public interface DatabaseMetaData
Field Summary | |
short | attributeNoNulls
A NULL value is not allowed for this attribute. |
short | attributeNullable
A NULL value is allowed for this attribute. |
short | attributeNullableUnknown
It is unknown whether or not NULL values are allowed for this attribute. |
int | bestRowNotPseudo
The best row identifier is not a pseudo-column. |
int | bestRowPseudo
The best row identifier is a pseudo-column. |
int | bestRowSession
The best row identifier is valid to the end of the session. |
int | bestRowTemporary
The best row's scope is only guaranteed to be valid so long as the
row is actually being used. |
int | bestRowTransaction
The best row identifier is valid to the end of the transaction. |
int | bestRowUnknown
The best row may or may not be a pseudo-column. |
int | columnNoNulls
The column does not allow NULL |
int | columnNullable
The column does allow NULL |
int | columnNullableUnknown
It is unknown whether or not the column allows NULL |
int | importedKeyCascade
Foreign key changes are cascaded in updates or deletes. |
int | importedKeyInitiallyDeferred
Wish I knew what this meant. |
int | importedKeyInitiallyImmediate
Wish I knew what this meant. |
int | importedKeyNoAction
If the primary key is a foreign key, it cannot be udpated or deleted. |
int | importedKeyNotDeferrable
Wish I knew what this meant. |
int | importedKeyRestrict
Column may not be updated or deleted in use as a foreign key. |
int | importedKeySetDefault
If the primary key is updated or deleted, the foreign key is set to
a default value. |
int | importedKeySetNull
When primary key is updated or deleted, the foreign key is set to NULL. |
int | procedureColumnIn
The column type is input. |
int | procedureColumnInOut
The column type is input/output. |
int | procedureColumnOut
The column type is output |
int | procedureColumnResult
The column is used for storing results |
int | procedureColumnReturn
The column is used for return values. |
int | procedureColumnUnknown
The column type is unknown. |
int | procedureNoNulls
NULL values are not allowed. |
int | procedureNoResult
The procedure does not return a result. |
int | procedureNullable
NULL values are allowed. |
int | procedureNullableUnknown
It is unknown whether or not NULL values are allowed. |
int | procedureResultUnknown
It is unknown whether or not the procedure returns a result. |
int | procedureReturnsResult
The procedure returns a result. |
int | sqlStateSQL99 |
int | sqlStateXOpen |
short | tableIndexClustered
This table index is clustered. |
short | tableIndexHashed
This table index is hashed. |
short | tableIndexOther
This table index is of another type. |
short | tableIndexStatistic
This column contains table statistics. |
int | typeNoNulls
A NULL value is not allowed for this data type. |
int | typeNullable
A NULL value is allowed for this data type. |
int | typeNullableUnknown
It is unknown whether or not NULL values are allowed for this data type. |
int | typePredBasic
All WHERE clauses except "WHERE..LIKE" style are allowed on this data type. |
int | typePredChar
Only "WHERE..LIKE" style WHERE clauses are allowed on this data type. |
int | typePredNone
Where clauses are not supported for this type. |
int | typeSearchable
Any type of WHERE clause is allowed for this data type. |
int | versionColumnNotPseudo
The version column is not a pseudo-column |
int | versionColumnPseudo
The version column is a pseudo-column |
int | versionColumnUnknown
It is unknown whether or not the version column is a pseudo-column. |
Method Summary | |
boolean | allProceduresAreCallable()
This method tests whether or not all the procedures returned by
the getProcedures method can be called by this user.
boolean | allTablesAreSelectable()
This method tests whether or not all the table returned by the
getTables method can be selected by this user.
boolean | dataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit()
This method tests whether or not a DDL statement will cause the
current transaction to be automatically committed.
boolean | dataDefinitionIgnoredInTransactions()
This method tests whether or not DDL statements are ignored in
boolean | deletesAreDetected(int type)
This method tests whether or not the specified result set type can detect
a visible delete by calling the rowUpdated method.
boolean | doesMaxRowSizeIncludeBlobs()
This method tests whether or not the maximum row size includes BLOB's
ResultSet | getAttributes(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String typePattern, String attributePattern) |
ResultSet | getBestRowIdentifier(String catalog, String schema, String tableName, int scope, boolean nullable)
This method returns the best set of columns for uniquely identifying
a row. |
ResultSet | getCatalogs()
This method returns the list of database catalogs as a
ResultSet with one column - TABLE_CAT - that is the
name of the catalog.
