public class BasicSplitPaneUI extends SplitPaneUI
Nested Class Summary | |
class | BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicHorizontalLayoutManager
This Layout Manager controls the position and size of the components when
the JSplitPane's orientation is HORIZONTAL_SPLIT.
class | BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicVerticalLayoutManager
This class is the Layout Manager for the JSplitPane when the orientation
class | BasicSplitPaneUI.FocusHandler
This class handles FocusEvents from the JComponent.
class | BasicSplitPaneUI.KeyboardDownRightHandler
This is a deprecated class. |
class | BasicSplitPaneUI.KeyboardEndHandler
This is a deprecated class. |
class | BasicSplitPaneUI.KeyboardHomeHandler
This is a deprecated class. |
class | BasicSplitPaneUI.KeyboardResizeToggleHandler
This is a deprecated class. |
class | BasicSplitPaneUI.KeyboardUpLeftHandler
This is a deprecated class. |
class | BasicSplitPaneUI.PropertyHandler
This helper class handles PropertyChangeEvents from the JSplitPane. |
Field Summary | |
protected int | beginDragDividerLocation The location of the divider when dragging began. |
protected BasicSplitPaneDivider | divider The divider that divides this JSplitPane. |
protected KeyStroke | dividerResizeToggleKey |
protected int | dividerSize The size of the divider while dragging. |
protected KeyStroke | downKey |
protected boolean | draggingHW Set to true when dragging heavy weight components. |
protected KeyStroke | endKey |
protected FocusListener | focusListener The JSplitPane's focus handler. |
protected KeyStroke | homeKey |
protected ActionListener | keyboardDownRightListener |
protected ActionListener | keyboardEndListener |
protected ActionListener | keyboardHomeListener |
protected ActionListener | keyboardResizeToggleListener |
protected ActionListener | keyboardUpLeftListener |
protected static int | KEYBOARD_DIVIDER_MOVE_OFFSET The distance the divider is moved when moved by keyboard actions. |
protected BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicHorizontalLayoutManager | layoutManager The JSplitPane's current layout manager. |
protected KeyStroke | leftKey |
protected Component | nonContinuousLayoutDivider The dark divider used when dragging in non-continuous layout mode. |
protected static String | NON_CONTINUOUS_DIVIDER
The constraints object used when adding the non-continuous divider to the
JSplitPane. |
protected PropertyChangeListener | propertyChangeListener The listener that listens for PropertyChangeEvents from the JSplitPane. |
protected KeyStroke | rightKey |
protected JSplitPane | splitPane The JSplitPane that this UI draws. |
protected KeyStroke | upKey |
Constructor Summary | |
Creates a new BasicSplitPaneUI object. |
Method Summary | |
BasicSplitPaneDivider | createDefaultDivider()
This method creates the divider used normally with the JSplitPane.
protected Component | createDefaultNonContinuousLayoutDivider()
This method creates a nonContinuousLayoutDivider for use with the
JSplitPane in nonContinousLayout mode. |
protected FocusListener | createFocusListener()
This method creates a new FocusListener.
protected ActionListener | createKeyboardDownRightListener()
This method creates a new ActionListener for down and right key presses.
protected ActionListener | createKeyboardEndListener()
This method creates a new ActionListener for end key presses.i
protected ActionListener | createKeyboardHomeListener()
This method creates a new ActionListener for home key presses.
protected ActionListener | createKeyboardResizeToggleListener()
This method creates a new ActionListener for resize toggle key events.
protected ActionListener | createKeyboardUpLeftListener()
This method creates a new ActionListener for up and left key presses.
protected PropertyChangeListener | createPropertyChangeListener()
This method creates a new PropertyChangeListener.
static ComponentUI | createUI(JComponent x)
This method creates a new BasicSplitPaneUI for the given JComponent.
protected void | dragDividerTo(int location)
This method is called whenever the divider is dragged. |
protected void | finishDraggingTo(int location)
This method is called when the dragging is finished.
void | finishedPaintingChildren(JSplitPane jc, Graphics g)
This method is called after the children of the JSplitPane are painted.
BasicSplitPaneDivider | getDivider()
This method returns the BasicSplitPaneDivider that divides this
protected int | getDividerBorderSize()
This method returns the width of one of the sides of the divider's border.
int | getDividerLocation(JSplitPane jc)
This method returns the location of the divider.
Insets | getInsets(JComponent jc)
This method returns the border insets of the current border.
int | getLastDragLocation()
This method returns the last location the divider was dragged to.
int | getMaximumDividerLocation(JSplitPane jc)
This method returns the largest value possible for the location of the
Dimension | getMaximumSize(JComponent jc)
This method returns the maximum size of the JSplitPane.
int | getMinimumDividerLocation(JSplitPane jc)
This method returns the smallest value possible for the location of the
Dimension | getMinimumSize(JComponent jc)
This method returns the minimum size of the JSplitPane.
Component | getNonContinuousLayoutDivider()
This method returns the nonContinuousLayoutDivider.
int | getOrientation()
This method returns the orientation of the JSplitPane.
