTTextField | |
TextHitInfo | |
TextInputCallback |
Underlying security services instantiate and pass a TextInputCallback
to the handle() method of a {@link CallbackHandler} to retrieve
generic text information.
TextLayout | |
TextLayout.CaretPolicy | Inner class describing a caret policy |
TextListener | This interface is for classes that wish to be notified when text changes in a component. |
TextMeasurer | TextMeasurer is a small utility class for measuring the length of laid-out text objects. |
TextOutputCallback |
Underlying security services instantiate and pass a
TextSyntax |
TextSyntax is the abstract base class of all attribute
classes which provide a string as value (e.g. the location of the printer).
TexturePaint | This class provides a way to fill a Shape with a texture that is specified by a BufferedImage. |
TextUI | An abstract base class for delegates that provide the user interface for text editors. |
Thread | Thread represents a single thread of execution in the VM. |
ThreadDeath |
ThreadDeath is thrown in a thread when someone calls stop()
on that thread. |
ThreadGroup | ThreadGroup allows you to group Threads together. |
ThreadInfo |
A class which maintains information about a particular thread. |
ThreadLocal<T> | ThreadLocal objects have a different state associated with every Thread that accesses them. |
ThreadMXBean |
Provides access to information about the threads of the virtual machine. |
ThreadPolicy | Defines the POA thread policy. |
ThreadPolicyOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the ThreadPolicy. |
ThreadPolicyValue | Defines the possible values for the POA thread policy. |
Thread.State |
Represents the current state of a thread, according to the VM rather than the operating system. |
Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler |
This interface is used to handle uncaught exceptions
which cause a |
Throwable | Throwable is the superclass of all exceptions that can be raised. |
THREAD_POLICY_ID | Holds an integer {@link ThreadPolicy} identifier. |
Tie |
A Tie serves as a CORBA Servant or implementation base. |
Time | This class is a wrapper around java.util.Date to allow the JDBC driver to identify the value as a SQL Time. |
TimeLimitExceededException | |
Timer | Timer that can run TimerTasks at a later time. |
Timer | Fires one or more action events after the specified delay. |
TimerTask | Task that can be run at a later time if given to a Timer. |
Timestamp | This class is a wrapper around java.util.Date to allow the JDBC driver to identify the value as a SQL Timestamp. |
TimeZone | This class represents a time zone offset and handles daylight savings. |
TimeZoneNameProvider | A {@link TimeZoneNameProvider} provides localized versions of the names that represent a particular timezone. |
TitledBorder | A border that paints a title on top of another border. |
TIMEOUT | Raised when no delivery has been made during the specified timeout duration. |
ToolBarUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JToolBar .
Toolkit | The AWT system uses a set of native peer objects to implement its widgets. |
ToolTipManager | This class is responsible for the registration of JToolTips to Components and for displaying them when appropriate. |
ToolTipManager.insideTimerAction | This ActionListener is associated with the Timer that listens to whether it is time for the JToolTip to be displayed after the mouse has entered the JComponent. |
ToolTipManager.outsideTimerAction | This Actionlistener is associated with the Timer that listens to whether the mouse cursor has re-entered the JComponent in time for an immediate redisplay of the JToolTip. |
ToolTipManager.stillInsideTimerAction | This ActionListener is associated with the Timer that listens to whether the JToolTip can be hidden after four seconds. |
ToolTipUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JToolTip .
TooManyListenersException | This exception is part of the java event model. |
Track | A Track contains a list of timecoded MIDI events for processing by a Sequencer. |
Transaction | |
TransactionManager | |
TransactionRequiredException | |
TransactionRolledbackException | |
TransactionService | Holds the integer identifier of the TransactionService context. |
Transferable | This interface is implemented by classes that can transfer data. |
TransferHandler | |
TransformAttribute | This class provides a mechanism for using an {@link AffineTransform} as an immutable attribute (for example, in the {@link java.text.AttributedString} class). |
Transformer | An XSL transformation. |
TransformerConfigurationException | An exception occurred during configuration of the transformer. |
TransformerException | An exception occurred during the transformation process. |
TransformerFactory | Factory for obtaining transformation contexts. |
TransformerFactoryConfigurationError | An error occurred during configuration of the transformer factory. |
TransformerHandler | A content handler that transforms SAX events into a result tree. |
Transmitter | This interface specifies the methods required by objects which send MIDI events to Receivers, including MIDI IN ports and Sequencers. |
Transparency | A common transparency mode for layering graphics. |
TreeCellEditor |
A TreeCellEditor is used by the {@link JTree} component to
edit individual tree elements (nodes).