String | getCatalogSeparator()
This method returns the separator between the catalog name and the
table name.
String | getCatalogTerm()
This method returns the vendor's term for "catalog".
ResultSet | getColumnPrivileges(String catalog, String schema, String tableName, String columnPattern)
This method returns the access rights that have been granted to the
requested columns. |
ResultSet | getColumns(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tablePattern, String columnPattern)
This method returns a list of the tables columns for
the requested tables. |
Connection | getConnection()
This method returns the Connection object that was used
to generate the metadata in this object.
ResultSet | getCrossReference(String primaryCatalog, String primarySchema, String primaryTableName, String foreignCatalog, String foreignSchema, String foreignTableName)
This method returns a description of how one table imports another
table's primary key as a foreign key. |
int | getDatabaseMajorVersion()
This method returns the major version number of the database.
int | getDatabaseMinorVersion()
This method returns the minor version number of the database.
String | getDatabaseProductName()
This method returns the name of the database product.
String | getDatabaseProductVersion()
This method returns the version of the database product.
int | getDefaultTransactionIsolation()
This method returns the default transaction isolation level of the
int | getDriverMajorVersion()
This method returns the major version number of the JDBC driver.
int | getDriverMinorVersion()
This method returns the minor version number of the JDBC driver.
String | getDriverName()
This method returns the name of the JDBC driver.
String | getDriverVersion()
This method returns the version of the JDBC driver.
ResultSet | getExportedKeys(String catalog, String schema, String tableName)
This method returns a list of the table's which use this table's
primary key as a foreign key. |
String | getExtraNameCharacters()
This methods returns non-standard characters that can appear in
unquoted identifiers.
String | getIdentifierQuoteString()
This metohd returns the quote string for SQL identifiers.
ResultSet | getImportedKeys(String catalog, String schema, String tableName)
This method returns a list of the table's foreign keys. |
ResultSet | getIndexInfo(String catalog, String schema, String tableName, boolean unique, boolean approximate)
This method returns information about a tables indices and statistics.
int | getJDBCMajorVersion()
This method returns the major version number of the JDBC driver.
int | getJDBCMinorVersion()
This method returns the minor version number of the JDBC driver.
int | getMaxBinaryLiteralLength()
This method returns the number of hex characters allowed in an inline
binary literal.
int | getMaxCatalogNameLength()
This method returns the maximum length of a catalog name.
int | getMaxCharLiteralLength()
This method returns the maximum length of a character literal.
int | getMaxColumnNameLength()
This method returns the maximum length of a column name.
int | getMaxColumnsInGroupBy()
This method returns the maximum number of columns in a GROUP BY statement.
int | getMaxColumnsInIndex()
This method returns the maximum number of columns in an index.
int | getMaxColumnsInOrderBy()
This method returns the maximum number of columns in an ORDER BY statement.
int | getMaxColumnsInSelect()
This method returns the maximum number of columns in a SELECT statement.
int | getMaxColumnsInTable()
This method returns the maximum number of columns in a table.
int | getMaxConnections()
This method returns the maximum number of connections this client
can have to the database.
int | getMaxCursorNameLength()
This method returns the maximum length of a cursor name.
int | getMaxIndexLength()
This method returns the maximum length of an index.
int | getMaxProcedureNameLength()
This method returns the maximum length of a procedure name.
int | getMaxRowSize()
This method returns the maximum size of a row in bytes.
int | getMaxSchemaNameLength()
This method returns the maximum length of a schema name.
int | getMaxStatementLength()
This method includes the maximum length of a SQL statement.
int | getMaxStatements()
This method returns the maximum number of statements that can be
active at any time.
int | getMaxTableNameLength()
This method returns the maximum length of a table name.
int | getMaxTablesInSelect()
This method returns the maximum number of tables that may be referenced
in a SELECT statement.
int | getMaxUserNameLength()
This method returns the maximum length of a user name.
String | getNumericFunctions()
This method returns a comma separated list of math functions.