Dimension | getPreferredSize(JComponent jc)
This method returns the preferred size of the JSplitPane.
JSplitPane | getSplitPane()
This method returns the JSplitPane that this BasicSplitPaneUI draws.
protected void | installDefaults()
This method installs the defaults given by the Look and Feel. |
protected void | installKeyboardActions()
Installs any keyboard actions. |
protected void | installListeners()
This method installs the listeners needed for this UI to function. |
void | installUI(JComponent c)
This method installs the BasicSplitPaneUI for the given JComponent.
boolean | isContinuousLayout()
This method returns true if the JSplitPane is using continuous layout.
void | paint(Graphics g, JComponent jc)
This method is called to paint the JSplitPane.
protected void | resetLayoutManager()
This method resets the current layout manager. |
void | resetToPreferredSizes(JSplitPane jc)
This method is called when JSplitPane's resetToPreferredSizes is called.
void | setContinuousLayout(boolean b)
This method sets the continuous layout property of the JSplitPane.
void | setDividerLocation(JSplitPane jc, int location)
This method sets the location of the divider.
void | setLastDragLocation(int l)
This method sets the last location the divider was dragged to.
protected void | setNonContinuousLayoutDivider(Component newDivider)
This method sets the component to use as the nonContinuousLayoutDivider.
protected void | setNonContinuousLayoutDivider(Component newDivider, boolean rememberSizes)
This method sets the component to use as the nonContinuousLayoutDivider.
void | setOrientation(int orientation)
This method sets the orientation of the JSplitPane.
protected void | startDragging()
This method is called when dragging starts. |
protected void | uninstallDefaults()
This method uninstalls the defaults and nulls any objects created during
install. |
protected void | uninstallKeyboardActions()
This method reverses the work done in installKeyboardActions. |
protected void | uninstallListeners()
This method uninstalls all listeners registered for the UI. |
void | uninstallUI(JComponent c)
This method uninstalls the BasicSplitPaneUI for the given JComponent.
Deprecated: The divider resize toggle key.
Deprecated: The down key.
Deprecated: The end key.
Deprecated: The home key.
Deprecated: The handler for down and right key presses.
Deprecated: The handler for end key presses.
Deprecated: The handler for home key presses.
Deprecated: The handler for toggling resizes.
Deprecated: The handler for up and left key presses.
Deprecated: The left key.
Deprecated: The right key.
Deprecated: The up key.
Returns: The default divider.
Returns: The default nonContinousLayoutDivider.
Returns: A new FocusListener.
Deprecated: 1.3
This method creates a new ActionListener for down and right key presses.Returns: A new ActionListener for down and right keys.
Deprecated: 1.3
This method creates a new ActionListener for end key presses.iReturns: A new ActionListener for end keys.
This method creates a new ActionListener for home key presses.Returns: A new ActionListener for home keys.
Deprecated: 1.3
This method creates a new ActionListener for resize toggle key events.Returns: A new ActionListener for resize toggle keys.
Deprecated: 1.3
This method creates a new ActionListener for up and left key presses.Returns: A new ActionListener for up and left keys.
Returns: A new PropertyChangeListener.
Parameters: x The JComponent to create a UI for.
Returns: A new BasicSplitPaneUI.
Parameters: location The new location of the divider.
Parameters: location The location where the drag finished.
Parameters: jc The JSplitPane. g The Graphics object to paint with.
Returns: The divider for the JSplitPane.
Deprecated: 1.3
This method returns the width of one of the sides of the divider's border.Returns: The width of one side of the divider's border.
Parameters: jc The JSplitPane to retrieve the location for.
Returns: The location of the divider.
Parameters: jc The JSplitPane.
Returns: The current border insets.
Returns: The last location the divider was dragged to.
Parameters: jc The JSplitPane.
Returns: The maximum divider location.
Parameters: jc The JSplitPane.
Returns: The maximum size of the JSplitPane.
Parameters: jc The JSplitPane.
Returns: The minimum divider location.
Parameters: jc The JSplitPane.
Returns: The minimum size of the JSplitPane.
Returns: The nonContinuousLayoutDivider.
Returns: The orientation of the JSplitPane.
Parameters: jc The JSplitPane.
Returns: The preferred size of the JSplitPane.
Returns: The JSplitPane.
Parameters: c The JComponent to install the UI for.
Returns: True if the JSplitPane is using continuous layout.
Parameters: g The Graphics object to paint with. jc The JSplitPane to paint.
Parameters: jc The JSplitPane to reset.
Parameters: b True if the JsplitPane is to use continuous layout.
Parameters: jc The JSplitPane to set the divider location in. location The new location of the divider.
Parameters: l The last location the divider was dragged to.
Parameters: newDivider The component to use as the nonContinuousLayoutDivider.
Parameters: newDivider The component to use as the nonContinuousLayoutDivider. rememberSizes FIXME: document.
Parameters: orientation The new orientation of the JSplitPane.
Parameters: c The JComponent to uninstall the UI for.