TreeCellRenderer |
A TreeCellRenderer is used by the {@link JTree} component to
paint individual tree elements (nodes).
TreeExpansionEvent | TreeExpansionEvent |
TreeExpansionListener | TreeExpansionListener public interface |
TreeMap<K,V> | This class provides a red-black tree implementation of the SortedMap interface. |
TreeModel | TreeModel public interface |
TreeModelEvent | TreeModelEvent |
TreeModelListener | TreeModelListener public interface |
TreeNode | A tree node. |
TreePath |
A TreePath represents a sequence of tree elements that form
a path starting from the root of a tree. |
TreeSelectionEvent | An event that carries information about a change to a {@link TreeSelectionModel}. |
TreeSelectionListener | A listener that receives {@link TreeSelectionEvent} notifications from a source (such as a {@link TreeSelectionModel}). |
TreeSelectionModel | TreeSelectionModel public interface |
TreeSet<T> | This class provides a TreeMap-backed implementation of the SortedSet interface. |
TreeUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that provide the user
interface for JTree .
TreeWillExpandListener | |
TrustAnchor | An ultimately-trusted certificate to serve as the root of a certificate chain. |
TrustManager | A marker interface for classes that establish the trust of remote hosts. |
TrustManagerFactory | A factory for creating trust manager objects. |
TrustManagerFactorySpi | The service provider interface (SPI) for trust managers. |
TRANSACTION_MODE | Raised when the TransactionPolicy in the IOR is not the same as the current transaction mode. |
TRANSACTION_REQUIRED | Means that request carried a null transaction context, but an active transaction is required. |
TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK | Means that transaction associated with the request has already been rolled back or marked to roll back. |
TRANSACTION_UNAVAILABLE | Raised in response to the abnormal termination of the transaction service. |
TRANSIENT | Means that the ORB cannot reach the object. |
TRANSPORT_RETRY | A reply status, indicating the necessity of the transport retry. |
Type |
Represents any Type within the Java programming
language. |
TypeCode | An information about a CORBA data type. |
TypeCodeHolder |
A holder for CORBA TypeCode that is mapped into
java TypeCode .
TypeInfoProvider |
Provides access to the PSVI type info supplied by
ValidatorHandler .
TypeMismatch | This exception is thrown by dynamic any accessor methods when type of the actual contents do not match what is trying to be accessed. |
TypeMismatch | The TypeMismatch may be thrown by various methods in org.omg.DynamicAny package when the operation is not applicable due unexpected {@link org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode}. |
TypeMismatch | Raised when the operation cannot be performed because the involved data structure has the mismatching typecode. |
TypeMismatchHelper | The helper operations for the exception {@link TypeMismatch}. |
TypeMismatchHelper | The helper operations for the exception {@link TypeMismatch}. |
TypeNotPresentException |
Thrown when a type is accessed using a |
Types | This class contains constants that are used to identify SQL data types. |
TypeVariable<T> |
This is a common interface for all type variables provided by the Java language. |
UID | Represents the unique identifier over time for the host which has generated it. |
UIDefaults | UIDefaults is a database where all settings and interface bindings are stored into. |
UIDefaults.ActiveValue | Used for lazy instantiation of UIDefaults values so that they are not all loaded when a Swing application starts up, but only the values that are really needed. |
UIDefaults.LazyInputMap | |
UIDefaults.LazyValue | Used for lazy instantiation of UIDefaults values so that they are not all loaded when a Swing application starts up, but only the values that are really needed. |
UIDefaults.ProxyLazyValue | |
UIManager | Manages the current {@link LookAndFeel} and any auxiliary {@link LookAndFeel} instances. |
UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo | Represents the basic information about a {@link LookAndFeel} (LAF), so that a list of installed LAFs can be presented without actually loading the LAF class(es). |
UIResource | This public interface is used to designate which objects were created by {@link ComponentUI} delegates. |
ULongLongSeqHelper |
Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of long
(ULongLongSeq ).