ResultSet | getPrimaryKeys(String catalog, String schema, String tableName)
This method returns a list of a table's primary key columns. |
ResultSet | getProcedureColumns(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String procedurePattern, String columnPattern)
This method returns a list of the parameter and result columns for
the requested stored procedures. |
ResultSet | getProcedures(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String procedurePattern)
This method returns a list of all the stored procedures matching the
specified pattern in the given schema and catalog. |
String | getProcedureTerm()
This method returns the vendor's term for "procedure".
int | getResultSetHoldability()
This method returns the default holdability type of ResultSet S
retrieved from this database. |
ResultSet | getSchemas()
This method returns the list of database schemas as a
ResultSet , with one column - TABLE_SCHEM - that is the
name of the schema.
String | getSchemaTerm()
This method returns the vendor's term for "schema".
String | getSearchStringEscape()
This method returns the string used to escape wildcards in search strings.
String | getSQLKeywords()
This method returns a comma separated list of all the SQL keywords in
the database that are not in SQL92.
int | getSQLStateType() |
String | getStringFunctions()
This method returns a comma separated list of string functions.
ResultSet | getSuperTables(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tablePattern) |
ResultSet | getSuperTypes(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String typePattern) |
String | getSystemFunctions()
This method returns a comma separated list of of system functions.
ResultSet | getTablePrivileges(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tablePattern)
This method returns the access rights that have been granted to the
requested tables. |
ResultSet | getTables(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tablePattern, String[] types)
This method returns a list of the requested table as a
ResultSet with the following columns:
ResultSet | getTableTypes()
This method returns the list of database table types as a
ResultSet with one column - TABLE_TYPE - that is the
name of the table type.
String | getTimeDateFunctions()
This method returns comma separated list of time/date functions.
ResultSet | getTypeInfo()
This method returns a list of the SQL types supported by this
database. |
ResultSet | getUDTs(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String typePattern, int[] types)
This method returns the list of user defined data types in use. |
String | getURL()
This method returns the URL for this database.
String | getUserName()
This method returns the database username for this connection.
ResultSet | getVersionColumns(String catalog, String schema, String tableName)
This method returns the set of columns that are automatically updated
when the row is update. |
boolean | insertsAreDetected(int type)
This method tests whether or not the specified result set type can detect
a visible insert by calling the rowUpdated method.
boolean | isCatalogAtStart()
This method tests whether a catalog name appears at the beginning of
a fully qualified table name.
boolean | isReadOnly()
This method tests whether or not the database is in read only mode.
boolean | locatorsUpdateCopy() |
boolean | nullPlusNonNullIsNull()
This method tests whether the concatenation of a NULL and non-NULL
value results in a NULL. |
boolean | nullsAreSortedAtEnd()
This method test whether or not NULL's are sorted to the end
of the list regardless of ascending or descending sort order.
boolean | nullsAreSortedAtStart()
This method tests whether or not NULL's sort as high values.
boolean | nullsAreSortedHigh()
This method tests whether or not NULL's sort as high values.
boolean | nullsAreSortedLow()
This method tests whether or not NULL's sort as low values.
boolean | othersDeletesAreVisible(int type)
This method tests whether or not the specified result set type sees
deletes committed by others.
boolean | othersInsertsAreVisible(int type)
This method tests whether or not the specified result set type sees
inserts committed by others.
boolean | othersUpdatesAreVisible(int type)
This method tests whether or not the specified result set type sees
updates committed by others.
boolean | ownDeletesAreVisible(int type)
This method tests whether or not the specified result set type sees its
own deletes.
boolean | ownInsertsAreVisible(int type)
This method tests whether or not the specified result set type sees its
own inserts.
boolean | ownUpdatesAreVisible(int type)
This method tests whether or not the specified result set type sees its
own updates.
boolean | storesLowerCaseIdentifiers()
This method tests whether or not the database treats mixed case
identifiers as all lower case.
boolean | storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers()
This method tests whether or not the database treats mixed case
quoted identifiers as all lower case.
boolean | storesMixedCaseIdentifiers()
This method tests whether or not the database stores mixed case
identifers even if it treats them as case insensitive.
boolean | storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers()
This method tests whether or not the database stores mixed case
quoted identifers even if it treats them as case insensitive.
boolean | storesUpperCaseIdentifiers()
This method tests whether or not the database treats mixed case
identifiers as all upper case.
