
Interface CharSequence

public interface CharSequence

General functions on a sequence of chars. This interface is implemented by String, StringBuffer and CharBuffer to give a uniform way to get chars at a certain index, the number of characters in the sequence and a subrange of the chars. Indexes start at 0 and the last index is length()-1.

Even when classes implement this interface they are not always exchangeble because they might implement their compare, equals or hash function differently. This means that in general one should not use a CharSequence as keys in collections since two sequences with the same chars at the same indexes with the same length might not have the same hash code, be equal or be comparable since the are represented by different classes.

Since: 1.4

UNKNOWN: updated to 1.4

Method Summary
charcharAt(int i)
Returns the character at the given index.
Returns the length of the sequence.
CharSequencesubSequence(int begin, int end)
Returns a new CharSequence of the indicated range.
Returns the complete CharSequence as a String.

Method Detail


public char charAt(int i)
Returns the character at the given index.

Parameters: i the index to retrieve from

Returns: the character at that location

Throws: IndexOutOfBoundsException if i < 0 || i >= length() - 1


public int length()
Returns the length of the sequence. This is the number of 16-bit characters in the sequence, which may differ from the length of the underlying encoding.

Returns: the sequence length


public CharSequence subSequence(int begin, int end)
Returns a new CharSequence of the indicated range.

Parameters: begin the start index (inclusive) end the end index (exclusive)

Returns: a subsequence of this

Throws: IndexOutOfBoundsException if begin > end || begin < 0 || end > length()


public String toString()
Returns the complete CharSequence as a String. Classes that implement this interface should return a String which contains only the characters in the sequence in the correct order.

Returns: the character sequence as a String