
Class BasicFileChooserUI

public class BasicFileChooserUI extends FileChooserUI

A UI delegate for the {@link JFileChooser} component under the {@link BasicLookAndFeel}.
Nested Class Summary
protected classBasicFileChooserUI.AcceptAllFileFilter
A file filter that accepts all files.
protected classBasicFileChooserUI.ApproveSelectionAction
Handles a user action to approve the dialog selection.
protected classBasicFileChooserUI.BasicFileView
Provides presentation information about files and directories.
protected classBasicFileChooserUI.CancelSelectionAction
Handles an action to cancel the file chooser.
protected classBasicFileChooserUI.ChangeToParentDirectoryAction
An action to handle changes to the parent directory (for example, via a click on the "up folder" button).
protected classBasicFileChooserUI.DoubleClickListener
A mouse listener that handles double-click events.
protected classBasicFileChooserUI.GoHomeAction
An action that changes the file chooser to display the user's home directory.
protected classBasicFileChooserUI.NewFolderAction
An action that handles the creation of a new folder/directory.
protected classBasicFileChooserUI.SelectionListener
A listener for selection events in the file list.
protected classBasicFileChooserUI.UpdateAction
Field Summary
protected intcancelButtonMnemonic
The localised mnemonic for the cancel button.
protected StringcancelButtonText
The localised text for the cancel button.
protected StringcancelButtonToolTipText
The localised tool tip text for the cancel button.
protected IconcomputerIcon
An icon representing a computer.
protected IcondetailsViewIcon
An icon for the "details view" button.
protected IcondirectoryIcon
An icon representing a directory.
protected intdirectoryOpenButtonMnemonic
The localised Mnemonic for the open button.
protected StringdirectoryOpenButtonText
The localised text for the open button.
protected StringdirectoryOpenButtonToolTipText
The localised tool tip text for the open button.
protected IconfileIcon
An icon representing a file.
protected IconfloppyDriveIcon
An icon representing a floppy drive.
protected IconhardDriveIcon
An icon representing a hard drive.
protected inthelpButtonMnemonic
The localised mnemonic for the "help" button.
protected StringhelpButtonText
The localised text for the "help" button.
protected StringhelpButtonToolTipText
The localised tool tip text for the help button.
protected IconhomeFolderIcon
An icon representing the user's home folder.
protected IconlistViewIcon
An icon for the "list view" button.
protected IconnewFolderIcon
An icon for the "new folder" button.
protected intopenButtonMnemonic
The localised mnemonic for the "open" button.
protected StringopenButtonText
The localised text for the "open" button.
protected StringopenButtonToolTipText
The localised tool tip text for the "open" button.
protected intsaveButtonMnemonic
The localised mnemonic for the "save" button.
protected StringsaveButtonText
The localised text for the "save" button.
protected StringsaveButtonToolTipText
The localised tool tip text for the save button.
protected intupdateButtonMnemonic
The localised mnemonic for the "update" button.
protected StringupdateButtonText
The localised text for the "update" button.
protected StringupdateButtonToolTipText
The localised tool tip text for the "update" button.
protected IconupFolderIcon
An icon for the "up folder" button.
Constructor Summary
BasicFileChooserUI(JFileChooser b)
Creates a new BasicFileChooserUI object.
Method Summary
Clears the icon cache.
protected MouseListenercreateDoubleClickListener(JFileChooser fc, JList list)
Creates a new listener to handle double-click events.
ListSelectionListenercreateListSelectionListener(JFileChooser fc)
Creates a new listener to handle selections in the file list.
protected voidcreateModel()
Creates a new directory model.
PropertyChangeListenercreatePropertyChangeListener(JFileChooser fc)
Creates a listener to handle changes to the properties of the given file chooser component.
static ComponentUIcreateUI(JComponent c)
Returns a UI delegate for the given component.
voidensureFileIsVisible(JFileChooser fc, File f)
FileFiltergetAcceptAllFileFilter(JFileChooser fc)
Returns the "accept all" file filter.
Returns the optional accessory panel.
protected JButtongetApproveButton(JFileChooser fc)
Returns the approve (open or save) button for the dialog.
intgetApproveButtonMnemonic(JFileChooser fc)
Returns the approve button mnemonic.
StringgetApproveButtonText(JFileChooser fc)
Returns the approve button text.
StringgetApproveButtonToolTipText(JFileChooser fc)
Returns the tool tip text for the approve (open/save) button.
Returns the action that handles events for the "approve" button.
Returns the action that handles events for the "cancel" button.
Returns the action that handles events for the "up folder" control button.
StringgetDialogTitle(JFileChooser fc)
Returns the dialog title.
protected FilegetDirectory()
Returns the current directory.
Returns the current directory name.
Returns the {@link JFileChooser} component that this UI delegate represents.
Returns the current file name.
FileViewgetFileView(JFileChooser fc)
Returns the default file view (NOT the file view from the file chooser, if there is one).
Creates and returns a new action that will be used with the "home folder" button.
Returns the directory model.
Creates and returns a new action that will be used with the "new folder" button.
Returns the update action (an instance of {@link UpdateAction}).
voidinstallComponents(JFileChooser fc)
Creates and install the subcomponents for the file chooser.
protected voidinstallDefaults(JFileChooser fc)
Installs the defaults for this UI delegate.
protected voidinstallIcons(JFileChooser fc)
Installs the icons for this UI delegate.
protected voidinstallListeners(JFileChooser fc)
Installs the listeners required by this UI delegate.
protected voidinstallStrings(JFileChooser fc)
Installs the strings used by this UI delegate.
voidinstallUI(JComponent c)
Installs the UI for the specified component.
protected booleanisDirectorySelected()
Returns true if a directory is selected, and false otherwise.
voidrescanCurrentDirectory(JFileChooser fc)
Rescans the current directory.
protected voidsetDirectory(File f)
Sets the current directory.
voidsetDirectoryName(String dirname)
Sets the directory name (NOT IMPLEMENTED).
protected voidsetDirectorySelected(boolean selected)
Sets the flag that indicates whether the current directory is selected.
voidsetFileName(String filename)
Sets the file name.
voiduninstallComponents(JFileChooser fc)
Uninstalls the components from the file chooser.
protected voiduninstallDefaults(JFileChooser fc)
Uninstalls the defaults previously added by this UI delegate.
protected voiduninstallIcons(JFileChooser fc)
Uninstalls the icons previously added by this UI delegate.
protected voiduninstallListeners(JFileChooser fc)
Uninstalls the listeners previously installed by this UI delegate.
protected voiduninstallStrings(JFileChooser fc)
Uninstalls the strings previously added by this UI delegate.
voiduninstallUI(JComponent c)
Uninstalls this UI from the given component.

