Class KeyManagerFactory

public class KeyManagerFactory extends Object

A class that creates key manager implementations based on a requested algorithm.
Constructor Summary
protected KeyManagerFactory(KeyManagerFactorySpi kmfSpi, Provider provider, String algorithm)
Create a new key manager factory.
Method Summary
Returns the name of this key manager factory algorithm.
static StringgetDefaultAlgorithm()
Get the default algorithm name.
static KeyManagerFactorygetInstance(String algorithm)
Create an instance of the named key manager factory, from the first provider that implements it.
static KeyManagerFactorygetInstance(String algorithm, String provider)
Create an instance of the named key manager factory, from the named provider.
static KeyManagerFactorygetInstance(String algorithm, Provider provider)
Create an instance of the named key manager factory, from the given provider.
Get an array of key managers appropriate for this algorithm, with the most preferred manager first.
Returns the provider of this implementation.
voidinit(ManagerFactoryParameters params)
Initialize this instance with an implementation-dependent parameter object.
voidinit(KeyStore store, char[] passwd)
Initialize this instance with a key store and a password for private key entries.

Constructor Detail


protected KeyManagerFactory(KeyManagerFactorySpi kmfSpi, Provider provider, String algorithm)
Create a new key manager factory.

Parameters: kmfSpi The underlying engine. provider The engine's provider. algorithm The name of this algorithm.

Method Detail


public final String getAlgorithm()
Returns the name of this key manager factory algorithm.

Returns: The name of this key manager factory algorithm.


public static final String getDefaultAlgorithm()
Get the default algorithm name. This value may be specified at run-time via the security property "ssl.KeyManagerFactory.algorithm". If this property is not specified, this method returns "JessieX509".

Returns: The default key manager factory algorithm's name.


public static final KeyManagerFactory getInstance(String algorithm)
Create an instance of the named key manager factory, from the first provider that implements it.

Parameters: algorithm The type of key manager factory to get.

Returns: An appropriate implementation of that algoritm.

Throws: NoSuchAlgorithmException If no provider implements the requested algorithm. IllegalArgumentException if algorithm is null or is an empty string.


public static final KeyManagerFactory getInstance(String algorithm, String provider)
Create an instance of the named key manager factory, from the named provider.

Parameters: algorithm The type of key manager factory to get. provider The name of the provider to get the implementation from.

Returns: An appropriate implementation of that algorithm.

Throws: NoSuchAlgorithmException If the provider does not implement the requested algorithm. NoSuchProviderException If the named provider does not exist. IllegalArgumentException if either algorithm or provider is null, or if algorithm is an empty string.


public static final KeyManagerFactory getInstance(String algorithm, Provider provider)
Create an instance of the named key manager factory, from the given provider.

Parameters: algorithm The type of key manager factory to get. provider The provider to get the implementation from.

Returns: An appropriate implementation of that algorithm.

Throws: NoSuchAlgorithmException If the provider does not implement the requested algorithm. IllegalArgumentException if either algorithm or provider is null, or if algorithm is an empty string.


public final KeyManager[] getKeyManagers()
Get an array of key managers appropriate for this algorithm, with the most preferred manager first.

Returns: The array of key managers.


public final Provider getProvider()
Returns the provider of this implementation.

Returns: The provider of this implementation.


public final void init(ManagerFactoryParameters params)
Initialize this instance with an implementation-dependent parameter object.

Parameters: params The parameters to initialize with.

Throws: InvalidAlgorithmParameterException If the specified parameters are inappropriate.


public final void init(KeyStore store, char[] passwd)
Initialize this instance with a key store and a password for private key entries.

Parameters: store The key store to read. passwd The password protecting private keys in the store.

Throws: KeyStoreException If an error occurs reading the keys. NoSuchAlgorithmException If an algorithm (such as a certificate algorithm) is not available. UnrecoverableKeyException If the password is incorrect.