
Class Double

public final class Double extends Number implements Comparable<Double>

Instances of class Double represent primitive double values. Additionally, this class provides various helper functions and variables related to doubles.

Since: 1.0

UNKNOWN: partly updated to 1.5

Field Summary
static doubleMAX_VALUE
The maximum positive value a double may represent is 1.7976931348623157e+308.
static doubleMIN_VALUE
The minimum positive value a double may represent is 5e-324.
static doubleNaN
All IEEE 754 values of NaN have the same value in Java.
The value of a double representation -1.0/0.0, negative infinity.
The value of a double representing 1.0/0.0, positive infinity.
static intSIZE
The number of bits needed to represent a double.
static Class<Double>TYPE
The primitive type double is represented by this Class object.
Constructor Summary
Double(double value)
Create a Double from the primitive double specified.
Double(String s)
Create a Double from the specified String.
Method Summary
Return the value of this Double as a byte.
static intcompare(double x, double y)
Behaves like new Double(x).compareTo(new Double(y)); in other words this compares two doubles, special casing NaN and zero, without the overhead of objects.
intcompareTo(Double d)
Compare two Doubles numerically by comparing their double values.
static longdoubleToLongBits(double value)
Convert the double to the IEEE 754 floating-point "double format" bit layout.
static longdoubleToRawLongBits(double value)
Convert the double to the IEEE 754 floating-point "double format" bit layout.
Return the value of this Double.
booleanequals(Object obj)
Returns true if obj is an instance of Double and represents the same double value.
Return the value of this Double as a float.
Return a hashcode representing this Object.
Return the value of this Double as an int.
static booleanisInfinite(double v)
Return true if the double has a value equal to either NEGATIVE_INFINITY or POSITIVE_INFINITY, otherwise return false.
Return true if the value of this Double is the same as NEGATIVE_INFINITY or POSITIVE_INFINITY, otherwise return false.
static booleanisNaN(double v)
Return true if the double has the same value as NaN, otherwise return false.
Return true if the value of this Double is the same as NaN, otherwise return false.
static doublelongBitsToDouble(long bits)
Convert the argument in IEEE 754 floating-point "double format" bit layout to the corresponding float.
Return the value of this Double as a long.
static doubleparseDouble(String str)
Parse the specified String as a double.
Return the value of this Double as a short.
static StringtoHexString(double d)
Convert a double value to a hexadecimal string.
static StringtoString(double d)
Convert the double to a String.
Convert the double value of this Double to a String.
static DoublevalueOf(double val)
Returns a Double object wrapping the value.
static DoublevalueOf(String s)
Create a new Double object using the String.

Field Detail


public static final double MAX_VALUE
The maximum positive value a double may represent is 1.7976931348623157e+308.


public static final double MIN_VALUE
The minimum positive value a double may represent is 5e-324.


public static final double NaN
All IEEE 754 values of NaN have the same value in Java.


public static final double NEGATIVE_INFINITY
The value of a double representation -1.0/0.0, negative infinity.


public static final double POSITIVE_INFINITY
The value of a double representing 1.0/0.0, positive infinity.


public static final int SIZE
The number of bits needed to represent a double.

Since: 1.5


public static final Class<Double> TYPE
The primitive type double is represented by this Class object.

Since: 1.1

Constructor Detail


public Double(double value)
Create a Double from the primitive double specified.

Parameters: value the double argument


public Double(String s)
Create a Double from the specified String. This method calls Double.parseDouble().

Parameters: s the String to convert

Throws: NumberFormatException if s cannot be parsed as a double NullPointerException if s is null

See Also: parseDouble

Method Detail


public byte byteValue()
Return the value of this Double as a byte.

Returns: the byte value

Since: 1.1


public static int compare(double x, double y)
Behaves like new Double(x).compareTo(new Double(y)); in other words this compares two doubles, special casing NaN and zero, without the overhead of objects.

Parameters: x the first double to compare y the second double to compare

Returns: the comparison

Since: 1.4


public int compareTo(Double d)
Compare two Doubles numerically by comparing their double values. The result is positive if the first is greater, negative if the second is greater, and 0 if the two are equal. However, this special cases NaN and signed zero as follows: NaN is considered greater than all other doubles, including POSITIVE_INFINITY, and positive zero is considered greater than negative zero.

Parameters: d the Double to compare

Returns: the comparison

Since: 1.2


public static long doubleToLongBits(double value)
Convert the double to the IEEE 754 floating-point "double format" bit layout. Bit 63 (the most significant) is the sign bit, bits 62-52 (masked by 0x7ff0000000000000L) represent the exponent, and bits 51-0 (masked by 0x000fffffffffffffL) are the mantissa. This function collapses all versions of NaN to 0x7ff8000000000000L. The result of this function can be used as the argument to Double.longBitsToDouble(long) to obtain the original double value.

Parameters: value the double to convert

Returns: the bits of the double

See Also: Double


public static long doubleToRawLongBits(double value)
Convert the double to the IEEE 754 floating-point "double format" bit layout. Bit 63 (the most significant) is the sign bit, bits 62-52 (masked by 0x7ff0000000000000L) represent the exponent, and bits 51-0 (masked by 0x000fffffffffffffL) are the mantissa. This function leaves NaN alone, rather than collapsing to a canonical value. The result of this function can be used as the argument to Double.longBitsToDouble(long) to obtain the original double value.

