public interface POAOperations
Method Summary | |
byte[] | activate_object(Servant a_servant)
Generate the Object Id for the given servant and add the servant to
the Active Object Map using this Id a a key. |
void | activate_object_with_id(byte[] an_Object_Id, Servant a_servant)
Add the given servant to the Active Object Map as a servant for the
object with the provided Object Id. |
IdAssignmentPolicy | create_id_assignment_policy(IdAssignmentPolicyValue value)
Create the ID assignment policy with the given value.
IdUniquenessPolicy | create_id_uniqueness_policy(IdUniquenessPolicyValue a_value)
Create the IdUniquenessPolicy policy.
ImplicitActivationPolicy | create_implicit_activation_policy(ImplicitActivationPolicyValue a_value)
Create the ImplicitActivationPolicy policy.
LifespanPolicy | create_lifespan_policy(LifespanPolicyValue a_value)
Create the LifespanPolicy policy.
POA | create_POA(String child_name, POAManager manager, Policy[] policies)
Creates a new POA as a child of the target POA.
Object | create_reference(String a_repository_id)
Create the object reference, encapsulating the given repository Id and
the Object Id, generated by this POA. |
Object | create_reference_with_id(byte[] an_object_id, String a_repository_id) Create the object reference, encapsulating the given repository Id and the given Object Id. |
RequestProcessingPolicy | create_request_processing_policy(RequestProcessingPolicyValue a_value)
Create the RequestProcessingPolicy policy.
ServantRetentionPolicy | create_servant_retention_policy(ServantRetentionPolicyValue a_value)
Create the ServantRetentionPolicy policy.
ThreadPolicy | create_thread_policy(ThreadPolicyValue a_value)
Create the ThreadPolicy policy.
void | deactivate_object(byte[] the_Object_Id) Deactivate object with the given id. |
void | destroy(boolean etherealize_objects, boolean wait_for_completion) Destroy this POA and all descendant POAs. |
POA | find_POA(String poa_name, boolean activate_it)
Find and optionally activate the child POA with the given name.
Servant | get_servant()
Returns a default servant for this POA.
ServantManager | get_servant_manager()
Get the servant manager, associated with this POA.
byte[] | id()
Get the unique Id of the POA in the process in which it is created.
Object | id_to_reference(byte[] the_Object_Id)
Returns the reference to the active object with the given Id.
Servant | id_to_servant(byte[] the_Object_Id)
Returns the servant that serves the active object with the given Id.
byte[] | reference_to_id(Object the_Object)
Returns the Object Id, encapsulated in the given object reference.
Servant | reference_to_servant(Object the_Object)
Returns the servant that is serving this object.
byte[] | servant_to_id(Servant the_Servant)
Returns the id of the object, served by the given servant. |
Object | servant_to_reference(Servant the_Servant) Converts the given servant to the object reference. |
void | set_servant(Servant a_servant)
Sets the default servant for this POA.
void | set_servant_manager(ServantManager a_manager)
Set a servant manager for this POA.
AdapterActivator | the_activator()
Returns the adapter activator, associated with this POA.
void | the_activator(AdapterActivator activator)
Set the adapter activator for this POA.
POA[] | the_children()
The children of this POA.
String | the_name()
Return the name of this POA.
POA | the_parent()
Return the parent of this POA.
POAManager | the_POAManager()
Return the POA manager, associated with this POA.
Parameters: a_servant a servant that would serve the object with the returned Object Id.
Returns: the generated objert Id for the given servant.
Throws: ServantAlreadyActive if this servant is already in the Active Object Map and the UNIQUE_ID policy applies. WrongPolicy if the required policies SYSTEM_ID and RETAIN do not apply to this POA.
Parameters: an_Object_Id an object id for the given object. a_servant a servant that will serve the object with the given Object Id.
Throws: ObjectAlreadyActive if the given object id is already in the Active Object Map. WrongPolicy if the required RETAIN policy does not apply to this POA. BAD_PARAM if the passed object id is invalid due any reason.
Parameters: value states which one ID assignment policy will apply.
Returns: the created policy.
Parameters: a_value states which one Id uniqueness policy will apply.
Returns: the created policy.
Parameters: a_value states which one activation policy will apply.
Returns: the created policy.
Parameters: a_value states which one object lifespan policy will apply.
Returns: the created policy.
Parameters: child_name the name of the child POA being created. manager the manager that will control the new POA. If this parameter is null, a new POA manager is created and associated with the new POA. policies the policies, applicable for the parent POA. Policies are not inherited from the parent POA. If some policy type is missing in the array (or the zero size array is passed), the missing policies obtain the default values from the table, specified in the {@link POA} documentation header.
Returns: an newly created POA. The POA will be intially in the holding state and must be activated to start processing requests.
Throws: AdapterAlreadyExists if the child with the given child_name already exists for the current POA. InvalidPolicy if the policies conflict with each other or are otherwise inappropriate.
Parameters: a_repository_id the repository id for the given object. When narrowing the returned object with some helper, it will be checked for equality with value, returned by the the helper id().
Throws: WrongPolicy if the required SYSTEM_ID policy does not apply to this POA.
Create the object reference, encapsulating the given repository Id and the given Object Id. The returned object will not be activated by default and may be activated on the first invocation by the servant manager (if it is set and if policies are applicable).
The returned object can also be narrowed by helper and used locally. In this case, the servant will be activated on the first local call of any method. The methods on returned object can also be invoked by name, using {@link org.omg.CORBA.Request}.