boolean | storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers()
This method tests whether or not the database treats mixed case
quoted identifiers as all upper case.
boolean | supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn()
This method tests whether or not the database supports
boolean | supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn()
This method tests whether or not the database supports
boolean | supportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL()
This method tests whether or not the ANSI92 entry level SQL
grammar is supported. |
boolean | supportsANSI92FullSQL()
This method tests whether or not the ANSI92 full SQL
grammar is supported.
boolean | supportsANSI92IntermediateSQL()
This method tests whether or not the ANSI92 intermediate SQL
grammar is supported.
boolean | supportsBatchUpdates()
This method tests whether or not the database supports batch updates.
boolean | supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation()
This method tests whether a catalog name can appear in a data
manipulation statement.
boolean | supportsCatalogsInIndexDefinitions()
This method tests whether a catalog name can appear in an index definition.
boolean | supportsCatalogsInPrivilegeDefinitions()
This method tests whether a catalog name can appear in privilege definitions.
boolean | supportsCatalogsInProcedureCalls()
This method tests whether a catalog name can appear in a procedure
boolean | supportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions()
This method tests whether a catalog name can appear in a table definition.
boolean | supportsColumnAliasing()
This method tests whether or not column aliasing is supported.
boolean | supportsConvert()
Tests whether or not CONVERT is supported.
boolean | supportsConvert(int fromType, int toType)
This method tests whether or not CONVERT can be performed between the
specified types. |
boolean | supportsCoreSQLGrammar()
This method tests whether or not the core grammer for ODBC is supported.
boolean | supportsCorrelatedSubqueries()
This method test whether or not correlated subqueries are allowed. |
boolean | supportsDataDefinitionAndDataManipulationTransactions()
This method tests whether or not DDL and DML statements allowed within
the same transaction.
boolean | supportsDataManipulationTransactionsOnly()
This method tests whether or not only DML statement are allowed
inside a transaction.
boolean | supportsDifferentTableCorrelationNames()
This method tests whether correlation names must be different from the
name of the table.
boolean | supportsExpressionsInOrderBy()
This method tests whether or not expressions are allowed in an
ORDER BY lists.
boolean | supportsExtendedSQLGrammar()
This method tests whether or not the extended grammer for ODBC is supported.
boolean | supportsFullOuterJoins()
This method tests whether or not the database supports full outer joins.
boolean | supportsGetGeneratedKeys() |
boolean | supportsGroupBy()
This method tests whether or not GROUP BY is supported.
boolean | supportsGroupByBeyondSelect()
This method tests whether or not a GROUP BY can add columns not in the
select if it includes all the columns in the select.
boolean | supportsGroupByUnrelated()
This method tests whether GROUP BY on a non-selected column is
boolean | supportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility()
This method tests whether or not the SQL integrity enhancement
facility is supported.
boolean | supportsLikeEscapeClause()
This method tests whether or not the escape character is supported in
LIKE expressions. |
boolean | supportsLimitedOuterJoins()
This method tests whether or not the database supports limited outer joins.
boolean | supportsMinimumSQLGrammar()
This method tests whether or not the minimum grammer for ODBC is supported.
boolean | supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers()
This method tests whether or not the database supports identifiers
with mixed case.
boolean | supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers()
This method tests whether or not the database supports quoted identifiers
with mixed case.
boolean | supportsMultipleOpenResults()
This method tests whether the database supports returning multiple
ResultSet S from a CallableStatement at once.
boolean | supportsMultipleResultSets()
This method tests whether multiple result sets for a single statement are
boolean | supportsMultipleTransactions()
This method test whether or not multiple transactions may be open
at once, as long as they are on different connections.
boolean | supportsNamedParameters()
This method tests whether the database supports named parameters.
boolean | supportsNonNullableColumns()
This method tests whether or not columns can be defined as NOT NULL. |
boolean | supportsOpenCursorsAcrossCommit()
This method tests whether or not the database supports cursors
remaining open across commits.
boolean | supportsOpenCursorsAcrossRollback()
This method tests whether or not the database supports cursors
remaining open across rollbacks.
boolean | supportsOpenStatementsAcrossCommit()
This method tests whether or not the database supports statements
remaining open across commits.
