

public final class MARSHAL extends SystemException implements Serializable

Means that some request or reply from the network has a wrong size or is structurally invalid. In GNU Classpath, this exception may have the following minor codes (the high 20 bits being Classpath VMCID):
Hex Dec Minor Name Case
47430001 1195573249 1 Giop The message being received is not a GIOP message. It does not start from the expected magic sequence byte[] { 'G', 'I', 'O', 'P' }.
47430002 1195573250 2 Header The unexpected IOException while reading or writing the GIOP message header or the subsequent request or response header
47430003 1195573251 3 EOF The data stream ended before reading all expected values from it. This usually means that the CORBA message is corrupted, but may also indicate that the server expects the remote method being invoked to have more or different parameters
47430005 1195573253 5 CDR The unexpected IOException while reading or writing the data via Commond Data Representation stream
47430006 1195573254 6 Value The unexpected IOException while reading or writing the Value type.
47430007 1195573255 7 Forwarding The unexpected IOException while handling request forwarding.
47430008 1195573256 8 Encapsulation The unexpected IOException while handling data encapsulation, tagged components, tagged profiles, etc.
47430009 1195573257 9 Any The unexpected IOException while inserting or extracting data to/from the Any.
4743000a 1195573258 10 UserException The unexpected UserException in the context where it cannot be handled as such and must be converted to the SystemException.
4743000b 1195573259 11 Inappropriate While the operation could formally be applied to the target, the OMG standard states that it is actually not applicable. For example, some CORBA objects like POA are always local and should not be passed to or returned from the remote side.
4743000c 1195573260 12 Negative When reading data, it was discovered that size of the data structure like string, sequence or character is written as the negative number.
4743000e 1195573262 14 Graph Reference to non-existing node in the data grapth while reading the value types.
4743000f 1195573263 15 Boxed Unexpected exception was thrown from the IDL type helper while handling the object of this type as a boxed value.
47430010 1195573264 16 Instantiation Unable to instantiate an value type object while reading it from the stream.
47430011 1195573265 17 ValueHeaderTag The header tag of the value type being read from the CDR stream contains an unexpected value outside 0x7fffff00 .. 0x7fffffff and also not null and not an indirection.
47430012 1195573266 18 ValueHeaderFlags The header tag flags of the value type being read from the CDR stream make the invalid combination (for instance, 0x7fffff04).
47430013 1195573267 19 ClassCast The value type class, written on the wire, is not compatible with the expected class, passed as a parameter to the InputStream.read_value.
47430014 1195573268 20 Offset Positive or otherwise invalid indirection offset when reading the data graph of the value type.
47430015 1195573269 21 Chunks Errors while reading the chunked value type.
47430016 1195573270 22 UnsupportedValue No means are provided to read or write this value type (not Streamable, not CustomMarshal, not Serializable, no factory, no helper.
47430017 1195573271 23 Factory The value factory, required for the operation being invoked, is not registered with this ORB.
47430018 1195573272 24 UnsupportedAddressing Unsupported object addressing method in GIOP request header.
47430019 1195573273 25 IOR Invalid object reference (IOR).
4743001a 1195573274 26 TargetConversion Problems with converting between stubs, ties, interfaces and implementations.
4743001b 1195573275 27 ValueFields Problems with reading or writing the fields of the value type object
4743001c 1195573276 28 NonSerializable The instance of the value type, passed using RMI over IIOP, is not serializable
Constructor Summary
MARSHAL(String message)
Creates a MARSHAL with the default minor code of 0, completion state COMPLETED_NO and the given explaining message.
Creates MARSHAL with the default minor code of 0 and a completion state COMPLETED_NO.
MARSHAL(int minor_code, CompletionStatus is_completed)
Creates a MARSHAL exception with the specified minor code and completion status.
MARSHAL(String reason, int minor_code, CompletionStatus is_completed)
Created MARSHAL exception, providing full information.

Constructor Detail


public MARSHAL(String message)
Creates a MARSHAL with the default minor code of 0, completion state COMPLETED_NO and the given explaining message.

Parameters: message the explaining message.


public MARSHAL()
Creates MARSHAL with the default minor code of 0 and a completion state COMPLETED_NO.


public MARSHAL(int minor_code, CompletionStatus is_completed)
Creates a MARSHAL exception with the specified minor code and completion status.

Parameters: minor_code additional error code. is_completed the method completion status.


public MARSHAL(String reason, int minor_code, CompletionStatus is_completed)
Created MARSHAL exception, providing full information.

Parameters: reason explaining message. minor_code additional error code (the "minor"). is_completed the method completion status.