Class Summary |
Certificate |
The Certificate class is an abstract class used to manage
identity certificates. |
CertificateFactory |
This class implements the CertificateFactory class interface used to
generate certificates, certificate revocation lists (CRLs), and certificate
paths objects from their encoded forms.
CertificateFactorySpi |
CertificateFactorySpi is the abstract class Service Provider
Interface (SPI) for the CertificateFactory class. |
Certificate.CertificateRep |
Certificate.CertificateRep is an inner class used to provide an alternate
storage mechanism for serialized Certificates. |
CertPath |
This class represents an immutable sequence, or path, of security
certificates. |
CertPathBuilder |
This class builds certificate paths (also called certificate chains),
which can be used to establish trust for a particular certificate by
building a path from a trusted certificate (a trust anchor) to the
untrusted certificate.
CertPathBuilderSpi |
The {@link CertPathBuilder} Service Provider Interface
CertPathValidator |
Generic interface to classes that validate certificate paths.
CertPathValidatorSpi |
The service provider interface (SPI) for the {@link
CertPathValidator} class. |
CertPath.CertPathRep |
The serialized representation of a path.
CertStore |
A CertStore is a read-only repository for certificates and
certificate revocation lists.
CertStoreSpi |
The service provider interface (SPI) for the {@link
CertStore} class.
CollectionCertStoreParameters |
An implementation of {@link CertStoreParameters} with a simple,
in-memory {@link Collection} of certificates and certificate
revocation list.
Certificate Revocation List class for managing CRLs that
have different formats but the same general use. |
LDAPCertStoreParameters |
Parameters for CertStores that are retrieved via the lightweight
directory access protocol (LDAP).
PKIXBuilderParameters |
Parameters for building certificate paths using the PKIX algorithm.
PKIXCertPathBuilderResult |
The result of calling the {@link
CertPathBuilder#build(} method
of PKIX {@link CertPathBuilder}s.
PKIXCertPathChecker |
A validator for X.509 certificates when approving certificate chains.
PKIXCertPathValidatorResult |
Results returned by the {@link
method for PKIX {@link CertPathValidator}s.
PKIXParameters |
Parameters for verifying certificate paths using the PKIX
(Public-Key Infrastructure (X.509)) algorithm.
PolicyQualifierInfo |
The PolicyQualifierInfo X.509 certificate extension.
TrustAnchor |
An ultimately-trusted certificate to serve as the root of a
certificate chain.
X509Certificate |
X509Certificate is the abstract class for X.509 certificates.
X509CertSelector |
A concrete implementation of {@link CertSelector} for X.509 certificates,
which allows a number of criteria to be set when accepting certificates,
from validity dates, to issuer and subject distinguished names, to some
of the various X.509 extensions.
X509CRL |
The X509CRL class is the abstract class used to manage
X.509 Certificate Revocation Lists. |
X509CRLEntry |
Abstract class for entries in the CRL (Certificate Revocation
List). |
X509CRLSelector |
A class for matching X.509 certificate revocation lists by criteria.