boolean | supportsOpenStatementsAcrossRollback()
This method tests whether or not the database supports statements
remaining open across rollbacks.
boolean | supportsOrderByUnrelated()
This method tests whether or ORDER BY on a non-selected column is
boolean | supportsOuterJoins()
This method tests whether or not the database supports outer joins.
boolean | supportsPositionedDelete()
This method tests whether or not that database supports positioned
boolean | supportsPositionedUpdate()
This method tests whether or not that database supports positioned
boolean | supportsResultSetConcurrency(int type, int concurrency)
This method tests whether the specified result set type and result set
concurrency type are supported by the database.
boolean | supportsResultSetHoldability(int holdability)
This method tests if the database supports the specified holdability type.
boolean | supportsResultSetType(int type)
This method tests whether or not the datbase supports the specified
result type.
boolean | supportsSavepoints()
This method tests whether the databse supports savepoints.
boolean | supportsSchemasInDataManipulation()
This method tests whether a catalog name can appear in a data
manipulation statement.
boolean | supportsSchemasInIndexDefinitions()
This method tests whether a catalog name can appear in an index definition.
boolean | supportsSchemasInPrivilegeDefinitions()
This method tests whether a catalog name can appear in privilege definitions.
boolean | supportsSchemasInProcedureCalls()
This method tests whether a catalog name can appear in a procedure
boolean | supportsSchemasInTableDefinitions()
This method tests whether a catalog name can appear in a table definition.
boolean | supportsSelectForUpdate()
This method tests whether or not SELECT FOR UPDATE is supported by the
boolean | supportsStatementPooling() |
boolean | supportsStoredProcedures()
This method tests whether or not stored procedures are supported on
this database.
boolean | supportsSubqueriesInComparisons()
This method tests whether or not subqueries are allowed in comparisons.
boolean | supportsSubqueriesInExists()
This method tests whether or not subqueries are allowed in exists
expressions. |
boolean | supportsSubqueriesInIns()
This method tests whether subqueries are allowed in IN statements.
boolean | supportsSubqueriesInQuantifieds()
This method tests whether or not subqueries are allowed in quantified
expressions. |
boolean | supportsTableCorrelationNames()
This method tests whether or not table correlation names are
supported. |
boolean | supportsTransactionIsolationLevel(int level)
This method tests whether or not the database supports the specified
transaction isolation level.
boolean | supportsTransactions()
This method tests whether or not the database supports transactions.
boolean | supportsUnion()
This method tests whether or not the UNION statement is supported.
boolean | supportsUnionAll()
This method tests whether or not the UNION ALL statement is supported.
boolean | updatesAreDetected(int type)
This method tests whether or not the specified result set type can detect
a visible update by calling the rowUpdated method.
boolean | usesLocalFilePerTable()
This method tests whether or not the database uses a separate file for
each table.
boolean | usesLocalFiles()
This method tests whether or not the database uses local files to
store tables.
method can be called by this user.
Returns: true
if all the procedures can be called,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
method can be selected by this user.
Returns: true
if all the procedures can be called,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if DDL causes an immediate transaction commit,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if DDL statements are ignored in transactions,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Parameters: type The desired result type, which is one of the constants
defined in ResultSet
Returns: true
if the result set type can detect visible deletes
using rowUpdated
, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
See Also: ResultSet
Returns: true
if the maximum row size includes BLOB's,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
the following columns:
, or bestRowSession
, bestRowNotPseudo
, or
).Parameters: catalog The catalog to retrieve information from, or the empty string
to return entities not associated with a catalog, or null
to return information from all catalogs. schema The schema to retrieve information from, or the empty string
to return entities not associated with a schema. tableName The table name to return information for. scope One of the best row id scope constants from this class. nullable true
to include columns that are nullable,
Returns: A ResultSet
with the best row identifier.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
with one column - TABLE_CAT - that is the
name of the catalog.
Returns: A ResultSet
with all the requested catalogs.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The separator between the catalog name and the table name.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The vendor's term for catalog.
Throws: SQLException if an error occurs.
with the following columns:
if unknown.Parameters: catalog The catalog to retrieve information from, or the empty string
to return entities not associated with a catalog, or null
to return information from all catalogs. schema The schema to retrieve information from, or the empty string
to return entities not associated with a schema. tableName The table name to return information for. columnPattern A pattern of column names to return information for.
