Class ObjectName

public class ObjectName extends Object implements Serializable, QueryExp

An {@link ObjectName} instance represents the name of a management bean, or a pattern which may match the name of one or more management beans. Patterns are distinguished from names by the presence of the '?' and '*' characters (which match a single character and a series of zero or more characters, respectively).

Each name begins with a domain element, which is terminated by a ':' character. The domain may be empty. If so, it will be replaced by the default domain of the bean server in certain contexts. The domain is a pattern, if it contains either '?' or '*'. To avoid collisions, it is usual to use reverse DNS names for the domain, as in Java package and property names.

Following the ':' character is a series of properties. The list is separated by commas, and largely consists of unordered key-value pairs, separated by an equals sign ('='). At most one element may be an asterisk ('*'), which turns the {@link ObjectName} instance into a property pattern. In this situation, the pattern matches a name if the name contains at least those key-value pairs given and has the same domain.

A key is a string of characters which doesn't include any of those used as delimiters or in patterns (':', '=', ',', '?' and '*'). Keys must be unique.

A value may be quoted or unquoted. Unquoted values obey the same rules as given for keys above. Quoted values are surrounded by quotation marks ("), and use a backslash ('\') character to include quotes ('\"'), backslashes ('\\'), newlines ('\n'), and the pattern characters ('\?' and '\*'). The quotes and backslashes (after expansion) are considered part of the value.

Spaces are maintained within the different parts of the name. Thus, 'domain: key1 = value1 ' has a key ' key1 ' with value ' value1 '. Newlines are disallowed, except where escaped in quoted values.

Since: 1.5

Constructor Summary
ObjectName(String name)
Constructs an {@link ObjectName} instance from the given string, which should be of the form <domain>:<properties><wild>.
ObjectName(String domain, String key, String value)
Constructs an {@link ObjectName} instance using the given domain and the one specified property.
ObjectName(String domain, Hashtable<String,String> properties)
Constructs an {@link ObjectName} instance using the given domain and properties.
Method Summary
booleanapply(ObjectName name)

Attempts to find a match between this name and the one supplied.

booleanequals(Object obj)
Compares the specified object with this one.
Returns the property list in canonical form.

Returns the name as a string in canonical form.

Returns the domain part of the object name.
static ObjectNamegetInstance(ObjectName name)
Returns an {@link ObjectName} instance that is substitutable for the one given.
static ObjectNamegetInstance(String name)
Returns an {@link ObjectName} instance for the specified name, represented as a {@link java.lang.String}.
static ObjectNamegetInstance(String domain, String key, String value)
Returns an {@link ObjectName} instance for the specified name, represented as a series of {@link java.lang.String} objects for the domain and a single property, as a key-value pair.
static ObjectNamegetInstance(String domain, Hashtable<String,String> properties)
Returns an {@link ObjectName} instance for the specified name, represented as a domain {@link java.lang.String} and a table of properties.
StringgetKeyProperty(String key)
Returns the property value corresponding to the given key.
Returns the properties in a {@link java.util.Hashtable}.
Returns a {@link java.lang.String} representation of the property list.
Returns a hash code for this object name.
Returns true if the domain of this object name is a pattern.
Returns true if this is an object name pattern.
Returns true if this object name is a property pattern.
static Stringquote(String string)

Returns a quoted version of the supplied string.

voidsetMBeanServer(MBeanServer server)
Changes the {@link MBeanServer} on which this query is performed.
Returns a textual representation of the object name.
static Stringunquote(String q)
Unquotes the supplied string.

Constructor Detail


public ObjectName(String name)
Constructs an {@link ObjectName} instance from the given string, which should be of the form <domain>:<properties><wild>. <domain> represents the domain section of the name. <properties> represents the key-value pairs, as returned by {@link #getKeyPropertyListString()}. <wild> is the optional asterisk present in the property list. If the string doesn't represent a property pattern, it will be empty. If it does, it will be either ',*' or '*', depending on whether other properties are present or not, respectively.

Parameters: name the string to use to construct this instance.

Throws: MalformedObjectNameException if the string is of the wrong format. NullPointerException if name is null.


public ObjectName(String domain, String key, String value)
Constructs an {@link ObjectName} instance using the given domain and the one specified property.

Parameters: domain the domain part of the object name. key the key of the property. value the value of the property.

Throws: MalformedObjectNameException the domain, key or value contains an illegal character or the value does not follow the quoting specifications. NullPointerException if one of the parameters is null.


public ObjectName(String domain, Hashtable<String,String> properties)
Constructs an {@link ObjectName} instance using the given domain and properties.

Parameters: domain the domain part of the object name. properties the key-value property pairs.

Throws: MalformedObjectNameException the domain, a key or a value contains an illegal character or a value does not follow the quoting specifications. NullPointerException if one of the parameters is null.

Method Detail


public boolean apply(ObjectName name)

Attempts to find a match between this name and the one supplied. The following criteria are used:

Parameters: name the name to find a match with.

Returns: true if the name either matches this pattern or is equivalent to this name under the criteria of {@link #equals(java.lang.Object)}

Throws: NullPointerException if name is null.


public boolean equals(Object obj)
Compares the specified object with this one. The two are judged to be equivalent if the given object is an instance of {@link ObjectName} and has an equal canonical form (as returned by {@link #getCanonicalName()}).

Parameters: obj the object to compare with this.

Returns: true if the object is also an {@link ObjectName} with an equivalent canonical form.


public String getCanonicalKeyPropertyListString()
Returns the property list in canonical form. The keys are ordered using the lexicographic ordering used by {@link java.lang.String#compareTo(java.lang.Object)}.

