Class X509Certificate

public abstract class X509Certificate extends Certificate

The base class of all X.509 certificates.

This class is deprecated in favor of the {@link} class. It should not be used in new applications.

Method Summary
abstract voidcheckValidity()

Check if this certificate is valid now.

abstract voidcheckValidity(Date date)

Check if this certificate is valid for the given date.

static X509CertificategetInstance(byte[] encoded)

Get an instance of X509Certificate for the given encoded bytes.

static X509CertificategetInstance(InputStream encoded)

Get an instance of X509Certificate for the given encoded stream.

abstract PrincipalgetIssuerDN()

Returns the distinguished name of this certificate's issuer.

abstract DategetNotAfter()

Returns the not after portion of this certificate's validity period.

abstract DategetNotBefore()

Returns the not before portion of this certificate's validity period.

abstract BigIntegergetSerialNumber()

Returns this certificate's serial number.

abstract StringgetSigAlgName()

Returns the name of this certificate's signature algorithm.

abstract StringgetSigAlgOID()

Returns the object identifier (OID) of this certificate's signature algorithm.

abstract byte[]getSigAlgParams()

Returns the signature parameters.

abstract PrincipalgetSubjectDN()

Returns the distinguished name of this certificate's subject.

abstract intgetVersion()

Returns the X.509 version number.

Method Detail


public abstract void checkValidity()

Check if this certificate is valid now.

Throws: CertificateExpiredException If the certificate has expired. CertificateNotYetValidException If the certificate is not yet valid.

See Also: checkValidity


public abstract void checkValidity(Date date)

Check if this certificate is valid for the given date.

Parameters: date The date to check.

Throws: CertificateExpiredException If the certificate has expired. CertificateNotYetValidException If the certificate is not yet valid.


public static X509Certificate getInstance(byte[] encoded)

Get an instance of X509Certificate for the given encoded bytes.

Parameters: encoded The encoded certificate.

Returns: An instance of X509Certificate.

Throws: CertificateException If the encoded certificate cannot be parsed.


public static X509Certificate getInstance(InputStream encoded)

Get an instance of X509Certificate for the given encoded stream.

Parameters: encoded The encoded certificate stream..

Returns: An instance of X509Certificate.

Throws: CertificateException If the encoded certificate cannot be parsed.


public abstract Principal getIssuerDN()

Returns the distinguished name of this certificate's issuer.

Returns: The issuer's distinguished name.


public abstract Date getNotAfter()

Returns the not after portion of this certificate's validity period.

Returns: The not after date.


public abstract Date getNotBefore()

Returns the not before portion of this certificate's validity period.

Returns: The not before date.


public abstract BigInteger getSerialNumber()

Returns this certificate's serial number.

Returns: The serial number.


public abstract String getSigAlgName()

Returns the name of this certificate's signature algorithm.

Returns: The name of the signature algorithm.


public abstract String getSigAlgOID()

Returns the object identifier (OID) of this certificate's signature algorithm. The returned string is a sequence of integers separated by periods.

Returns: The signature OID.


public abstract byte[] getSigAlgParams()

Returns the signature parameters. The returned byte array contains the raw DER-encoded parameters.

Returns: The signature parameters.


public abstract Principal getSubjectDN()

Returns the distinguished name of this certificate's subject.

Returns: The subject's distinguished name.


public abstract int getVersion()

Returns the X.509 version number.

Returns: The version number.