ULongLongSeqHolder |
A sequence holder for CORBA ULongLongSeq that is mapped into
java long[] .
ULongSeqHelper |
Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of int
(ULongSeq ).
ULongSeqHolder |
A sequence holder for CORBA ULongSeq that is mapped into
java int[] .
UndeclaredThrowableException | This exception class is thrown by a {@link Proxy} instance if the {@link InvocationHandler#invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) invoke} method of that instance's InvocationHandler attempts to throw an exception that not declared by the throws clauses of all of the interface methods that the proxy instance is implementing. |
UndoableEdit | An editing operation that supports undo/redoability. |
UndoableEditEvent | UndoableEditEvent |
UndoableEditListener | UndoableEditListener public interface |
UndoableEditSupport | A helper class for supporting {@link javax.swing.event.UndoableEditListener}. |
UndoManager | A manager for providing an application’s undo/redo functionality. |
UnexpectedException | Thrown if an unexpected checked exception was received in a remote procedure call. |
UnicastRemoteObject | This class obtains stub that communicates with the remote object. |
UnionMember |
The component, describing the member of CORBA IDL union .
UnionMemberHelper | A helper operations for the union member. |
UnknownEncoding | The {@link org.omg.IOP.CodecFactoryOperations#create_codec} raises UnknownEncoding if that factory cannot create a {@link org.omg.IOP.Codec} of the given encoding. |
UnknownEncodingHelper | The helper operations for the exception {@link UnknownEncoding}. |
UnknownError |
An UnknownError is thrown when a serious but unknown
problem has occurred in the Java Virtual Machine.
UnknownException | The wrapper of the arbitrary exception into the System exception. |
UnknownFormatConversionException | Thrown when a {@link Formatter} is supplied with an unknown conversion. |
UnknownFormatFlagsException | Thrown when a {@link Formatter} is supplied with an unknown flag. |
UnknownGroupException |
Thrown when an ActivationGroupID parameter is invalid or
UnknownHostException | This exception indicates that an attempt was made to reference a hostname or IP address that is not valid. |
UnknownHostException | Thrown if a occurs during a remote procedure call. |
UnknownObjectException |
Thrown when an ActivationID parameter is invalid or unknown.
UnknownServiceException | Contrary to what you might think, this does not indicate that the TCP/IP service name specified was invalid. |
UnknownUserException | A wrapper against an unknown user exception that has been thrown on remote side and returned by the server. |
UnknownUserExceptionHelper | The helper operations for the exception {@link UnknownUserException}. |
UnknownUserExceptionHolder | A holder for the exception {@link UnknownUserException}. |
UnmappableCharacterException | |
UnmarshalException | Thrown if an exception occurs while unmarshalling parameters or results of a remote method call. |
UnmodifiableClassException | |
UnmodifiableSetException | Exception which is thrown if an operation on an unmodifiable set is invoked. |
UnrecoverableKeyException | This exception is thrown when a key cannot be recovered from the key store. |
Unreferenced | |
UnresolvedAddressException | |
UnresolvedPermission |
This class is used to hold instances of all permissions that cannot
be resolved to available permission classes when the security
Policy object is instantiated. |
UnsatisfiedLinkError |
A UnsatisfiedLinkError is thrown if an appropriate
native language definition of a method declared native
cannot be found by the Java Virtual Machine.
UnsolicitedNotification | |
UnsolicitedNotificationEvent | |
UnsolicitedNotificationListener | |
UnsupportedAddressTypeException | |
UnsupportedAudioFileException | An exception of this type is thrown when an operation is attempted on a file whose format is unrecognized. |
UnsupportedCallbackException | Signals that a {@link CallbackHandler} does not recognize a particular {@link Callback}. |
UnsupportedCharsetException | |
UnsupportedClassVersionError |
An UnsupportedClassVersionError is thrown when the
Java Virtual Machine determines it does not support the major and minor
version numbers in the class file it is attempting to read.
