
Class SoftBevelBorder

public class SoftBevelBorder extends BevelBorder

A rectangular, three pixel thick border that looks like a BevelBorder with slightly softened corners.

Like BevelBorder, SoftBevelBorder has a highlight and a shadow color. In the raised variant, the highlight color is used for the top and left edges, and the shadow color is used for the bottom and right edge. In the lowered variant, color usage is reversed. For an image, see the documentation of the individual constructors.

Constructor Summary
SoftBevelBorder(int bevelType)
Constructs a SoftBevelBorder whose colors will be derived from the background of the enclosed component.
SoftBevelBorder(int bevelType, Color highlight, Color shadow)
Constructs a SoftBevelBorder given its appearance type and two colors for its highlight and shadow.
SoftBevelBorder(int bevelType, Color highlightOuter, Color highlightInner, Color shadowOuter, Color shadowInner)
Constructs a SoftBevelBorder given its appearance type and all colors.
Method Summary
InsetsgetBorderInsets(Component c)
Measures the width of this border.
InsetsgetBorderInsets(Component c, Insets insets)
Measures the width of this border, storing the results into a pre-existing Insets object.
Determines whether this border fills every pixel in its area when painting.
voidpaintBorder(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height)
Paints the border for a given component.

Constructor Detail


public SoftBevelBorder(int bevelType)
Constructs a SoftBevelBorder whose colors will be derived from the background of the enclosed component. The background color is retrieved each time the border is painted, so a SoftBevelBorder constructed by this method will automatically reflect a change to the component’s background color.

[An illustration showing raised and lowered SoftBevelBorders]

Parameters: bevelType the desired appearance of the border. The value must be either {@link BevelBorder#RAISED} or {@link BevelBorder#LOWERED}.

Throws: IllegalArgumentException if bevelType has an unsupported value.


public SoftBevelBorder(int bevelType, Color highlight, Color shadow)
Constructs a SoftBevelBorder given its appearance type and two colors for its highlight and shadow.

[An illustration showing SoftBevelBorders that were
 constructed with this method]

Parameters: bevelType the desired appearance of the border. The value must be either {@link BevelBorder#RAISED} or {@link BevelBorder#LOWERED}. highlight the color that will be used for the inner side of the highlighted edges (top and left if if bevelType is {@link BevelBorder#RAISED}; bottom and right otherwise). The color for the outer side is a brightened version of this color. shadow the color that will be used for the outer side of the shadowed edges (bottom and right if bevelType is {@link BevelBorder#RAISED}; top and left otherwise). The color for the inner side is a brightened version of this color.

Throws: IllegalArgumentException if bevelType has an unsupported value. NullPointerException if highlight or shadow is null.

See Also: brighter


public SoftBevelBorder(int bevelType, Color highlightOuter, Color highlightInner, Color shadowOuter, Color shadowInner)
Constructs a SoftBevelBorder given its appearance type and all colors.

[An illustration showing SoftBevelBorders that were
 constructed with this method]

Parameters: bevelType the desired appearance of the border. The value must be either {@link BevelBorder#RAISED} or {@link BevelBorder#LOWERED}. highlightOuter the color that will be used for the outer side of the highlighted edges (top and left if bevelType is {@link BevelBorder#RAISED}; bottom and right otherwise). highlightInner the color that will be used for the inner side of the highlighted edges. shadowOuter the color that will be used for the outer side of the shadowed edges (bottom and right if bevelType is {@link BevelBorder#RAISED}; top and left otherwise). shadowInner the color that will be used for the inner side of the shadowed edges.

Throws: IllegalArgumentException if bevelType has an unsupported value. NullPointerException if one of the passed colors is null.

Method Detail


public Insets getBorderInsets(Component c)
Measures the width of this border.

Parameters: c the component whose border is to be measured.

Returns: an Insets object whose left, right, top and bottom fields indicate the width of the border at the respective edge.

See Also: SoftBevelBorder


public Insets getBorderInsets(Component c, Insets insets)
Measures the width of this border, storing the results into a pre-existing Insets object.

Parameters: insets an Insets object for holding the result values. After invoking this method, the left, right, top and bottom fields indicate the width of the border at the respective edge.

Returns: the same object that was passed for insets.

See Also: getBorderInsets


public boolean isBorderOpaque()
Determines whether this border fills every pixel in its area when painting.

The enlarged view (see documentation for constructors) shows that a SoftBevelBorder does not paint all pixels. Therefore, this method always returns false.

Returns: false.


public void paintBorder(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height)
Paints the border for a given component.

Parameters: c the component whose border is to be painted. g the graphics for painting. x the horizontal position for painting the border. y the vertical position for painting the border. width the width of the available area for painting the border. height the height of the available area for painting the border.