Parameters: an_object_id the object id for the object being created. If the POA uses the SYSTEM_ID policy, the portable application must only supply ids, generated by that POA. a_repository_id the repository id for the given object. When narrowing the returned object with some helper, it will be checked for equality with value, returned by the the helper id().
Parameters: a_value states which one request processing policy will apply.
Returns: the created policy.
Parameters: a_value states which one servant retention policy will apply.
Returns: the created policy.
Parameters: a_value states which one thread policy will apply.
Returns: the created policy.
Deactivate object with the given id. Client, trying to call method on the deactivated object will either receive the remote exception ({@link org.omg.CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST}, minor 0x535503ec), incomplete) or the object will be reactivated and serve the request. The object can be reactivated only if the implicit activation policy applies and the servant activator is set.
The deactivated object will continue to process requests that arrived before decativation. If this POA has the associated servant manager, a {@link ServantActivatorOperations#etherealize} is immediately invoked on the passed id. The deactivated object can be reactivated by {@link #activate_object_with_id}.
The deactivation will not release thread, port or memory resources, taken by that object. This is due requirement to make the object reactivation possible at any time. To release the resources, you must destroy the POA.
Throws: WrongPolicy if the required RETAIN policy does not apply to this POA.
Destroy this POA and all descendant POAs. The destroyed POAs can be later re-created via {@link AdapterActivator} or by invoking {@link #create_POA}. This differs from {@link POAManagerOperations#deactivate} that does not allow recreation of the deactivated POAs. After deactivation, recreation is only possible if the POAs were later destroyed.
The remote invocation on the target, belonging to the POA that is currently destroyed return the remote exception ({@link TRANSIENT}, minor code 4).
Parameters: etherealize_objects if true, and POA has RETAIN policy, and the
servant manager is available, the servant manager method
{@link ServantActivatorOperations#etherealize} is called for each
active object in the Active Object Map. This method should not
try to access POA being destroyed. If destroy
is called
multiple times before the destruction completes,
the etherialization should be invoked only once.
wait_for_completion if true, the method waits till the POA being
destroyed completes all current requests and etherialization. If false,
the method returns immediately.
Parameters: poa_name the name of the POA to find. activate_it if the child with the specified name is not found or inactive and this parameter is true, the target POA activator is invoked to activate that child. If this succeeds, that child POA is returned.
Throws: AdapterNonExistent if no active child with the given name
is found and one of the following is true:
a) the target POA has no associated
{@link AdapterActivator}. b) that activator fails to activate the
child POA. c) activate_id
= false.
Returns: a servant that will be used for requests for which no servant is found in the Active Object Map.
Throws: NoServant if there is no default servant associated with this POA. WrongPolicy if the USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT policy is not active.
Returns: the associated servant manager or null if it has been previously set.
Throws: WrongPolicy if the required USE_SERVANT_MANAGER policy does not apply to this POA.
Parameters: the_Object_Id the object id.
Throws: ObjectNotActive if there is no active object with such Id. WrongPolicy if the required RETAIN policy does not apply to this POA.
Parameters: the_Object_Id the object id.
Throws: ObjectNotActive if there is no active object with such Id. WrongPolicy This method requires either RETAIN or USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT policies and reaises the WrongPolicy if none of them apply to this POA.
Parameters: the_Object the object that has been previously created with this POA. It need not be active.
Throws: WrongAdapter if the passed object has not been previously created with this POA. WrongPolicy never (declared for the future extensions only).
Returns: if the RETAIN policy applies and the object is in the Active Object Map, the method returns the servant, associated with this object. Otherwise, if the USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT policy applies, the method returns the default servant (if one was set).
Throws: ObjectNotActive if none of the conditions above are satisfied. WrongAdapter if the object reference was not created with this POA. WrongPolicy This method requires either RETAIN or USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT policies and reaises the WrongPolicy if none of them apply to this POA.
Throws: ServantNotActive in all cases, not listed in the list above. WrongPolicy The method requres USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT policy or a combination of the RETAIN policy and either the UNIQUE_ID or IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION policies and throws the WrongPolicy if these conditions are not satisfied.
Converts the given servant to the object reference. The servant will serve all methods, invoked on the returned object. The returned object reference can be passed to the remote client, enabling remote invocations.
If the specified servant already serves some active object, that object is returned. Otherwise, if the POA has the IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION policy the method activates the servant, creating an new object with the POA-generated Object Id. In this case, if the servant activator is set, the {@link ServantActivatorOperations#incarnate} method will be called.
Returns: the object, exposing the given servant in the context of this POA.
Throws: ServantNotActive if the servant is inactive and no IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION policy applies. WrongPolicy This method needs the RETAIN policy and either the UNIQUE_ID or IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION policies.
Parameters: a_servant a servant that will be used for requests for which no servant is found in the Active Object Map.
Throws: WrongPolicy if the USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT policy is not active.
Parameters: a_manager servant manager being set. If the RETAIN policy applies, the manager must implement a {@link ServantActivator}. If the NON_RETAIN policy applies, the manager must implement a {@link ServantLocator}.
Throws: WrongPolicy if the required USE_SERVANT_MANAGER policy does not apply to this POA. OBJ_ADAPTER minor code 4 if the passed manager does not implement the required interface ({@link ServantActivator}, {@link ServantLocator}). BAD_INV_ORDER minor code 6 if the method is called more than once on the same POA. The manager can be set only once.
Returns: tha adapter activator or null if this POA has no associated adapter activator.
Parameters: activator the activator being set.
Returns: the array of all childs for this POA.
Returns: the name of POA, relative to its parent.
Returns: the parent POA or null
if this is a root POA.
Returns: the associated POA manager (always available).