Returns: A ResultSet
with all the requested privileges.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
with the following columns:
, or tableNullableUnknown
.Parameters: catalog The name of the catalog to return table from, or "" to return tables from all catalogs. schemaPattern A schema pattern for the schemas to return tables from, or "" to return tables from all schemas. tablePattern The pattern of table names to return. columnPattern The pattern of column names to return.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
UNKNOWN: A ResultSet
with all the requested tables.
object that was used
to generate the metadata in this object.
Returns: The connection for this object.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
with the following columns:
, importedKeyCascade
, importedKeySetDefault
, or
, importedKeyCascade
, or importedKeySetDefault
, or
).Parameters: primaryCatalog The catalog to retrieve information from, or the
empty string to return entities not associated with a catalog, or
to return information from all catalogs, on the
exporting side. primarySchema The schema to retrieve information from, or the empty
string to return entities not associated with a schema, on the
exporting side. primaryTableName The table name to return information for, on the
exporting side. foreignCatalog The catalog to retrieve information from, or the
empty string to return entities not associated with a catalog,
or null
to return information from all catalogs, on
the importing side. foreignSchema The schema to retrieve information from, or the
empty string to return entities not associated with a schema on
the importing side. foreignTableName The table name to return information for on the
importing side.
Returns: A ResultSet
with the requested information
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The major version number of the database.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Returns: The minor version number of the database.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Returns: The database product.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The version of the database product.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The default transaction isolation level of the database.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
See Also: Connection
Returns: The major version number of the JDBC driver.
Returns: The minor version number of the JDBC driver.
Returns: The name of the JDBC driver.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The version of the JDBC driver.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
with the following columns:
, importedKeyCascade
, importedKeySetDefault
, or
, importedKeyCascade
, or importedKeySetDefault
, or
).Parameters: catalog The catalog to retrieve information from, or the empty string
to return entities not associated with a catalog, or null
to return information from all catalogs. schema The schema to retrieve information from, or the empty string
to return entities not associated with a schema. tableName The table name to return information for.
Returns: A ResultSet
with the requested information
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: Non-standard characters that can appear in unquoted identifiers.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The quote string for SQL identifers, or a space if quoting is not supported.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
with the following columns:
, importedKeyCascade
, importedKeySetDefault
, or
, importedKeyCascade
, or importedKeySetDefault
, or
).Parameters: catalog The catalog to retrieve information from, or the empty string
to return entities not associated with a catalog, or null
to return information from all catalogs. schema The schema to retrieve information from, or the empty string
to return entities not associated with a schema. tableName The table name to return information for.
Returns: A ResultSet
with the foreign key columns.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
with the following columns:
, tableIndexHashed
, or
if a sort sequence is not
.Parameters: catalog The catalog to retrieve information from, or the empty string
to return entities not associated with a catalog, or
to return information from all catalogs. schema The schema to retrieve information from, or the empty string
to return entities not associated with a schema. tableName The table name to return information for. unique true
to return only unique indexes,
otherwise. approximate true
if data values can be approximations,
Returns: A ResultSet
with the requested index information
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The major version number of the JDBC driver.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Returns: The minor version number of the database.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Returns: The number of hex characters allowed in a binary literal, 0 meaning either an unknown or unlimited number.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The maximum length of a catalog name.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The maximum length of a character literal.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The maximum length of a column name.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The maximum number of columns in a GROUP BY statement.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The maximum number of columns in an index.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The maximum number of columns in an ORDER BY statement.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The maximum number of columns in a SELECT statement.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The maximum number of columns in a table.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The maximum number of database connections.
UNKNOWN: If an error occurs.
Returns: The maximum length of a cursor name.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The maximum length of an index.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The maximum length of a procedure name.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The maximum size of a row.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The maximum length of a schema name.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The maximum length of a SQL statement.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The maximum number of statements that can be active at any time.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The maximum length of a table name.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The maximum number of tables allowed in a SELECT statement.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The maximum length of a user name.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The list of math functions.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
with the following columns.
.Parameters: catalog The catalog to retrieve information from, or the empty string
to return entities not associated with a catalog, or null
to return information from all catalogs. schema The schema to retrieve information from, or the empty string
to return entities not associated with a schema. tableName The table name to return information for.
