A base package for the "pluggable look and feel" (plaf) mechanism used by
the javax.swing
See: Description
Interface Summary | |
UIResource | This public interface is used to designate which objects were created by {@link ComponentUI} delegates. |
Class Summary | |
ActionMapUIResource |
An ActionMap that implements the {@link UIResource}
interface to indicate that it belongs to a pluggable
BorderUIResource | A wrapper for {@link javax.swing.border.Border} that also implements the {@link UIResource} marker interface. |
BorderUIResource.BevelBorderUIResource | A {@link javax.swing.border.BevelBorder} that also implements the {@link UIResource} marker interface. |
BorderUIResource.CompoundBorderUIResource | A {@link javax.swing.border.CompoundBorder} that also implements the {@link UIResource} marker interface. |
BorderUIResource.EmptyBorderUIResource | An {@link javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder} that also implements the {@link UIResource} marker interface. |
BorderUIResource.EtchedBorderUIResource | An {@link javax.swing.border.EtchedBorder} that also implements the {@link UIResource} marker interface. |
BorderUIResource.LineBorderUIResource | A {@link javax.swing.border.LineBorder} that also implements the {@link UIResource} marker interface. |
BorderUIResource.MatteBorderUIResource | A {@link javax.swing.border.MatteBorder} that also implements the {@link UIResource} marker interface. |
BorderUIResource.TitledBorderUIResource | A {@link javax.swing.border.TitledBorder} that also implements the {@link UIResource} marker interface. |
ButtonUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JButton .
ColorChooserUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JColorChooser .
ColorUIResource |
A Color that is marked as UIResource , which indicates that
the color has been installed by a pluggable LookAndFeel. |
ComboBoxUI | An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable look and feel for a {@link JComboBox}. |
ComponentInputMapUIResource |
A ComponentInputMap that implements the {@link UIResource}
interface to indicate that it belongs to a pluggable
ComponentUI | The abstract base class for all delegates that provide the pluggable look and feel for Swing components. |
DesktopIconUI | An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable look and feel for a desktop icon. |
DesktopPaneUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JDesktopPane .
DimensionUIResource |
A Dimension that is marked as UIResource , which
indicates that it has been installed by a pluggable
LookAndFeel. |
FileChooserUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JFileChooser .
FontUIResource |
A font that is marked as UIResource , which
indicates that it has been installed by a pluggable
LookAndFeel. |
IconUIResource |
An icon that is marked as UIResource , which
indicates that it has been installed by a pluggable
LookAndFeel. |
InputMapUIResource |
An InputMap that is marked as UIResource ,
which indicates that it has been installed by a pluggable
LookAndFeel. |
InsetsUIResource |
An Insets that is marked as UIResource ,
which indicates that it has been installed by a pluggable
LookAndFeel. |
InternalFrameUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JInternalFrame .
LabelUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JLabel .
ListUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JList .
MenuBarUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JMenuBar .
MenuItemUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JMenuItem .
OptionPaneUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JOptionPane .
PanelUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JPanel .
PopupMenuUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JPopupMenu .
ProgressBarUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JProgressBar .
RootPaneUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JRootPane .
ScrollBarUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JScrollBar .
ScrollPaneUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JScrollPane .
SeparatorUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JSeparator .
SliderUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JSlider .
SpinnerUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JSpinner .
SplitPaneUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JSplitPane .
TabbedPaneUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JTabbedPane .
TableHeaderUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JTableHeader .
TableUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JTable .
TextUI | An abstract base class for delegates that provide the user interface for text editors. |
ToolBarUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JToolBar .
ToolTipUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JToolTip .
TreeUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that provide the user
interface for JTree .
ViewportUI |
An abstract base class for delegates that implement the pluggable
look and feel for a JViewport .
A base package for the "pluggable look and feel" (plaf) mechanism used by
the javax.swing