UnsupportedEncodingException | This exception is thrown when the requested character encoding is not supported. |
UnsupportedFlavorException | The data flavor requested is not supported for the transfer data. |
UnsupportedLookAndFeelException | Thrown by the {@link UIManager#setLookAndFeel(LookAndFeel)} method when the specified look and feel is not supported on the current platform. |
UnsupportedOperationException | This exception is thrown by an object when an operation is requested of it that it does not support. |
UNKNOWN | Means that the operation implementation has thrown a non-CORBA exception. |
UNSUPPORTED_POLICY | Holds a single constant, specifying, that while the requested {@link Policy} is valid, it is not supported by this ORB. |
UNSUPPORTED_POLICY_VALUE | Holds a single constant, specifying, that while the requested {@link Policy} value is valid, it is not supported by this ORB. |
A URI instance represents that defined by RFC3986, with some deviations. |
URIException |
URIException specifies methods a specific subclass of
{@link javax.print.PrintException} may implement to provide further
informations of printing errors if URI problems are involved.
URIResolver | Callback that can resolve a URI into source XML for transformation. |
URISyntax |
URISyntax is the abstract base class of all attribute
classes having an Uniform Resource Identifier URI as value.
URISyntaxException | This exception is thrown when a String cannot be parsed as a URI. |
URL | This final class represents an Internet Uniform Resource Locator (URL). |
URLClassLoader | A secure class loader that can load classes and resources from multiple locations. |
URLConnection | This class models a connection that retrieves the information pointed to by a URL object. |
URLDecoder | This utility class contains static methods that converts a string encoded in the x-www-form-urlencoded format to the original text. |
URLEncoder | This utility class contains static methods that converts a string into a fully encoded URL string in x-www-form-urlencoded format. |
URLStreamHandler | This class is the superclass of all URL protocol handlers. |
URLStreamHandlerFactory |
This interface contains one method which maps the protocol portion of
a URL (eg, "http" in "") to a
URLStreamHandler object.
URLStringHelper | Helper operations for the URL string name. |
UserException | The root class for CORBA IDL-defined user exceptions. |
UserTransaction | |
USER_EXCEPTION | A reply status flag, indicating, that the {@link org.omg.CORBA.UserException} has been thrown from inside the remote method. |
UShortSeqHelper |
Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of short
(UShortSeq ).
UShortSeqHolder |
A sequence holder for CORBA UShortSeq that is mapped into
java short[] .
Util | Provides utility methods used by stubs and ties to perform common operations. |
UtilDelegate | A delegate, implementing the functionality, provided by the {@link Util}. |
Utilities | A set of utilities to deal with text. |
UTFDataFormatException | When reading a UTF string from an input stream, this exception is thrown to indicate that the data read is invalid. |
UUID | This class represents a 128-bit UUID value. |
Validator | A processor that validates a document against a schema. |
ValidatorHandler | A streaming validator that operates on a SAX event stream. |
ValueBase | ValueBase is the basic interface for all CORBA value data types. |
ValueBaseHelper | A helper operations for the value base type ({@link ValueBase}). |
ValueBaseHolder | A holder to store a {@link ValueBase} that is handled as {@link Serializable} here. |
ValueExp | Represents values that may be passed as arguments to {@link QueryExp}s. |
ValueFactory | An interface for reading an instance of the value type from the input stream. |
ValueHandler | Serializes Java objects to and from CDR (GIOP) streams. |
ValueHandlerMultiFormat | This interface extends the previous ValueHandler, supporting various stream format versions. |
ValueMember | The class, defining properties of the value member. |
ValueMemberHelper | The helper operations for the value member. |
VariableHeightLayoutCache | The fixed height tree layout. |
Vector<T> |
The Vector classes implements growable arrays of Objects.
VerifyError |
A VerifyError is thrown if there is a security problem or
internal inconsistency in a class file as detected by the "verifier."
VersionSpecHelper | A formal helper for the CORBA VersionSpec that is identical to the narrow string. |
VetoableChangeListener | VetoableChangeListener allows a class to monitor proposed changes to properties of a Bean and, if desired, prevent them from occurring. |
VetoableChangeListenerProxy |
This class provides an extension to VetoableChangeListener -
associating a name with the listener. |
VetoableChangeSupport | VetoableChangeSupport makes it easy to fire vetoable change events and handle listeners. |
View | |
ViewFactory | |
ViewportLayout | The default layout for {@link JViewport}. |
ViewportUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JViewport .
VirtualMachineError |
A VirtualMachineError or its subclasses are thrown to
indicate there is something wrong with the Java Virtual Machine or that
it does not have the resources needed for it to continue execution.
