
Interface ORBInitializer

public interface ORBInitializer extends ORBInitializerOperations, Object, IDLEntity

Registers the interceptor. Direct interceptor registration would open a security hole. Hence instead the interceptors from the ORB.init(..) method, passing the names of the needed initialized classes via properties.

These property names are of the form


where <Service> is the string name of a class, which implements {@link ORBInitializer}. During ORB.init(..), the properties begining with org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitializerClass are collected, the <Service> portion of each property is extracted, the initialiser is instantiated with the <Service> string as its class name and then pre_init and post_init (defined in {@link ORBInitializerOperations}) are called on that initializer. The runtime exceptions, thrown by these two methods, are ignored.


A client-side logging service may have the following ORBInitializer implementation:
 package gnu.x.logging;

 import org.omg.PortableInterceptor.*;
 import org.omg.CORBA.LocalObject;

 public class LoggingService extends LocalObject implements ORBInitializer
   public void pre_init (ORBInitInfo info)
       // More than one interceptor can be registered.
       ServerRequestInterceptor log_requests = new rLoggingInterceptor();

       IORInterceptor log_iors = new iLoggingInterceptor();

   public void post_init (ORBInitInfo info)
       // Unused.

Then, one of the used set of properties then must contain the property, named org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitializerClass.gnu.x.Logging.LoggingService . The value of the property is ignored and may empty string. The agreed locations, where this property will be searched for, are:

1. The properties parameter in the ORB.init(..), if any.
2. The System properties.
3. The file located in the user.home directory (if any).
4. The file located in the java.home/lib directory (if any).

The applet parameters and command line arguments are not scanned for the possible initializers.

Interceptors are registered on a per-ORB basis. The virtual per-object Interceptors can be simulated by checking the policies on the target from within the interception points to determine whether they should work. The virtual per-POA Interceptors can be obtained instantiating each POA such with a different ORB.

The registration code should not call directly any methods on the ORB being registered.

The new interceptors cannot be registered after the ORB.init(..) returns.