Interface Summary | |
Codec |
Codec provides means to encode IDL data types into the byte arrays. |
CodecFactory |
The CodecFactory is used to obtaind {@link Codec} for the given encoding. |
CodecFactoryOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the CodecFactory. |
CodecOperations | Defines the operations, applicable to the Codec. |
CodeSets | Holds the integer identifier of the CodeSets context. |
Holds an integer identifier of the ENCODING_CDR_ENCAPS encoding. |
ExceptionDetailMessage |
Defines the ExceptionDetailMessage (= 14) service context. |
RMICustomMaxStreamFormat | A single constant interface, defining the RMICustomMaxStreamFormat (= 17) service context. |
TAG_ALTERNATE_IIOP_ADDRESS | Holds an integer constant of the TAG_ALTERNATE_IIOP_ADDRESS Component that may occur zero or more times in the Internet of Multiple components profile. |
Holds the integer identifier of the code sets profile. |
TAG_INTERNET_IOP | Holds the integer identifier of the internet profile. |
Holds an integer identifier of the TAG_JAVA_CODEBASE profile. |
TAG_MULTIPLE_COMPONENTS | Holds the integer identifier of the multiple components profile. |
Holds an integer constant of the TAG_ORB_TYPE Component that defines the kind or CORBA implementation of ORB the reference is comming from. |
TAG_POLICIES | An integer identifier for the TAG_POLICIES component. |
TAG_RMI_CUSTOM_MAX_STREAM_FORMAT | A single constant interface, defining the TAG_RMI_CUSTOM_MAX_STREAM_FORMAT (= 38) tagged component. |
TransactionService | Holds the integer identifier of the TransactionService context. |
Class Summary | |
CodecFactoryHelper | The helper operations for the CORBA object {@link CodecFactory}. |
ComponentIdHelper | A helper operations for th Component id. |
Encoding | Defines the encoding format of the {@link Codec}, including the major and minor version numbers. |
The object IOR contains sufficient information for finding local or remote CORBA object. |
IORHelper | A helper operations for the structure {@link IOR}. |
IORHolder | A holder for the {@link IOR}. |
MultipleComponentProfileHelper | A helper operations for the array of {@link TaggedComponent} (MultipleComponentProfile). |
MultipleComponentProfileHolder | A holder for the sequence of {@link TaggedComponent} ({@link org.omg.IOP.MultipleComponentProfileHelper}). |
ProfileIdHelper | A helper operations for th Profile id. |
ServiceContext | The ServiceContext structure contains the service data, being passed in the CORBA message. |
ServiceContextHelper | A helper operations for the structure {@link ServiceContext}. |
ServiceContextHolder | A holder for the structure {@link ServiceContext}. |
ServiceContextListHelper | The helper operations for the CORBA object {@link ServiceContext}[]. |
ServiceContextListHolder | A holder for the sequence of the {@link ServiceContext}s. |
ServiceIdHelper | A helper operations for a context service id. |
TaggedComponent | The tagged component in a part of the {@link TaggedProfile}. |
TaggedComponentHelper | A helper operations for the {@link TaggedComponent}. |
TaggedComponentHolder | A holder for the structure {@link TaggedComponent}. |
TaggedProfile | The TaggedProfile if part of the {@link IOR}, defining a single specific aspect of the object related information. |
TaggedProfileHelper | A helper operations for the structure {@link TaggedProfile}. |
TaggedProfileHolder | A holder for the structure {@link TaggedProfile}. |