Parameters: value the double to convert

Returns: the bits of the double

See Also: Double


public double doubleValue()
Return the value of this Double.

Returns: the double value


public boolean equals(Object obj)
Returns true if obj is an instance of Double and represents the same double value. Unlike comparing two doubles with ==, this treats two instances of Double.NaN as equal, but treats 0.0 and -0.0 as unequal.

Note that d1.equals(d2) is identical to doubleToLongBits(d1.doubleValue()) == doubleToLongBits(d2.doubleValue()).

Parameters: obj the object to compare

Returns: whether the objects are semantically equal


public float floatValue()
Return the value of this Double as a float.

Returns: the float value


public int hashCode()
Return a hashcode representing this Object. Double's hash code is calculated by:
long v = Double.doubleToLongBits(doubleValue());
int hash = (int)(v^(v>>32))

Returns: this Object's hash code

See Also: Double


public int intValue()
Return the value of this Double as an int.

Returns: the int value


public static boolean isInfinite(double v)
Return true if the double has a value equal to either NEGATIVE_INFINITY or POSITIVE_INFINITY, otherwise return false.

Parameters: v the double to compare

Returns: whether the argument is (-/+) infinity.


public boolean isInfinite()
Return true if the value of this Double is the same as NEGATIVE_INFINITY or POSITIVE_INFINITY, otherwise return false.

Returns: whether this Double is (-/+) infinity


public static boolean isNaN(double v)
Return true if the double has the same value as NaN, otherwise return false.

Parameters: v the double to compare

Returns: whether the argument is NaN.


public boolean isNaN()
Return true if the value of this Double is the same as NaN, otherwise return false.

Returns: whether this Double is NaN


public static double longBitsToDouble(long bits)
Convert the argument in IEEE 754 floating-point "double format" bit layout to the corresponding float. Bit 63 (the most significant) is the sign bit, bits 62-52 (masked by 0x7ff0000000000000L) represent the exponent, and bits 51-0 (masked by 0x000fffffffffffffL) are the mantissa. This function leaves NaN alone, so that you can recover the bit pattern with Double.doubleToRawLongBits(double).

Parameters: bits the bits to convert

Returns: the double represented by the bits

See Also: Double Double


public long longValue()
Return the value of this Double as a long.

Returns: the long value


public static double parseDouble(String str)
Parse the specified String as a double. The extended BNF grammar is as follows:
      ( [ - | + ] NaN )
    | ( [ - | + ] Infinity )
    | ( [ - | + ] FloatingPoint
              [ f | F | d
                | D] )
      ( { Digit }+ [ . { Digit } ]
              [ Exponent ] )
    | ( . { Digit }+ [ Exponent ] )
      ( ( e | E )
              [ - | + ] { Digit }+ )
 Digit: '0' through '9'

NaN and infinity are special cases, to allow parsing of the output of toString. Otherwise, the result is determined by calculating n * 10exponent to infinite precision, then rounding to the nearest double. Remember that many numbers cannot be precisely represented in floating point. In case of overflow, infinity is used, and in case of underflow, signed zero is used. Unlike Integer.parseInt, this does not accept Unicode digits outside the ASCII range.

If an unexpected character is found in the String, a NumberFormatException will be thrown. Leading and trailing 'whitespace' is ignored via String.trim(), but spaces internal to the actual number are not allowed.

To parse numbers according to another format, consider using {@link java.text.NumberFormat}.

Parameters: str the String to convert

Returns: the double value of s

Throws: NumberFormatException if s cannot be parsed as a double NullPointerException if s is null

Since: 1.2


UNKNOWN: specify where/how we are not in accord with the spec.


public short shortValue()
Return the value of this Double as a short.

Returns: the short value

Since: 1.1


public static String toHexString(double d)
Convert a double value to a hexadecimal string. This converts as follows:

Parameters: d the double value

Returns: the hexadecimal string representation

Since: 1.5


public static String toString(double d)
Convert the double to a String. Floating-point string representation is fairly complex: here is a rundown of the possible values. "[-]" indicates that a negative sign will be printed if the value (or exponent) is negative. "<number>" means a string of digits ('0' to '9'). "<digit>" means a single digit ('0' to '9').
Value of DoubleString Representation
[+-] 0 [-]0.0
Between [+-] 10-3 and 107, exclusive [-]number.number
Other numeric value [-]<digit>.<number> E[-]<number>
[+-] infinity [-]Infinity
Yes, negative zero is a possible value. Note that there is always a . and at least one digit printed after it: even if the number is 3, it will be printed as 3.0. After the ".", all digits will be printed except trailing zeros. The result is rounded to the shortest decimal number which will parse back to the same double.

To create other output formats, use {@link java.text.NumberFormat}.

Parameters: d the double to convert

Returns: the String representing the double

UNKNOWN: specify where we are not in accord with the spec.


public String toString()
Convert the double value of this Double to a String. This method calls Double.toString(double) to do its dirty work.

Returns: the String representation

See Also: Double


public static Double valueOf(double val)
Returns a Double object wrapping the value. In contrast to the Double constructor, this method may cache some values. It is used by boxing conversion.

Parameters: val the value to wrap

Returns: the Double

Since: 1.5


public static Double valueOf(String s)
Create a new Double object using the String.

Parameters: s the String to convert

Returns: the new Double

Throws: NumberFormatException if s cannot be parsed as a double NullPointerException if s is null.

See Also: parseDouble