Field Detail


protected int cancelButtonMnemonic
The localised mnemonic for the cancel button.


protected String cancelButtonText
The localised text for the cancel button.


protected String cancelButtonToolTipText
The localised tool tip text for the cancel button.


protected Icon computerIcon
An icon representing a computer.


protected Icon detailsViewIcon
An icon for the "details view" button.


protected Icon directoryIcon
An icon representing a directory.


protected int directoryOpenButtonMnemonic
The localised Mnemonic for the open button.


protected String directoryOpenButtonText
The localised text for the open button.


protected String directoryOpenButtonToolTipText
The localised tool tip text for the open button.


protected Icon fileIcon
An icon representing a file.


protected Icon floppyDriveIcon
An icon representing a floppy drive.


protected Icon hardDriveIcon
An icon representing a hard drive.


protected int helpButtonMnemonic
The localised mnemonic for the "help" button.


protected String helpButtonText
The localised text for the "help" button.


protected String helpButtonToolTipText
The localised tool tip text for the help button.


protected Icon homeFolderIcon
An icon representing the user's home folder.


protected Icon listViewIcon
An icon for the "list view" button.


protected Icon newFolderIcon
An icon for the "new folder" button.


protected int openButtonMnemonic
The localised mnemonic for the "open" button.


protected String openButtonText
The localised text for the "open" button.


protected String openButtonToolTipText
The localised tool tip text for the "open" button.


protected int saveButtonMnemonic
The localised mnemonic for the "save" button.


protected String saveButtonText
The localised text for the "save" button.


protected String saveButtonToolTipText
The localised tool tip text for the save button.


protected int updateButtonMnemonic
The localised mnemonic for the "update" button.


protected String updateButtonText
The localised text for the "update" button.


protected String updateButtonToolTipText
The localised tool tip text for the "update" button.


protected Icon upFolderIcon
An icon for the "up folder" button.

Constructor Detail


public BasicFileChooserUI(JFileChooser b)
Creates a new BasicFileChooserUI object.

Parameters: b the file chooser component.

Method Detail


public void clearIconCache()
Clears the icon cache.


protected MouseListener createDoubleClickListener(JFileChooser fc, JList list)
Creates a new listener to handle double-click events.

Parameters: fc the file chooser component. list the list.

Returns: A new instance of {@link DoubleClickListener}.


public ListSelectionListener createListSelectionListener(JFileChooser fc)
Creates a new listener to handle selections in the file list.

Parameters: fc the file chooser component.

Returns: A new instance of {@link SelectionListener}.


protected void createModel()
Creates a new directory model.


public PropertyChangeListener createPropertyChangeListener(JFileChooser fc)
Creates a listener to handle changes to the properties of the given file chooser component.

Parameters: fc the file chooser component.

Returns: A new listener.


public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent c)
Returns a UI delegate for the given component.

Parameters: c the component (should be a {@link JFileChooser}).

Returns: A new UI delegate.


public void ensureFileIsVisible(JFileChooser fc, File f)

Parameters: fc the file chooser. f the file.


public FileFilter getAcceptAllFileFilter(JFileChooser fc)
Returns the "accept all" file filter.

Parameters: fc the file chooser component.