Visibility | Visibility is an interface a Bean may implement so that the environment can tell the Bean whether there is a GUI or not, and so that the Bean can tell the environment whether it needs one or can run without one. |
VisibilityHelper |
A helper operations for a Visibility that is mapped into java and CORBA
short . |
VMID | An identifier that is unique accross the all virtual machines. |
VM_ABSTRACT | Specifies that the object is an abstract interface. |
VM_CUSTOM | Indicates a custom marshalled value type. |
VM_NONE | One of the possible values, returned by {@link TypeCode#type_modifier()}. |
VM_TRUNCATABLE | Indicates a truncatable value type. |
VoiceStatus | Objects of this type define the status of a Synthesizer voice. |
Void |
Void is a placeholder class so that the variable Void.TYPE
(also available as void.class ) can be supported for
reflection return types.
VolatileImage | VolatileImage represents a hardware-accelerated graphics buffer. |
WCharSeqHelper |
Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA sequence of char
(WCharSeq ).
WCharSeqHolder |
A sequence holder for CORBA WCharSeq that is mapped into
java char[] .
WeakHashMap<K,V> | A weak hash map has only weak references to the key. |
WeakReference<T> | A weak reference will be cleared, if the object is only weakly reachable. |
WildcardType | Represents a wildcard type expression, where the type variable is unnamed. |
Window | This class represents a top-level window with no decorations. |
WindowAdapter |
This class implements WindowListener ,
WindowStateListener , and WindowFocusListener , and
implements all methods with empty bodies. |
WindowConstants | Defines some constants that are used in Swing's top-level containers. |
WindowEvent | This event is generated when there is a change in a window. |
WindowFocusListener | This interface is for classes that wish to monitor events for window focus changes. |
WindowListener | This interface is for classes that wish to monitor events for window changes. |
WindowPeer | |
WindowStateListener | This interface is for classes that wish to monitor events for window state changes. |
Window.AccessibleAWTWindow | |
WrappedPlainView | |
WritableByteChannel | |
WritableRaster | A raster with methods to support updating pixel values. |
WritableRenderedImage | NEEDS DOCUMENTATION |
WriteAbortedException | This exception is thrown when another ObjectStreamException occurs during a serialization read or write. |
Writer | This abstract class forms the base of the hierarchy of classes that write output as a stream of chars. |
WrongAdapter | Raised when invoking POA operations, requiring that the target object would be created by this POA, if this condition is not satisfied. |
WrongAdapterHelper | The helper operations for the exception {@link WrongAdapter}. |
WrongPolicy | Raised when invoking the operation that is not allowed by the current combination of the used policies. |
WrongPolicyHelper | The helper operations for the exception {@link WrongPolicy}. |
WrongTransaction | Thrown when the transaction scope mismatches. |
WrongTransactionHelper | The helper operations for the exception {@link WrongTransaction}. |
WrongTransactionHolder | A holder for the exception {@link WrongTransaction}. |
WStringSeqHelper |
Provides static helper methods for working with
CORBA wstring array.
WStringSeqHolder |
A sequence holder for CORBA wstring[] that is mapped into
java String[] .
WStringValueHelper | Provides helper operations for the Wide String value type, treating a Wide String as a CORBA value type rather than as a primitive type. |
X500Principal | |
X500PrivateCredential | A pairing of a {@link X509Certificate} and its corresponding {@link PrivateKey}, with an optional keystore alias. |
X509Certificate | X509Certificate is the abstract class for X.509 certificates. |
X509Certificate |
The base class of all X.509 certificates. This class is deprecated in favor of the {@link} class. |
X509CertSelector | A concrete implementation of {@link CertSelector} for X.509 certificates, which allows a number of criteria to be set when accepting certificates, from validity dates, to issuer and subject distinguished names, to some of the various X.509 extensions. |
X509CRL | The X509CRL class is the abstract class used to manage X.509 Certificate Revocation Lists. |
X509CRLEntry | Abstract class for entries in the CRL (Certificate Revocation List). |
X509CRLSelector | A class for matching X.509 certificate revocation lists by criteria. |
X509EncodedKeySpec | X.509 Encoded Key Specification class which is used to store "X.509" byte encoded keys. |
X509ExtendedKeyManager | An extended {@link X509KeyManager} for use with {@link SSLEngine}. |
X509Extension | Public interface for the X.509 Extension. |
X509KeyManager | A key manager for X.509 certificates and their associated private keys. |
X509TrustManager | A trust manager for dealing with X.509 certificates. |
XAConnection | |
XADataSource | |
XAException | |
XAResource | |
Xid | |
XMLConstants | Repository for well-known XML constants. |
XMLDecoder | The XMLDecoder reads XML data that is structured according to this DTD and creates objects according to the content. |
XMLEncoder | This class uses the {@link PersistenceDelegate} and {@link Encoder} infrastructure to generate an XML representation of the objects it serializes. |
XMLEvent | An XML stream event. |
XMLEventAllocator | Interface for allocating events according to a stream reader. |
XMLEventConsumer | Interface for consuming XML events. |
XMLEventFactory | Factory for XML events. |
XMLEventReader | An XML parser. |
XMLEventWriter | Interface for writing XML documents from a series of events. |
XMLFormatter |
An XMLFormatter formats LogRecords into
a standard XML format.