Returns: A ResultSet
with the primary key columns.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
with the following columns:
, procedureColumnInOut
, procedureColumnReturn
or procedureColumnResult
, or procedureNullableUnknown
)Parameters: catalog The name of the catalog to return stored procedured from, or "" to return procedures from all catalogs. schemaPattern A schema pattern for the schemas to return stored procedures from, or "" to return procedures from all schemas. procedurePattern The pattern of procedures names to return. columnPattern The pattern of column names to return.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
UNKNOWN: A ResultSet
with all the requested procedures.
with the following columns:
, procedureNoResult
, or
).Parameters: catalog The name of the catalog to return stored procedured from, or "" to return procedures from all catalogs. schemaPattern A schema pattern for the schemas to return stored procedures from, or "" to return procedures from all schemas. procedurePattern The pattern of procedure names to return.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
UNKNOWN: A ResultSet
with all the requested procedures.
Returns: The vendor's term for procedure.
Throws: SQLException if an error occurs.
retrieved from this database. The possible values are specified in the
Returns: The default holdability type.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
, with one column - TABLE_SCHEM - that is the
name of the schema.
Returns: A ResultSet
with all the requested schemas.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The vendor's term for schema.
Throws: SQLException if an error occurs.
Returns: The string used to escape wildcards in search strings.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The list of SQL keywords not in SQL92.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Returns: The list of string functions.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Since: 1.4
Returns: A comma separated list of system functions.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
with the following columns:
if unknown.Parameters: catalog The catalog to retrieve information from, or the empty string
to return entities not associated with a catalog, or null
to return information from all catalogs. schemaPattern The schema to retrieve information from, or the empty string
to return entities not associated with a schema. tablePattern The table name pattern of tables to return
information for.
Returns: A ResultSet
with all the requested privileges.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
with the following columns:
method.Parameters: catalog The name of the catalog to return tables from, or "" to return tables from all catalogs. schemaPattern A schema pattern for the schemas to return tables from, or "" to return tables from all schemas. tablePattern The pattern of table names to return. types The list of table types to include; null returns all types.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
UNKNOWN: A ResultSet
with all the requested tables.
with one column - TABLE_TYPE - that is the
name of the table type.
Returns: A ResultSet
with all the requested table types.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The list of time/date functions.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
with the following columns:
for this
, typeNullable
, or
, typePredChar
, or typeSearchable
).Returns: A ResultSet
with the list of available data types.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
with the following columns:
for this type.
This will be one of JAVA_OBJECT
, or
.Parameters: catalog The catalog to retrieve information from, or the empty string
to return entities not associated with a catalog, or null
to return information from all catalogs. schemaPattern The schema to retrieve information from, or the
empty string to return entities not associated with a schema. typePattern The type name pattern to match. types The type identifier patterns (from Types
) to
Returns: A ResultSet
with the requested type information
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The URL string for this database, or null
if it
is not known.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: The database username.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
with the following columns:
, versionRowNotPseudo
, or
).Parameters: catalog The catalog to retrieve information from, or the empty string
to return entities not associated with a catalog, or null
to return information from all catalogs. schema The schema to retrieve information from, or the empty string
to return entities not associated with a schema. tableName The table name to return information for
Returns: A ResultSet
with the version columns.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Parameters: type The desired result type, which is one of the constants
defined in ResultSet
Returns: true
if the result set type can detect visible inserts
using rowUpdated
, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
See Also: ResultSet
Returns: true
if the catalog name appears at the beginning,
if it appears at the end.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if the database is in read only mode,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Returns: true
if concatenating NULL and a non-NULL value
returns a NULL, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if NULL's always sort to the end,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if NULL's sort as high values, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if NULL's sort as high values, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if NULL's sort as low values, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Parameters: type The desired result type, which is one of the constants
defined in ResultSet
Returns: true
if the result set type sees other deletes,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
See Also: ResultSet
Parameters: type The desired result type, which is one of the constants
defined in ResultSet
Returns: true
if the result set type sees other inserts,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
See Also: ResultSet
Parameters: type The desired result type, which is one of the constants
defined in ResultSet
Returns: true
if the result set type sees other updates,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
See Also: ResultSet
Parameters: type The desired result type, which is one of the constants
defined in ResultSet
Returns: true
if the result set type sees its own deletes,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
See Also: ResultSet
Parameters: type The desired result type, which is one of the constants
defined in ResultSet
Returns: true
if the result set type sees its own inserts,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
See Also: ResultSet
Parameters: type The desired result type, which is one of the constants
defined in ResultSet
Returns: true
if the result set type sees its own updates,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
See Also: ResultSet
Returns: true
if the database treats all identifiers as
lower case, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if the database treats all quoted identifiers
as lower case, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if the database stores mixed case identifiers,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if the database stores mixed case quoted
identifiers, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if the database treats all identifiers as
upper case, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if the database treats all quoted identifiers
as upper case, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if column add supported, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if column drop supported, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if the ANSI92 entry level SQL grammar is
supported, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if the ANSI92 full SQL grammar is
supported, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if the ANSI92 intermediate SQL grammar is
supported, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if batch updates are supported,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if a catalog name can appear in a data
manipulation statement, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if a catalog name can appear in an index
definition, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if a catalog name can appear in privilege
definition, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if a catalog name can appear in a procedure
call, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if a catalog name can appear in a table
definition, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if column aliasing is supported,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if CONVERT is supported, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Parameters: fromType The SQL type to convert from. toType The SQL type to convert to.