Returns: The "accept all" file filter.


public JPanel getAccessoryPanel()
Returns the optional accessory panel.

Returns: The optional accessory panel.


protected JButton getApproveButton(JFileChooser fc)
Returns the approve (open or save) button for the dialog.

Parameters: fc the file chooser.

Returns: The button.


public int getApproveButtonMnemonic(JFileChooser fc)
Returns the approve button mnemonic.

Parameters: fc the file chooser (null not permitted).

Returns: The approve button mnemonic.

See Also: getApproveButtonMnemonic


public String getApproveButtonText(JFileChooser fc)
Returns the approve button text.

Parameters: fc the file chooser (null not permitted).

Returns: The approve button text.

See Also: getApproveButtonText


public String getApproveButtonToolTipText(JFileChooser fc)
Returns the tool tip text for the approve (open/save) button. This first checks the file chooser to see if a value has been explicitly set - if not, a default value appropriate for the type of file chooser is returned.

Parameters: fc the file chooser.

Returns: The tool tip text.


public Action getApproveSelectionAction()
Returns the action that handles events for the "approve" button.

Returns: An instance of {@link ApproveSelectionAction}.


public Action getCancelSelectionAction()
Returns the action that handles events for the "cancel" button.

Returns: An instance of {@link CancelSelectionAction}.


public Action getChangeToParentDirectoryAction()
Returns the action that handles events for the "up folder" control button.

Returns: An instance of {@link ChangeToParentDirectoryAction}.


public String getDialogTitle(JFileChooser fc)
Returns the dialog title.

Parameters: fc the file chooser (null not permitted).

Returns: The dialog title.

See Also: getDialogTitle


protected File getDirectory()
Returns the current directory.

Returns: The current directory.


public String getDirectoryName()
Returns the current directory name.

Returns: The directory name.

See Also: setDirectoryName


public JFileChooser getFileChooser()
Returns the {@link JFileChooser} component that this UI delegate represents.

Returns: The component represented by this UI delegate.


public String getFileName()
Returns the current file name.

Returns: The current file name.


public FileView getFileView(JFileChooser fc)
Returns the default file view (NOT the file view from the file chooser, if there is one).

Parameters: fc the file chooser component.

Returns: The file view.

See Also: getFileView


public Action getGoHomeAction()
Creates and returns a new action that will be used with the "home folder" button.

Returns: A new instance of {@link GoHomeAction}.


public BasicDirectoryModel getModel()
Returns the directory model.

Returns: The directory model.


public Action getNewFolderAction()
Creates and returns a new action that will be used with the "new folder" button.

Returns: A new instance of {@link NewFolderAction}.


public Action getUpdateAction()
Returns the update action (an instance of {@link UpdateAction}).

Returns: An action.


public void installComponents(JFileChooser fc)
Creates and install the subcomponents for the file chooser.

Parameters: fc the file chooser.


protected void installDefaults(JFileChooser fc)
Installs the defaults for this UI delegate.

Parameters: fc the file chooser.


protected void installIcons(JFileChooser fc)
Installs the icons for this UI delegate.

Parameters: fc the file chooser (ignored).


protected void installListeners(JFileChooser fc)
Installs the listeners required by this UI delegate.

Parameters: fc the file chooser.


protected void installStrings(JFileChooser fc)
Installs the strings used by this UI delegate.

Parameters: fc the file chooser.


public void installUI(JComponent c)
Installs the UI for the specified component.

Parameters: c the component (should be a {@link JFileChooser}).


protected boolean isDirectorySelected()
Returns true if a directory is selected, and false otherwise.

Returns: A boolean.


public void rescanCurrentDirectory(JFileChooser fc)
Rescans the current directory.

Parameters: fc the file chooser.


protected void setDirectory(File f)
Sets the current directory.

Parameters: f the directory.


public void setDirectoryName(String dirname)
Sets the directory name (NOT IMPLEMENTED).

Parameters: dirname the directory name.

See Also: getDirectoryName


protected void setDirectorySelected(boolean selected)
Sets the flag that indicates whether the current directory is selected.

Parameters: selected the new flag value.


public void setFileName(String filename)
Sets the file name.

Parameters: filename the file name.

See Also: getFileName


public void uninstallComponents(JFileChooser fc)
Uninstalls the components from the file chooser.

Parameters: fc the file chooser.


protected void uninstallDefaults(JFileChooser fc)
Uninstalls the defaults previously added by this UI delegate.

Parameters: fc the file chooser.


protected void uninstallIcons(JFileChooser fc)
Uninstalls the icons previously added by this UI delegate.

Parameters: fc the file chooser.


protected void uninstallListeners(JFileChooser fc)
Uninstalls the listeners previously installed by this UI delegate.

Parameters: fc the file chooser.


protected void uninstallStrings(JFileChooser fc)
Uninstalls the strings previously added by this UI delegate.

Parameters: fc the file chooser.


public void uninstallUI(JComponent c)
Uninstalls this UI from the given component.

Parameters: c the component (should be a {@link JFileChooser}).