GNU Classpath (0.95) | |
Frames | No Frames |
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.ORB | |
ORB | Returns the ORB that is directly associated with the given servant.
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.ORB | |
ORB | Provides the reference to ORB.
ORB | Return the Object Request Broker that has created this stream.
ORB | Return the Object Request Broker that has created this stream.
ORB | Provides the reference to ORB.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.ORB | |
void |
Makes the stub ready for remote communication using the given ORB.
void |
Finds the suitable Tie for this Stub and connects it to the given
ORB. |
Object | Used by local stubs to create a copy of the object. |
Object | Used by local stubs to create a copy of the object.
Object[] | Used by local stubs to create a multiple copies of the object, preserving
sharing accross the parameters if necessary.
Object[] | Used by local stubs to create a multiple copies of the object, preserving
sharing accross the parameters if necessary.
void | Connect this Tie to the given ORB.
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.ORB | |
ORB | Get the ORB to that this Tie is connected.
Classes derived from org.omg.CORBA.ORB | |
class | This class should provide the ORB ) ORB extensions,
defined in the OMG CORBA version 2.3 specification. |
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.ORB | |
BindingIterator | Get the CORBA object that delegates calls to this servant. |
NamingContextExt | Get the CORBA object that delegates calls to this servant. |
NamingContext | Get the CORBA object that delegates calls to this servant. |
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.ORB | |
ORB | This method is not appropriate for the local objects and just
throws an exception.
ORB | Returns so-called Singleton ORB, a highly restricted version
that cannot communicate over network. |
ORB | Creates the working instance of ORB for an applet.
ORB | Creates the working instance of ORB for a standalone application.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.ORB | |
ServantActivator | Return the complete instance of the servant activator, based on
the current class (ServantActivatorPOA or derived).
ServantLocator | Return the complete instance of the servant activator, based on
the current class (ServantActivatorPOA or derived).
Object | Obtains the CORBA object reference that is a current invocation target for
the given servant. |
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.ORB | |
ORB | Returns the ORB that is directly associated with the given servant.
GNU Classpath (0.95) |