Returns: true
if the conversion can be performed,
See Also: Types
Returns: true
if the ODBC core grammar is supported,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if correlated subqueries are allowed,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if DDL and DML statements are allowed in the
same transaction, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if only DML statements are allowed in
transactions, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if the correlation name must be different from
the table name, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if expressions are allowed in ORDER BY
lists, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if the ODBC extended grammar is supported,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if full outer joins are supported,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Returns: true
if GROUP BY is supported, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if GROUP BY an add columns provided it includes
all columns in the select, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if a non-selected column can be used in a
GROUP BY, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if the integrity enhancement facility is
supported, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if escapes are supported in LIKE expressions,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if limited outer joins are supported,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if the ODBC minimum grammar is supported,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if the database supports mixed case identifiers,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if the database supports mixed case quoted
identifiers, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
S from a CallableStatement
at once.
Returns: true
if the database supports returnig multiple
results at once, false
if it does not.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Returns: true
if multiple result sets are supported for a
single statement, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if multiple transactions on different
connections are supported, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if the database supports named parameters,
if it does not.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Returns: true
if NOT NULL columns are supported,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if cursors can remain open across commits,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if cursors can remain open across rollbacks,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if statements can remain open across commits,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if statements can remain open across rollbacks,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if a non-selected column can be used in an
ORDER BY, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if outer joins are supported, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if positioned deletes are supported,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if positioned updates are supported,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Parameters: type The desired result type, which is one of the constants
defined in ResultSet
. concurrency The desired concurrency type, which is one of the
constants defined in ResultSet
Returns: true
if the result set type is supported,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
See Also: ResultSet
Parameters: holdability The holdability type to test.
Returns: true
if the database supports the holdability type,
if it does not.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
See Also: ResultSet
Parameters: type The desired result type, which is one of the constants
defined in ResultSet
Returns: true
if the result set type is supported,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
See Also: ResultSet
Returns: true
if the database supports savepoints,
if it does not.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
See Also: Savepoint
Returns: true
if a catalog name can appear in a data
manipulation statement, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if a catalog name can appear in an index
definition, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if a catalog name can appear in privilege
definition, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if a catalog name can appear in a procedure
call, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if a catalog name can appear in a table
definition, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if SELECT FOR UPDATE is supported
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Returns: true
if stored procedures are supported,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if subqueries are allowed in comparisons,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if subqueries are allowed in exists
expressions, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if the driver supports subqueries in IN
statements, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if subqueries are allowed in quantified
expressions, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
in a fully JDBC
compliant driver.
Returns: true
if table correlation names are supported,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Parameters: level The transaction isolation level.
Returns: true
if the specified transaction isolation level
is supported, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if the database supports transactions,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if UNION is supported, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if UNION ALL is supported, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Parameters: type The desired result type, which is one of the constants
defined in ResultSet
Returns: true
if the result set type can detect visible updates
using rowUpdated
, false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
See Also: ResultSet
Returns: true
if the database uses a separate file for each
table false
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Returns: true
if the database uses local files,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.