
Class Short

public final class Short extends Number implements Comparable<Short>

Instances of class Short represent primitive short values. Additionally, this class provides various helper functions and variables related to shorts.

Since: 1.1

UNKNOWN: updated to 1.5

Field Summary
static shortMAX_VALUE
The minimum value a short can represent is 32767 (or 215).
static shortMIN_VALUE
The minimum value a short can represent is -32768 (or -215).
static intSIZE
The number of bits needed to represent a short.
static Class<Short>TYPE
The primitive type short is represented by this Class object.
Constructor Summary
Short(short value)
Create a Short object representing the value of the short argument.
Short(String s)
Create a Short object representing the value of the argument after conversion to a short.
Method Summary
Return the value of this Short as a byte.
intcompareTo(Short s)
Compare two Shorts numerically by comparing their short values.
static Shortdecode(String s)
Convert the specified String into a Short.
Return the value of this Short as a double.
booleanequals(Object obj)
Returns true if obj is an instance of Short and represents the same short value.
Return the value of this Short as a float.
Return a hashcode representing this Object.
Return the value of this Short as an int.
Return the value of this Short as a long.
static shortparseShort(String s)
Converts the specified String into a short.
static shortparseShort(String s, int radix)
Converts the specified String into a short using the specified radix (base).
static shortreverseBytes(short val)
Reverse the bytes in val.
Return the value of this Short.
static StringtoString(short s)
Converts the short to a String and assumes a radix of 10.
Converts the Short value to a String and assumes a radix of 10.
static ShortvalueOf(String s, int radix)
Creates a new Short object using the String and specified radix (base).
static ShortvalueOf(String s)
Creates a new Short object using the String, assuming a radix of 10.
static ShortvalueOf(short val)
Returns a Short object wrapping the value.

Field Detail


public static final short MAX_VALUE
The minimum value a short can represent is 32767 (or 215).


public static final short MIN_VALUE
The minimum value a short can represent is -32768 (or -215).


public static final int SIZE
The number of bits needed to represent a short.

Since: 1.5


public static final Class<Short> TYPE
The primitive type short is represented by this Class object.

Constructor Detail


public Short(short value)
Create a Short object representing the value of the short argument.

Parameters: value the value to use


public Short(String s)
Create a Short object representing the value of the argument after conversion to a short.

Parameters: s the string to convert

Throws: NumberFormatException if the String cannot be parsed

Method Detail


public byte byteValue()
Return the value of this Short as a byte.

Returns: the byte value


public int compareTo(Short s)
Compare two Shorts numerically by comparing their short values. The result is positive if the first is greater, negative if the second is greater, and 0 if the two are equal.

Parameters: s the Short to compare

Returns: the comparison

Since: 1.2


public static Short decode(String s)
Convert the specified String into a Short. The String may represent decimal, hexadecimal, or octal numbers.

The extended BNF grammar is as follows:

      ( [ - ] DecimalNumber )
    | ( [ - ] ( 0x | 0X
              | # ) HexDigit { HexDigit } )
    | ( [ - ] 0 { OctalDigit } )
        DecimalDigit except '0' { DecimalDigit }
        Character.digit(d, 10) has value 0 to 9
        Character.digit(d, 8) has value 0 to 7
        Character.digit(d, 16) has value 0 to 15
Finally, the value must be in the range MIN_VALUE to MAX_VALUE, or an exception is thrown.

Parameters: s the String to interpret

Returns: the value of the String as a Short

Throws: NumberFormatException if s cannot be parsed as a short NullPointerException if s is null

See Also: decode


public double doubleValue()
Return the value of this Short as a double.

Returns: the double value


public boolean equals(Object obj)
Returns true if obj is an instance of Short and represents the same short value.

Parameters: obj the object to compare

Returns: whether these Objects are semantically equal


public float floatValue()
Return the value of this Short as a float.

Returns: the float value


public int hashCode()
Return a hashcode representing this Object. Short's hash code is simply its value.

Returns: this Object's hash code


public int intValue()
Return the value of this Short as an int.

Returns: the int value


public long longValue()
Return the value of this Short as a long.

Returns: the long value


public static short parseShort(String s)
Converts the specified String into a short. This function assumes a radix of 10.

Parameters: s the String to convert

Returns: the short value of s

Throws: NumberFormatException if s cannot be parsed as a short


public static short parseShort(String s, int radix)
Converts the specified String into a short using the specified radix (base). The string must not be null or empty. It may begin with an optional '-', which will negate the answer, provided that there are also valid digits. Each digit is parsed as if by Character.digit(d, radix), and must be in the range 0 to radix - 1. Finally, the result must be within MIN_VALUE to MAX_VALUE, inclusive. Unlike Double.parseDouble, you may not have a leading '+'.

Parameters: s the String to convert radix the radix (base) to use in the conversion

Returns: the String argument converted to short

Throws: NumberFormatException if s cannot be parsed as a short


public static short reverseBytes(short val)
Reverse the bytes in val.

Since: 1.5


public short shortValue()
Return the value of this Short.

Returns: the short value


public static String toString(short s)
Converts the short to a String and assumes a radix of 10.

Parameters: s the short to convert to String

Returns: the String representation of the argument


public String toString()
Converts the Short value to a String and assumes a radix of 10.

Returns: the String representation of this Short


public static Short valueOf(String s, int radix)
Creates a new Short object using the String and specified radix (base).

Parameters: s the String to convert radix the radix (base) to convert with

Returns: the new Short

Throws: NumberFormatException if s cannot be parsed as a short

See Also: Short


public static Short valueOf(String s)
Creates a new Short object using the String, assuming a radix of 10.

Parameters: s the String to convert

Returns: the new Short

Throws: NumberFormatException if s cannot be parsed as a short

See Also: Short parseShort


public static Short valueOf(short val)
Returns a Short object wrapping the value. In contrast to the Short constructor, this method will cache some values. It is used by boxing conversion.

Parameters: val the value to wrap

Returns: the Short

Since: 1.5