Class PrivateCredentialPermission

public final class PrivateCredentialPermission extends Permission implements Serializable

A permission governing access to a private credential. The action of this permission is always "read" -- meaning that the private credential information can be read from an object.

The target of this permission is formatted as follows:

CredentialClassName ( PrinicpalClassName PrincipalName )*

CredentialClassName is either the name of a private credential class name, or a wildcard character ('*'). PrinicpalClassName is the class name of a principal object, and PrincipalName is a string representing the principal, or the wildcard character.

Constructor Summary
PrivateCredentialPermission(String name, String actions)
Create a new private credential permission.
Method Summary
booleanequals(Object o)
Returns the actions this permission encompasses.
Returns the credential class name that was embedded in this permission's target name.
Returns the principal list that was embedded in this permission's target name.
booleanimplies(Permission p)
Test if this permission implies another.
This method is not necessary for this class, thus it always returns null.

Constructor Detail


public PrivateCredentialPermission(String name, String actions)
Create a new private credential permission.

Parameters: name The permission target name. actions The list of actions, which, for this class, must be "read".

Method Detail


public boolean equals(Object o)


public String getActions()
Returns the actions this permission encompasses. For private credential permissions, this is always the string "read".

Returns: The list of actions.


public String getCredentialClass()
Returns the credential class name that was embedded in this permission's target name.

Returns: The credential class name.


public String[][] getPrincipals()
Returns the principal list that was embedded in this permission's target name.

Each element of the returned array is a pair; the first element is the principal class name, and the second is the principal name.

Returns: The principal list.


public int hashCode()


public boolean implies(Permission p)
Test if this permission implies another. This method returns true if:
  1. p is an instance of PrivateCredentialPermission
  2. .
  3. The credential class name of this instance matches that of p, and one of the principals of p is contained in the principals of this class. Thus,
    • [ * P "foo" ] implies [ C P "foo" ]
    • [ C P1 "foo" ] implies [ C P1 "foo" P2 "bar" ]
    • [ C P1 "*" ] implies [ C P1 "foo" ]

Parameters: p The permission to check.

Returns: True if this permission implies p.


public PermissionCollection newPermissionCollection()
This method is not necessary for this class, thus it always returns null.

Returns: null.