Returns: the property list, with the keys in lexicographic order.


public String getCanonicalName()

Returns the name as a string in canonical form. More precisely, this returns a string of the format <domain>:<properties><wild>. <properties> is the same value as returned by {@link #getCanonicalKeyPropertyListString()}. <wild> is:

Returns: the canonical string form of the object name, as specified above.


public String getDomain()
Returns the domain part of the object name.

Returns: the domain.


public static ObjectName getInstance(ObjectName name)
Returns an {@link ObjectName} instance that is substitutable for the one given. The instance returned may be a subclass of {@link ObjectName}, but is not guaranteed to be of the same type as the given name, if that should also turn out to be a subclass. The returned instance may or may not be equivalent to the one given. The purpose of this method is to provide an instance of {@link ObjectName} with a well-defined semantics, such as may be used in cases where the given name is not trustworthy.

Parameters: name the {@link ObjectName} to provide a substitute for.

Returns: a substitute for the given name, which may or may not be a subclass of {@link ObjectName}. In either case, the returned object is guaranteed to have the semantics defined here.

Throws: NullPointerException if name is null.


public static ObjectName getInstance(String name)
Returns an {@link ObjectName} instance for the specified name, represented as a {@link java.lang.String}. The instance returned may be a subclass of {@link ObjectName} and may or may not be equivalent to earlier instances returned by this method for the same string.

Parameters: name the {@link ObjectName} to provide an instance of.

Returns: a instance for the given name, which may or may not be a subclass of {@link ObjectName}.

Throws: MalformedObjectNameException the domain, a key or a value contains an illegal character or a value does not follow the quoting specifications. NullPointerException if name is null.


public static ObjectName getInstance(String domain, String key, String value)
Returns an {@link ObjectName} instance for the specified name, represented as a series of {@link java.lang.String} objects for the domain and a single property, as a key-value pair. The instance returned may be a subclass of {@link ObjectName} and may or may not be equivalent to earlier instances returned by this method for the same parameters.

Parameters: domain the domain part of the object name. key the key of the property. value the value of the property.

Returns: a instance for the given name, which may or may not be a subclass of {@link ObjectName}.

Throws: MalformedObjectNameException the domain, a key or a value contains an illegal character or a value does not follow the quoting specifications. NullPointerException if name is null.


public static ObjectName getInstance(String domain, Hashtable<String,String> properties)
Returns an {@link ObjectName} instance for the specified name, represented as a domain {@link java.lang.String} and a table of properties. The instance returned may be a subclass of {@link ObjectName} and may or may not be equivalent to earlier instances returned by this method for the same string.

Parameters: domain the domain part of the object name. properties the key-value property pairs.

Returns: a instance for the given name, which may or may not be a subclass of {@link ObjectName}.

Throws: MalformedObjectNameException the domain, a key or a value contains an illegal character or a value does not follow the quoting specifications. NullPointerException if name is null.


public String getKeyProperty(String key)
Returns the property value corresponding to the given key.

Parameters: key the key of the property to be obtained.

Returns: the value of the specified property.

Throws: NullPointerException if key is null.


public Hashtable<String,String> getKeyPropertyList()
Returns the properties in a {@link java.util.Hashtable}. The table contains each of the properties as keys mapped to their value. The returned table is not unmodifiable, but changes made to it will not be reflected in the object name.

Returns: a {@link java.util.Hashtable}, containing each of the object name's properties.


public String getKeyPropertyListString()
Returns a {@link java.lang.String} representation of the property list. If the object name was created using {@link ObjectName(String)}, then this string will contain the properties in the same order they were given in at creation.

Returns: the property list.


public int hashCode()
Returns a hash code for this object name. This is calculated as the summation of the hash codes of the domain and the properties.

Returns: a hash code for this object name.


public boolean isDomainPattern()
Returns true if the domain of this object name is a pattern. This is the case if it contains one or more wildcard characters ('*' or '?').

Returns: true if the domain is a pattern.


public boolean isPattern()
Returns true if this is an object name pattern. An object name pattern has a domain containing a wildcard character ('*' or '?') and/or a '*' in the list of properties. This method will return true if either {@link #isDomainPattern()} or {@link #isPropertyPattern()} does.

Returns: true if this is an object name pattern.


public boolean isPropertyPattern()
Returns true if this object name is a property pattern. This is the case if the list of properties contains an '*'.

Returns: true if this is a property pattern.


public static String quote(String string)

Returns a quoted version of the supplied string. The string may contain any character. The resulting quoted version is guaranteed to be usable as the value of a property, so this method provides a good way of ensuring that a value is legal.

The string is transformed as follows:

Parameters: string the string to quote.

Returns: a quoted version of the supplied string.

Throws: NullPointerException if string is null.


public void setMBeanServer(MBeanServer server)
Changes the {@link MBeanServer} on which this query is performed.

Parameters: server the new server to use.


public String toString()
Returns a textual representation of the object name.

The format is unspecified beyond that equivalent object names will return the same string from this method, but note that Tomcat depends on the string returned by this method being a valid textual representation of the object name and will fail to start if it is not.

Returns: a textual representation of the object name.


public static String unquote(String q)
Unquotes the supplied string. The quotation marks are removed as are the backslashes preceding the escaped characters ('"', '?', '*', '\n', '\\'). A one-to-one mapping exists between quoted and unquoted values. As a result, a string s should be equal to unquote(quote(s)).

Parameters: q the quoted string to unquote.

Returns: the unquoted string.

Throws: NullPointerException if q is null. IllegalArgumentException if the string is not a valid quoted string i.e. it is not surrounded by quotation marks and/or characters are not properly escaped.