XMLGregorianCalendar | An XML Schema 1.0 date/time data type. |
XMLInputFactory | Factory for creating stream and event readers from various kinds of input source. |
XMLOutputFactory | Factory for obtaining XML stream and event writers for various kinds of output sink. |
XMLReporter | Interface used to report non-fatal errors during parsing. |
XMLResolver | Interface used to resolve XML external entities during parsing. |
XMLStreamConstants | STaX constants. |
XMLStreamException | Exception indicating an XML stream processing error. |
XMLStreamReader | Interface implemented by an XML parser. |
XMLStreamWriter | Interface for writing XML to a stream. |
XPath | Interface to the XPath evaluation environment. |
XPathConstants | XPath constants. |
XPathException | A generic XPath exception. |
XPathExpression | An XPath expression. |
XPathExpressionException | An exception in an XPath expression. |
XPathFactory | Factory for creating XPath environments. |
XPathFactoryConfigurationException | A configuration exception in an XPath factory environment. |
XPathFunction | An XPath extension function. |
XPathFunctionException | An exception in an XPath function. |
XPathFunctionResolver | Interface providing the means to access XPath extension functions. |
XPathVariableResolver | Interface providing the means to access the values of XPath variable references. |
ZipEntry | This class represents a member of a zip archive. |
ZipException | Thrown during the creation or input of a zip file. |
ZipFile | This class represents a Zip archive. |
ZipInputStream | This is a FilterInputStream that reads the files in an zip archive one after another. |
ZipOutputStream | This is a FilterOutputStream that writes the files into a zip archive one after another. |
ZoneView | A View implementation that delays loading of sub views until they are needed for display or internal transformations. |
_BindingIteratorImplBase | The binding iterator implementation base. |
_BindingIteratorStub | The binding interator stub (proxy), used on the client side. |
_DynAnyFactoryStub | Should provide support for remote invocation of methods on DynAnyFactory. |
_DynAnyStub | Should provide support for remote invocation of methods on DynAny. |
_DynArrayStub | Should provide support for remote invocation of methods on DynArray. |
_DynEnumStub | Should provide support for remote invocation of methods on DynEnum. |
_DynFixedStub | Should provide support for remote invocation of methods on DynFixed. |
_DynSequenceStub | Should provide support for remote invocation of methods on DynSequence. |
_DynStructStub | Should provide support for remote invocation of methods on DynStruct. |
_DynUnionStub | Should provide support for remote invocation of methods on DynUnion. |
_DynValueStub | Should provide support for remote invocation of methods on DynValue. |
_IDLTypeStub | The stub for the IDL type. |
_NamingContextExtImplBase | The extended naming context implementation base. |
_NamingContextExtStub | The extended naming context stub (proxy), used on the client side. |
_NamingContextImplBase | The naming context implementation base. |
_NamingContextStub | The naming context stub (proxy), used on the client side. |
_PolicyStub | The Policy stub (proxy), used on the client side. |
_Remote_Stub | Provides a stub for Remote type. |
_ServantActivatorStub |
This ServantActivator stub is an optional base for the servant activators. |
_ServantLocatorStub |
The ServantLocator stub is an optional base for the servant locators. |